Multikrystallinske solcellepaneler fra Yingli YGE 60 Cell 40mm SERIES YL260P-29b YL255P-29b YL250P-29b YL245P-29b YL240P-29b YL235P-29b YL230P-29b ABOUT YINGLI GREEN ENERG Y Yingli Green Energy Holding Company Limited (NYSE: YGE) is one of the world’s largest fully vertically integrated PV manufacturers, which markets its products under the brand “Yingli Solar“. With over 4.5GW of modules installed globally, we are a leading solar energy company built upon proven product reliability and sustainable performance. We are the first renewable energy company and the first Chinese company to sponsor the FIFA World CupTM. PERFORM ANCE - High efficiency, multicrystalline silicon solar cells with high transmission and textured glass deliver a module efficiency of up to 16.2%, minimizing installation costs and maximizing the kWh output of your system per unit area. 10 ÅRS 2 R YD 5 E A YLP-29b RELIABILITY - Tolerance ydelse - ΔPmax W Modul virkningsgrad - Ƞm % Spænding - Vmpp V Strømstyrke - Impp A Tomgangsspænding - Voc V Kortslutningsstrøm - Isc A 230 Fully conform to certification and regulatory standards. Withstand wind loads of up to 2.4kPa and snow loads of up to 5.4kPa, confirming mechanical stability. Successfully endure ammonia and salt-mist exposure at the highest severity level, ensuring their performance in adverse conditions. - 0/+5 LSES G AN Wp % Nominel ydelse - Pmax Tests by independent laboratories prove that Yingli Solar modules: TI ranking in the “TÜV Rheinland Energy Yield Test” and the “PHOTON Test” demonstrates high performance and annual energy production. 8 0,7 Model type - Top I NT Elektrisk ydeevne DUKT GARA RO positive power tolerance of 0W to +5W ensures you receive modules at or above nameplate power and contributes to minimizing module mismatch losses leading to improved system yield. P - Tight Manufacturing facility certified by TÜV Rheinland to ISO 9001:2008, ISO 14001:2004 and BS OHSAS 18001:2007. 14,1 WARRANTIES limited product warranty . 29,5 - 10-year 1 - Limited power warranty1: 10 years at 91.2% of the minimal rated power output, 25 years at 80.7% of the minimal rated power output. 1 7,80 In compliance with our Warranty Terms and Conditions. QUALIFICATIONS & CERTIFICATE S 37,0 IEC 61215, IEC 61730, MCS, CE, ISO 9001:2008, ISO 14001:2004, BS OHSAS 18001:2007, SA 8000, PV Cycle 8,40 Termiske egenskaber YINGLISOLAR.COM Temperaturkoefficient effekt - Pmax % / °C -0,45 Temperaturkoefficient - Voc % / °C -0,33 Temperaturkoefficient - Isc % / °C 0,06 Temperaturkoefficient - Vmpp % / °C -0,45 Driftsbetingelser Maksimal system spænding 1000 Vdc Maksimal sikringsserie 15A Driftstemperatur rækkevidde -40°C - 85°C Maksimal statisk belastning foran (sne og vind) 5400Pa Maksimal statisk belastning bagved (vind) 2400Pa Maksimal hagl påvirkning (diameter / hastighed) 25 mm / 23 m/s Materiale og mål Forsiden Celle (mængde/materiale/dimensioner/antal samleskinner) Kabel (længde/diameter) Stik type og beskyttelsesgrad Samle boks beskyttelsesgrad Mål (længde x bredde x tykkelse) Vægt Hærdet glas / 3,2 mm 60 / multikrystallinsk silikone / 156 x 156 mm / 2 eller 3 1100mm / 4 mm2 MC4 / IP67 eller YT08-1 / IP67 eller Amphenol H4 / IP68 ≥ IP65 1650 mm x 990 mm x 40 mm 19,1 kg Kilde Allé 22 · 3600 Frederikssund · CVR 33510187 [email protected] · Tlf. 72 22 02 16 Multikrystallinske YGE solcellepaneler fra Yingli YGE YGE 60 Cell 40mm SERIES YL260P-29b YL255P-29b YL250P-29b YL245P-29b YL240P-29b YL235P-29b 60 Cell 40mm SERIES KT GARAN DU YL255P-29b ABOUT YINGLI GREEN ENERG Y Yingli Green Energy Holding Company Limited (NYSE: YGE) is one of the world’s largest fully vertically integrated PV manufacturers, which markets its products under the brand “Yingli Solar“. With over 4.5GW of modules installed globally, we are a leading solar energy company built upon proven product reliability and sustainable performance. We are the first renewable energy company and the first Chinese company to sponsor the FIFA World CupTM. YL250P-29b YL245P-29b YL240P-29b YL235P-29b YL260P-29b YL230P-29b YL255P-29b 60 Cell 40mm SERIES A B OU T YINGLI GREEN ENERGY PERFORM ANCE - High efficiency, multicrystalline silicon solar cells with high transmission and textured glass deliver a module efficiency of up to 16.2%, minimizing installation costs and maximizing the kWh output of your system per unit area. YL250P-29b 7 RA 8 0, N TI TI 10S ÅR % 25 A YD SG PRO YL230P-29b YL260P-29b ELSE Ydeevne YL245P-29b YL240P-29b - Tight positive power tolerance of 0W to +5W ensures you receive modules at or above nameplate power and contributes to minimizing Yingli Green Energy Holding Company Limited (NYSE: YGE) is module one mismatch of losses leading to improved system yield. YL235P-29b Top ranking in the “TÜV Rheinland Energy Yield Test” and the the world’s largest fully vertically integrated PV manufacturers, “PHOTON which Test” demonstrates high performance and annual energy YL230P-29b • Højeffektive, multikrystallinske solceller med høj transmission og markets its products under the brand “Yinglisilicium Solar“. With over production. 4.5GW tekstureret medwemodul effektivitet på opcompany til 16,2 % som minimerer of modules installedglas globally, are a leading solar energy RELIABILITY Tests byWe independent laboratories prove that Yingli Solar modules: built upon proven product reliability and sustainable performance. installationsomkostningerne ogABOUT maksimerer kWh produktionen. YINGLI GREEN ENERGY Fully conform to certification and regulatory standards. are the first renewable energy company and the first Chinese company Withstand windCompany loads of up to 2.4kPa and snow loads of up toYGE) is one of Yingli Green Energy Holding Limited (NYSE: TM 5.4kPa, confi rming mechanical Lav positiv på 0the Wworld’s til +5 largest W sikrer moduler på stability. eller over installeret to •sponsor the FIFAeffekt World tolerance Cup . fully vertically integrated manufacturers, which Successfully endure ammonia and salt-mistPV exposure at the highest severity level, ensuring their performance adverse conditions. effekt og bidrager til at minimere modul mismatch tab og fører til inet forbedret markets its products under the brand “Yingli Solar“. With over 4.5GW Manufacturing facility certified by TÜV Rheinland to ISO 9001:2008, 14001:2004 and BS OHSAS of modules installedISOglobally, we are a18001:2007. leading solar energy company PERudbytte. F OR M A N C E built upon proven product reliability and sustainable performance. We - High efficiency, multicrystalline silicon solar cells with high transWARRANTIES • Top placering i “TÜV Rheinland are Energy Yield” testen og “PHOTON” høj the first renewable energy company andtesten the first viser Chinese company limited product warranty . mission and textured glass deliver a module efficiency of up to10-year 16.2%, TM powerCup warranty : 10 to sponsor the FIFALimited World . years at 91.2% of the minimal rated power ydelse og årlig produktion. output, 25 years at 80.7% of the minimal rated power output. minimizing installation costs and maximizing the kWh output of your system per unit area. - - - 1 - 1 - 1 In compliance with our Warranty Terms and Conditions. QUALIFICATIONS & CERTIFICATE S Pålidelighed PERFORMANCE positive power tolerance of 0W to +5W ensures you receive 18001:2007, SA 8000, PV Cycle efficiency, multicrystalline silicon solar cells with high transmodules at or above nameplate power and High contributes to minimizing mission and textured glass deliver a module efficiency of up to 16.2%, module mismatch losses leading to improved system yield. Tests foretaget af uafhængige laboratorier viser at Yingli Solar moduler: minimizing installation costs and maximizing the kWh output of your - Top ranking in the “TÜV Rheinland Energy Yield Test” system perand unitthe area. • har fuld med certificering og lovgivningsmæssige stand“PHOTON Test”overensstemmelse demonstrates high performance and annual energy YINGLISOLA . C O Mpositive power tolerance of 0W to +5W ensures you receive -RTight production. arder. modules at or above nameplate power and contributes to minimizing module mismatch leading to improved yield. • modstår vind belastninger på op til 2.4kPa og losses snebelasning på op tilsystem 5.4kPa, IEC 61215, IEC 61730, MCS, CE, ISO 9001:2008, ISO 14001:2004, BS OHSAS - Tight R ELhvilket I A B I Lviser I T Y mekanisk stabilitet. - Top ranking in the “TÜV Rheinland Energy Yield Test” and the Tests by independent laboratories prove that Yingli Solar modules: “PHOTON Test” demonstrates high performance and annual energy • udholder højeste ammoniak ogproduction. salt-tåge eksponering, hvilket sikrer panelernes Fully conform to certification and regulatory standards. præstations-evne under vanskelige forhold. Withstand wind loads of up to 2.4kPa and snow loads of up to 5.4kPa, confirming mechanical stability. RELIABILITY Produktionsfacilitetet er certificeret efter ISO 9001:2008 af TÜV Rheinland, ISO - Tests Successfully endure ammonia and salt-mist exposure at the highest by independent laboratories prove that Yingli Solar modules: 14001:2004 og BS OHSAS 18001:2007. severity level, ensuring their performance in adverse conditions. Fully conform to certification and regulatory standards. - Manufacturing facility certified by TÜV Rheinland to ISO 9001:2008, Withstand wind loads of up to 2.4kPa and snow loads of up to ISO 14001:2004 and BS OHSAS 18001:2007. 5.4kPa, confirming mechanical stability. Successfully endure ammonia and salt-mist exposure at the highest severity level, ensuring their performance in adverse conditions. - Garantier WA R R A N T I E S - 10-year limited product warranty1. • Manufacturing 10-års produkt garanti facility certified by TÜV Rheinland to ISO 9001:2008, - 14001:2004 and BS OHSAS 18001:2007. • ISO Effekt garanti: 91,2 % efter 10 år, 80,7 % efter power warranty1: 10 years at 91.2% of the minimal rated power år. output. output, 25 years at 80.7% of the minimal rated25 power - Limited 1 In compliance with our Warranty Terms and Conditions. WARRANTIES - 10-year limited product warranty1. Q U A L I F I C AT I O N S & C E RT I F I C AT E S Godkendelser og certifikater QUALIFICATIONS & CERTIFICATES - Limited power warranty1: 10 years at 91.2% of the minimal rated power IEC 61215, IEC 61730, MCS, CE, ISO 9001:2008, ISO 14001:2004, BS OHSAS output, 25 years at 80.7% of the minimal rated power output. 18001:2007, SA 8000, PV Cycle 1 In compliance with our Warranty Terms and Conditions. IEC 61730, MCS, CE, ISOISO 9001:2008, ISO IEC 61215, 61215, IECIES 61730, MCS, CE, ISO 9001:2008, 14001:2004, BS OHSAS 18001:2007, SA 8000, PV Cycle 18001:2007, SA 8000, PC 14001:2004, BS OHSAS Cycle YINGLISOLAR.COM YINGLISOLAR.COM Kilde Allé 22 · 3600 Frederikssund · CVR 33510187 [email protected] · Tlf. 72 22 02 16
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