Christian Community Action’s newly extended Furniture Outlet in Silver Street needs a full time Site Manager to work 35 hrs. per week (incl. Saturdays). See poster on Board 7 opposite Lady Chapel entrance Local is now matching funding for CCA! If you are able to donate £10 online, CCA will receive £20 (£22.50 inc. Gift Aid). New monthly direct debits will also be matched for 6 months. Go to website and type in CCA or Christian Community Action and click on "Single donation or "give monthly"; follow instructions on the screen. Many thanks for your support Join us in commemorating all deceased CAFOD supporters who’ve touched our lives and made the world a better place, with Mass at 7pm on Tuesday 4th November at Our Lady & St. Anne, South View Avenue, Caversham RG4 5AB. Please contact the CAFOD Birmingham office on 01922 722944 or [email protected] for more details or to include a loved one in the Book of Remembrance Diocesan Youth Retreat: BELIEVE @ BOURNEMOUTH We will be holding 2 Pre-Advent Talks Young people aged 16 to 30 are warmly invited to for all Reading Pastoral Area parishioners. youth retreat which takes place Both talks take place on a Wednesday evening this year’s diocesan st Oct., 5pm to Sunday 2nd Nov., from Friday 31 at 7.30pm. Please make a note of these dates 2pm, at St. Peter’s School, Bournemouth. in your diaries: Young people themselves lead this retreat - as th ♦ 19 November at English Martyrs Pope Francis said: “The best instrument to ♦ 26th November at St. John Bosco. evangelise young people is other young people.” Ideal for post-Confirmation teenagers. Includes Further details will be available shortly Next week REinspired are meeting St. John’s Yr2 to consider 'What stories did Jesus teach and why' and Newtown Primary Yr1 to explore 'Does God want Christians to take care of the world?'. If you would like to know more, please contact Julia at [email protected] engaging talks on the essentials of Catholic faith, Mass and opportunities for Confession, workshops and discussion groups, and time for participants to meet and socialise with other young Catholics. Bishop Philip will celebrate Mass during the weekend. To book your place, email [email protected] or visit Suggested donation of £60 for those who are working, £45 for students. More details available from Will Hince, retreat coordinator, on 07780221686 The Sacrament of RECONCILIATION may next be celebrated here on Friday 7th Nov. from 7pm, before Mass; or by appointment with Fr. Emmanuel READING PASTORAL AREA 338 Wokingham Road, Earley, Reading RG6 7DA Tel.: 0118 966 3711 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Portsmouth Diocesan Trust, Registered Charity No. 246871 Priest: Fr. Emmanuel Odoemene Administrator: Jane O’Rourke Hall bookings: Margaret - 0118 987 5588 or [email protected] Your Church Office is open this week Tuesday - Friday, 9am-2pm 29th Sunday Ordinary Time Yr. A Co-ordinator for Youth Ministry: Jofi Alexander [email protected] See also Emergency numbers for the Sacramental Ministry of a Priest - call your own priest first Christ the King, Whitley: Sat. 6.30pm; Sun. 10am ………………. Fr. Pat Madden 0118 931 4469 St. John Bosco, Woodley: Sat. 6.30pm; Sun. 10am ………………. Fr. Bonaventure 0118 969 3423 St. James: Sat. 6pm; Sun. 11am ………………….. Fr. John O’Shea 0118 957 4171 English Martyrs, Tilehurst: Sat. 6.30pm; Sun. 9.30am, 11.30am, 5pm Cn. Michael Dennehy 0118 957 2149 St. Joseph, Tilehurst: Sun. 8.30am & 10.30am Fr. George Lyons 0118 942 8632 St. William of York: Sun. 9am Our Lady & St. Anne, Cav’sham: Sat. 5.30pm; Sun. 10am & 6.30pm ….. Fr. Paul Martin 0118 947 1787 READING Sunday Mass Times: 4 19th October 2014 Thought for the week Today, Mission Sunday, is a day for widening our horizons beyond the confines of our own parish, diocese or country. It is a day for thinking about the faith that we share and the people with whom we share it worldwide. It is a day for praying for and supporting all who share the gospel message, and especially for those people who cross boundaries - of geography, culture, language and lifestyle - to proclaim the message of Jesus. Many, if not most, of the communities gathered to worship today across the world are poorer than we are, at least in terms of material possessions. That is why we contribute what we can on Mission Sunday. Today’s Gospel speaks about giving to Caesar what belongs to Caesar, and to God what belongs to God: we are called to be good citizens of the countries and societies where we live, while at all times giving priority to our relationship with God. That relationship is made possible by the gift of faith. We thank God that we have received that gift ourselves, and do what we can to share that gift both locally and globally. Only God can give us fullness of life; today we pray that we may have that fullness of life and let others share it too. Give the Lord glory and power. Psalm Response : St. Dominic Savio Primary School Western Avenue, Woodley RG5 3BH Head Teacher: Mr. James Broadbridge Tel. 0118 969 3893 p. 78 continue at all Sunday Masses in October; usual counters: please help! All are welcome to attend a meeting in the Dominic Barberi Room TOMORROW, Monday 20th October from 8 pm to 9.30 pm. It will be an evening of prayer and reflection on the ways in which we address justice and peace issues as a parish. 1 News from CAFOD: CAFOD sends its thanks for our generous response to Harvest Fast Day, and asks for our continued prayers for its partners and the many communities so seriously affected by Ebola - see CAFOD’s latest update on this serious situation (Board 1 in Advent Room). CAFOD is scaling up its response to the crisis; its work includes providing safe burials and raising awareness ✞ ✞ Please keep in your prayers all those whose anniversaries occur this week: Catherine Heil (2009); Carl Barton (1977); Dudley Soza (1998); Michael Aolio Anadi (2004); Christina Belcher (1999); Maureen Karas (1980); John Dwyer (1988); Betty Ledger (2012); Gwenyth Cull (1996); David Trinder (1995); and Maurice Fahey (1975). CUBS Mondays 6.45pm/BEAVERS Thursdays 5.45pm/SCOUTS Fridays 8pm this week in HALL CHILDREN’S LITURGY at 11am Mass ONLY - Please register your child before Mass 5 pm (p. 80) Sadie Luyten RIP No Children’s Liturgy - HALF TERM 30th Sunday Maurice Fahey RIP Ordinary Time Sunday 26th Oct. NO MASS 9 am 11 am Sat. 25th Daisy Ingram RIP St. Anthony Claret Friday 24th Oct. 10 am 9.00: Adoration 10.30am: Fr. Emmanuel - Mass at Bl. H. Faringdon School Christopher Tinson RIP St. John of Capestrano 9.30 am Thurs. 23rd Oct. 10.30am: Diocesan Accounts Training (D.B. Room) 7.15pm: Confirmation Session 2 (Church) Saint John Paul II Fr. John Patrick Ngoyi 10 am 9.30: Rosary Wednes. 22nd Oct. James Maher RIP * Electrical work in church after Mass * 8pm: Justice & Peace mtg. (D.B. Room) Mon. 20 NO MASS 9.00: Adoration Tuesday 10 am 21st Oct. 5 pm Time (p. 78) th Sunday 19th Oct. Peter Robson RIP (rec. dec.) DIARY 9am Celebrant: Fr. John Patrick 11am Celebrant: Fr. John Patrick (Fr. E.: Masses at St. James & St. WoY) 3pm: Young Reader Training (Church) MASS INTENTION 29 Sunday Laura de Basantes RIP Ordinary M. Victor th DEDICATION TIME 9 am 11 am DATE MASS TIMES and PARISH DIARY 19th - 26th OCTOBER 2014 9.00: Rosary 2 • Offertory collection 12th October: Envelopes £96.00 Loose cash £354.45 Standing Orders £547.00 your kind donations Total: £997.45 • Second collection TODAY Sunday 19th October is our annual collection for Missio, for World Mission Sunday - Thank you for Please use a Gift Aid envelope! TODA Y Today the Holy Father invites all Catholics to contribute to a special collection for Missio, his official charity for overseas missions. Your prayers and donations today will support the work of missionaries and young churches, often in difficult and dangerous circumstances overseas. This year, Missio’s campaign focuses on the needs of the church in Myanmar (Burma) where our brothers and sisters are struggling against oppression, lack of basic human rights and restrictions on building new churches. This collection will go in its entirety to support mission projects worldwide that bring God’s love to all. Please give what you can, and if possible please use a Gift Aid envelope. Thank you for your support Children’s Liturgy returns to 9am Mass – Starting on Sunday 9th November, Children’s Liturgy will return to 9am Mass. If you have children of Primary School age, they are very welcome to join us in the Dominic Barberi Room before 9am & 11am Masses for parish intentions and for the world: The Rosary will be recited on Sundays commencing from Sunday 2nd November, from 8.30 am, We are delighted to announce that we will before 9 am Mass. It will be for the intentions of have Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament the Parish, the Diocese and the World. here in our church on the first Friday of You are welcome to write an intention, each Month, from 10am to 7pm, followed put it in a sealed envelope labelled by our evening Mass every first Friday 'prayer intention’ and pin it to the notice starting on Friday 7th November. We need board in Church below the statue of volunteers to be available here from 10am to Mary. We shall offer a decade of the 7pm in 1-hour slots; please sign up on rosary for all these intentions sheet on Board 1 (Advent Room). For more information please contact Mel Noronha: All Saints Day (a Holy Day of Obligation) 0118 9967208 or [email protected] nd is this year transferred to Sunday 2 November We hope you will take this opportunity - so our usual 9am, 11am and 5pm Masses for extra prayer in the presence of our Lord Remembrance Sunday is 9th Nov. - our Scouts Our annual UCM group will lead a Remembrance Parade at 11am Mass. Blessing of graves: Mays Lane - 2nd Nov., 12.30pm; Christmas sale will take Henley Road - 9th Nov., 3pm place in the Advent Room after all ARE YOU NEW TO OUR PARISH? Masses on Sunday 16th Novemb. Put the date in your diaries! A very warm welcome to all new parishioners! Please take a copy of our “welcome” leaflet from the Advent Room, and please complete a parish registration (under rota board). Thank you Would all promoters please try to get all APF red boxes emptied by end of November and as soon as possible. Thank you 3
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