Document 343622

More startling was a recant announc-nwnt from Oa*nbri'*ge Unlversiu m
gtard This anrasuneerwetu which tollow
ed the expertmemjt oi psychaaoglus work
ins: In enn.tunctton with the "British Asso
elation for the Advancement of Science
aaid that a light flash can In some cases
a»a hearing
,,, pf the opera '"Oonwn"
zL ™ *•*
entered the tavern of
' Toe orchestra had dimmed
And n o w a
_ T .pBcfwry seemed to flow
££, tf,,, hiphartt*»«y *> «•*«
^ P Toreador's famous song
I r these experiments the scientists first
determined the lowest possible sound which
each person could heai Next they drowned out this sound with • louder one tone
having a greater number of vibrations per
second i Naturally the listener was unable
to hoar the fainter sound
But when a sudden bright light was
fuvhed before him he again heard both
The flash of light the experimenters explained stimulated his brain to
keener perceptions It affected the eyes
first: then the ears This again showed a
direct relationship between the human eye
and the human ear
.J^ePestra seats a man leanirownWB * « * the effort of
m s gaze more sharply on the
onp of the boxes a "woman
, r e glasses Both the man and
. . ^ preparmg » tse*n *> * *
a ^CJY ushu- their eye* sim0, yjf unconscious yeatlaatlon
j tmrtnf. w e United by a eem^f—vibration*
«< vears ago the EBghsh philnd Hartlev said that all human
. botn pleasure and pain - are
Today acasne* not
it many feelings have this
> suggests ***** *^es ***y **
trog and ears for atght.
[e£j by Vibrations
mcredibic but too* «t the
BOUMI pictun film "It's in
i uj Hollywood when a film te
|(i tne-v mean that sight and
^ m a film container—both
urnw rtrtp of semi-traaaparfcior.
th; wiii pass through that film
appeal on u screen Sound
mirougf1 amplifiers and loud
Lam sight and sound have been
knother example modern teteL»nng A single wire w a y wurry
j 8 photograph The voice uses
Lev or rate oi vibration, the
| uses another
pedn't go to the opera or ax
_i or study a telephone system
f appreciate the connection h c and souna Just cleae youi
(ten An auto horn blares Your
. sounc bu; your brain piccf In other words, you see
kir HI vou: mind. Hist
/%TfCER experiments have indicated that
*^ there is a minute electric current in
the brain This supposedly links seeing and
hearing organs and explains why the visual
stimulation of the light flash was tram
toted into more acute hearing
But according to scientists the Known
* basis for connecting sight and sound is still
vibrations And the most graphic method
of explaining vib attons is still the ripples
which widen from a stone dropped into a ^
still pood
Just as sight and sound vibrations trave.
outward from their source until they meet
some obstructions, so these ripples flow
oui ward until they reach the bank In the
case of sight vibrations the obstruction
naturally is anything that is opaque In
the case of sound anything that is sound
However, there is a definite difference in
these vibration- It is this difference which
p> events the eye and the ear from being interchangeable without further scientific**penmen t The ear designed like a microphone, to registe: the lower vtbratlons of
sound, misses entirely the higher vibrations
of sight Today scientists simply know Mia
sight aids hearing and hearing aids sight
Their next lob is to connect the two
The possibility of then doing this within
» few years u »ar less fantastic than u
sour.os In earhei days for instance one
pal' of wires was necessary for each telegraph message or telephone conversation
But further experiment shewed thai. Hire
sight and hearing the Morse tassyreph
massages traveled at one rate of speed
(used one frequency or set of vibrations!
and the human voice used another Next,
these experiments showed that tetetvpe
messages and even long distance conver
sations used two other sets of vibrations
Came the wirephoto. using an entirely
new set of vibrations These picture* traveled at the speed of light The telephone
messages traveled at the speed of souna
No one of them conflicted with another ano
today half a doxen different iiM—ayi are
traveling over the same wire in each di-ec
tton at the same tune—a doxen different
sets of vibrations each doing a separate
Job where only one traveled befor«
That's in telephone engineering
thr human body is admittedly an engine
"The color camera the microphon-* the radio all comparatively new. simply have
made the engineering parallel more clear
The human eye of course is more efficient
than any color camera yet mnde And the
human circulatory system is a marvel of
hydraulic engineering
Marvelous Machine
| N PACT, from an engineers standpoint
t h e whole system is a marvelous machine R Bucfcmaster Puller puts the idea
mto wordB in his book "Nine Chains to the
"Man is a self-baiancm. 28-.gun ted
adapter-base biped An electro-chemical
reduction plant, with thousand of pneumatic and hydraulic pumps
Stony two thousand miles oi capillaries; millions
of warning signals (nerves conveyor systems (alimentary canal > crushers I teeth I
and cranes (hands and arms' and a telephone system
needing no service foi
70 years if well managed
"The whole mechanism gulden with exquisite precision from a turret <headi in
which are located telescopic and microscopic self-registering range finders (eyes'
the turret control being ctoselv allied
T- anvfflff Or Trre COnnwCTWQ rmn fie I w f f n trgnj
t and tound. thit v o o w i troint for o p e r o fltePei
in "Carmwn
in ottlwr f o
Mm tinq store ctworty.
of the
then a season at St Morit^ and other big
winter nueorts, thrilllnR the ewperts whh
her performances—and Hasel was ready to
follow bet guiding star to this country
Already she has « contract for §7*0 a
week and can hardly wait to hear how she
made out In Her scrwn test—because Sonja s in the movleH But if yon ask her how
she likes America, she can't say yet. She
has been too bu«v prae!k»ln«. getting phntogapheo and starring In Ice shows S h e
hopped down to PJorJda for a special appearance and her Mttie hook Hats ljike
Placid Boston Chicago. Toronto and nfchcr
places where she In scheduled to put her
curls and skates on exhibition
Il V*sjR sfttates cut a streak across the ice
Sturdy tegs propel a lithe young bod.v
in graceful glides and twirls
curls, and bright blue eyes top off the flash uig figure matching the twinkle of her
Ttes beeutitui pirouetting girl Is nisi U
and Tier name is Basel Pranklin. and she is
England's child wonder on the silver blades
Everyone remarks that she look> ilk'
Sonja Henic the Norwegian star, and Ha
» l a d o r n being told about it Ever since
she glided into the limelight the little fflri
trorr Bournemouth has been pointing hei
~ " W - ->*••
tiny atee •>* skate* straight at Bonis s SIAI
.hist mention Miss Hente> name
Ho//ywood oef& 6of/i sound and stahf on o
to her ' says Harold Nicholson
a> timgh Htm wHh ihe apparatus
hei manager
*and she'l'
which it recording
a lunchroom
practice like fury
otuer day. f«s»
with an atr-eoodiuoriea mtetce and m
hpust (nose
and a main fuel intafc*
< mouth)
Within the few cubic inches M a d i s o n
* housing the turret mecha nisms there is also S q u a r e
(.sirdens let Show I coacheo pei u. taw
room for two sound msvr and sound dtree
tion-flnder recording diaphragm* (ears and her ef«s as arell a s her skaie,~ like Snuia
>ht put on an optic daxxle that made
iht crowd forget to breathe '
Today after three veat-- ol training Ha
T H E S E parallels become clearer
T | !>• better at free skat1n« than her dim
' striking with each new sdenUfic mven
plfv* rival, m »he nptrinp nf Nicholsoi. ||»-h(
rton and advance The action of the brair.
trained them both
He pirouette las:
a s a eo-ordinatmc instrument mittht br
In' pes anr! she makt- more twirls In the
to the protection machine which
•top scratch spin —40 of them to be exact
the recorded sound and sight WPor four hours even rtav she keeris her
bmlions from a single film separates them
Mate! flashlne and her skirt sptaving 1h
and projecu them to the ears and eve* ot difficult and delicate maneuvers lit < tth*
moiir fans
Another future step m s \
Jump Arabesque an<i thr Axe! Pmtlmf,
make sight and hearing organ- inter
Jump In ttie "double Salchow she comes
out of a tang spin on the right tor lumps
Delicate machines already* are able to re
hrch and make-, two full I (I till in midsii
cord sound which is inaudible to the human
-Stag on the tight toe again Onl- *-'ell*
eat They can also amplify this faint cv
Caspar men s world amateur champ and
cle of vibrations so that it will shatter an Evelyn
aluminum diaphragm in a microphone ap
skater can match this feat of grace and
narattis A stmiia' trick often entertained balance aceording to Haael'i trainer
rtmner guests o Caruso The tamnu* tenoi
17ST as Soma gre*- up on BBTOJ I W
wouSf- tap a goblet to determine tt> keVk
fields H»7F prartira!lv grew ur
notf Then he'd Pm% trus keynote win: «ueh
rtnV She wa on skat^1- when Ntet <> «m
tained strength as to shatter the gi»
found her a prettv child of nine dm.
tx» vtbratlons
These are Just a few of*the deveiopmenis f-fdthlv graceful figurefi in perfec time
He asked stiuaUon. sn<
that mar indicate the truth of David Hari- with the musir
ran the rink pro
Irp'v 200-vea -old statement He went so
whi < w*
far as to attribute all pleasure and pain
father a pianist well known in British r»to vibrations Todars scientists attll stiifv
* Escamillo i voice is o the more fundamental •iinaalloii i of sight rtif. har. t«uoh her er.-oreitnation anc
§ rtaoSo «ftrf»fl Ta* war
Theae tney afjree ampma on rhythm
Yn f^n
T» her Nlchotvwi s
oi Hm woman in th*
But tttere « a verv w » > «an few
feasgajD the freqnencv of %*ibr^Mnn^ *hicl. offer to train he; w«* arwpted Ihat Hflbow it a rwcevver. Com
bfwffio tight with tottno parh will receive and recorO lyrpe:iment* r< gave up plan* for s e a r e c as cot
kmr reewpi'ton of the appear to be narrow ng that gap Tomor- [Ha11III to follow to S o m a s |
truck* Two -f*T' of v>.rsI-i/.n
rows scientist.*;
opera it ttnppmd »p
amy cloae it intiretv
thing is certain In net trainer*
mine that Harel isn't after roonev
"Bhe rto*»n"t know l u value.' he
explains "When I toll he
ho« much Sonja is get
ting, she tells trie to go
oui and get a« much
for hei Then she
takes her two-bit
allowance <thsts all she getsi and *xtys
me cignri With ft **
Proiifi *-- he is of his Httie prot-egec,
Nirholson admit* thai «the ha« a gnrvi way
to go before catching up with her glam
-etiintr mii«cV« mn>t
deteto,, furl i, hefr." the\ can BSD
ptr«,)i That mature *irafer» impose fW
At present she weighs 77
twpec lUCsliBs short, of
pounyi^ tofifi
five fee?
C O N . I A WENTE, ai the *^»riy ace nt sewn.
hari won a junior •katmg championship
j. vorwav At ton she won the Norwegian
flgirn *katinc champlonahip and at the
of eleven she was crowned the champtnn figure skater of the world (he youngest person to hold that title tn the MaWv
of sport
Ten con*fruine worlds championahipi
followed Sonja bed one honor besteor. he, bv the KlPtt of Norway and aimn-;
burtert unrttt M M I American doWars
dni neve, sij,e*pf*j practicing
Ww s »i
ways tn training even in Hollywood. whe«t
ahe pet* up before S A M ***** only trim
Juices fe,r br*mkfa«it a wmUl cup of IB
at lunch and Skates all day
fnn'nrri •• wrindf
ii oe'v rfVirfeer v»e»" o'er
So Harel HI choosing •
toi the Ultima Th.i
-xttng wo.
But Haw] »;, vmjt
I ramer Wlohnl
BMtc bllth.h arotuvi
a*kw»r<l age and streak her way to star(lom lt*e Sonifi herself-curls bright Wue
Untitled Document
Thomas M. Tryniski
309 South 4th Street
Fulton New York