2014 - 2016 Brookside Elementary School Improvement Plan Address Brookside Elementary School Contact Information Brookside Elementary School Courier Number 1925 Auten Road Phone Number Gastonia, NC 28054 Fax Number School Website http://www.gaston.k12.nc.us/Domain/13 School Principal Brookside Elementary: School Improvement Team Membership 360340 704-866-6283 704-866-6294 Jill Payne From GS 115C-105.27: “The principal at each school, representatives of the assistant principals, instructional personnel, instructional support personnel, and teacher assistants assigned to the school building, and parents of children enrolled in the school shall constitute a school improvement team to develop a school improvement plan to improve student performance. Representatives of the assistant principals, instructional personal, instructional support personnel, and teacher assistants shall be elected by their respective groups by secret ballot… Parents serving on school improvement teams shall reflect the racial and socioeconomic composition of the students enrolled in that school and shall not be members of the building-level staff. “ Committee Positions Principal Assistant Principal Teacher Representative Teacher Representative Teacher Representative Teacher Representative Teacher Representative Teacher Representative Teacher Representative Teacher Representative Teacher Representative Teacher Representative Instructional Suport Representative Instructional Assistant Parent Representative Parent Representative Name Email Address Jill Payne [email protected] 2014 Chelsea Barnes [email protected] 2014 Aubrey VanCleave [email protected] 2014 Emily Thornburg [email protected] 2013 Angela Freeman [email protected] 2014 Nicole Russell [email protected] 2014 Michelle Patton [email protected] 2013 Michelle Thornton [email protected] 2013 Kendra McGinnis [email protected] 2014 Kimberly Dunovant [email protected] 2014 Principal Signature: ___________________________________ GCS Board Approval Signature: ____________________________________ Date:_____________ Date:_____________ Date Elected Date Prepared: ________________ 2014 - 2016 Brookside Elementary School Improvement Plan Gaston County School's Values Four C's Commitment Community Communication Choice Beliefs Safety Diversity Innovation Collaboration Excellence Gaston County School's Vision and Mission Statement Vision: The vision of Gaston County Schools is to inspire success and a lifetime of learning Mission: Through outstanding employees and community partners, Gaston County Schools provides innovative educational opportunities for all students in a safe and nur Brookside Elementary Mission and Vision Statement Vision: The vision of Brookside Elementary is to provide strong educational foundation that creates responsible, respectful, lifelong learners. Mission: Through school, home and community partnerships, Brookside Elementary will provide a safe and nurturing learning environment that prepares all students for fu Brookside Elementary SMART GOALS Based upon data analysis our focus will be upon the following outcomes: 1. Decrease the percent of students in our ALL subgroup who are not proficient in reading by 10% (safe harbor). Close the achievement gap between our SWD subgrou 2. Decrease the percent of students in our ALL subgroup who are not proficient in math by 10% (safe harbor). Close the achievement gap between our SWD subgroup a students in a safe and nurturing learning environment prepares all students for future success. etween our SWD subgroup and our ALL subgroup in reading by decreasing the percent of students in our SWD subgroup who are not proficient by 12%. een our SWD subgroup and our ALL subgroup in math by decreasing the percent of students in our SWD subgroup who are not proficient by 12%. Brookside Elementary Brookside Elementary Brookside Elementary Brookside Elementary Brookside Elementary Brookside Elementary Brookside Elementary Brookside Elementary 360340 360340 360340 360340 360340 360340 360340 360340 Math Grades 3-8 Performance Math Grades 3-8 Performance Math Grades 3-8 Performance Reading Grades 3-8 Performance Reading Grades 3-8 Performance Reading Grades 3-8 Performance Science Grades 5&8 Performance Science Grades 5&8 Performance ALL SWD WHTE ALL SWD WHTE ALL WHTE 48.1 21.2 58.4 49.5 21.6 60.9 57 68.2 223 33 140 223 33 140 88 55 38.6 6.1 40.7 38.1 9.1 41.4 36.4 40 N N N N N N N N Gaston County Schools Strategic Goals Goal 1: Every student will graduate prepared for post-secondary opportunities Focus Area 1.1 Increase the graduation rate 1.2 Increase students completing Career and Technical Education courses and opportunities 1.3 Increase the number of students who graduate from high school with post-secondary credit Goal 2: Every member of our diverse student population has the opportunity for individualized instruction. Focus Area 2.1 Increase the percentage of students reading on or above grade level by the end of the third grade 2.2 Increase the strategies and tools available to ensure success of all students 2.3 Increase opportunities for a wide variety of academic choices Goal 3: Every employee is capable and committed to the education of the whole child. Focus Area 3.1 Attract and retain a high qualified workforce in all schools, including high-needs areas, through increased incentives. 3.2 Provide employees increased access to quality, research-based professional development 3.3 Survey students annually to determine the level of administrator-student relationships, teacher-student relationships, and overall school classroom climate Goal 4: Every school has up-to-date technology to support teaching and learning. Focus Area 4.1 Ensure all schools have sufficient wireless coverage 4.2 Increase the use of technology as a communication tool for all stakeholders 4.3 Increase the number of teachers and students who effectively use digital learning tools Goal 5:Every student has the opportunity to learn in a safe school environment. Focus Area 5.1 Increase facility safety features 5.2 Increase anti-bullying efforts at every school 5.3 Increase community resources to maximize student support systems 2014 - 2015 Brookside Elementary School Improvement Plan Smart Goal # 1 Strategic Plan Goal: Goal 2, 4 Strategic Plan Goal focus area: 2.1, 2.2, 4.3 Current Status: Students in Grades 3-5 were 38.1% proficient in reading. There was a significant achievement gap between SWD subgroups and ALL School Interim Goal 2014-2015: Decrease the percent of students in our ALL subgroup who are not proficient in reading by 10% (safe harbor). Close School Goal 2014-2016: Decrease the percent of students in our ALL subgroup who are not proficient in reading by 10% (safe harbor). Close the Data Used: mCLASS & Star Reading data will be used to monitor student performance at the BOY, MOY, EOY. EOG data will be utilized to determine Strategies(Action Steps) Implementation Team What Data will you collect When will you monitor? Use mCLASS in 4th - 5th grades with SWD subgroup McGinnis, Lancaster, EC Teachers 4th grade as well as other identified at-risk readers. Provide teachers, 5th grade teachers, tutors progress monitoring at foundational deficit to grow stronger readers. Dibels growth, mCLASS TRC growth and proficiency BOY, MOY, EOY Implement Words their Way K-5 with fidelity to provide students better foundational word attack skills. Parent training night scheduled to provide opportunity for parents to gain understanding of how WtW increases word attack skills that grow stronger readers and writers. Spelling Inventory, Lesson Plan Checklist, Walkthrough Data, PLC Minutes K-5 teachers BOY, MOY, EOY Professional Development - Identify the professional development required to successfully implement the strategies listed above Staff/group participants Professional Learning/Activities Trainer Date Completed ALL Staff Words their Way implementation & management w/ follow up observations and training as needed Elizabeth Haywood EOY 4th - 5th Grade teachers mCLASS Shannon Hullett / Amy Bowles EOY 4th grade teachers, EC Foundations of Reading County Facilitators EOY 2014 - 2015 Brookside Elementary School Improvement Plan Smart Goal # 2 Strategic Plan Goal: Goal 2, 4 Strategic Plan Goal focus area: 2.2, 4.3 Current Status: Students in Grades 3-5 were 38.6% proficient in math. There was a significant achievement gap between SWD subgroups and all, with School Interim Goal 2014-2015: Decrease the percent of students in our ALL subgroup who are not proficient in math by 10% (safe harbor). Close the School Goal 2014-2016: Decrease the percent of students in our ALL subgroup who are not proficient in math by 10% (safe harbor). Close the Data Used: AMC Anywhere & Star Math data will be used to monitor student performance at the BOY, MOY, EOY. EOG data will be utilized to Strategies(Action Steps) Implementation Team What Data will you collect When will you monitor? AMC Anywhere will be utilized in grades K-3 as an K-5 teachers, McGinnis assessment tool to identify base level of mastery. STAR Math will be utilized in grades 4-5 as an assessment tool to identify student level of mastery. Interventions used by teachers in their Math small group will be based on this data. Utilize AMC Anywhere with SWD subgroup in grades K-5 Teachers & EC Teachers K-5. Data will drive small group interventions / progress monitoring. This is an effort to close the acheivement gap between ALL and SWD. AMC Anywhere Data and STAR Math Data BOY, MOY, EOY AMC Anywhere Data BOY, MOY, EOY Professional Development - Identify the professional development required to successfully implement the strategies listed above Staff/group participants Professional Learning/Activities Trainer Date Completed Administration, Teachers K-3, EC teachers AMC Training / Packing / Implementing Diane Price / AMC Team MOY EC Teachers Math Foundations DEC EOY 4/5 Teachers Focused Interventions based on STAR Math Data Barbara James March-2015 Title I Statewide Project Summary: Needs Assessment Provide an explanation of the Comprehensive Needs Assessment which reflects statutory requirements. Schools must address particularly the needs of low-achieving children and those at risk of not meeting state student achievementstandards. Refer to the SIP profile or plan for any of these items (note page numbers). Important note: Components 1-9 on the Title I Compliance Statements of the School Improvement Plan must refer to this needs assessment. 1. Summary of Comprehensive needs summary: Staff: Brookside has 26 classroom teachers in grades K-5 and 5 teacher assistants that serve grades K-1. There is one .70 time ESL teacher and one .60 time AIG teacher, three EC teachers, and one literacy teacher. All teachers and teacher assistants are considered highly qualified. Students: Brookside Elementary currently enrolls 528 K-5 students. Our free and reduced-price lunch status is currently 72%. Student Achievement: mCLASS was utilized this year in K-3. The data showed 79% of our students are going to 1st grade at the benchmark level; 71% of our 3rd graders scored at the benchmark level. However our rising 2nd graders are only beginning at 47% proficient. Tutoring in K-2 will be increased with 2nd grade and this grade level will have smaller class sizes. 13-14 EOG: Based on the 2013-14 EOG assessment results, The school did not meet expected growth. The students scored 46.8% proficiency in reading, 42.7% proficiency in Math, and 36.1% proficiency in Science. Overall, 3rd grade scored 43.45% proficiency (MA-42.1%, RD-44.8%), 4th grade scored 50.2% proficiency (MA-49.2%, RD-51.2%), and 5th grade scored 37.3% proficiency (MA-36.7%, RD-44.3%, SC-31.0%). The overall subgroup proficiencies were: All-37.7% (MA-38.6%, RD-38.1%, SC-36.4%), Black-23.25% (MA-20.9%, RD-25.6%), White-40.7% (MA-40.7%, RD-41.4%, SC40%), ED-35.2% (MA-35.9%, RD-.1.6%, SC-35.1%), SWD-7.6% (MA-9.1%, RD-6.1%). The students met 5 out of 10 (50%) Math targets . None of the following subgroups met their targets in Math: All, White and SWD. The students met 2 out of 5 (40%) Reading targets. The only subgroup to have met their targets in Black, EDS. The Subgroups SWD and ALL, Other: Areas of Need: mCLASS was utilized this year in K-3. The data showed 79% of our students are going to 1st grade at the benchmark level; 71% of our 3rd graders scored at the benchmark level. However our rising 2nd graders are only beginning at 47% proficient. Tutoring in K-2 will be increased with 2nd grade and this grade level will have smaller class sizes. 2. School wide Reform Strategies Teachers will use data to drive instruction. Data notebooks will house all but anecdotal records of students. Students will track their growth in reading and math. They will use this data to set personal goals. Students will be provided with individualized and small group interventions that will be driven by mCLASS and AMC data in grades K-5 and EC. Teachers in K-2 will use Daily 5 as to where grades 3-5 are using the traditional Lucy Units of study. Word attack skills as well as application of reading strategies and written retells will be introduced in K and further built upon in 1-5 grades. Investigations is implemented with fidelity. Teachers PD focus is on Shared Reading planning and documentation as well as Technology, STEM, Words their Way and the use of STAR. Teachers now have access to BIG universe which provides many titles to choose from. 3. Instruction by a highly qualified professional staff - 100% are HQ 4. High quality and ongoing professional development - Words their Way, Shared Reading and STEM alignment and implementation, Technology usage, Words their Way, AMC, mCLASS, Reading and Math foundations for EC 5. Strategies to attract high quality teachers to high needs schools - Book study, BT PLC, Differentiated PD, lower class sizes, resources, technology, appreciation, Opportunity to observe veteran teachers for professional growth, purchase support staff 6. Strategies to increase parent involvement - incorporate parent events with performances, tie information into family nights that benefit families by offering some events multigradelevel events . 7. Preschool transition strategies - K will schedule a day for PREK to come to visit 8. Including teachers in decisions regarding the use of assessment - common assessments, data notebooks, data walls, mtss 9. Activities for children experiencing difficulty - MTSS, in school tutoring, small group instruction, goal setting, lifeguards, mental health therapist Compliance Statements 1. Describe your plan to provide duty-free lunch to all teachers - SIT voted for staff members to eat lunch with their students in exchange for no morning duty. 2. Describe your plan to provide planning time for each regular classroom teacher each week, with the goal of 5 hours per week. Teachers get 3.5 hours per day within the instructional day and then 30 minutes each afternoon 3 days per week totaling 5 hours 3. Physical activity is not denied to any students as a means of discipline, nor physical activity used as a form of punishment (K-8 only) Students are not denied physical activity. 4. Each student participates in an average of 30 minutes per day of physical activity outside of the physical education class (K -8 only). Each class is assigned 30 minutes recess for physical activity per day. School Improvement Team Approval of School Improvement Plan Committe Positions Name Principal Jill Payne Assistant Principal Chelsea Barnes Teacher Representative Shelly Thornton Teacher Representative Michelle Patton Teacher Representative Nicole Russell Teacher Representative Angela Freeman Teacher Representative Emily Thornburg Teacher Representative Aubrey VanCleave Teacher Representative Teacher Representative Teacher Representative Teacher Representative Instructional Support Representative Kendra McGinnis Instructional Assistant Kimberly Dunovant Parent Representative Toshia Coulter Parent Representative Jason Presnell Signature Date
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