Yes, Octoberfest is right around the corner! And there are lots of fun things still left to do. Join us for Setup Sunday, October 5 at 11:30 AM. We will have a blast setting up and getting to know other folks better...bring a friend! s t. i s i d o r e & s t. p i u s X pa r i s h e s Youth ministry Octoberfest news Octoberfest is October 10th, 11th & 12th. Grab a friend, come out for the fun AND remember to sign up to help with the Fry Booth, PSR game booths, parking or face-painting. WE NEED YOUR HELP! Contact Mrs. Mo to join the FUN! 2 0 1 5 M a r c h f o r l i f e — Wa s h i n g t o n d c The March for Life Pilgrimage in Washington, DC is a life-changing experience and below is everything you need to know to be a part of that experience: The dates of the March— January 18-23 (Sunday through Friday). The cost is $500, but in past years, through the generosity of our church family, we have been able to raise enough funds to cover everyone’s cost. MANDATORY Parent’s Meeting— Sunday, October 19 after the 10:30 AM St. Isidore Mass in the Ott Center. we will try to have a second raffle. A deposit of $100, along with the registration paperwork, is due to Mrs. Mo no later than October 10th. Also Gumbo lunches will be sold after the 10:30AM Mass at St. Isidore on Sunday, November 9th. Tickets will be sold after each Mass on November 1st & 2nd. The youth already have fundraisers planned to help reduce the cost of the trip: A 50/50 Raffle will be held at the Octoberfest Auction. We are selling 20 $100 tickets for a chance to win half the pot— $1000. If more than 20 people want to participate, The youth are planning future jambalaya sales, etc., as part of their fundraising efforts. Please pray that for us to reach our goal! WORLD YOUTH DAY—Sunday, October 26th All 9th & 10th Grade youth are attending World Youth Day at St. George Parish for their required Confirmation Retreat, but any family is invited to attend WYD. Mass is included. The bus leaves St. Isidore at noon and returns at 7PM. T-shirts are $10. P ro - l i f e v i s u a l a rt c on t e s t Enter this art contest for a chance to win financial aid toward the cost of your March for Life Pilgrimage fees. This contest is open to all high school students attending the 2015 March for Life Pilgrimage. Create an original piece of visual art (paint, draw, sculpt, photograph, et cetera). The art should convey the beauty and dignity of human life in a creative and artistic way. Deadline to submit artwork is November 3 to Kathleen Lee ([email protected]) at St. Michael the Archangel High School. Contact Mrs. Mo for more details. SAVE THESE DATES The next MP3 date is set! Saturday, November 1 from 5:00 pm - 10:00 pm. BORN TO RUN 5K Run/1 mile Fun Run—Saturday, November 22nd, sign-in is at 8:00 am. Please contact our Team Captain, Courtney Gajan Sykora at [email protected] for more information or to sign up for the Isidore/Pius Team! FAITH FORMATION REMINDER!! No PSR (religion classes) on Wednesday, October 8th due to Octoberfest preparations. 1st Reconciliation Prep begins Wednesday, October 15th, parents’ attendance is required. CIM NEWS (Children in Ministry) Trunk or Treat Saturday, October 25, 2014 Following the 5:30 PM Mass in the Ott Center Parking Lot Call the church office NOW at 775-8850 to register for this fun and safe event. Parishioners decorate their “trunks” and give out free candy while providing a safe place for our children to trick or treat. For all youth ministry and faith formation activities for St. Isidore and St. Pius X, please contact Mrs. Mo at 225.775.8850 or [email protected]. You are also welcome to text at 225.454.5899.
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