St Elphin’s Chronicle October 2014 Vol 126 Price 30p St Elphin’s Church, Warrington Photo courtesy of Charmian Berry [email protected] The Osiligi Troupe of Maasai Warriors The Troupe’s music is incredible, mesmerising to hear and certainly fascinating to watch. This is an opportunity to experience and enjoy the diverse culture of the Maasai. An unforgettable event!! Not to be missed!! Crafts and wares will be available for purchase Thursday, 2nd October at 7.00 pm Tickets: £8 adults, £6 concessions, £5 under 16s, £20 family (2+2) Available from: Dianne Rothwell - 01925 632974, Kathryn Hayes - 01925 656790 Gill Whitticombe - 01925 564408, Rev P Wilson - 01925 635020 or on-line: Worship in the Parish Sundays: 8.30am 10.30am 12.30pm 6.30pm Holy Communion Parish Eucharist Holy Baptism (1st & 3rd only) Evensong Wednesdays: 10.00am Holy Communion Saints’ Days and other Holy Days 7.30pm Holy Communion (unless stated otherwise) A Loop System is in operation in the Church to assist hearing aid users. Please switch your hearing aid to the ‘T’ position for it to be effective. There are large print copies of the Hymn Book and the Communion Service. Please ask the Church Wardens or Sidespeople if you would like a copy. Special Services are announced through Church Notices, the Parish Magazine and the Website as necessary. Holy Communion is taken regularly to the Sick and Housebound by our Clergy and Team of Licensed Eucharistic Ministers. Please inform the Clergy when parishioners are ill, either at home or in hospital. The Parish Staff Rector Reverend P D Wilson The Rectory 129 Church Street WA1 2TL 01925-635020 email: [email protected] Assistant Priest (NSM) Reverend C Waddleton Readers Mr R Whitticombe 3 Franklin Close Old Hall WA5 8QL Mr A G Dunn 56 Orford Green WA2 8PL Church Wardens Mr A Wright 5 Kinsale Drive Locking Stumps WA3 6LX Miss K J Hayes 8 Charlton Street Latchford WA4 1LX Organist and Mr R N Birbeck Choirmaster 2 Moss Road Latchford Websites: St Elphin’s: Diocesan Website: Cathedral Website: 0161-962-0062 01925-564408 01925-630417 01925-821048 01925-656790 01925-637712 ‘A waste of time…?’ Most of us grow up thinking that we’re invincible. There’s something deep in our human souls that tells us life is endless and that we have all the time in the world. And of course it is! But there’s a massive difference between the life we live now and the life we will live in eternity. These two different parts of our life overlap, but what we do in one part has eternal consequences in the other. So many lives end in regret over this revelation. There are many ‘If only’s’ when it all seems too late and we realise the time we have wasted and the opportunities we have missed. Many of us let our days pass by in survival mode or in entertainment mode, never quite getting around to balancing these things with the things that matter so much more. In this life we are to plant so that God may reap the rich harvest. And in order to sow effectively, we need to remember that the time to sow is short. The window of opportunity for fruit-bearing is limited. Therefore, we must make the most of the time God has given to us; to do all that we can to make the lives of others fuller and richer by blessing and encouraging them and revealing to them, through our own lives, the love and grace of God. In the grand scheme of God’s planning we’re just a small point on the timeline. By the time we think we’ve learned everything we need to know and feel equipped to serve, we will have but a moment left. But God has given us such a wonderful privilege. We can accomplish in that moment things of such eternal significance. God can change people’s lives through us. He can shape our world, our children, our spouses and our friends through us. He can feed the hungry, encourage the weary, rescue the lost, heal the sick, create disciples and build his kingdom through us. But only if we’re wise to have numbered our days and not think that we have eternity here on earth. We must number our days, making the very best of the time God has granted us, not wasting that precious time but using it wisely to love, cherish, honour and bless one another. Lord, ‘Teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain a heart of wisdom…’ (Psalm 90:12). Wise words indeed. With every blessing this October Paul Rector of Warrington, St Elphin’s Special Services in October/November Sunday 5th October at 11.00am The Annual Service of the Duke of Lancaster’s Regiment Preacher: The Venerable Peter Bradley, Archdeacon of Warrington Please note the Parish Eucharist will be at 6.30pm Sunday 12th October at 10.30am The last service of our organist Mr R Birbeck Sunday 2nd November Patronal and Dedication Festival 8.30am Eucharist 10.30am Festival Eucharist 6.30pm Service of Commemoration for families and friends of those whose funerals have taken place during the past year Monday 3rd November at 7.30 pm All Souls Eucharist to remember departed relatives and friends. (Please give names to be read out at this service by 28th October. In writing please) Thursday 6th November at 7.00pm Confirmation Service The Right Reverend Cyril Bishop, Assistant Bishop of Liverpool will confirm the candidates and preach A new Bible Study Course on Paul’s letters to the Ephesians and Galatians will commence on Thursday 11th September for 6 weeks in the Community Centre excluding 2nd October(Maasai Warriors in Church). For more details please speak to Geoff Dunn. All are welcome. Autumn Fayre and Grand Raffle Saturday 1st November, 11.00am to 4.00pm This is our main fund raiser and we rely on a good result to help pay our Parish Share Contributions to the Diocese. Our helpers work very hard throughout the year and deserve our support. Please come to support this Annual Parish Event Items for the stalls are always welcome and can be left at the back of Church clearly labelled: Gift Stall Items for Mrs Irene Fryar Men’s Group Books Ladies Group Items for the Tombola and cake stall Chocolate Tombola Sweets and Chocolates for Karen Wilson Grand Raffle 1st Prize £100; 2nd Prize £50 plus many other prizes. Tickets now available in Church If you wish to donate a prize, please speak to Kathryn Hayes or Ray Whitticombe. Quiz Night In St Elphin’s Community Centre Friday 17th October 2014 at 8.00pm Tables of 4 £3.50 each including refreshments Bring your own drink St Elphin’s Ladies Group Dates for your diary Wednesday 15th October Craft Night with Karen Whitticombe in the Community Centre Wednesday 5th November Dr Zsigmond talks to us about his escape from Hungary Wednesday 19th November Crystal Hand Bellringers – this meeting will take place in the Community Centre Thursday 27th November Christmas Fayre with the Brownies and Guides Wednesday 3rd December Christmas Lunch – names to Margaret as soon as possible please Pause for Thought…with Norma Fox ‘You give little when you give of your possessions. It is when you give of yourself that you truly give.’ Kahlil Gibran It was a late summer afternoon, I had decided to take a little time to myself and sit in the garden and read. It was so peaceful, and for a while I was lost in my book until the twittering of the birds drew my attention, they were squabbling and pushing each other in order to gain the best advantage in the stone bird-bath that I had refilled only that morning. They paid no attention to me as they flapped about before sharing the seeds I had placed on the bird table nearby. As I glanced around the garden taking in the colour and brilliance of flowers and the soft green fronds of the ferns I became aware of this gift of beauty given by our Creative God. I lost interest in my book as I let my mind fill with thoughts of the brilliance of people that surrounded my life, the kindness of neighbours, the caring of friends, and the loving of family: ways of giving of themselves to me and for me to share with others for it is in the giving and receiving and sharing that creates harmony and love in our world. If one does no good, gives no happiness, goes out to no-one, what is the point of living at all. We have but one life and one choice to make it count for something. We are free to choose what that something is, and the something I have chosen is my faith. My faith demands – this is not optional – that I do whatever I can, wherever I am, whenever I can, for as long as I can with whatever I have to make a difference, sharing God’s love. We’ve all heard of the Dead Sea, how did it get its name? Why is it dead?who killed it. Well in a way it killed itself. There’s a steady flow of water going into it from the River Jordan, but it gives nothing back. The water just stays there till it evaporates. So there has been a steady build- up of salts and minerals until the sea could no longer support life. You could almost say it died of stinginess. If it had given as much as it received the Dead Sea could be alive and well today! The same thing could happen to us if all we cared about was what we received. It’s only by passing on our gifts that we keep our hearts and souls places worth living in. ‘Give and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap’ (Luke 6:38) Church Opening 2014 The regular Summer Opening days have now come to an end. We have had visits from people from abroad, all parts of the United Kingdom and local people. They have all appreciated the welcome they have received and the information they have been given as well as the opportunity for peace and stillness. The opening has been enhanced this year by our detailed exhibition to commemorate the First World War. Many thanks to Dianne and Kathryn for their work in arranging this. The PCC thank all who have helped. This year special thanks must go to Bob our co-ordinator. He has performed this role for many years and kept it going like a well oiled machine. We now need a new co-ordinator from 2015. If you think you are the person who could do this, please speak to the Rector or Churchwardens. The Church is open all through the year on Saturdays from 9.30am to 11.00am and groups can be shown round by arrangement at any time. Retirement of Mr R Birbeck It is well known that Bob is retiring in October as organist at St Elphin’s and his last service will be at the Parish Eucharist on Sunday 12th October at 10.30am. All are welcome at this Service. Bob’s wonderful talent, his dedication and service to this Church and many local organisations have been appreciated by all. We wish him well in his retirement and hope he will keep in touch with people and events in the Parish. Last year we contributed the majority of our Harvest Produce to the local Food Bank and we have received a request from them again this year for our help. We hope to do this when we have made up parcels for those parishioners on our Harvest List. Items can be taken to the Food Bank Warehouse between 4.00and 7.00pm and we include a list of those currently required including non-food items. The address is Tanning Court, off Mersey Street, (behind Home Base) WA1 2HF. Most Urgent Items Other food items Toiletries Sponge puddings Tinned Custard Cartons of Fruit Juice Cream crackers Savoury biscuits Evaporated/condensed milk UHT milk (semi or full) Rice Sugar Coffee Jam pasta’n’sauce dried, ready meals Baby Milk 1, 2 and 3 Noodles Savoury Rice Tinned Vegetables Tinned Tomatoes Tinned Spaghetti Tinned Meats Jelly/Angel Delight Tinned Rice Pudding Instant Mash Tinned fruit Baked beans Soup Tea bags Breakfast cereals Pasta and sauces Sweet biscuits Toilet paper Deodorant Body Wash Shampoo Razors Shaving Foam Feminine products Washing up Liquid Washing Powder Cleaning Products Nappies all sizes Please help us to support Warrington people in need by donating any of the items from this list. 3 Peaks on 2 Wheels Challenge Team Daisy started their challenge on the 9th August with the ascent of Ben Nevis and completed it on the 17th August by climbing Snowdon. Between these dates they cycled over 500 miles and climbed 6000 feet! The total raised so far is over £6,000 and money is still coming in. All involved are very grateful to those who sponsored this worthwhile cause so generously. It had been arranged that Daisy would meet them at the top of Snowdon via the Snowdon Mountain Railway; a wheelchair access carriage had been booked. Sadly she was rushed to hospital half way through the challenge so this was not to be. Team Daisy, however, decided to pay her a visit in the High Dependency Unit at Wigan Infirmary; just a slight detour during the Lancaster to Chester stage. This was a complete surprise for Daisy and her mummy and daddy and hopefully helped to boost morale and speed her discharge. Originally we hoped to cover the cost of Daisy’s lengthy stay in the Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital last winter – around £2,300. Thanks to the generosity of so many people, we will now be able to sponsor a room, in Daisy’s name, at Ronald McDonald House in Manchester – for 3 years!! This is a tremendous achievement for all involved. Friends from St Elphin’s raised over £300! Many thanks, from Daisy and family. St Elphin’s 50/50 Club The results of the September draw are as follows: 1st Julie Seymourson 2nd Nell Flanagan 3rd Don Ross 4th Ken Foot £145.00 went to church funds The next draw will take place on Sunday 26th October and payments must be made by Sunday 19th to be included in the draw. Any payments made after that date will be assumed to be for the following month. Any cheques should be made payable to ‘St Elphin's 50/50 Club’. New members are always welcome. You could be in line for a prize and money is raised every month for church funds. Remember, you've got to be in it to win it. Many thanks to everyone who contributed to The Gaza appeal which raised £200.00. Margaret Advance Notice The Christian Aid Autumn Fayre will take place at Bold Street Methodist Church on Saturday November 8th, 10.30am – 1.30pm. All are welcome. October 2014 Make us generous Lord; generous with our time; our talents and our money. For all these come from you in order that we may use them in your service. God made enough food for everyone to share. May we be part of the solution to end hunger in the world and look for opportunities in our communities to help families struggling to cope. We thank God for the many food sharing schemes and ask him to bless this important work. Our next meeting will be on Wednesday 8th October 7.30pm in St Elphin’s school, when will have a review of the year, welcome our newest member and say a farewell to Bob Birbeck, who has played at our meetings for many years. All members are asked to bring a plate of food to share. Baptisms in October 19th Mary Egerton & Olive Burgess Tea / Coffee Rota 12th Julie & Linda 19th Julie & Linda 26th Wendy Wendy Bailey (on behalf of the branch) Readers and Prayer Rota for October 8.30am Reader 10.30am Prayers 10.30am Reader 6.30pm Reader 5th Kathryn H Paul Wilson (6.30) 12th Pauline B Neil Walsh Thelma Walsh 19th Dianne R Lee Marsh Albert Froggatt PW 26th Sylvia W Thelma Walsh Beryl Dell Sylvia Wright GW & DR DR & GW Communicants and Collections Week ending August 24th Communicants 70 Collections 647.16 August 31st 86 769.45 September 7th 86 819.35 September 14th 78 616.10 Donations: General Fund In memory of Mary Whitfield from Barbara & George Molyneaux and family In memory of Mary Whitfield from Margaret Fairbrother 30.00 5.00 Fabric Fund In loving memory of a much loved uncle, Sydney Warburton from Barb, Jimmy and Family 10.00 Nave Altar From Bob Birbeck, in gratitude for a life-time’s organ playing 2500.00 Choir dates in October Sunday 5th Regimental Sunday 11.00am Sunday 12th Parish Eucharist RNB Final Service 10.30am Parish Registers for September Holy Baptism September 7th Mark Jason Hatchman Alexis Emma Hatchman Laila Macie Stringer Jak William Stringer Nathan Paul Hadden Megan Eva Edge Millie-Mai Rose Spencer September 21st Abigail Eva Jay Bennett Noah Hunter Harding Olivia Rose Hitchen Anthony Trevor Harding Lyla Pearl Louisa Simmonds Brayden Lyle Simmonds George Wayne David Simmonds Holy Matrimony in September 6th Neil Patrick Lawrinson and Sarah Louise Taylor 13th Robert Daniel Herbert and Georgia Bailey 20th Edward James Howell Bryers and Clare Dixon Christian Burial & Cremation in September 5th Barbara Moran Age 62 8th Mary Elizabeth Teresa Whitfield Age 90 11th Henry Worsley Age 94 16th Beryl Mooney Age 76 22nd Minnie Loake Age 91 23rd John McConnell Age 79 29th Frances Lillian Graves Age 81 Lest we Forget They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old: Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning, We will remember them. 23rd October 1914 Private Herbert Singleton Gardner Age 20 25th October 1914 Private Arnold Edgar Taberham Age 32 Social and Group Activities Tuesday 6.30-7.30pm Wednesday 6.45pm 7.30pm 7.30pm Thursday 6.30pm 7.30pm Kids Club (term time only) – Elmwood Avenue United Reformed Church St John’s Brownies – Scout HQ, Vale Owen Road Mothers’ Union – St Elphin’s School (2nd only) St Elphin’s Ladies Group (1st & 3rd only) meet in the Community House next door to St Elphin’s Community Centre St Elphin’s Brownies – St Elphin’s School St Elphin’s Guides – St Elphin’s School Men’s Group (1st only) Friday 6.30-7.30pm Beavers - (Boys/Girls aged 6 – 8) 6.30 – 8.00pm Cubs - (Boys/Girls aged 8 - 10) 6.45 – 9.00pm Scouts - (Boys/Girls aged 10 - 14) At Howley Fairfield Neighbourhood Project, Fairfield Street. For more details contact Debbie (Group Scout Leader) on 07804 267310 All members of the Church and local community are welcome to come and join with us in these and any occasional activities which are announced in Church or advertised on the Church Notice Board. School St Elphin’s (Fairfield) CE Primary School Head Teacher: Bookings: Mrs Mary Cummings 635143 made with the Head Teacher St Elphin’s Junior Church Sundays at 10.30am in the Choir Vestry Occasional Services Holy Baptism 1st and 3rd Sundays in the month at 12.30pm Arrangements to be made with the Rector or Church Wardens Holy Matrimony and Banns Arrangements to be made with the Rector or Church Wardens Funerals Arrangements are usually made with the Rector by the Funeral Director who has been engaged. The Church Wardens hold a surgery in Church on Saturdays from 10.00am to 11.00am for Applications for Baptism, Holy Matrimony and Banns. The Clergy are available at any time in cases of emergency. Readers are encouraged to support our Sponsors who have given generously towards our costs. For that Special Occasion The Winmarleigh Rooms Large and small licensed Function Rooms available for: Wedding Receptions, Christenings, Birthdays etc For further information and bookings please contact: The Winmarleigh Rooms, Winmarleigh Street, Warrington 01925 651468 Email: [email protected] Bewsey Road, Warrington, WA2 7LW 01925 445555 Michelle & Co Ladies and Gents Hairdressing 4a Bold Street, Warrington 01925 630714 Knox & Son Ltd Independent Family Funeral Directors • 24 Hour Personal Care • Private Chapels of Rest • Pre-Paid Funeral Plans • Horse Drawn Hearse Available • Religious and Non Religious Ceremonies 43-45 Orford Road, Warrington 01925 633388 Proprietor Betty Mercer Manager Harry Taylor Shelley’s Restaurant & Coffee Shop 8 Bold Street, Warrington 01925 654000 Cheshire Funeral Services Park View Funeral Home 57 Gorsey Lane, Warrington 01925 571048 ‘Caring for our Community’ Hospice Shops Birchwood Bridge Foot (Furniture) Golden Square Hood Manor Latchford Village Longford Street, Warrington Lymm Stockton Heath 01925 825561 01925 650800 01925 575780 01925 629494 01925 415414 01925 411626 01925 758057 01925 602932 Readers are encouraged to support our Sponsors who have given generously towards our costs.
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