St Elphin’s Chronicle February 2015 Vol 127 Price 30p Church Services for February 2015 Sunday 1st February—The Presentation of Christ in the Temple 8:30 am Holy Communion 10:30 am Sung Eucharist 12:30 pm Holy Baptism 6:30 pm Evensong Wednesday 4th February 10:00 am Holy Communion Sunday 8th February—The Second Sunday before Lent 8:30 am Holy Communion 10:30 am Sung Eucharist 6:30 pm Evensong Wednesday 11th February 10:00 am Holy Communion Sunday 15th February—Next Sunday before Lent 8:30 am Holy Communion 10:30 am Sung Eucharist 12:30 pm Holy Baptism 6:30 pm Evensong Wednesday 18th February—Ash Wednesday 10:00 am Holy Communion & Imposition of Ashes 7:30 pm Holy Communion & Imposition of Ashes & Address ‘God is Love’ Sunday 22nd February—First Sunday of Lent 8:30 am Holy Communion 10:30 am Sung Eucharist 6:30 pm Evensong Wednesday 25th February 10:00 am Holy Communion 7:30 pm Holy Communion & Address ‘Love God Worship in the Parish Sundays: 8.30am 10.30am 12.30pm 6.30pm Holy Communion Parish Eucharist Holy Baptism (1st & 3rd only) Evensong Wednesdays: 10.00am Holy Communion Saints’ Days and other Holy Days 7.30pm Holy Communion (unless stated otherwise) A Loop System is in operation in the Church to assist hearing aid users. Please switch your hearing aid to the ‘T’ position for it to be effective. There are large print copies of the Hymn Book and the Communion Service. Please ask the Church Wardens or Sidespeople if you would like a copy. Special Services are announced through Church Notices, the Parish Magazine and the Website as necessary. Holy Communion is taken regularly to the Sick and Housebound by our Clergy and Team of Licensed Eucharistic Ministers. Please inform the Clergy when parishioners are ill, either at home or in hospital. The Parish Staff Rector Reverend P D Wilson The Rectory 129 Church Street WA1 2TL 01925-635020 email: [email protected] Assistant Priest (NSM) Readers Church Wardens Organist & Choirmaster Reverend C Waddleton Mr R Whitticombe 3 Franklin Close Old Hall WA5 8QL Mr A G Dunn 56 Orford Green WA2 8PL Mr A Wright 5 Kinsale Drive Locking Stumps WA3 6LX Miss K J Hayes 8 Charlton Street Latchford WA4 1LX Mr A Thornecroft 0161-962-0062 01925-564408 01925-630417 01925-821048 01925-656790 01925-413744 Websites: St Elphin’s: Diocesan Website: Cathedral Website: Please do visit and ‘Like’ our Facebook page so you can keep up to date with events and services in our church and ‘share’ this with others whom you connect with on social media. ‘Lent – God’s perfect timing…’ A line from a song I heard recently went; “I’d have patience if only I had the time”. Patience can be one of the hardest virtues for us to understand. In a world of instant makeovers, instant food, instant internet, instant credit (and instant ulcers!) patience seems to have been relegated to the ‘bad old days’ of yesteryear. Why wait when we can have everything instantly…? We pray to a God who knows everything, including our needs. We know that he’s able to help us at any moment he chooses. We know that he who defines himself as ‘love’ and gave his Son for us isn’t reluctant to help us. So why, when we ask God to intervene in our situation, is there often a delay? Nowhere in the Bible does God promise instant answers to our prayers. His promises for answered prayer are both amazing and reassuring, but none of them include a timetable. He only assures us that he’s never too late. Yet, in our impatience, we don’t want an answer that’s merely ‘not too late’. We want an answer now. We have needs, and we don’t understand why those needs must be prolonged. But God has his reasons. Perhaps our needs are being prolonged because they’re accomplishing something in us that nothing else will. Perhaps they’re being prolonged because God is doing a necessary work in the life of someone else who is involved in our situation. Perhaps he’s teaching us about the nature of prayer or perfecting our faith. Maybe he’s even letting us identify with Jesus and his sufferings. He’s always trying to conform us to the likeness of Christ and perhaps this is another way of doing that. Sometimes God will make clear that our answer is delayed because the delay will further his work in our own hearts or in another area. Sometimes he gives us no reason at all. The Christian disciple’s wise response, in either case, is to know that if we are waiting on God, there must be a very good reason. And if we wait in faith and expectancy, the wait will be amply rewarded. During the season of Lent, which begins on Ash Wednesday, 18th February this year, we enter a time set aside by the church for hundreds of years as a time to be patient, a time to wait upon God and seek his direction and leading. God’s timing is always perfect. Faithfully wait upon him and be patient. With every blessing this Lent. Paul Rector of Warrington, St Elphin’s Ash Wednesday, 18th February 10:00 am Holy Communion & Imposition of Ashes 7:30 pm Holy Communion & Imposition of Ashes (Address 1 ‘God is Love’. The Rector) St John’s Court The next service of Holy Communion at St John’s Court will be on Tuesday 3rd February 2015 at 11.30am. All are welcome. Hot-Pot Supper Saturday 21st February at 7.00pm St Elphins Community Centre Tickets £6.00 Available from Margaret Dolan & Sandra Kirk Proceeds in aid of Church Funds All welcome Pause for Thought…with Norma Fox Shine as a light in the world to the Glory of God the Father We are in the midst of winter, dark days and cold, but the light of Christ shines brilliantly for all people as we celebrate His presentation in the temple – Candlemas, in this month of February. We bring our children to be baptised into the family of God, we nurture them in the faith, and with faith to follow the teachings of Christ. My own life and faith, though I wasn’t aware of it as such, began when I was a child of nine years of age. I would sit and listen avidly to the stories from the bible told by my Sunday school teacher at Hope Hall. Some were dangerous and exciting, others of ordinary people whose lives had been changed by Jesus. I was captivated, I wanted to know more and read for myself the wondrous things these teachers were telling me. I wanted my own bible! After recovering from scarlet fever I arrived home from hospital, my mother and father presented me with my very own bible inscribed ‘a gift of love’. What joy, what treasure. We lived in an area where every family knew hardship. Life after the war wasn’t easy and children used their imagination, for lack of toys, when playing. After school the ‘kids in our street’ would play together in a field nearby, the boys played cowboys and Indians, while the girls were nurses, or mothers with babies. It was there where I told the stories of Jesus and they listened, even the boys gathered and listened!! An elderly church member gave me a flannel graph so I could tell the stories with pictures. I loved those times, and as I grew, so by grace, did my faith in God. Throughout my adult life God has guided me, protected me and shown His love in so many blessings, and mercies when I got things wrong. He has always been there to talk to in prayer, to trust and rely on. Faith is emotive requiring much contemplation, courage and commitment, it can and does take you out of your comfort zone and it doesn’t remove hardships but with it comes strength and a promise that God will never leave us. The words ‘Do not be afraid’ appear many times in the bible, for He has redeemed us and called us by our name, words that must surely fill us with the feeling of being loved and protected. I love the tale of the little Indian boy’s rite of passage. He was blindfolded and sat on a tree stump in the middle of the woods. His big test was to sit there all night until the sun rose in the morning. He was understandably scared, his imagination ran wild. Every noise he thought was a wild animal about to eat him alive, but his courage held. When morning came – now a man – the blindfold was removed. The first thing he saw was his father who had sat silently by his side the whole night through. If danger had threatened his father would have protected him, just like our Father will ‘we live by faith, not by sight’ (2 Corinthians 5:7) Daily bring me nearer To the heavenly shore May my faith grow clearer May I love you more Christingle 2014 There was a wonderful congregation of Adults and Children for our Annual Christingle Service. It is always a good way to start the Christmas Festival. We raised a total of £787.78 for the Children’s Society on the day plus the retiring collection from the School Carol Service of £189.75, making a total of £977.53. Thanks to all who contributed and to those who helped at the Service on the day. A special thank you to those who prepared the Christingles. The House Boxes raised £320.50 in 2014 so thank you to the people who contribute in this way. All this money is sent direct to the Society. Sylvia Wright Water Aid Lent Appeal Following on from our successful Harvest Appeal this year’s Lent Appeal will also be supporting Water Aid’s Jars of Change Appeal to give families across the world safe water and sanitation. The idea is that you collect a Wateraid sleeve from the back of church and slip it inside an empty jar and bring it back to church by Sunday 18th April. February 2015 Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. We give thanks that Christ’s reconciling work on the cross made peace between God and ourselves. We pray for the work of reconciliation that Mothers Union members carry out in various parts of the world. May they carry God’s peace into situations of strife. Our next meeting of the will be held on Wednesday11 th February at 7.30pm in St Elphin’s school, when Julie Holt an Elder at Elmwood United Reform Church and who works for Warrington Borough Council will be coming to tell us something of her work and some of the services available through the council. All are welcome to join us for this evening. Lent begins on 18th Feb and as in previous years members are encouraged to support the weekly Wednesday evening Lenten services. 2015 is a special year for Mothers’ Union in Liverpool Diocese as we will celebrate 125 years of Mothers’ Union in the Diocese. There are several special events planned the first is a Lady Day service at the Cathedral on 25th March. Two members from our previous linked Diocese in Myanmar will be coming to visit Liverpool in March and will be at the service on 25 th. If anyone would like to attend this service and requires transport can you please speak to Wendy. Baptisms in February 1st Barbara Barrett and Nancy Jones 15th Margaret Sefton & Doreen Ross Tea & Coffee Rota for February 1st Julie & Linda 8th Margaret & Doreen 15th Wendy & Barbara 22nd Julie & Linda Our Friend Jesus We have a friend called Jesus He's the best friend there can be He will never hurt us Or fail us constantly He wants the very best for us As He walks with us each day He will never turn His back Give up or go astray He loves us unconditionally Even when we get things wrong He's our strength in times of weakness When all our own has gone He builds us up with confidence Forgives us day by day He never tires of listening Whatever we may say He doesn't judge our hang ups Shares our dreams, our hopes and fears He celebrates our greatest joys And wipes away our tears He guards us and protects us When wolves come knocking at our door When we've nothing left to offer He always gives us more He gives without expectation There's no ransom to be paid He doesn't constantly remind us Of the sacrifice He made He doesn't talk behind our back Or conquer and divide He shares our joys and triumphs With a heart bursting with pride He encourages and affirms us He never betrays us or attacks He picks us up when we fall down And constantly watches our back We can trust Him with our deepest thoughts For He never is two faced Our words are held in confidence As He ministers His grace He looks pasts all our failings And meets our greatest needs He gives us food for our soul On which we can freely feed He knows the gift of friendship Is a blessing to be shared He's never jealous or envious Of other friends within our care He leads us by example On paths of true humility He's a faithful, trusted, loving friend The best friend there can be If you feel lonely and dejected Remember Jesus knows your name Reach out for Him in friendship And your life will never be the same Karen Wilson Line Dance Charity Night Saturday 7th March 2015 at Culcheth Sports Club (Daten) WA3 5SH In aid of Prostate Cancer and St Elphin’s Church Bring nibbles for your table Raffle / Stand up Bingo Tickets £6.00 Contacts Kath 01925 837176 or Wendy 07963 021172 Christian Aid Pancakes & Quiz with Bring & Buy and Raffle Tuesday 18th February at 7.00pm St Elphin’s Community Centre Admission £4.00 (Please bring your own drinks) Tickets available from Margaret & Lesley Readers and Prayer Rota for February 8.30am Reader 10.30am Prayers 10.30am Reader 6.30pm Reader 1st Kathryn H Rector Beryl Dell Teresa T 8th Eddie B Janet Cliffe Albert Froggatt GW & DR 15th Kathryn H Lee Marsh Joanne Marsh AW & SW Ann Dunn Sue W GW & DR 22nd Pauline B Communicants and Collections Week ending Communicants Collections Christmas Day 102 674.42 December 28th 67 488.25 January 4th 78 865.18 January 11th 82 515.50 January 18th 76 753.08 Donations: Fabric Fund With grateful thanks for prayers for Mum and Trisha, from Alan 100.00 With grateful thanks for prayers answered from Mrs Henshaw 100.00 In memory of Elsie Farrell from Janet Donation from Eileen Smith after visit to Regimental Chapel Treasured memories of George Peacock, February 16th, 2009. Loving Husband, Dad and Granddad, from Hilda and Family 20.00 5.00 50.00 General Fund Anonymous donation 30.00 May the blessing of friendship bring us all closer together Albert and Ada Austin 10.00 Marjorie Cameron Endowment Fund Donation from Nancy Jones 10.00 Parish Registers for January Holy Baptism 4th January Tcoa Andrew Rhys Jenkins Ted Michael Barnes 18th January Jude Michael Gibson Phoebe Sophia Singleton Poppy Gwladys Kavaney Joshua James Kay Christian Burial & Cremation in January 6th 7th 13th 19th 19th 22nd 22nd 30th Barry John Branwood Samuel Morris Derek Ball Pauline Jane Cogley Joan Francis Pendlebury Isabella Vose Peter Buckley Patricia Williams Aged Aged Aged Aged Aged Aged Aged Aged 38 84 72 49 88 99 75 73 Lest we Forget 28th February 1915 Private Thomas Watson Age unknown Social and Group Activities Monday 7.30pm Wednesday 6.45pm 7.30pm 7.30pm Thursday 6.30pm 7.30pm St Elphin’s Church Choir Practice – Choir Vestry St John’s Brownies – Scout HQ, Vale Owen Road Mothers’ Union – St Elphin’s School (2nd only) St Elphin’s Ladies Group (1st & 3rd only) meet in the Community House next door to St Elphin’s Community Centre St Elphin’s Brownies – St Elphin’s School St Elphin’s Guides – St Elphin’s School Men’s Group (1st only) Friday 6.30-7.30pm Beavers - (Boys/Girls aged 6 – 8) 6.30 – 8.00pm Cubs - (Boys/Girls aged 8 - 10) 6.45 – 9.00pm Scouts - (Boys/Girls aged 10 - 14) At Howley Fairfield Neighbourhood Project, Fairfield Street. For more details contact Debbie (Group Scout Leader) on 07804 267310 All members of the Church and local community are welcome to come and join with us in these and any occasional activities which are announced in Church or advertised on the Church Notice Board. School St Elphin’s (Fairfield) CE Primary School Head Teacher: Bookings: Mrs Mary Cummings 635143 made with the Head Teacher St Elphin’s Junior Church Sundays at 10.30am in the Choir Vestry Occasional Services Holy Baptism 1st and 3rd Sundays in the month at 12.30pm Arrangements to be made with the Rector or Church Wardens Holy Matrimony and Banns Arrangements to be made with the Rector or Church Wardens Funerals Arrangements are usually made with the Rector by the Funeral Director who has been engaged. The Church Wardens hold a surgery in Church on Saturdays from 10.00am to 11.00am for Applications for Baptism, Holy Matrimony and Banns. The Clergy are available at any time in cases of emergency. Readers are encouraged to support our Sponsors who have given generously towards our costs. For that Special Occasion The Winmarleigh Rooms Large and small licensed Function Rooms available for: Wedding Receptions, Christenings, Birthdays etc For further information and bookings please contact: The Winmarleigh Rooms, Winmarleigh Street, Warrington 01925 651468 Email: [email protected] Bewsey Road, Warrington, WA2 7LW 01925 445555 Michelle & Co Ladies and Gents Hairdressing 4a Bold Street, Warrington 01925 630714 Knox & Son Ltd Independent Family Funeral Directors • 24 Hour Personal Care • Private Chapels of Rest • Pre-Paid Funeral Plans • Horse Drawn Hearse Available • Religious and Non Religious Ceremonies 43-45 Orford Road, Warrington 01925 633388 Proprietor Betty Mercer Manager Harry Taylor Shelley’s Restaurant & Coffee Shop 8 Bold Street, Warrington 01925 654000 Cheshire Funeral Services Park View Funeral Home 57 Gorsey Lane, Warrington 01925 571048 ‘Caring for our Community’ Hospice Shops Birchwood Bridge Foot (Furniture) Golden Square Hood Manor Latchford Village Longford Street, Warrington Lymm Stockton Heath 01925 825561 01925 650800 01925 575780 01925 629494 01925 415414 01925 411626 01925 758057 01925 602932 Readers are encouraged to support our Sponsors who have given generously towards our costs.
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