Scandia News Friends of Scandinavia

Scandia News
Friends of Scandinavia
FOS Executive Committee
Marie Bush
Chris Christiansen
Karin Mede
Ellen Taylor
Jim Wilson
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
FOS Inventory Sale
FOS will hold an inventory sale on Saturday, October
18, in the St. Giles Fellowship Hall starting at 10:00
AM and lasting until 3:00 PM. Included in the sale will
be remaining merchandise from Scandinavian
Christmas Fair sales and items acquired and used by
FOS over several years. This sale is open to
members and former members of FOS and members
of other local Scandinavian organizations. Items will
be sold on the basis of “buy one item at the marked
price get a second one of equal or lesser value for a
Even if you aren’t interested in more “stuff”, come for
some fellowship and snacks. There will be a sign-up
sheet for those interested in getting together socially
in the future. We have made many friendships over
the years. It would be a shame to let these lapse.
35th Anniversary Dinner
Commemoration, memorialization, celebration,
anniversary – whatever you want to call it, the Friends
of Scandinavia is having a gala occasion to close out
its spectacular run of over one-third of a century.
October 2014
We will celebrate this with a splendid dinner for
current and former members. This dinner will take
place at the North Carolina State University Club (or
Faculty Club) in Raleigh on Friday, November 21 in
the Lutz Ballroom. We look forward to your
We plan to start the meal at about 1:00 but have the
room reserved starting at 12:30. Try to arrive at
about that time to have an opportunity to visit before
the meal. The cost for current and former members is
$5.00 per person. Because seating is limited, this
event is open only to members and former members.
The only exception is the spouse of a member who
joined in the “Individual” category.
Why Friday rather than Saturday, our usual meeting
day? The Saturdays in November were already
booked. Why so early? Some current and former
members prefer not to drive at night. Also, it is at a
location that may not be familiar for most attendees.
It is much easier to find a place in daylight even with
GPS or MapQuest or some other aid.
The address for the University Club is 4200
Hillsborough St., Raleigh, NC 27606. Please note
that this is basically the location of the driveway that
leads into the facility. If you drive on the beltway, exit
at Hillsborough St. and head west (toward the
fairgrounds) then take the first right. If you are driving
east on Hillsborough, look for a large sign saying
University Club.
Since time is of the essence in our planning, it is of
the greatest importance that we receive a notice of
your intention to attend. Please send the reservation
form at the end of this newsletter to the address
below no later than October 25 to ensure your space.
Lost and Found
Some items have been lost/forgotten/left behind at
various meetings during the last few years. Some
have been reclaimed, others have not. Below is a list
of items found in the closet at St. Giles that FOS has
used to store meeting essentials. Please check this
over and let us know if one or more of the items
belong(s) to you. Those not claimed prior to the
Inventory Sale, will be put out in the “Free” category.
Left at Midsommar last June:
2 dish towels, one white with blue stripes, one
white with picture of apples
Serving spoon, round
Left at earlier meetings:
Gravy or sauce ladle
Round metal tray with strawberries and basket
Beige towel, bath size
Ball cap, blue and yellow with embroidered
flags & crown
George Grosser
Catharina Weaver
Jack Andersson
Antti Virtranta
Robert Weaver
Simon Garber
Bodil High
Julie Wright
Arthur Lebo
Gail Lund
Harry Iverson
Karen Gifford
Marvin Soroos
Carl Johnson
Marlene Amundsen
Rolf Andersson
Robert Duff
John Myhre
Joyce Harris-Nord
Sarah Jackson
Calendar of Events 2014
October 18, FOS Inventory Sale, St. Giles Fellowship Hall, 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM
November 21, FOS 35th Anniversary Dinner, 1:00 PM
35th Anniversary Dinner Reservation Form
Member name(s) ________________________________________________________________
Total amount enclosed ($5.00 per person):_____________________________
Please send to:
Jim Wilson
6400 LaSalle Lane
Raleigh, NC 27612-2346