28TH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME (YEAR A) 11TH / 12TH OCTOBER 2014 (Sunday readings: Year A / Weekday readings: Year 2 / Psalter: Week 4) Saturday 11th October Our Lady on Saturday 4.45pm SM FIRST MASS OF SUNDAY Richard Swallow RIP Richard Gurney RIP SUNDAY 12th October 28TH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME 10.30am SJ PARISH MASS Elpidio Tabunan RIP Pious & Agnes Adegbe RIP Monday 13th October St Edward the Confessor 9.30am 10.00am SJ SJ Liturgy of the Word & Holy Communion Eucharistic Adoration (10am – 12pm) Tuesday 14th October St Callistus I, Pope & Martyr 9.30am SJ Liturgy of the Word & Holy Communion Wednesday 15th October St Teresa of Avila, Doctor of the Church 9.30am SJ Mass Thursday 16th October St Hedwig, Religious or St Margaret Mary Alacoque, Religious 9.30am SJ Mass 10.00am SJ Eddie & Tommy Fallon RIP Tam Mullett RIP Eucharistic Adoration (10am – 12pm) Friday 17th October St Ignatius of Antioch, Bishop & Marytr 9.30am SJ Mass Astrid Bown RIP Saturday 18th October ST LUKE, Evangelist (FEAST) 4.45pm SM FIRST MASS OF SUNDAY Mags Callender RIP SUNDAY 19th October 29TH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME 10.30am SJ PARISH MASS Bob & Ann Sykes RIP Jerry Jenkinson RIP SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION (Confession) on Saturdays, 4.00-4.30pm (St Mary’s) ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT on Mondays & Thursdays 10am-12 Noon (St Joseph’s) ROSARY & DEVOTIONS on Mondays & Thursdays at 10am (St Joseph’s) and Saturdays at 4pm (St Mary’s) SUNDAY EVENING MASS: 5.30pm at OUR LADY & ST DOMINIC CHURCH, High View Road, Farnborough GU14 7PT ALDERSHOT CATHOLIC PARISH COMMUNITY ST JOSEPH’S CHURCH Queens Road GU11 3JB & ST MARY’S CHURCH Belle Vue Road GU12 4RX The Presbytery, Queens Road, Aldershot, Hampshire GU11 3JB. Telephone: (01252) 320956 Website: www.aldershot-catholics.org.uk The Parish Office is normally open on weekday mornings. Parish Administrator: Mrs Davina Williams Outside office hours messages can be left on the answerphone or e-mailed to [email protected] Parish Priest: Father Chris Whelan Parish Deacon: Rev Antonio D’Mello 07534 017715 [email protected] Safeguarding Co-ordinator: Mrs Alice Nixon 01252 504495 [email protected] SUNDAY MASS Page numbers in new Parish Mass books: Order of Mass Page 7 Mass prayers & readings Page 140 The Creed Page 11 Preface Page 66-67 NOTICES THANK YOU FOR LAST WEEK’S COLLECTION Offertory baskets: £642.64. Standing Orders: £296.09 PARISH MASS BOOKS Thank you to those who sponsored one or more sets of the new Parish Mass books for Year A. We now need sponsors for Year B. Each set costs £6 and can be dedicated for a particular prayer intention – one intention per set. If you sponsored a set for Year A, you will find your details on the printed form at the back of church – please note on it whether you want to sponsor a set of Year B books. If you have not sponsored previously, there is a blank sheet to complete. There is still opportunity to sponsor a full set for all three years for £18. Please see Craig or Nicki Aburn for more information or to sign up. WORLD MISSION SUNDAY Next Sunday, the Holy Father invites all Catholics to contribute to a special collection for Missio, his official charity for overseas mission. World Mission Sunday is a special day that unites Catholics all over the world in prayer, celebration and care for the mission of the Church. Thanks to the sacrifice and witness of missionaries, the Catholic Church is growing and many Churches can now take care of themselves. However, four out of every ten parishes worldwide still need your help to survive. By supporting World Mission Sunday you are directly helping over 1000 dioceses bring hope and new life to people yearning to hear of God’s love for them. You will be able to Gift Aid all donations by using envelopes provided by Missio. Thank you. ARE YOU INVOLVED IN ADULT CATECHESIS? Anchor is a simple Faith resource which allows adults, in 6 interactive sessions, to discover or rediscover the essentials of the Catholic Faith through Scripture and art. See more at www.anchoryourfaith.com The Dominican Sisters of St Joseph from Lymington who are members of the Diocesan Formation for Mission Team will lead a training day on Saturday 22nd November in St Edward the Confessor's Church Hall, Chandler's Ford, SO53 2DU. 10am till 1pm, with an optional workshop in the afternoon. Bring a packed lunch. The day is free of charge. The training day will equip leaders and catechists to run the Anchor resource in their parish. The Anchor resource is used especially to form the parents of children preparing for first Holy Communion, First Confession and Baptism. Register on diocesan website. DISCOVERING PRIESTHOOD DAY For those discerning the priesthood at St John's Seminary, Wonersh, on 1st November 2014, 10am 5pm. Lunch will be provided. Contact: Fr. John Chandler: [email protected] AFTERNOON OF REFLECTION FOR EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS All Eucharistic Ministers are to attend this meeting on 22nd November 2014 at St. Mary’s Church, 1pm – 4pm. Please contact Deacon Tony for further information. BAPTISM MEETINGS The morning pre-baptismal meetings on the first Tuesday of each month will now be held at the new time of 11am (and 7pm as before). BBC SONGS OF PRAISE FROM ALDERSHOT Is coming to Aldershot for a Live edition of the programme to be broadcast on Remembrance Sunday 9th November and a further music recording the following evening. The location is The Royal Garrison Church of All Saints, Farnborough Rd, Aldershot, GU11 1QA. Members of our church choir have been invited to join a special Songs of Praise SATB choir which will lead the singing. They also have seats for Congregation who are not choir singers but who would enjoy taking part in the recordings singing the hymn tunes in unison. The choir rehearsal for SATB singers is Thursday 30th October, 7pm – 10pm. The Live Television Broadcast for Remembrance Songs of Praise is Sunday 9th November. The time for transmission will be confirmed on your ticket. SATB singers must attend the choir rehearsal. All sessions will take place at the Royal Garrison Church. Please let Davina in the office know if you would like to attend, stating if you are Soprano, Alto, Tenor, or Bass. ALTON CONVENT SCHOOL OPEN MORNING Friday 17th October 2014, 9.30am – 12pm. Presentation by the Headmaster at 10.45am. GIVE BLOOD The next session is Monday 27th October, 1300 – 15.30 & 16.30 – 19.00, Princes Hall, Aldershot. LIVING IN THE POWER OF THE HOLY SPIRIT Thursday 6th November, 8pm – 9.30pm, St. Joan of Arc Church, Farnham. Please see poster at back of church. GO ANITA! Please sponsor Anita Grant who is running the 10 mile Great South Run for CAFOD this autumn by donating via www.justgiving.com/anitagrantcafod Alternatively, there is a sponsorship form at the back of church. Thank you. FUNERAL OF FATHER DAVID BUCKLEY Wednesday 15th October – at Holy Angels, 65 Ash Church Road, Ash, GU12 6LU. 2pm Reception of the body, 7.30pm Vigil Mass Thursday 16th October – at St. Joan of Arc, 19 Tilford Road, Farnham, Surrey, GU9 8DT. 1pm Funeral Mass, 3pm Aldershot Crematorium. KSC ANNUAL SPONSORED 8 MILE WALK The walk around the RAE airfield takes place on Sunday 19th October. Sponsorship Forms are available in the church entrance. If anyone wishes to actually walk and obtain sponsorship please call Steve Brennan (333926). FIRST HOLY COMMUNION PROGRAMME Our new programme begins on Saturday 18th October for children in Year 3 or above who have registered. Any last minute queries regarding non-registered children should be sent to [email protected] no later than Wednesday 15th October or see Nicki or Alice after Mass this Sunday. Pray for the children & Catechists. PLEASE PRAY FOR Pray for members of the parish who are sick or housebound, especially Fr. Michael Purbrick, Mina D’Mello, Roy and Maureen Warner, Carol Murray, Vi Cowan, Angela Murray, Ellen Nutley, Teresa Cleary, Angela Vickers, Josie May, Deacon David Morgan, Paul Oakley, Aran Dennis, Elizabeth Jones, Annie Bennett, Lorraine Bennett, Peggy Hart, Eleanor Oldroyd, Robert Stevens, Ben Needham, Tilly Lambe, Najet Miley, Marguerite, Sr. Marguerite’s mother and for all who receive Holy Communion at home or in hospital. Pray for the faithful departed especially Pious & Agnes Adegbe, Jerry Jenkinson, Eddie & Tommy Fallon, Tam Mullett, Astrid Bown, Mags Callender, Bob & Ann Sykes, Fr. David Buckley, Heather Carpenter, Michael McCarthy, Richard Swallow, Elpidio Tabunan, Renate Caton, Eileen Dean, Richard Gurney and all whose anniversaries occur during this time. May they all rest in peace.
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