LEICESTER PROGRESSIVE JEWISH CONGREGATION Affiliated to the Union of Liberal and Progressive Synagogues ——————————————————————————————— LPJC NEVE SHALOM—נוה שלום The Synagogue 24 Avenue Road Stoneygate Leicester LE2 3EA הזמנים HAZMANIM SEPT—OCT 2014 ELLUL—TISHRI—CHESHVAN 5774/5775 HAZMANIM SUBMISSIONS FOR NOV/DEC TO BE RECEIVED BY 23RD OCTOBER 1 Dear all, As we approach Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur it is a time to reflect and then look forward to the year ahead. I hope you will agree that we have done ourselves proud but musn't rest on any laurels. There is much to engage with on the social action front whether locally, nationally or internationally and your council is ready to support you. We are especially pleased to have an exceptional rabbinic student for the High Holy Days this year, Roberta Harris, with Rabbi Harry Jacobi combining Simchat Torah with his 90th birthday. After that plans are well in hand for Rabbi Mark Solomon to spend more time with us and help us grow into the future. We also look forward to the occasional visit from Rabbi Standfield. Finally please take note of the forthcoming Midlands Shabbaton to be held here in Leicester, possibly at Leicester University - watch this space for more exciting news. Shanah Tova from your chairperson Miriam 2 Rainbow Jews Exhibition This exhibition was launched at the LGBT Centre on the 31st August 2014, which tells the story of older gay, lesbian bi sexual and transgender Jews, who fifty years ago were mostly invisible and felt unwanted, as well as being afraid to "come out" to their communities, and the wider public. Our Synagogue, amongst other supporters were acting as hosts for the launch, with bubbly, cakes etc. Many thanks are due to all who gave donations, cake bakers, people who helped with the schlepping and serving, not forgetting Dennis Bradley, and the staff at the Leicester LGBT Centre, who are providing that facilities and space. Last but not least we thank Liberal Judaism and Rainbow Jews Director, Surat Rathgeber Knan , without whom this project would never have happened. The exhibition will stay open all of September at the Leicester LGBT Centre, 15 Wellington St. Leicester, LE1 6 HH Tel 0116 2547412 , phone for opening hours or click leicesterlgbtcentre.org All are welcome. For more information about Rainbow Jews see www.rainbowjews.com or twitter #RJexhibitionLEICESTER. Reni Chapman September BIRTHDAYS Rebecca Dobinson 1st Solomon Diamond 11th Aaron Leigh 19th October Ruth Gordon 3 16th HIGH HOLY DAYS SELICHOT SERVICE - 20TH SEPTEMBER (Sat) - 9pm EREV ROSH HASHANAH—24TH SEPTEMBER (Wednesday) 8PM ROSH HASHANAH—25TH SEPTEMBER (Thursday) 10.30AM KOL NIDREI—3RD OCTOBER (Friday) 7.45PM YOM KIPPUR—4TH OCTOBER (Saturday) 11AM OCTOBER 5TH (Sunday) —2PM ONWARDS—SUKKAH DECORATING. BRING FRUIT AND GREENERY TO DECORATE EREV SUKKOT—(Wed) 7PM SUKKOT—(Thurs) 11AM . SHEMINI ATZERET/SIMCHAT TORAH—15TH OCTOBER (Wed) 7PM SIMCHAT TORAH— 16TH OCTOBER (Thur) 11AM CHATAN TORAH - MIKE GIBBY KALLAH BERESHEET - MIRIAM LEVENE 4 TICKETS FOR HIGH HOLY DAYS IF YOU REQUIRE TICKETS FOR THE HIGH HOLY DAYS PLEASE CONTACT MIRIAM LEVENE Tickets cost £25 each FOR NON MEMBERS—admits to all services TEL: 07947 602574 EMAIL: [email protected] HIGH HOLYDAY APPEALS 1. Our first appeal is for donations to our Shul funds to continue to develop Rabbinical support. See chairpersons report page 2 2. Leicester Faith Support Group—see website for details [email protected] 3a Our third appeal is a choice of two Jewish organisations for support abroad. New Israel Fund—Jewish Medical Appeal for Gaza. Funds raised, directly support the emergency activities of Physicians for Human Rights—Israel. 3b UJIA—CHILDREN OF THE SOUTH APPEAL— Israeli children have endured weeks of anxiety during these difficult times and can’t lead normal lives. UJIA offers respite by providing children with hot meals, day camps and shelters in both the south and the north of Israel. See enclosed form to be completed and returned to the treasurer. 5 ROSH HASHANAH GREETINGS Mike and Yvonne Gibby wish all their family, friends and members of the community Shana Tova! ……………….. Reni Chapman wishes all the community a Happy New Year and good health. ……………….. Shana Tova from Brian and Irene Stephens. ……………….. Shana Tova from Miriam and all the family. MACMILLAN COFFEE MORNING SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 21ST 1030—1300hr NEVE SHALOM 24 AVENUE ROAD COME AND ENJOY CAKE, TEA, COFFEE AND GAMES! AND RAISE FUNDS FOR THIS WORTHWHILE CAUSE 6 Alex Keller 7 DIARY—SEPTEMBER Evening services start at 8pm and morning services at 11am 5 Fri 6 Sat Erev Shabbat Service Shabbat Morning - Ki Teitze 12 Fri Erev Shabbat Service 13 Sat Shabbat Morning—Ki Tavo Emmanuel Haven St Rabbi R. Harris Michelle Benn 16 Tue Shemesh meets at the Horse & Hounds, Glen Rise 12 md 19 Fri Erev Shabbat Service 20 Sat Shabbat Morning—NitzaVim Selichot Service 9pm Rabbi M Solomon Rabbi M Solomon Rabbi M Solomon 23 Tue Book Club meets 7.30pm @ 93 Marsden Lane. The book For discussion is Daniel Doronda by George Elliott. Contact Reni 0116 2832927 24 Wed Erev Rosh Hashanah 8pm 25 Thur Rosh Hashanah 10.30 am St Rabbi R Harris St Rabbi R Harris 26 Fri Erev Shabbat Service— NO FRIDAY NIGHT MEAL Leon Charikar 27 Sat Shabbat Morning—Ha azinu Emmanuel Haven 8 OCTOBER 3 Fri 4 Sat Kol Nidrei 7.45pm Yom Kippur 11am FAST ENDS AT 7.18PM 8 Wed Erev Sukkot 7pm 9 Thu Sukkot llam Student Rabbi R. Harris St Rabbi R. Harris Miriam Levene Alex Keller 10 Fri Erev Shabbat Emmanuel Haven 11 Sat Shabbat Morning—Chol Ha-Mo’ed Sukkot 15 Wed Shemini Atzeret/Simchat Torah 7pm 16 Thu Simchat Torah 11am SPECIAL KIDDUSH Rabbi H. Jacobi Rabbi H. Jacobi 17 Fri Erev Shabbat 18 Sat Shabbat Morning—B’reishit Rabbi M. Solomon Rabbi M. Solomon 24 Fri Erev Shabbat 25 Sat Shabbat Morning—No’ach Reni Chapman Leon Charikar 29 Wed Shemesh meets at The Yews, Great Glen @ 12md 31 Fri Erev Shabbat Community Supper 6pm 1 Sat Shabbat Morning Service Alex Keller 14 Nov Community Meal with Rabbi Mark Solomon 15 Nov Midlands Shabbaton—FULL DETAILS TO FOLLOW Rabbi Mark Solomon 9 YAHRZEITS DIED REMEMBERED SEPTEMBER Hilde Fabian Salinger Grandmother of Caroline Salinger 7th Elul 6th David Clift 11th Elul 6th Hannah bat Avraham Aunt of Beverley Bowman 12th Elul 13th Sarah bat Reuben Aunt of Beverley Bowman 29th Elul 27th Esther Engel Cohn Mother of Marlene Higginson 1st Tishrei 27th June Gross Mother of Graham Gross 4th Tishrei 4th Jean Lustig Grandmother of Beverley Bowman 12th Tishrei 11th Vera Kaufman Mother of Jeffrey Kaufman 20th Tishrei 18th Leo Ryz (Rish) Father of Lily Kaufman Milton Marlowe Brother of Melvyn Marlow 24t h Tishrei 18th Sid Gross Uncle of Graham Gross 29th Tishrei 25th Ida Lyons The Community 30th Tishrie 25th Father of Miryam Dobinson OCTOBER 10 18th Gloria Brown 11.7.1930—03.08.2014 Memories of Gloria I have known Gloria for 26 years, when she and Rafe contacted me to find out about Liberal Judaism. They both had an orthodox upbringing. Gloria grew up in Manchester, her father having been a founder member of his Shul Both Rafe and Gloria became members of our Shul in September 1988. She was an intelligent woman, managing her own business, yet mindful to offer help wherever she saw a need. She often expressed her sorrow that she did not learn much Hebrew as a child. Gloria contributed to our Community’s life in many ways by leading Services (supported by Rafe), bringing delicious food for sedarim and chavurot meals and generally taking part and being available to help whenever needed. Even her reduced mobility did not stop her from getting on with life for as long as she was able. She was a wonderful wife, mother, grandmother and great grandmother; a sincere Jew and a valuable and respected member of our Community. She is now at peace. May she be remembered with blessings. Zichrona l’Vracha. Reni Chapman …………………………… Our memories of Gloria would bring to mind, kindness and generosity. She was a very special lady. We remember the large trays or boxes of cakes and other delicious treats both Gloria, Rafe and their granddaughters, would bring to the Shul at Simchas. Whenever we visited her home she was a very generous hostess. If you thought you were going for a chat and a cuppa you would be right—but there would also be a magnificent spread of sandwiches and cakes and hours of wonderful stories and easy conversation. Gloria was always interested in our children and grandchildren as was Rafeand we would exchange stories of the grandchildrens exploits. We will miss her very much. Mike and Yvonne WATCH THIS SPACE SHABBAT NOVEMBER 15TH MIDLANDS SHABBATON. 11 MITZVAH DAY SUNDAY 16TH NOVEMBER IN AID OF RAINBOWS HOSPICE PEOPLE Mazel Tov! On your brilliant ‘A’ Level Results to Emma Dolby and Eleanor Higginbothom; Amazing GCSE results obtained by Ashleigh Gibby and Sophie Marlowe and to all those who have taken exams this year. Mazel Tov to Andrew and Caroline who were married this August—good luck to you both. Congratulations—Rian Matanky-Becker who received a double first class honours degree in History and Management. She has also been accepted onto the Civil Service Graduate Fast Stream which she will be starting in September. Mazel Tov to Rowan and James on the birth of their daughter Chloe and to her grandparents, Denise and Andrew Bergman. We are delighted to report that our centenarian Rudy Hicks, has settled back into the Lawns after his stay in hospital. Hannah and Alex would like to thank the Community for the magnificent basket of flowers which still graces our windowsill. I would like to thank those who nominated me for the Chairman’s award which touched me greatly, so that I must hope to achieve more in the good cause to earn it…..as ever, yours Alex. 12 13 14 15 NEXT HAZMANIM Information for the next bulletin Email to: [email protected] Or post to The Editor Neve Shalom, 24 Avenue Road Leicester LE2 3EA EMERGENCY CONTACT NUMBERS JEFF KAUFMAN TEL: 0116 2715584 MOB: 07976 364282 EMAIL: [email protected] MIRIAM LEVENE TEL: 07947602574 Email: [email protected] 16
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