Take me into the Voting Booth with you Please Pick Me Up, I’m FREE There is much to be learned in these pages General Election - 5775/2014 CHICAGO’S MOST RESPECTED JEWISH PUBLICATION Kathy Myalls vs. State Rep. Laura Fine Bruce Rauner and Pat Quinn Battle Fiercely for Governor Two Very Impressive Candidates Very Ideologically Different SEIllinois’ GDUJFavorite NOIElected TNEOfficial TER LLA ROF SEY ETOV Secretary h oft4State rebmevoN ,yadseuT Jesse White up for re-election Judge James Kaplan VOTE Y (D) Brad Schneider and (R) Bob Dold Duke it Out in the 10th Congressional District President The Multi-Nationally Award g n i n niW drawWinn A yll 12th sub circuit Barack Obama’s Foreign Policy North Town Magaz enNews izagaM swe Heads Contested Judicial Races Paulie’s Point: Israel, Economics and Ethics Greg Bedell Leads the Fight Against NEIU Eminent Domain Threat in 15th District State Rep. Race See page 11 5 Jewish Judges of the 72 on Judicial Retention Ballot Clockwise from upper left Judge Pamela Loza egduJ Judge Robert E. Gordon Judge Michael B. Hyman alemaP Judge Shelley Sutker-Dermer Ald. Berny Kim Not Moseid pictured - Berman NEIU Judge neighborAndrew on the battle to stave off the unfair and unjust attempts of North Eastern Illinois University to eminent domain neighborhood homes and azoL Stone laiciduJ duJ ,noitneter rof gninnur segduJ hsiweJ ruof eht fo eerht era srebmun tollab rieht htiwntofietlnm eto erRF Enlightens us about upcoming .)612( remreD-rektuS yellehS dna ;)203( *namyH .B leahciM ;)462( *nodroG .E trelection eebeonR imraces oN gerG lled eB Rob Judge Gordon & Ju nacilbupeR eThomas tadidnac Lipsc etatS rof ,evitattalk nesabout erpethe R upc ba tcirjudicial tsiD hretention t51 2 Jewish Chicago Election Analysis by Avy Meyers Early Voting Election day is Tuesday, November 4, 2014. Early voting starts Monday, October 20th and runs through Sunday, November 2nd, according to election lawyer extraordinaire James P. Nally. He informed us that there are 51 early voting sites in Chicago, open Monday through Saturday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. City residents who are registered to vote are able to vote in the location of their choice. A government photo ID is required. Suburban voters have 43 locations to choose from. Most will be open Monday through Friday, others have Saturday and/or Sunday hours. Regional locations in the city and the suburbs will be open on Sunday. The five regional locations will be open until 7 pm from October 27th to October 31st and will be open Sunday November 2nd from 10 am to 4 pm. Chicago polling places can be found on the Chicago Board of Elections website. The Cook County Clerk’s website lists all the suburban locations. Or, you can check with the Chicago Board of Election Commissioners at 312-269-7900, or the Cook County Board of Election Commissioners 312-603-6769 for a convenient location near you. Any registered voter can vote early, no special reasons are needed. Absentee voting by mail has already begun. This year you can download an online application. All applications must be sent to the appropriate election board, depending on where you live, and they will mail the ballot to you. The voter may complete and mail this application to the Election Board at 69 W. Washington St., Suite 600, Chicago IL 60602, by October 30, 2014. Grace period voting has already begun and runs through Election Day at the Chicago Board of Elections or the County Clerk, each located at 69 W. Washington in Chicago. You can register at the office of the election authority, but must cast your ballot there at the same time. From October 20th through November 1st, you can grace period vote at any early voting site. Endorsement Criteria Before I get started with the candidate rundown, it is important for everyone to know the criteria we use in making our endorsements. Jewish Chicago General Election 2014/5775 Just being Jewish is not enough, not even close to enough. If a Jewish candidate is pitted against a non-Jewish candidate, and all things are equal in terms of their ability to do the job, there won’t necessarily be any endorsement in that particular race. There are some non-Jews who have done an absolutely superb job of taking care of both Jewish concerns and the regular community. They will most certainly be endorsed, and yes, even against Jewish opposition. If a Jewish candidate is well-qualified for the office, but does not take care of real Jewish concerns for his or her constituents, he or she will not be endorsed. If there is no real benefit to the Jewish community in a race, an endorsement might not be made. There are political experts in regular newspapers and other media who perform that function, though usually superficially and/or poorly. This is a Jewish publication and I focus on Jewish concerns ‒ while paying full attention to society as a whole. The primary Jewish concerns are on a national level and concern Israel. Unfortunately, serious local concerns do arise, and when relevant, will be detailed in the appropriate sections. Liberal, Conservative, Left wing, Right wing, Progressive, Tea Party—Jewish Chicago is not a fan of any of these. Practical solutions to real-life problems are the best way to go. The only “ism” I am into is Judaism. So many of the issues and promises you hear before the election will never come to fruition. There are things virtually all candidates feel they have to say to get elected. The candidate rundowns and endorsements always manage, at least in part, to upset both Democrats and Republicans, the left and the right. That tells me we are doing our job here. We want the best people possible in elected office. The debate between the two parties and ideologies will always be there, neither is going away. We just want the best possible people in position to be making those arguments. I place the most value on the character and personality of the candidate. Do they want to help the community? Is their heart in the right place or is it manufactured by their campaign and not really who they are? Can they handle the public? Are they up to and qualified for the job, regardless if they are left or right or center? A candidate can sound great and promise the world, but are those words real? So often, they are just empty phrases designed to get elected with no substance whatsoever. Advertising in Jewish Chicago has nothing to do with who gets endorsed. People who know me understand that. Compare the ads and the endorsements, and it is obvious that many endorsed candidates placed no ads, and there are advertisers who are not endorsed. In the 2014 primary issue, the candidates who took out the four largest ads were not endorsed. The ads are nice and greatly appreciated. Their mere presence will garner attention and most importantly votes, with or without an endorsement. VOTE YES FOR ALL RETENTION JUDGES Tuesday, November 4th From left with their ballot numbers are three of the four Jewish Judges running for retention, Judges Robert E. Gordon* (264); Michael B. Hyman* (302); and Shelley Sutker-Dermer (216). * - Assigned to the Illinois Appellate Court. Not pictured, Judge Andrew Berman (220) Jewish Chicago General Election 2014/5775 I place extra special emphasis on the judicial races. You will find more in-depth, race-by-race coverage than the daily papers. If you should actually have to appear before a judge, it can be a life-changing experience. At stake could be your home, your possessions, your marriage, custody of your children, your freedom, your money, or, G-d forbid, even your life. Yet most voters don’t seem to care who gets elected. We suggest you start on the bottom with the judicial races and give careful consideration to each and every contested race. There aren’t many this time. The vast majority of this year’s Judicial Ballot will be the retention judges. They need to get 60 percent of the votes to get another six-year term. There have been Jewish judges of true quality who have lost because Jewish voters didn’t care enough or weren’t knowledgeable enough to know that voting for them would make our society a better place to live. Judicial endorsements are made based on bar ratings and feedback I get from judicial and legal scholars and experts who have dealt professionally with the candidates first hand. I may like someone a lot, but my opinion is a very minor factor in the judicial endorsements. One of the nice things about interviewing judges ‒ and I’ve conducted well over 50 televised interviews with judicial candidates this year ‒ is that they are usually of much higher character than the regular politicians running for the various offices on the ballot. (All of which can be seen on YouTube http://www.youtube.com/user/sonnyhtv, along with every segment of every show we have done in the past eight plus years on the North Town News Magazine http://ntnm.org). The harm a bad judge can do over the years is immense. Look at how many wrongfully accused people spend serious time in jail. Maybe you know of a friend or neighbor who was victimized by a bad judge. Just maybe you were victimized. It may not always be their fault, but a good judge can often make sure justice is properly administered. Doing your homework and voting for top-notch judicial candidates helps ensure bad verdicts and judgments are kept to a minimum. We will cover all pertinent National, State, County and Local races, and also provide thorough coverage of the Metropolitan Sanitary District races. It’s a lot more exciting and topical than you might think, given all the emphasis being placed today on keeping the environment clean, and the flooding that plays havoc with people’s houses in various areas of Chicago and Cook County. This is another area where most people know little, but you are paying for these services through your criminally-high property taxes. Many candidates preach “green,” but are they really? Sometimes I wonder what green really is. There is a lot of ignorance on the subject among the candidates on the ballot. Just because something sounds green, it doesn’t mean it will have any positive effect on the environment, and in many cases isn’t close to cost-effective or environmentally-effective at all. As for my TV show, now in it’s 23rd year, The North Town News Magazine has won three national awards for “Best News Show” and “Making a Difference in your Community,” from the Alliance for Community Media. We have received the “Community Outreach Award,” from the Illinois State Crime Commission and have won numerous other state, county, city, and neighborhood awards. The honors have been received in conjunction with my entire technical crew, Sonny Hersh, whose views are in no way reflected by the show. The show is not specifically Jewish, though many of the guests are. We concentrate on state, county, city and neighborhood issues. Sonny Hersh operates the TV Show website http://www.ntnm.org, as well as our youtube channel, http://www.youtube.com/user/sonnyhtv. The show can be seen weekly in Chicago on CAN TV 19, Thursdays at 7:30 p.m. and Fridays at 2:30 p.m. In Evanston, on ECTV, we air on Channel 6, Thursdays at 5 p.m., and Sundays at 10:30 p.m., and on Channel 99 on AT&T U-verse. In close to three dozen suburbs in North and Northwest suburban Cook County, our regular show airs at 6 p.m. on Mondays on Channels 19 or 35, and on Channel 99 on AT&T U-verse. We will be airing a live election show on Sunday, October 26th from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. on CAN TV 19, our co-hosts will be Amanda Vinicky, State House Chief for Illinois Public Radio and Cook County Commissioner Larry Suffredin. After airing, it will be shown on YouTube as a two-part show within a day after it airs on live TV. I founded Jewish Chicago, originally a paid monthly publication with 4,500 plus subscribers in 1982. I found the best way to become a well-to- do publisher is start out filthy rich. I am grateful to G-d Al-mighty and to the Chicagoland Jewish Community and the many local politicians and businesses for keeping Jewish Chicago strong and healthy for the past 32 years. Some of the pictures in this publication are taken from still frames of the TV show, which is Sonny Hersh’s work. Jewish Chicago can be found in its entirety, ads and all, on the web at http://avyworld.com/. Israel, the Middle East, the Jewish Religion Judaism is a religion, the Jewish people are a nation, as G-d clearly spells out in the Torah, whether we have a homeland we rule or not. Our home is the land of Israel. The Torah clearly states that G-d gave the land of Israel to Abraham/Avrohom and his future generations (stemming only from Isaac/Yitzchok) for all time. This may sound a little strange, but as a people, we have had things “relatively” peaceful and quiet since just after World War II. Many of the decent people on Earth refrained from persecuting us after the horrors of the Holocaust in which six million of a total population of 16 million Jews on this planet were butchered, tortured and slaughtered by the Nazis (may their memory be cursed) and many partisan citizens who joined with these evil forces to rid their land of Jews. Many were ashamed and horrified at the evil these forces wrought. Maybe G-d felt we had paid a big enough price during the war and showed us his mercy as the State of Israel was founded and Torah learning flourished in Israel and in many parts of the diaspora. This is not to say none of us were persecuted, murdered or abused, just smaller numbers. Many felt for us and our plight and admired what the Jewish people here and in Israel had overcome and were accomplishing. One US Senator after another sang the praises of Israel and the Jewish people. There were many wonderful things and great miracles during that time. “But 3 Elect Judge James Kaplan 12th Judicial Sub Circuit - Cook County Over the course of 40 years working for justice Judge James Kaplan has demonstrated his extraordinary commitment to our community and to the cause of fairness An experienced current Judge appointed by the Illinois Supreme Court with positive evaluations by all the bar associations: ● Chicago Bar Association - Qualified ● Decalogue Society of Lawyers - Recommended ● Chicago Council of Lawyers - Qualified ● Illinois State Bar Association - Qualified ● Cook County Bar Association - Recommended ● Women’s Bar Association of Illinois - Recommended ● Hellenic Bar Association - Recommended ● Puerto Rican Bar Association - Recommended ● Asian American Bar Association - Qualified ● Lesbian and Gay Bar Association of Chicago Endorsed by: ● Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky ● IVI-IPO ● Representative Laura Fine ● Representative Elaine Nekritz ● Commissioner Larry Suffredin ● Michael Kreloff, Northfield Township Democratic Committeeman ● Dean Maragos, New Trier Township Democratic Committeeman ● Laura Murphy, Maine Township Democratic Committeeman ● Rob Nesvacil, Wheeling Township Democratic Committeeman ● Sue Walton, Palatine Township Democratic Committeeman ● Ted Mason, Elk Grove Township Committeeman ● Zehra Quadri, Executive Director: Zam’s Hope PUNCH #80 November 4, 2014 Elect Judge James Kaplan www.judgekaplan.com 4 A fAmily sAgA by award-winning author Charlene Wexler! Alcoholism, economic disaster, and a mother’s saddest heartbreak—a seriously ill child— imperil Lori’s world. Yet with the help of her best friends and a strength she never knew she could muster, Lori carries on in a family saga with tragedies and triumphs to which every reader can relate. “This book is terrific!” —“Aries57” on Amazon.com To purchase Lori in paperback or as an eBook, go to www.amazon.com The 50th Ward deserves an independent voice dedicated to its residents, not to special interests, someone who works for us and not some higher ambition. We deserve more than the mayor's rubber stamp. We deserve a representative who listens to our concerns and who respects the diverse voices of our community. We deserve someone who can work with all residents toSIFNOTIS come together AD to build a stronger community. I am Peter Sifnotis and I am running for alderman because I believe we deserve better. I believe the 50th Ward has potential that has been ignored too long. I believe that together we can build a better community. Together we can move the 50th forward www.votesifnotis.com [email protected] Jewish Chicago General Election 2014/5775 the times they are a changing” as Bob Dylan wrote. At first slowly, anti-Semitism AKA Jew Hating and anti-Jewish incidents and activity started to rise. Now it’s frightful. France has so many Jew Haters there are already Jewish people leaving and seriously considering leaving. During the previous Jewish year, 6,000 French Jews immigrated to Israel, the highest amount of any country on Earth. In some European countries, kosher slaughter is banned and attempts to stop Jewish ritual circumcision are on the rise in the United States as well. The battle with Gaza may be what is stated as the reason by some, but any real look at the facts show clearly there was no just cause in the terror Gaza attempted to inflict on Israel and the Jewish people. When Israel withdrew from Gaza, every single last Jewish person left the country. They, in effect, ethnically cleansed us out of Gaza. There are 1.6 million Arabs living within Israel’s borders with more political, social and religious freedom than in any of the multitude of Arab countries surrounding Israel. There are good jobs available to them, they build their own businesses, and prosper and thrive in the Jewish Homeland. All have that opportunity if they want. The Palestinian Authority was put in charge of Gaza. Jewish people flourished in Gaza and business was great--particularly agriculture. There were numerous greenhouses that grew flowers and vegetables. Israel left these greenhouses intact so that the Arab citizens of Gaza could profit and be successful, ready-made businesses and facilities set for Arab ownership and prosperity that would have gainfully employed thousands of Gazan Arabs. What did they do? They destroyed, broke, shattered and/or burned every single last one to the ground. The United States and the UN, among others, sent hundreds of million of dollars of aid to Gaza to build schools, home, etc. What did the people of Gaza do with this money? They built dozens of sophisticated underground tunnels leading into Israel and Egypt to smuggle arms and run terrorist missions against Israeli civilians. Come election time, they rid themselves of Fatah, the late Yasser Arafat’s organization, who were by no means moderate in their actions and stands toward Israelis and Jews, and replaced them with Hamas that the United States and others recognize as a truly evil terrorist organization. Hamas’s charter clearly calls for annihilation of Israel and the Jewish people. Fatah’s isn’t much better. Forgot to mention that all those wonderful aid dollars also went toward buying and launching thousands of rockets against Israel, many of them pretty sophisticated. Gaza was launching dozens of rockets daily into Israel, looking to kill as many Jews as they could, unarmed civilians included. Gaza launched over 3,000 rockets during the campaign, repeatedly violating cease fires, complaining of Israeli restrictions designed to keep the innocent civilians of Israel safe from their savage attempts to brutally murder us. All they ever had to do is just peacefully live next door to us and we would leave them alone. Israel didn’t start up, the Gazan Arabs did, and they still attack. Many of these attacks came from in, or next door, to schools, UN facilities, densely populated areas, mosques, etc. They stored rockets in UN facilities and the UN not only turned a blind eye, when caught they just turned the rockets over to the people who could do the most harm with them. Israel dropped leaflets by air warning civilians to seek shelter elsewhere and save themselves. Israel even made phone calls to protect and warn people to leave and save civilian lives. Do you think the US did that in Hiroshima or Nagasaki or during Korea, Vietnam, etc.? Only Israel shows that kind of regard for human life, even if those people despise us. In the meantime, Hamas urged people to stay put, they wanted civilian casualties, they wanted babies to die so they could paint Israel as evil to the world. Hamas even faked and staged deaths and presented dead bodies they killed, or who were pretending to be dead, to make Israel look like the butchers they are not and Hamas is. They are teaching hatred of Jews in their schools from the youngest of ages, teaching these children it is a glorified, holy thing to become suicide bombers and kill innocent civilians because they are Jewish. As brutal, cold and cruel as ISIS is, Hamas is in their league and Fatah isn’t much better. They all preach the destruction of Jews and Israel. The Palestinian Authority was offered 99 percent of their unjust and ridiculous land demands--concessions Israel was willing to make, because that is how much Israel yearns for peace. Yet the Arabs walked away from negotiations. I urge all of you to check out web sites like Honest Reporting whose national headquarters is in Skokie, Executive Director Gary Kenzer. Stand With Us is a another very worthwhile pro-Israel organization which has a Chicago Branch. The local Executive Director is Peggy Shapiro. There are other very worthwhile pro-Israel organizations in the area who present the facts and disprove the lies of the Arabs and Jew Haters and the press throughout the world. My favorite story of the Gaza campaign is when a missile was fired at a densely populated area in Tel Aviv with community centers, public buildings and the like. The vaunted Iron Dome technology misfired and the rocket was closing in on its target. Calls from the command center had already been placed to emergency vehicles who were racing toward the location where countless civilians appeared doomed. Four seconds before the missile was going to strike its target, a strong wind from the West knocked the missile off its path and it fell into the Mediterranean Sea harming no one. Cheers burst forth from the Israeli Command Center. One of the people at the main control panel rose up and shouted “Yes! There is a G-d!.” In the meantime a reporter asked one of the Arabs in charge of firing the rockets if they were JEWISH CHICAGO General Election Issue ©2014 All rights reserved Paid for by Citizens for Pete Sifnotis Jewish Chicago is a complimentary publication that is usually published just prior to elections. The opinions of our columnists and writers do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Jewish Chicago. email - [email protected] Phone 773-290-2677. Our website is at http://avyworld.com/ We invite you to visit http://ntnm.org/ for all the latest on the North Town News Magazine hosted by publisher, Avy Meyers. There are links on the site to watching the last eight years of shows on Youtube. Publisher and Editor .................... Avy Meyers [email protected] Photography .................................Sonny Hersh Proof Reader .................... Gitel Hesselberg Jewish Chicago General Election 2014/5775 not aiming properly and if they had guidance systems. The Arab answered, yes we do. “These missiles are designed to land within 100 yards of their target. But, their G-d won’t let our rockets get to their destination.” All this without even getting into the Iranian nuclear threat the Obama Administration is twiddling their thumbs over, and so much more, but there is only so much that can be written here and it’s time for the Candidate Evaluations. United States Senate Republican James Oberweis is trying to topple three-term Democratic incumbent Richard Durbin, Senate Majority Whip this fall. Oberweiss is a successful businessman who lost a number of elections before finally winning a State Senate seat. He is the owner of Oberweis Dairy, a family business that is almost 100 years old. He has been very successful in expanding the business. Many of their packaged ice cream products are certified kosher. He defeated Doug Truax in the spring to become the party candidate. While he has shown some decent support of Israel in past campaigns, this spring he supported Obama’s failed policies on Iran and Syria this spring and there was no mention of Israel on his website during the primary election. Senator Durbin has been a supporter of Israel in Congress for thirty two years. He originally defeated Cong. Paul Findley in the congressional district that includes Springfield in a campaign where Findley was funded mainly by Arab dollars and Durbin backing was the Pro-Israel crowd. Twelve years later, he became a United States Senator. His vocalness on Israel is somewhat calmed due to his leadership position, and as such he needs to be in swing step with the Obama Administration and Senate Democratic leadership. In his leadership role he has gone on national news shows as a flag bearer for the Obama administration, making statements I doubt even he believes on a variety of topics, but to be a leader, you have to be chosen by the leaders above you and heed and support their stands. While this enables him to do good in some arenas, it stifles him in others and it is a shame that true leadership and proper direction are not coming from the isolated and small main circle of Obama in the White House. Oberweis has little to offer; we supported his opponent in the primary and will once again support his opponent in the fall. Jewish Chicago endorses Senator Richard Durbin for reelection this fall. 5 consideration from us. Jewish Chicago endorses 9th District Democratic Cong. Jan Schakowsky for reelection. 10th Congressional District This a real barn burner, the hottest congressional race in the area if not the state. Incumbent Democrat Brad Schneider nosed out then-incumbent Republican Congressman Bob Dold 2 years ago. It was a Democratic year and Obama’s coat tails carried Schneider across the finish line. Schneider has a decent record: he is Jewish; he is good, not great on Israel. His press releases try to paint him as a true champion, but that’s what well-written press releases do. He has usually tried to stay within Obama’s political policies while highlighting his personal support of Israel, but highly tempered by Obama’s wishy-washiness and lack of real support for Israel. Bob Dold, on the other hand, flies the Israeli flag hard and strong. He is a true friend and a staunch ally. Local pro-Israel PAC Protect Our Heritage, founded and run by Rabbi Victor Weissberg, supports Dold with strong action and serious money. Obama is dragging down national and local Democratic candidates with his impassionate, unrealistic inactions throughout the political spectrum, Israel being one of those subjects. While Obama’s name on the ballot won the day for a lot of Democratic candidates in 2012, his near-record unpopularity due to a failed presidency is dragging them down this time. Jewish Chicago strongly endorses Bob Dold for election to Congress. Re-Elect Jesse White Illinois Secretary of State United States Congress 5th Congressional District In the wide Fifth Congressional District which runs south of Peterson across the city and into the Western Suburbs, Democratic Congressman Mike Quigley, who thinks for himself and is more independent than most, has been a good friend of Israel and his Jewish constituents. His Republican and Green Party opponents are nondescript. Jewish Chicago endorses Congressman Mike Quigley for reelection November 4th. 6th Congressional District Located in the Western Suburbs, Congressman Peter Roskam has been the subject of national attention in a positive fashion. He is extremely bright and creative, and stands strongly with Israel. Democrat Michael Mason has not impressed us. Jewish Chicago endorses Cong. Peter Roskam for reelection. 9th Congressional District Along Chicago’s Northern lake front and adjacent Northern suburbs, Cong. Jan Schakowsky has been in office since winning election in 1998. She is the political boss of all she surveys in the Ninth. All the committeemen, and the majority of elected officials, kiss her ring and have her to thank for their elected offices. It is the single most liberal/progressive congressional district in Illinois--a crowd that regularly frowns upon Israel and increasingly the Jewish community. As much as some of her politics are way too idealistic and not very practical in real life, give her credit for standing up to her anti-Israel detractors who otherwise are her staunch supporters. Unfortunately, the Republican nominee is not all there and is rightly shunned by her own party so she gets zero • Making our roads safer • Improving customer service • Restoring integrity For more information, please visit www.JesseWhite2014.com 6 16th Congressional District The 16th District is just outside of the South and Western suburbs. Republican Congressman Adam Kinzinger has distinguished himself nationally. He is a frequent guest on the network Sunday morning news shows and he appears to an exceptionally talented individual. He is a veteran of Afghan and Iraqi combat missions. He is a staunch supporter of Israel and deserves your support. Jewish Chicago strongly endorses Cong. Adam Kinzinger. State of Illinois Executive Offices Governor Governor Pat Quinn and running mate Paul Vallas face a fierce battle with Republican Bruce Rauner and running mate Evelyn Sanguinetti that could go either way. The campaign thus far has been extraordinarily vicious and as low and off the point as can be. Rauner gets a halo compared to the vicious, beneath contempt, misrepresentative, lying attack ads of Pat Quinn, which is a new low for him in 40 some years of political life, though Rauner is no angel. Let’s forget about all the lying ads and most of the manure presented by the media and take a Half Page Ad-Rev01.indd 1 Jewish Chicago General Election 2014/5775 seriously hard look at both men. First, running mates don’t count. People don’t vote for a president because of a vice-president and they don’t vote for a Lt. Governor in a governor’s race unless they are family or personal friends. Ignore Vallas and Sanguinetti, they are just window dressing. The contrasts and differences between the candidates are stark and clear. Quinn has lived his whole adult life in the public arena. He is not a thief or a crook. Chalk up the charges against Quinn to being an inept bungler. He tried challenging fellow Democrat, House Speaker, Michael Madigan, the most powerful person in the State of Illinois and one of the most evil and corrupt men you will ever find in public life. Madigan stuffed and stunted Quinn. You can knock Quinn for running on a platform favoring term limits, which now that he is an incumbent, he totally ignores. That’s human nature and to be expected, though it is a lie. This is politics. Expect campaign lies, that’s why I look to character and personality as opposed to issues preached that almost never come to fruition once the true reality of a situation comes into play. Illinois was once a proud state, ranking near the top of the U.S. in many categories. Now we are in the bottom five, if not last or next to last in almost every important category. Our bond rating is the lowest of the low, and lower than some third-world countries. Businesses and families are leaving Illinois in droves. The scene has been 100 percent Democrat for the last dozen years--the State Senate, the State House and the Governor. The first six years were led by convicted felon, former Gov. Rod Blagojevich, who was succeeded by Pat Quinn. When Blagojevich was elected 12 years ago, the state had 73 percent funding of their pension system. Today it’s in the 40’s and not really getting better despite a 67 percent “temporary” increase in the State Income Tax that Quinn now seeks to make permanent. Despite losing numerous families and businesses, the state has never taken in more money than of late and yet the deficit keeps growing, about $200 billion dollars of debt, approximately half being employee pensions. Twelve years of 100 percent Democratic rule, yet these Democrats keep fighting amongst themselves and never find a serious path to start fixing the obvious, glaring, impoverishing problems. More taxes here, more taxes there, yet no dent in the deficit. They spend your tax dollars like drunks downing cheap alcohol. It’s one thing if the spending actually accomplished something and did some good for society. It does not. It’s a totally different thing when more political operatives get appointed to political jobs that are largely unnecessary and get huge pensions the state can’t afford. These Democratic campaigns are heavily funded by government employee unions who don’t care if they are helping drive the state into fiscal ruin, as long as they and their members line their pockets with fat pensions that are way over and above the kind of pensions and benefits paid by private industry. Former President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, who was as liberal and progressive as they come, was dead set against unions for government employees. He wisely foresaw the problems and the impossibilities that have led to impoverished governments across the nation. All of Illinois’s neighboring states are prospering compared to us, in part because of all the businesses and families that have crossed the border, disgusted with the way Madigan, State Senate President John Cullerton and Pat Quinn are running this state into the ground. Do not believe the economic upturn figures Quinn and company are pointing to. The criteria used to determine these figures are false. Unemployment down? Not really. These figures do not include anyone who has been out of the workforce for at least six months who cannot find work or have simply given up looking. It counts part-time jobs the same as full-time jobs. Increasingly larger numbers of companies are hiring mostly part-time employees working less than 30 hours, so they don’t qualify for crushingly expensive health benefits. In the 1950’s and 1960’s, the man of the house could have a full-time job with a stay-at-home wife, lots of kids, work a blue collar job, afford a home, a car or two, and send the kids to college. Today, with both parents working full time, they struggle to own a home, and college tuition is absurdly expensive. The cost of living index does not include food costs which have risen sky high compared to the rate of inflation. Even items whose price hasn’t gone up much achieve that 10/08/14 1:19 pm including recent events at the University of Illinois; • R e f u s e d t o s u p p o r t S t a t e S e n . I r a S i l v e r s t e i n ’s r e s o l u t i o n c o n d e m n i n g Israel, cowering to anti-Israel forces that eventually killed the resoluti Jewish Chicago General Election 2014/5775 7 by making their packaged products smaller and smaller. • R a i s e d y o u r i n c o m e t a x e s b y 6 7 % a n d w a n t s t o d o i t a g a i n ; Thirty-two-ounce mayonnaise jars are now 30 ounces, peanut butter went from 18 ounces to 16.3, 64-ounce orange juice containers are now 56 ounces, andethe listn isd long. •S co -highest property taxes in America; Of course, almost no one in Congress, or in high State Office, actually goes to the supermarket or has a clue what a loaf of bread or a gallon of milk costs, • Cnorudot they e dreally u ccare. They a t i o n have f u n d i n g b y $ by 5 0award-winning 0 m i l l i o nmystery . writer Charlene Wexler! A new murder mystery their fat paying jobs with ridiculous benefits and pensions, all at the cost of ordinary people’s tax dollars. Republican Bruce Rauner is an extremely successful businessman, worth close to a billion dollars, who netted over 60 million dollars last year. His investment companies have gotten fantastic returns for employee pension funds such as the Chicago Teachers Union. What has this gotten him in the public eye? Attack ads by Quinn and friends condemning him for his success and searching his companies for anything they can misrepresent or twist to make him an evil ogre in the public eye. Rauner paid $17 million in taxes last year, about $2,7 million to the state. That’s more money than most of us will make in our lifetime. Quinn complains Rauner doesn’t pay his fare share. There are so many loopholes in the tax code, you’d consider anyone who didn’t fully take advantage of them an idiot. Don’t you have an accountant looking to get you every single deduction possible? That’s being smart. Still, Rauner paid over 25 percent of his net income in taxes. This is Rauner’s first effort to be an elected official. He spent a lot of his own money on his campaign. So many people don’t understand that he is not spending government money; he is spending his own dollars. When people see these attack ads condemning what he has done in business, this is private enterprise, not government money. It’s amazing and saddening that commercials can adversely affect so many brains into non-functioning status--how a lying, 30-second song and dance by a man’s enemies can say right is left, and up is down, and people just plain buy it. Don’t you want a winner running the state? Rauner’s business acumen surely could help this state if he is allowed to operate. There have been questions about Rauner’s religion. This summer I started hearing stories that Rauner is Jewish. That he met his Jewish wife at a meeting of the American Jewish Committee. There are references to him being Jewish on the web and Wikipedia lists him as Jewish. In the Chicago Tribune candidate questionnaire he lists himself as Presbyterian. In the past 20 years he has given 19 million dollars to charity. I went over the list line by line and found 2 Jewish charities, The American Jewish Committee $110,000 and The Ark $600. Unless I missed something, that’s it. His campaign staff informed me that Bruce Rauner is FFPFB, full fledged Presbyterian from birth. He is married to a Jewish woman and their child is being raised Jewish. They attend a synagogue in the far North suburbs. Pat Quinn is a total incompetent who has run this state further into the ground and has repeatedly shown he is powerless and out flanked by Madigan and company. Jewish Chicago strongly endorses Bruce Rauner for Governor of the State of Illinois over Gov. Pat Quinn who is a proven failure. “Both a classic murder mystery and a book that breaks the mold. International mystery with plenty of sexual tension, too.” T he Choice For Gover nor I Attorney General Speaking of Jewish, Attorney General Lisa Madigan is House Speaker Michael Madigan’s stepdaughter. Lisa was the product of her mother’s first marriage. Lisa’s mother is Jewish, which makes Lisa Jewish, though she was raised Catholic and considers herself such. With Lisa, as charming, nice and successful as she may be on certain fronts, her Daddy will always be the elephant in the room. She would never have even been elected dog catcher without Daddy. As chief law enforcement officer of the State of Illinois, it’s Lisa’s job to police elected state officials. When your Daddy, the total reason for your having achieved public office, is the most powerful person in the State of Illinois, and surely one of the most evil and corrupt, if not the most evil and corrupt, it would be good to have an Attorney General who can put the clamps on him. Even if everything he does is technically legal, his actions are immoral, selfish, and greedy. It surely helps when you are in charge of writing the laws. It’s been said by those in the know that Michael Madigan never allowed a campaign reform bill to pass unless he already figured a way around it. No one should vote for Lisa Madigan. She is not the solution, she is a huge part of the problem. Jewish Chicago endorses Republican Paul Schimpf for Attorney General of the State of Illinois. Secretary of State I’m not sure if I know a finer elected official anywhere than Illinois Secretary of State Jesse White. The ageless founder of the Jesse White tumblers, who takes no salary in that role, has taken hundreds, if not thousands, of potentially troubled, disadvantaged children and turned them into serious and productive members of society. He has continually created productive and positive innovations in his office from unmistakable driver licenses, to prevent minors from being served alcohol, to lowering waiting times by hours at driver’s license facilities. When he has been over for the show, Republicans are —“Bill B.” on Amazon.com JoinBru widow mrs. Brill thought she’d have an uneventful vacation in London visiting P a i d f o r b y CBut i t i z after e n s f oan r R a u n e r, I n cnight . her granddaughter. unexpected of passion with old friend Josh, she finds Josh’s bloody corpse lying in their bed the next morning. who killed him? you can bet mrs. Brill is going to find out! by awardwinning mystery writer Charlene wexler! To purchase Murder Across the oceAn in paperback or as an ebook, go To www.amazon.com. thrilled to see him and thank him for his good works. He is the only state elected official who is loudly cheered and applauded when announced at ball games and public events, Almost everyone loves him and deservedly so. He has a remarkably efficient staff who go out of their way to serve the people of the State of Illinois. It’s a shame he is not governor. Jewish Chicago strongly endorses Jesse White for reelection for Secretary of State of Illinois. Comptroller Republican incumbent Judy Baar Topinka has shown great competency in her former role as State Treasurer and now as incumbent Comptroller. She runs a lean and productive office. She has been a great friend of the Jewish people and the State of Israel. She has been honored by local Jewish organizations as well as Israeli charities. Democrat Sheila Simon is the daughter of the late Senator Paul Simon, but that is about all she has going for her. This one is a slam dunk. Jewish Chicago strongly endorses Judy Baar Topinka for reelection as Comptroller of the State of Illinois. Treasurer Former House Minority Leader, Republican State Rep. Tom Cross has a good record of accomplishment under difficult circumstances. He is intelligent and capable. His Democratic opponent State Senator Michael Frerichs, has strengths, but Cross is more impressive. Jewish Chicago endorses Tom Cross for State Treasurer. State Senate Ninth District Democratic Senator Daniel Biss is puzzling--brilliant man, a mathematician, not a lawyer. He is the creator of the best of the state plans thus far to overcome the pension deficit, though far from the full answer. Evil Mike Madigan adopted his plan. It helps. Biss has not accepted any of my numerous requests for an interview and goes out of his way to avoid me, despite my praise for him. The worst thing I can say about him is that during an appearance on Chicago Tonight, he was asked if he favors having our state, about 200 billion dollars in debt, kick in 100 million dollars to fund a Presidential Library for President Barrack Obama. He said yes. No other presidential library has ever been established with state grants. One of the few things Obama is good at is raising money, lots and lots of 8 I want to praise the Jewish community for its efforts to help repair the world. www.50thwardforshajan.com | [email protected] Paid for and authorized by Friends of Shajan. A copy of the report is filed with the state board of elections and available for review on the official government website, or for purchase from the state board of elections in Springfield, IL. Marty Levinson “The greatest barber in the history of barbers” Avy Meyers North Town News Magazine Marty has a new Address 4716 W. Touhy 4716 W.Door Touhy Ave. door to New York Bagel & Bialy Next to New YorkNext Bagel & Bialy 773-610-9268 money. Biss favored creating a precedent here, having the state waste 100 million badly needed dollars for something that can be easily covered privately. Where is your head at Senator Biss? What is reality? Sometimes brilliant people can lack common sense in important areas. Biss is running unopposed so this a moot point. Unfortunately, the vast majority of Senate races in this area find a Democrat running unopposed, so we will make no endorsements due to the abysmal performance of the State Senate. State Representative Once again, we have a plethora of unopposed races, though there are a few good races and some decent State Reps running unopposed. Not too many, but some. In the 12th District, incumbent State Rep. Sara Feigenholtz is a talented, capable Ida Crown grad on the far left of the spectrum. She is the go to person for Jewish legislation in the house. Jewish Chicago endorses State Rep. Sara Feigenholtz. Democratic State Rep. Kelly Cassidy in the 14th District is a Jewish convert, who attends a Reform Temple in her district. She is to the far left of the political spectrum. She has been very hands-on in practical community and police matters in her Rogers Park and Edgewater District. Jewish Chicago endorses State Rep. Kelly Cassidy for reelection. In the 15th District State Rep. John D’Amico has generally been a friend of the Jewish community. He is the nephew of Ald. Marge Laurino. There are some very serious problems brewing in Hollywood Park and Budlong Woods with Northeastern Illinois University. NEIU wants to eminent domain businesses and homes on Bryn Mawr and Foster between Bernard and Central Park for a 50 million dollar plan to privately develop the land for NEIU dormitories and hipper, more fashionable businesses. NEIU is a commuter school with no dormitories and 67 acres of land, much of it vacant including a virtually unused athletic field. They want to demolish private homes and businesses, some 60 years old and successful, for private development. Eminent domain gives governments the power to take over private property for other purposes. I can understand if it were for a military installation, an airport or the like. An unfortunate Supreme Court decision now allows them to steal, oops, appropriate private property for the use of other, private, non-governmental businesses. NEIU needs dormitories like any of us needs a hole in the head. Their enrollment declines annually, they are not on anyone’s top 500 colleges list. They have plenty of vacant land of their own to put the dorms on campus. Can you imagine how thrilled Telshe would be if one of those dorms, likely co-ed, is located directly across the street of the Yeshiva in phase two of NEIU’s eminent domain plan? Neighborhood residents and local businesses are up in arms. Many NEIU teachers and alumni stand dead set against the University. When the local residents went to State Rep. John D’Amico, Ald. Marge Laurino and State Jewish Chicago General Election 2014/5775 Senator Ira Silverstein, all of them said they had no past knowledge of these plans and couldn’t do a thing about it. Horse feathers! Public records show this has been going on for at least six years without a peep to the community. NEIU records prove past long-term knowledge. A pox on all these officials. Republican challenger Greg Bedell is an intelligent, capable lawyer who stands strongly with the neighborhood residents against the NEIU land grab. He is fiscally responsible, attentive to his community and would make an excellent State Representative. Jewish Chicago strongly endorses Republican challenger Greg Bedell for State Representative of the 15th District. In the 16th District State Representative Lou Lang, Michael Madigan’s right-hand man, has improved in his dealing with the Jewish community, but he still has a ways to go to earn our support. He is running unopposed. The 17th District has a very interesting race with two quality candidates, incumbent Democrat Laura Fine and Republican challenger Kathy Myalls. This race is a true battle of very different ideologies and approaches to government. Fine is Jewish and taught at NEIU for years before being elected to her first term as State Rep. She is intelligent, capable, and a very good human being. She is to the left. I got the feeling off camera that she treats the green movement as a religion, as do many left-wing Jewish people. Any good student of the Torah will tell you that it is clear that the weather is up to G-d. In our most important prayer, the Shema, in the second paragraph it states that if we follow G-d’s path and are good, He will bring moisture to our fields and they will prosper-our cattle will thrive, we will thrive. It really doesn’t mention excess carbon emissions by man changing the environment. It pretty much leaves that department up to G-d, based on our performance as human beings who follow in His path. I’m all for a clean environment, but dead set against throwing a gazillion government dollars at green technology before its time has come. The Obama administration has wasted a vast fortune on failed green businesses and manufacturing--money that could have been put to seriously good use in so many other ways. Her opponent Kathy Myalls, a lawyer, is a communications law teacher at DePaul. She is intelligent, and capable, and a definite right winger. Usually I’d say you pick, they both shine. In this case the Half Page Ad-Rev01.indd 1 Pro-Israel crowd has some very positive feed back on Laura Fine and this is one case where being the Jewish candidate when you do good for the Jewish committee will get you extra points in this Jewish publication. Jewish Chicago endorses State Rep. Laura Fine for reelection to a second term in the Illinois House. State Rep. Robyn Gabel is running unopposed in the 18th District. A Schakowsky hand-picked choice, she has done well for her Evanston community and the Jewish community of which she is a member. Jewish Chicago endorses Robyn Gabel for reelection. In the 26th District along the lake front from the Gold Coast to the far South Side, Republican Jacob “Coby” Hakalir is running for State Rep. He is intelligent, caring, fiscally responsible, a Yeshiva University High School grad who sends a child to the Ida Crown Jewish Academy. He would be an excellent addition to the State House. Jewish Chicago strongly endorses Jacob “Coby” Hakalir for election to the State House. In the 57th House District, incumbent Democrat Elaine Nekritz is Jewish and has distinguished herself, though I have some disagreements with her record. Jewish Chicago endorses State Rep. Elaine Nekritz for reelection. There are interesting races in both the 55th and 59th districts in which I don’t have enough information to feel comfortable evaluating and endorsing the candidates involved. Cook County Executive Offices There isn’t a single Republican running against any of the Democratic incumbents, so we won’t go to any great length here. All the incumbents are automatic winners. President Toni Preckwinkle is a decent human being, that’s saying a lot for a politician. She means well and tries to do the right thing. The Cook County insiders feel the press and the public is giving her more credit than she deserves. This is her first true administrative job and a big one. Some are unhappy about the spending cuts, some feel she just can’t run a tight ship. She would have slaughtered Emanuel if she had run for mayor. Cook County Assessor Joseph Berrios has been getting the bills out on time; that’s a big improvement. He has found other ways to 10/08/14 1:19 pm Jewish Chicago General Election 2014/5775 make his office more efficient. As the Chairman of the Cook County Democratic Party, he knows what mud looks and feels like. Cook County Clerk David Orr has done a decent job. He is no longer the firebrand he once was. Cook County Sheriff Tom Dart is the star of the county slate. Nationally recognized for his innovations and efforts, he is the perfect man to run for Mayor of the City of Chicago, but with a number of young children at home, he is staying put for the foreseeable future. Cook County Treasurer Maria Pappas has run a quietly efficient office. She is running for a fifth term. 9 The Law Office of James P. Nally, P.C. County Commissioners No opponents for the incumbents in our coverage area. I want to single out Commissioner Larry Suffredin who stands head and shoulders as not only the best commissioner, but one of the finest elected officials in the State of Illinois. He understands all the factors in play and does an outstanding job of balancing the politics, government and the needs of his constituents. He has been an outstanding friend of the Jewish Community. Jewish Chicago strongly endorses Comm. Larry Suffredin for reelection in the 13th County District. Special mention to the equally unopposed Comm. Bridget Gainer who has a good head on her shoulders. Eight South Michigan Suite 3500 Chicago, IL: 60603 tel 312-422-5560 fax 312-346-7999 percent of the vote to keep their judicial robes. Twenty percent of the voters automatically vote no for all of them in a misguided effort to throw out whoever is in government. I would understand if it was the State Legislature they were voting against, but not the judges. I’ve interviewed dozens of them each election cycle and overall they are truly a quality group of individuals. Not every single last one, but surely the vast majority. MWRD These individuals are a major cut above other elected officials and the good ones deserve your The three Democratic candidates include support and your vote. All the judicial races are on the bottom of ballot, so many people in a rush two incumbents and are running against three Republicans who lack stop short of voting for judges and call it a day. money and support and have failed to distinguish themselves in any If you are one of the good citizens who goes to the polling place to cast your ballot, take a few way to capture the imagination of the voters. extra minutes and vote in the judicial races. In fact, why not start at the bottom of ballot with the Comm. Cynthia Santos is the best of the bunch and deserves your judges and then return to the top. vote. Comm. Frank Avila is an engineer and actually understands the Don’t know the judges? There are publications such as Jewish Chicago or the Chicago science behind the MWRD efforts. Tribune that rate the judges. You can go online and check out the Chicago Bar Association Jewish Chicago endorses Cynthia Santos and Frank Avila for Green Guide or the Alliance which lists the ratings of all 11 bar associations in each race. reelection to the Metropolitan Water Reclamation hcDistrict nuP of Greater Chicago. There is a high quality Judicial Blog, “For What It’s Worth,” written by Jack Leyhane that is chock full of valuable information. Ordinarily there are about a half dozen retention judges who get bad bar ratings and should be The Judiciary booted out of office. This year the Chicago Bar Association, the most independent and thorough hcnuP Contested Races of any of the eleven bar associations singled out only one bad judge. Once again, the Republicans are not running candidates in almost any of the circuit court On the front page, they mention only 2 races. They urge people to vote for Judge James L. races. The real election was the spring primary, and if you didn’t vote in those races, you missed Kaplan in the 12th sub circuit and to punch #203 to oust Judge Thomas E. Flanagan. The the main show. other 71 judges get good grades and should be retained. There is one contested race in our coverage area; it’s in the North Suburban 12th sub circuit. There are five Jewish Judges running, all highly thought of: Appellate Court Judge Andrew Democratic Judicial candidate Judge James L. Kaplan takes on James Paul Pieczonka. Berman, Circuit Court Judges, Judge Robert E. Gordon who was appointed to Appellate Kaplan, who is Jewish, presently serves in family court and received good marks from all Court, Judge Michael B. Hyman, one of the few Jewish Judges to win a countywide election eleven bar associations. Pieczonka gets a thumbs down from ten of the 11 bar associations. over the last couple of decades, Judge The Chicago Bar Association notes Pieczonka’s lack of Pamela Elizabeth Loza, a supervisor experience, notes a number of in family court and Judge Shelley Lynn his properties are in foreclosure Sutker-Dermer, who is in charge of the and is involved in several Skokie Court House and is the daughter residual court actions. of former County Commissioner Cal “Judge Kaplan was hcnuP Sutker. considered a good lawyer I’ve interviewed Gordon, Loza, with good legal ability and Hyman and Sutker-Dermer and they are temperament,” according to quality individuals and highly thought the Chicago Bar Association. of in the judicial community, as is Judge They continue: “As a judge, Andrew Berman. he is reported to demonstrate a Since this is a Jewish Publication good temperament and ability to we will make special mention of these manage a courtroom.” five and urge you to retain them. In In the primary Kaplan faced ballot position order: Judge Shelley three very good opponents and Lynn Sutker-Dermer, punch #216; came up with a solid victory. DNA ROF ETOV NAC UOY EHT FO SRENOISSIMMOC ROF STARCOMED Judge Andrew Berman, punch #220; Kaplan is a favorite of many Judge Robert E. Gordon, punch sitting judges and members of #264; Judge Michael B. Hyman, the legal community. All of his nacilbupeR NEIU neighbor the battle to opponents have endorsed him. punchon #302; and Judge Pamela etadidnac stave off the unfair Loza, and unjust If you get the opportunity to speak with him, you’ll understand why. Elizabeth punch #332. laiciduJ To hear him talk about some of the cases he adjudicates in family court is heartbreaking. His are Eastern a lot of highly qualified non-Jewish judges I could single out, but e that attempts ofThere North tacan tS be rof efforts to look out for the children, and bring the kids and parents closer together in difficult dangerous because I don’t want to insult anyone Iimight leave out, so please forgive me if I did, n o t n e t e R Illinois University to eminent Enlightens about upcoming situations is commendable and I wish more judges would look to him as a role model. vithighly. attalk neJust sabout erpethe R upc but here are judges I have interviewed, gotten to us know, and of whom I think,e very domain neighborhood homes and Jewish Chicago strongly endorses Judge James L. Kaplan in the 12th sub circuit. Punch e e n i m o N because I haven’t interviewed doesn’t mean that are not races aces, they all have good election ba tcgrades irjudicial tsexcept iD hretention t51 #80 on election day or early voting. Flannigan. businesses,for some 60 years old. will be on the In ballot position order: Judges Thomas E. Hoffman, James Patrick Flannery, judges Sebastian Judicial Retention Ballot Thomas Patti, Diane Gordon Cannon, John J. Fleming, Kathleen G. Kennedy, Thomas J. If you didn’t read our endorsement criteria that starts on page 2, you should take a minute http://youtu.be/3010ilQfYpU http://youtu.be/IRlJ12EmwmU?list=UUwkQjlMhHTfzst-Pi8rltiA sZRevPIB3Dp/eb.utuoy//:ptth g4zg9A8_ahttp://youtu.be/7_FwxE3B308?list=UUwkQ qJ/eb.utuoy//:ptth Lipscomb, William Timothy O’Brien, Joan E. Powell, Patrick J. Sherlock, Maureen Ward now and read about the importance of the judicial races (top of page 3) and how they can have a Kirby, Thomas J. Byrne, and Debra B. Walker profound effect on your life, freedom, liberty, home, family, etc.--a much more profound effect Bottom Line: Jewish Chicago urges you to vote yes 71 times and no once. Vote no for than your Senator or Congressman. Judge Thomas E. Flanagan, #203, and yes for all the rest. After 6 years, elected Circuit Court Judges go on the retention ballot. They need to get 60 SEGDUJ NOITNETER LLA ROF SEY ETOV ht4 rebmevoN ,yadseuT 17 57 VOTE The Multi-Nationally Award gninniW drawWinn A yll North Town Magaz enNews izagaM swe 67 EERHT LLA TCELE !SETADIDNAC RETAW NATILOPORTEM TCIRTSID NOITAMALCER Kim Moseid egduJ alemaP Ald. Berny azoL Stone gerG lled eB Rob Judge Gordon & Ju Thomas Lipsc duJ ,noitneter rof gninnur segduJ hsiweJ ruof eht fo eerht era srebmun tollab rieht htiw tfel morF DreN CyEelL .)612Y (A rem D-O rekItT uS leE hS dY naR;)A 20M 3(I*R naP myH .B leahciM ;)462( *nodroG .E treboR )022( na4 mr1 eB0w2 erd,n8 A1 egdH uJC,dR erA utcM ip toN .truoC etalleppA sionillI eht ot dengissA - * moc.sredaeLretaWogacihC.www vthynnos/shows resu/moc.ewatched butuoy.www//:https://www.youtube.com/u sptth dehctaw sw Over 280,000 Watch it this week on TV VT no keew si 10 2015 Mayoral/Aldermanic Elections This one is coming a lot faster than you think, February is not that far away. For a while it looked like the presence of Teachers Union Chief Karen Lewis, a Jewish convert, was going to make life very interesting for Mayor Rahm Emanuel who is deservedly not popular for the high handed, arrogant, misleading, lying way he has conducted himself in his first term in office. He doesn’t work with people, he dictates. He is not interested in the opinions and feedback of the people of Chicago. In his high and mighty manner, he knows all. Tell him differently and he’ll push, shove, and bully you. It’s a shame because this guy is a dynamo and is capable of great things. One can only hope serious opposition will come to the forefront soon to make it a real race. We’ll be keeping our eye on challenger Ald. Bob Fioretti. The most interesting Aldermanic race from a Jewish standpoint, will come in the 50th Ward, West Rogers Park and part of Peterson Park where incumbent Ald. Debra Silverstein has failed miserably to be the least bit effective or relevant. Much as I refrain from saying I told you so, not in this case. I’ve sternly warned you about George W. Bush, Rod Blagojevich, Barack Obama, and Debra Silverstein and I’m batting 1.000. I can’t walk into a synagogue or Jewish gathering without hearing complaint after complaint about Debra Silverstein. The cruel and ruthless way she and her husband Ira have treated Jewish businesses, non-Jewish businesses, and the absurdity of recent activities on Devon and Touhy are part of a long list Her complete lack of responsiveness to the community is amazing. Other aldermen, including fellow Rahm Emanuel compatriots who are forced to back her, privately make fun of her and have absolutely no respect for her as an alderman. “Like a deer in the headlights,” “Clueless,” “Mean,” Vengeful,” and more. I have yet to hear one single Alderman speak about her with any sort of respect. Her husband, State Senator Ira Silverstein sits behind her at council meetings. That’s unheard of. As one community member stated: “That’s too much power concentrated in one bedroom.” When Ira Silverstein first ran, one of his opponents was 39th Ward Committeeman Randy Barnette, husband of 39th Ward Alderman Marge Laurino. Silverstein stated at the time, that electing Barnette would be placing too much power in the hands of one family. One of the few times you got it right Ira. Both Silversteins need to go. It’s not too early to work on starting a campaign to down Senator Ira Silverstein in 2016. There is plenty of money and support awaiting a qualified, intelligent, well-spoken candidate. Silverstein has lots of enemies. In the meantime, Debra the Clueless already has three opponents awaiting her in February. All three are a huge cut above her. Jewish Chicago General Election 2014/5775 They are: Shajan Kuriakose, (left) an Indian Christian, born inI want this country, to praise highly Americanized. Jewish well community Hethe is intelligent, spoken, aggressive, for its efforts to help personable, and a hard worker.repair the world. Then there is Peter Sifnotis, (right) an eight-year veteran of the Marines, runs a business and is going to school. He is of mixed European ancestry, intelligent and well spoken. He is new to politics but is adapting well. Like www.50thwardforshajan.com | [email protected] Kuriakose, he is out meeting people and talking to them about their concerns. He shows promise. Paid for and authorized by Friends of Shajan. A copy of the report is filed with the state board of elections and available review on the official website, or for(below purchase from the state of elections in Springfield, IL. done some serious forThen there is a government Zehra Quadri, right) an board Indian Muslim who has good work in this community through a charity she founded, Zam’s Hope. They provide vocational training, feed the hungry, have children’s programs and much more. They are growing and she certainly does know how to provide service to people. They are located on Artesian, just north of Devon. Quadri has a fair amount of backing in her circles, and a serious amount of fans, the question is can she extend that into the general community. Forty percent of the vote in this ward is Jewish. Despite the large Indian/Pakistani presence, most don’t live in the area or are not citizens or registered to vote. Debra did not defeat Ald. Berny Stone (lower left) in the Jewish areas, Stone won a majority there. It was on the East end, largely non-Jewish where Debra got her win. The leaders in that community have gotten wise in a hurry about Debra. They are busy knocking her at public meetings, area message boards and more. Debra is beatable and all three of these candidates, Shajan Kuriakose, Peter Sifnotis and Zehra Quadri would all do a much better job than Silverstein. It will be interesting to see what the next few months hold. Right now I’m cheering for all three of her opponents and looking to see if one of them can separate themselves from the pack. We are going to close out this issue with a new column from Paul Miller, a North Suburban political maven, campaign manager and writer, read, learn and enjoy. • Complete Graphic Service • Quality Offset Printing • Digital Color Printing • Bindery & Finishing 5746 N. WESTERN AVENUE CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 60659 TEL.: 773.561.9815 FAX: 773.561.0714 [email protected] First Class Cream of the Crop Highly Professional Ad Creation Video Shoots Video Editing Copy Writing Graphic Services Available Avy Meyers 773-290-2677 [email protected] Jewish Chicago General Election 2014/5775 Paulie’s Point: Israel, Economics and Ethics By Paul Miller 11 Author Charlene Wexler Publishes Two New Novels Award-winning author Charlene Wexler has published two new novels in the category of Jewish American fiction, Lori and Murder Across the Ocean. Lori - A clash of cultures. A domineering mother-in-law. An alcoholic husband. A fatally ill child. The possibility of economic ruin. The sheltered, comfortable, liberal Jewish upbringing undergone by Lori in the North Shore suburbs of Chicago in the United States did not prepare her for marriage into the difficult and quirky workingclass family of her husband, Jerry—or for the sweeping societal and social changes of the last quarter of the 20th century. Lori is available as an e-book from: Amazon Kindle, http://www.amazon.com/Lori-Charlene-Wexler-ebook/dp/B00LKU9U0U Smashwords, http://www.smashwords.com/books/view/455567 It is available as a paperback from Amazon.com. Let’s be honest. This election presents a shortage of candidates worthy of my Aunt Sharon’s brisket. Still, your vote counts; and with the shape Springfield and Washington D.C. are in, it’s crucial you get to the polls. You won’t see the word “endorsed” in this column. You will read the unabashed opinion of a veteran political consultant and pundit who believes that people who strictly vote for the “D” or “R” next to the name, should oversleep on Election Day. Life offers few certainties. Other than death and taxes, another inevitability is that Illinois GOP incompetence will once again allow House Speaker Mike Madigan to reign supreme the morning after Election Day. Notwithstanding the ineptitude of the Illinois Republican Party, what makes 2014 different is that Murder Across the Ocean - Jewish American Lori Brill thought she’d have a pleasant, because Illinois is in such dire straits, only the most biased, blind uneventful vacation in London visiting her granddaughter, Cate. or bought voter could want more of what has relegated the Land Lori’s trip started out even better than she could have imagined when she ran into Josh, her of Lincoln to a late night joke. old high-school boyfriend, in line for the same flight at the airport—resulting in an unexpected Races for the Illinois House are pretty simple. Voting for anyone who would cast a ballot night of passion in a London hotel room. Lori was all smiles as she stepped out of the shower the to keep Michael Madigan House Speaker falls under the definition of insanity. Illinois is the next morning, ready to slip back into Josh’s arms—until she saw his bloody corpse lying in the economic shame of America and people are leaving the state as if her name was Detroit. bed where they had made love only a few short hours before. On November 5th, Democrats will still own Illinois. But it’s their current super majority Murder Across the Ocean is available as an e-book from: Amazon Kindle, that makes the governor’s office nearly moot. Therefore I strongly advise looking at Republican http://www.amazon.com/Murder-Across-Ocean-Charlene-Wexler-ebook/dp/B00LKUQPIU candidates. I will tell you that some of them are as appealing as a Green Bay Packers Super Bowl Smashwords, http://www.smashwords.com/books/view/455569 win, but other candidates are truly remarkable. It also is available as a paperback through Amazon.com. Residents in the 17th (near-north suburbs), 59th and 58th House districts (northern suburbs) Charlene Wexler is a graduate of the University of Illinois. She has worked as a teacher and should consider themselves lucky to have Republicans Kathy Myalls, Leslie Munger and Dr. dental office bookkeeper and as “a wife, mom, and grandmother,” she said. In recent years, Mark Neerhof, respectively, on the ballot. Independent and impressive are the words that Wexler’s lifelong passion for writing has led her to create numerous essays as well as fiction. describe them. All three are desperately needed voices in Springfield, worthy of second helpings She is the author of the books Lori, Murder Across the Ocean, Murder on Skid Row, and Milk of my Aunt Sharon’s brisket. and Oranges. Giving Governor Pat Quinn another four years as our state’s top executive is comparable to Her work has appeared in several publications, including North Shore Magazine; the University giving an alcoholic a six-pack. Nothing good will come of it. No matter how often Quinn claims of Illinois at Chicago College of Dentistry’s Vision magazine; Alpha Omegan magazine; the he is moving Illinois “in the right direction,” the only moving going on is families out of state. book and CD Famous Poets of the Heartland: A Treasury of Beloved Family Poems, Talent, OR: In their endorsement of Bruce Rauner, the Sun-Times called him a “smart businessman, skilled Famous Poets Press, 2014; and the Gazette newspaper of Chicago. executive and born leader beholden to nobody but those of us smart enough to vote him into Charlene Wexler’s website is www.charlenewexler.com. office.” Liberal Jews are about “social justice.” Well, here is your chance unless you’re full of treif. Supporting Quinn and Illinois Democrats goes against everything you supposedly stand for. Unemployment and crime in minority communities, especially African Americans, is heartbreaking. They need education choice, opportunity, and jobs. They need Bruce Rauner. The area races for Congress are already decided, with the exception of one. In the 10th district, Republican Bob Dold wants the job he lost to current Democrat Congressman Brad Schneider in 2012. Both men have similar social views (pro-choice, marriage equality) and have great voting records when it comes to supporting Israel. But what sets them apart are independence from their party leaders and leadership regarding the Jewish State. Unlike John Porter, Mark Kirk and Dold, the three previous office holders, Schneider has proven to be a yes man for his party leadership and the president. His voting record is a near mirror reflection of Nancy Pelosi. When Dold served the district, he broke away from his party when it came to the GOP platform stance on social issues. Schneider has supported the economic failings of the current administration and has been mute when it comes to the president’s lackluster support for the Jewish State and the profusion of asinine statements emanating from Secretary of State John Kerry. Supporting Israel is more than just a vote; it’s putting politics aside and being vocal in her defense, especially when elements within your party are either too feckless or too ignorant to do the right thing. Schneider has not been that advocate. In contrast, Bob Dold admirably filled the shoes Mark Kirk left him back in 2010 and served as arguably Israel’s best friend in D.C. during his tenure. There is no contest in the 9th Congressional District. Jan Schakowsky will once again ply her reign of progressive terror on north side and north suburban families. This year’s election serves as a prime example of the incompetence of the Cook County GOP who failed to prevent Democrats from controlling their primary 2746 W PRATT BLVD – electing an embarrassing candidate whose name I won’t mention to spare her 773-973 973-5440 further ridicule. [email protected] Democrat Mike Quigley will have no problem defeating the very capable Vince Wednesday & Thursday 9am 9am-5pm Kolber. Besides being a champion for Israel, Quigley has served with integrity Friday & Saturday 8am 8am-5pm rarely seen in D.C. I may disagree with him on most issues, but if more Democrats Evening Hours Available by Appt and Republicans were like Mike, “elected official” might finally be regarded as a Hair Coloring/Highlighting~Extensions~Express Highlighting~Extensions~Express Keratin Service more respectable profession than used car salesman or New York Times reporter. Chemical Free Keratin Treatment~Special Occasion Styling~Waxing The most disappointing race to analyze is U.S. Senate. Incumbent Dick Durbin Manicure & Spa Pedicure~Cut Pedicure~Cut, Color & Style Wigs is the poster child for everything wrong with Washington. There has never been a ***20% OFF for first time Clients*** tax hike or big government program he didn’t like. Durbin was elected to Congress ***Already a valued customer? Refer a friend and receive $5 off your next visit*** in 1982 with the help of Israel advocates. While he has a pro-Israel voting record, Jewish State leaders will tell you privately that he has been a disappointment. LICENSED CLINICAL MASSAGE THERAPIST Durbin’s Republican opponent, Jim Oberweis, will undoubtedly offer voters a better choice when it comes to economic issues. But other than that, it’s hard to say. JAMIE ENGLE His statement last year that he agreed with President Obama’s handling of Iran is AVAILABLE SATURDAYS 8AM-5PM troubling. His website offers no insight on his position regarding the Jewish State. Neither elicits any enthusiasm. SWEDISH, DEEP TISSUE & SPORTS MASSAGE Paul Miller is a contributor to the Franklin Center for Government & Public ***20% OFF OF FIRST MASSAGE*** Integrity. His articles have appeared in publications such as the New York Post, Washington Times, and Jerusalem Post and featured on the Drudge Report. Find him at www.pauliegroup.com. JOANNE’S HAIR DESIGN SALON & SPA PDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com 1 B r u c e R a u n e r : T h e G o ve r n o r We N e e d F o r I l l i n o i s A n d T h e J e w i s h Co m m u n i t y Bruce and his wife Diana have been supporters of the Jewish community and Israel f o r y e a r s . A s m e m b e r s o f A m Yi s r a e l i n N o r t h f i e l d a n d s u p p o r t e r s o f J e w i s h c h a r i t i e s from Federation to Shalva to the Ark, Bruce and Diana have given back to our c o m m u n i t y f o r y e a r s . N o w B r u c e R a u n e r w a n t s t o g i v e b a c k a s g o v e r n o r. Bruce Rauner is the first candidate in America to propose divesting state funds from international firms that boycott Israel – a powerful initiative to combat the BDS movement. While Pat Quinn has been silent on these issues, Bruce Rauner is s p e a k i n g o u t a g a i n s t a n t i - S e m i t i s m a n d a n t i - I s r a e l b o y c o t t s . We n e e d B r u c e R a u n e r ’s leadership in Springfield. BRUCE RAUNER’S AGENDA: • Roll back the Quinn 67% income tax hike; • Freeze property taxes; • Increase state support for education; • Divest Illinois funds from any company in the world that boycotts Israel; • Increase Illinois-Israel trade and cooperation, especially in high-tech sectors; • Never cower to anti-Israel forces – call out anti-Semitism for what it is; • Pro-choice; no social agenda PAT QUINN’S RECORD: • Silence in the face of growing anti-Semitism and anti-Israel boycott movements, including recent events at the University of Illinois; • R e f u s e d t o s u p p o r t S t a t e S e n . I r a S i l v e r s t e i n ’s r e s o l u t i o n c o n d e m n i n g b o y c o t t s o f Israel, cowering to anti-Israel forces that eventually killed the resolution; • Raised your income taxes by 67% and wants to do it again; • Second-highest property taxes in America; • Cut education funding by $500 million. T he Choice For Gover nor Is Clear JoinBruce.com P a i d f o r b y C i t i z e n s f o r R a u n e r, I n c .
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