GROOTE SCHUUR HOSPITAL INNOVATION PROGRAMME & iHI HUB > GROOTE SCHUUR HOSPITAL (GSH) Groote Schuur Hospital, a 975-bed hospital in Cape Town, South Africa, provides specialist medical care to the uninsured population in the Western Cape Province. The hospital is an academic training center for local and African medical healthcare professionals. A total of 3762 staff (546 clinicians, 1556 nurses, 267 allied health workers and 1391 administrative and support staff) provides care for 47 000 inpatients annually and for 325 000 outpatient consultations. Despite the challenges experienced in a middle-income developing country, like South Africa, this public institution has remained a beacon of innovation on the African continent. Innovations developed here include: • 1967 – First heart transplant by Dr Chris Barnard • 1978 – CT Scanner developed by Prof Allan Cormack, recipient of the Nobel Prize for this work • 1980 – First and still the only sperm back in South Africa providing for all ethics groups • 1987 – Internationally recognised liver centre • 1990s – South Africa’s first whole body scanner (LODOX) • 2008 – First HIV to HIV positive patient kidney transplant • 2010 – Straight Access Technologies providing low cost cardiac valves These breakthrough medical innovations have had a significant impact locally and internationally. However, similar to other African healthcare facilities, Groote Schuur Hospital is experiencing a range of organisational and resource challenges, hindering the quality of care provided. Now more than ever, not just medical innovations are required but also innovations to strengthen the delivery of services. These healthcare delivery innovations must be inclusive of and affordable by all Africans. > UNIVERSITY OF CAPE TOWN (UCT) In 2014, the Inclusive Healthcare Innovation Initiative was established at the University of Cape Town. This Initiative, the first in Africa, unites leading experts at the UCT Graduate School of Business and the UCT Faculty of Health Sciences. The UCT Graduate School of Business (GSB) is one of the leading management schools in Africa, ranked for 10 years consecutively, listed as 59th globally in 2014. The GSB has also recently received the “triple crown” of business school accreditations, of which only 59 other schools globally shares this recognition. The UCT Faculty of Health Sciences boasts with the oldest medical school in Africa and renowned for undergraduate and postgraduate research and training in all health disciplines. It’s campus extends to several training hospitals, including Groote Schuur Hospital. The Inclusive Healthcare Innovation Initiative (iHI) is hosted at the UCT GSB Bertha Centre for Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship. The Centre, founded in 2011, is the first academic centre on the African continent applying an innovation lens to social challenges. The Centre’s mission is to catalyse social impact. IHI was established to provide a framing and approach for innovation in healthcare delivery, within the local context. It’s goal is to affect health systems change by deeply embedding its work within the public healthcare system and by capacitating frontline care providers. This Initiative further unites cross-sectoral and trans-disciplinary members of the innovation eco-system through conferences, seminars and workshops. (See more at GROOTE SCHUUR HOSPITAL > INCLUSIVE HEALTHCARE INNOVATION @ GSH Groote Schuur Hospital and the University of Cape Town is embarking on an exciting new endeavour enabling inclusive healthcare innovation to occur right at the heart of the public healthcare system in the Western Cape Province. A new innovation programme and associated innovation Hub will tap into the creative and intellectual capital of frontline healthcare workers and provide them with the opportunity to develop their own innovations. Ideas, addressing 8 priority healthcare delivery challenges will receive funding and expert support to allow these concepts to be realised and implemented. As far as aware, this is the first time in a African public healthcare facility, that innovation is embarked on in this manner. > 8 INNOVATION CHALLENGES The UCT GSB Bertha Centre in partnership with the Innovation Unit (London) conducted an focused period of research to identify the major pressing challenges, hindering care delivery, from the staff perspective. Adjacent are the challenge areas that emerged. These challenges are an accurate representation of the inovation opportunities at Groote Schuur Hospital but is also representative of the broader South African health context. For a dedicated period, staff teams will receive support and guidance to develop their ideas into full-fledged proposals, applicable to the GSH Innovation Programme. Using waiting times more effectively Sustaining a culture of care and dignity Patient records and notes More efficient entry and exit Tracking and Communicating Improving care for specific patient groups BEPMFTDFOUT5# QBUJFOUTBXBJUJOH QSPDFEVSFT Working better with community services Boost volunteer resources (3"/% CHALLENGES AT GSH > GSH INNOVATION PROGRAMME Staff teams will receive the opportunity to apply to the GSH Innovation Programme. This 9-month incubation programme will provide a select number of projects with the necessary funding, expert support and mentorship. Staff will be facilitated from conceptual idea development through to a realisable prototype and onwards to a measurable implemented project. The Programme will focus on building innovation capacity in the hospital and creating a network of frontline innovation leaders. The ultimate goal of this programme is to find at least five novel and scalable solutions improving the delivery of patient care. > iNCLUSIVE HEALTHCARE INNOVATION HUB Accompanying the GSH Innovation Programme, Inclusive Innovation (iHI) Hub is being established. The 130sqm Hub is strategically and centrally located in the Hospital. This iHI Hub will provide a creative working environment for staff and be home to a diverse community consisting of hospital staff, external expert partners and students. Key external partners in the Hub will support staff but also to receive an opportunity to influence the public health system through their existing work. Students will have a chance work with a staff team and learn experientially about healthcare innovation. A major function of the iHI Hub will be to serve as a link and connector between frontline innovators and policy makers in the Western Cape Department of Health. The Hub has received the support of the Head of the Western Cape Department of Health. GROOTE SCHUUR HOSPITAL The iHI Hub is part of a network of innovation hubs supported by the UCT GSH Bertha Centre for Social Innovation and the Bertha Foundation. Two other Cape Town hubs in this network includes: Workshop 17 (1500sqm development at the V&A Waterfront) and the Philippi Village Hub (4000sqm development in Philippi community). > TIMELINE & EVENTS / Launch of the GSH Innovation Programme - 6 October 2014 The launch will consist of an innovation exhibition and case presentation by 13 existing hospital innovators. / ‘Innovation Wednesdays’ – 8 October, 22 October, 5 November, 19 November 2014 Four interactive days will provide staff with the support needed to develop new ideas. On offer will be: Design-thinking workshops, talks by expert innovators, proposal development mentors. / Application Deadline - 10 December Staff will have until 10 December to develop and submit their proposed ideas. / Live Pitching Event - 28 January 2015 A community wide event that provides staff with shortlisted projects the opportunity to present their proposed ideas. Live voting will occur and projects will be selected for the GSH Innovation Programme. / Launch of the iHI Hub – 4 February 2015 The refurbished iHI Innovation Hub will open in Groote Schuur Hospital. / Team Presentations – 6 May 2015 All teams who participated in the first 12-week phase of the GSH Innovation Programme will present their projects. A smaller number of teams will be selected to receive further funding and support for 20-weeks. / Final Innovator Presentations – 7 October 2015 On conclusion of the GSH Innovation Programme on 30 September, each of the project teams will have the opportunity to present their work at a dedicated Western Cape Department of Health convening. 0DUh Launch 10 Dec 28 Jan ‘15 Proposal submission deadline Develop Ideas GSH Innovation Review 4 Feb‘15 6 May ‘15 Develop Projects Develop Projects Stage 1 Stage 2 InnovationLearning sessions Peer-Learning sessions Pitching Start of event GSH Innovation Programme 10 – 15 projects 12 weeks Exhibition and selection 5 – 7 projects 20 weeks Innovation Wednesdays 08 October ’14 22 October ’14 05 November ’14 19 November '14 GROOTE SCHUUR HOSPITAL 7 Oct ‘15 Presentation to Dept of Health > PARTNERS INVOLVED The GSH Innovation Programme and iHI Hub is made possible through the founding partnership of: / Groote Schuur Hospital Management – This initiative has received support from the CEO, Dr Bhavna Patel and the executive management team / GSH Facilities Board – This not-for-profit hospital trust has generously provided programmatic as well as direct seed funding to the value of R2 million. / The UCT GSB Bertha Centre for Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship – the GSH Innovation Programme and Hub was conceptualised, designed and implemented by the Bertha Centre. The Centre donated R150 000 towards the Hub refurbishment. / The UCT Faculty of Health Sciences – The Deanery has donated R200 000 towards hub refurbishment and additional operational support > CONTACT For more information on the GSH Innovation Programme and iHI Hub and opportunities for involvement, please contact: Dr Lindi van Niekerk Health Innovation Lead UCT GSB Bertha Centre for Social Innovation & Entrepreneurship Email: [email protected] Tel: 021 406 1470 ©UCT GSB Bertha Centre, 2014 GROOTE SCHUUR HOSPITAL
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