Iglesia San Vicente de Paúl Reverend Jerome T. Karcher Pastor—[email protected] Reverend Sergio Ramos Parochial Vicar—[email protected] Deacon Gerard Wallace [email protected] Karen Srajer—Parish Manager [email protected] Rose Clarke—Finance Manager [email protected] Magaly Bernal—Formación en la Fé Ministerio Hispano [email protected] Emmy Sanchez—Faith Formation Administrative Assistant [email protected] Brian Henritze—Youth and Young Adult Ministries [email protected] Maria Zamora—Parish Secretary [email protected] Elsa Lusk—Christian Initiation Adult Corfirmation [email protected] Rose Antognoli—Faith Formation [email protected] Mary Kay Lamarre—Liturgy Coordinator [email protected] Patty Ledezma —Parish Life Ministries [email protected] OFFICE HOURS Monday—Friday: 9:00 AM-8:30 PM Closed for Lunch 12:30 - 1:30 PM Saturday: 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM Sunday: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Grant Sevdayan—Choir Director [email protected] 8345 Talbert Avenue Huntington Beach California 92646 Phone: (714) 842-3000 Fax: (714) 842-6780 Web:www.svdphb.org Page Two October 19, 2014 St. Vincent de Paul Church Anointing Mass and Luncheon Saturday, October 25, 11:30 AM We will celebrate the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick on Saturday, October 25, at 11:30 AM. Anyone who has a serious illness is scheduled for surgery because of a serious illness, or elderly in a frail condition is encouraged to ask for the Sacrament of the Sick, and as soon as the right time comes, to receive it with full faith and devotion. This includes seriously sick children if they have sufficient use of reason to be strengthened by this sacrament. A luncheon will be served immediately after the Mass in the Parish Hall for both the sick and their caregivers. Join other parish members to grow in your relationship with Christ through reading the Bible. The Four Gospels Tuesday, October 28 at 7 PM in the Parish Hall Presenter: Fr. Jerome Karcher An overview of the gospels and their formation and authors. All are welcome! Beginners and studied! We’re selling Bibles for $5! After all the Masses this weekend!! The New American Bible Revised Edition (whole Bible) and the New Testament will be available for purchase. Reassess how much time you spend studying the Bible and consider purchasing one for yourself, a friend or family member! Sunday Offering Total in Cash Plate Recordable Contributions: Total in Sunday Envelopes/Checks Online Giving Total Sunday Offerings: October 12, 2014 Total Budgeted Sunday Offering Building for the Future-Second Collection $ 6,951.00 $ $ $ $ — $ 10,940.63 5,549.00 23,440.63 24,000.00 559.37 $ 4,246.00 Time & Talent “Always seek to do good to one another and to all.” 1 Thess 5:15 Page Three Octubre 19, 2014 St. Vincent de Paul Church Ministerio Hispano Misa de Unción de los Enfermos y almuerzo Sábado 25 de octubre, 11:30 AM Vamos a celebrar el Sacramento de la unción de los enfermos el sábado, 25 de octubre, de 11:30 AM. Cualquiera que tenga una enfermedad grave está programada para cirugía o debido a una enfermedad grave, o ancianos en una condición frágil se les anima para que vengan a pedir el Sacramento de los enfermos, y tan pronto como llegue el momento adecuado, para recibirlo con plena fe y devoción. Esto incluye hijos seriamente enfermos y que tengan suficientemente uso de razón a reforzarse por este Sacramento. Se servirá un almuerzo inmediatamente después de la Misa en el Salón Parroquial para los enfermos y sus cuidadores. EDIFICIO DEL FUTURO COLECTAS ESPECIALES NOVIEMBRE 9 Y DICIEMBRE 7 La construcción continúa en el proyecto del edificio para nuevas salas de reuniones, la oficina y almacenamiento para la Sociedad de San Vicente de Paul que sirve a los necesitados, así como la mejora de los edificios actuales con piedras apiladas! Tendremos colecciones especiales en las misas con el fin de ayudar a pagar por este proyecto de 1,2 millones de dólares! Este es un momento emocionante para nuestra parroquia que ofrece consistentemente excelentes actividades de ministerios para todos los miembros parroquiales. Por favor, sean generosos con sus donaciones en estas colectas especiales. Además de sus ofrendas dominicales pueden traerlas o enviarlas por correo electrónico sus donaciones grandes o pequeñas son apreciadas y necesarias! GRACIAS por su generosidad! CLASES DE ALFABETIZACIÓN Y CAPACITACIÓN Les queremos informar a la comunidad de San Vicente de Paul, que estamos ofreciendo clases gratuitas para aprender a leer y escribir. El programa cuenta con maestros especializados en el proceso de enseñanza pedagógica. Las clases son ofrecidas en los días viernes. Para más información, comuníquese con la señora Magaly Bernal en la oficina parroquial al 714-842-3000 ext. 26. YA COMENZARON LAS CLASES PARA LOS NIÑOS DE LA FORMACION EN LA FE (CATECISMO) Las clases de Formación en la Fe (catecismo) del programa 2014 – 2015 ya comenzaron y son ofrecidas en los días jueves y sábados. Aceptamos a los niños que asisten al primer grado de la escuela. Si todavía no registro a sus hijos les pedimos que por favor pasen a la Oficina Parroquia y registre a sus niños. Para más información comuníquese con la señora Magaly Bernal 714-842-3000 x26. CLUB DE NIÑOS Y AMIGOS DE CRISTO CAMBIO DE HORARIO El programa para jóvenes que ya recibieron la primera comunión, hace el cambio de horario, las sesiones son ofrecidas todos los viernes de 5:00 a 6:30 PM. Si sus niños ya recibieron la primera comunión los invitamos aregistrarse en este ministerio de jóvenes y sus hijos pueden continuar con su formación en la Fe. El Club Niños de Cristo, para los niños de los grados 3, 4 y 5 El Club de Amigos de Cristo, para los jóvenes de los grados 6, 7 y 8, son los días viernes de 6:00 a 7:30 PM. Tenemos actividades, juegos, snacks y crecimiento en la Fe. Regístrese en la oficina parroquial o comuníquese con la señora Magaly Bernal al 714-842-3000 ext. 26 CLASES DE ESTUDIOS BIBLICOS PARA ADULTOS Estamos ofreciendo clases de estudios bíblicos para adultos, si usted quiere estar más cerca de Dios por medio de su palabra, estas clases les servirán de mucho aprendizaje y también como ayudar a nuestros niños en su preparación de su Formación en la Fe. Las clases son los días jueves de 5:00-6:30 PM y los sábados de 9:00-10:30 AM. Montaña Mágica Tour de Inspiración sábado, 08 de noviembre de 8:30 AM-11 PM Todos los jóvenes de High School están invitados a acompañarnos a Six Flags Magic Mountain para un día de diversión, seguida de Misa y una manifestación de jóvenes en el teatro Golden Bear dentro del parque. Costo es de $45 muchos lugares están llenos. Por favor, póngase en contacto con Brian para más información [email protected] Page Four October 19, 2014 Faith Formation This week Edge will discussion what our hearts truly desire! Come and join us for a fun night of games, prayer, and skits! This week the topic for Club345 is: Radical? Living for Jesus for Christ FAITH FORMATION FALL FEST CELEBRATION MONDAY, OCTOBER 27 St. Vincent de Paul Church Youth Ministry & Teen Confirmation 10/19/14 NO LIFE NIGHT There will be NO Life Night on This Sunday due to the Fall Retreat the day before. 10/22/14 Refuel: Teen Bible Study Wednesday 6:30-8:00 PM FROM 6:00 PM TO 8:00 PM IN THE PARISH HALL All High School Teens are invited to join us for a Bible Study covering the upcoming Sunday Readings. Take a break from your week and Refuel your heart, mind, and soul. The families are invited to our annual Fall Fest Celebration! Come and have fun with us! Dress up as your favorite Saint or Biblical character. Join us for an evening of fun, food, crafts and great games! 10/26/14 Life Night “Smashing Pumpkins” Sunday 6:00-8:00 PM R.S.V.P. by October 22nd by calling our Faith Formation Office @ 714-842-3000, x24 Join us after the 5:00pm Mass for fun night. You will have the opportunity write out all of your worries and stresses on a pumpkin and then offer them to Jesus by smashing that pumpkin into tinny pieces with a sledge hammer! Small Group Leaders needed for Club345 We are in need of 3 adults and teens to facilitate small group discussions for our 3rd, 4th and 5th graders on Tuesday afternoons from 5 PM to 6:30 PM. If you are interested, please contact the Faith Formation Office at 714-842-3000 x 24, or e-mail at [email protected]. 10/29/14 Refuel: Teen Bible Study Wednesday 6:30-8:00 PM All High School Teens are invited to join us for a Bible Study covering the upcoming Sunday Readings. Take a break from your week and Refuel your heart, mind, and soul. Six Flags Magic Mountain Inspiration Tour Saturday, November 8th, 2014 8:30 AM-11:00 PM Adult Liturgical Ministers & Adoration Society Members! Wednesday, October 29th Formal Flag Retirement There will be a Veteran’s Day Observance Ceremony with Formal Flag Retirement on Sunday, November 9th, at 5:00 PM at Harbor Lawn Mt. Olive Memorial Park located at 1625 Gisler Avenue, in Costa Mesa. For those who are unable to attend the ceremony but wish to retire a flag, you may bring your flag to the St. Joachim Parish office, 1943 Orange Avenue in Costa Mesa or any Dignity mortuary, where they will be collected until Friday, November 7th. Dignity Memorial is honored to properly dispose of the flags. Questions? Call (714) 540-5554. All High School Teens are invited to go with us to Six Flags Magic Mountain for a day of fun, followed by Mass and a youth rally in the Golden Bear Theater inside the park. Cost is $45 and spots are filled on a first come basis. Please contact Brian for more details [email protected] SPIRITUAL EXERCISES OF ST. IGNATIUS OF LOYOLA 2014 WINTER SESSION-beginning November 1st through November 6th DO YOU FEEL AN INTERIOR CALL TO GROW IN HOLINESS? These classes, offered at St. Peter Chanel in Hawaiian Gardens and given over an 11-Week period, will greatly intensify your spiritual life and your desire to go to Heaven. Come and learn the real purpose of your life, and how to achieve it through self-discipline, deep prayer, and discernment of spirits. You’ll see miracles happen in your life! Go to www.spcomv.com for more Information. Registration or call Mary Martorona at 562 924-5193. Page Five October 19, 2014 St. Vincent de Paul Church Remembering Our Dead There will be a special Remembering Our Dead Mass on Saturday, November 2, at 8:30 AM in remembrance of those who have died this past year. Please join us in praying for our loved ones. All Souls Mass Novena Envelopes These Mass Intentions envelopes are available in the Parish Office or church. You may request a special remembrance of your loved ones for a nine-day Novena of Masses (November 2 through November 10) by writing their names on the envelope and returning it, with an offering, to the Parish Office or you may place it in the collection basket during the weekend Masses. If you are a baptized Catholic over 18 years old and would like to receive the sacrament of Confirmation or if you need preparation for First Holy Communion, we still have room for you to join us. These sessions are twice a month from 9:45 AM -11 AM. Our next session is Sunday, November 2 in room 6. Contact Elsa Lusk at 714-842-3000 x12 or email at [email protected] for any questions. You may pick up a registration at the Parish Office or download if from our parish website, www.svdphb.org. SVDP Bereavement Ministry • • • Are you a compassionate person? Are you a kind person? Do you enjoy helping people? If you answer yes do any of these three questions you are a perfect candidate. Our basic function is to meet with the family of the deceased member of our Parish. We work as a team of two while we guide the family in choosing the Readings and Hymns for the Funeral Mass. We find planning the Liturgy for their loved one is comforting and helps the family members in the grieving process. They always deeply appreciate our help. To be a Bereavement Minister at Saint Vincent de Paul Church is a special blessing, you will be grateful to be a part of this beautiful Ministry. If you feel the Lord leading you to our Bereavement Ministry please call Dorothy – 714-842-3000 and I will be happy to explain our procedures more thoroughly. Craft Fair The Ladies of the Knights of Columbus is pleased to announce St. Bonaventure’s 30th Annual Craft Fair. Date: Saturday, November 8 From 8:30 AM to 3:30 PM Address: 16400 Springdale Street (at Heil) H.B. Get a jump start on you holiday shopping!! Knights of Columbus Pancake Breakfast Sunday, November 2 St. Vincent de Paul Parish Hall Please join us for one of the best breakfast in town on Sunday, November 2, in the Parish Hall after the first three Masses. Cost: Adults $6.00 and Children 12 under $4.00. Come out and support the Knights as we raise monies for Knight of Columbus Charities. Page Six October 19, 2014 St. Vincent de Paul Church Women's Book Club Thursday, October 23 | 7 PM Join other women as we discuss the book "Ten Prayers God Always Says Yes to" by Anthony DeStefano. The group meets on a monthly basis in a home or classroom setting. For more information, please email or contact Patty Ledezma at 714-842-3000 x25 [email protected] St. Vincent de Paul MOM’s Group 2014 ~ 2015 Meets Every Wednesday 10:30 to 12:00 PM Room 3 Our mission is to model our lives, as mothers of young children, after the example of our Blessed Mother. We have a fun time sharing our motherhood experiences, growing spiritually & personally, and having great conversations along the way! For more information contact: Gigi Reynolds [email protected] or 714-987-0029 New Hope Crisis Counseling Is operated by Catholic Charities with phone lines 24/7 714-639-4676 714 NEW-HOPE Are you interested in meeting other Catholic families? All families with children under 12 are invited for an evening of fellowship and food! The evening will include a POTLUCK style dinner, prayer, and family activity. Consider attending 5 PM Mass beforehand. Please bring a Main Dish to share, as well as your favorite beer. The church will provide drinks, salad, and desserts. HORARIO DE MISAS / MASS TIMES Sunday Masses in English Misas Dominicales en Español Saturday: 5:00 PM Sunday: 7:00; 8:30; 10:00; 11:30 AM; 5:00 PM Sábado: 6:30 PM; Domingo: 1:00 PM Daily Masses Misas Diarias en Inglés 7:00 AM: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 8:30 AM: Monday through Saturday 7:00 AM: Martes, Miércoles y Jueves 8:30 AM: Lunes a Sábado Holy Day Masses Misas de Obligación en Español 6:30 PM Vigil: 7:00 AM; 8:30 AM: 6:30 PM Bilingual Sacrament of Penance Saturdays 3:30 PM Sacrament of Baptism Pre-baptismal classes for Parents & Godparents Baptisms monthly. Call the Office for information and requirements. Sacrament of Marriage Please contact a Priest at least six months prior to anticipated Wedding. Novena to Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal 6:30 PM Bilingüe Sacramento de Penitencia Sábados a las 3:30 PM Sacramento de Bautismo Clases pre-bautismales para padres y padrinos Llame a la Oficina para requisitos e información. Sacramento de Matrimonio Favor de ponerse en contacto con un Sacerdote por lo menos seis meses antes de la boda. Quinceañeras en Grupo Mondays after 8:30 AM Mass Una vez por mes. Llame a la Oficina tres meses antes. Eucharistic Adoration and Exposition Exposición y Adoración al Santísimo Monday 9:00 AM through Thursday 7:00 PM Lunes 9:00 AM a Jueves 7:00 PM Page Seven October 19, 2014 CHURCH MANNERS and Etiquette Silence “Sacred silence, as part of the celebration, is to be observed. Even before the celebration itself, it is commendable that silence be observed in the church, in the sacristy, in the vesting room etc. . . so that all may dispose themselves to carry out the sacred action in a devout and fitting manner.” (GIRM #45) Readings For The Week Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Sunday: Eph 2:1-10; Ps 100:1b-5; Lk 12:13-21 Eph 2:12-22; Ps 85:9ab-14; Lk 12:35-38 Eph 3:2-12; Is 12:2-3, 4bcd-6; Lk 12:39-48 Eph 3:14-21; Ps 33:1-2, 4-5, 11-12, 18-19; Lk 12:49-53 Eph 4:1-6; Ps 24:1-4ab, 5-6; Lk 12:54-59 Eph 4:7-16; Ps 122:1-5; Lk 13:1-9 Ex 22:20-26; Ps 18:2-4, 47, 51; 1 Thes 1:5c-10; Mt 22:34-40 Weekly Mass Intentions October 20 through October 26 Mon. Tue. Wed. Thur. Thur. Fri. Sat. 8:30 AM Novena Intentions & Raymond Pratte † 7:00 AM Mark Buckles † 8:30 AM Ralph Mattice † 7:00 AM Joseph Vo † 8:30 AM Souls of VPG Relatives 7:00 AM Steve Knight † & Luca Mary & Joseph Dao 8:30 AM Health for Mr. & Mrs. Vy Tran 8:30 AM Richar & Josephine Moore 8:30 AM Marie Sawka Sat. Sun. Sun. Sun. 5:00 PM Jeanette Meilak † 7:00 AM Andrew Muldowney † 10:00 AM Ralph Castello 1:00 PM Juan Contreras † Weekend Mass Intentions 6:30 PM Lorenzo Alvarez † 8:30 AM Antonio Neves † 11:30 AM PRO PROPULO 5:00 PM Ida Gattanella † St. Vincent de Paul Church Weekly Calendar - Calendario Semanal Monday, October 20: 3:00 PM 5:00 PM 5:00 PM 6:00 PM 6:30 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:30 PM 7:30 PM Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Level II –Rooms 5-6 Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Level II –Rooms 5-6 Faith Formation Program –Rooms 1-4 Rosary for Peace-Church Evening Prayer & Benediction-Church Pastoral Council Meeting-Room 3 Oremus Study-Room 4 RCIA-Adult -Room 7 Gospel of Matthew Bible Study-Parish Hall Families of Nazareth-Room 8 Tuesday, October 21: 10:30 AM 4:00 PM 5:00 PM 5:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Level I –Rooms 5-6 Faith Formation Rooms 3-4 Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Level II –Rooms 5-6 CLUB 345-Parish Hall 10 AM Choir –Church Bible Lecture Series-Rooms 1-2 Dynamic Catholic ~ Study The Four Gospels by: Father Jerome Neocatecumenado Grupo 2-Salones 7-8 7:30 PM Wednesday, October 22: 7:30 AM 9:00 AM 9:30 PM 9:30 AM 9:30 AM 6:00 PM 6:00 PM 6:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:30 PM 7:30 PM Men’s Bible Study-Parish Hall Catechesis of the Good Shepherd –Rooms 5-6 Adult Catechism Group-Room 1 Vietnamese Prayer Group-Room 3 Korean Bible Study-Room 2 First Reconciliation Parent and Child Night –Parish Hall Childcare-Room 4 Teen Bible Study-Rooms 3-4 RCIA-Adult Inquiry-Room 7 Neocatecumenado Grupo 1 –Salon 8 Neocatecumenado Grupo 3 –Salon 3-4 Thursday, October 23: 9:30 AM 9:30 AM 12:30 PM 5:00 PM 7:00 PM Bible Lecture Series-Parish Hall Rosary Prayer Group-Room 1 Legion of Mary-Rooms 3-4 Formación en la Fe –Salones 1-8 & Salón Parroquial 8:30 AM Contemporary Choir Rehearsal-Church Friday, October 24: 3:00 PM 5:00 PM 6:00 PM 6:30 PM 9:00 PM Divine Mercy Chaplet-Blessed Sacrament Chapel Club de Niños-Salon 2 & Salon Parroquial Clases de Alfabetización-Salones 5-6 Cenáculo de Oración-Salon 1 Young Adults-Chapel Saturday, October 25: Pray for Those Who Are Ill Refugio Rios, Regina Srajer, Isaac Alshamas, Linda Anello, Zueca Family, Cathy Formagas, The Buck Family, Louis Kane, Anita Smith, Gail Page, Elise & Marcelle Aube, John Squires, The Cox Family, John Hoffman, Minnie Galvan, The Hidalgo Family, Patricia Elting, Guadalupe Martinez, Octavio & Daniel Corona, Helena Jacob, Ricardo Marin, Pat Giera, Albert Jawer, Renee Ranney, Celina Marquez, Kristina Lynn Yeh, Ryder Montano, Christian Guadron, Toni Luvisi, Elise & Marcelle Aubé, Doug Ambrose, Carla Conley, Bernadette Castro, Fady W. Elgowhary, Florence Pach, Patrick Foreman, Katushka Wilson, Rose Ortega, Natalia Mary Varanko-Hirsch, Julio Godoy Jr., Orest Sopka and Family, Kyle Ruth, & Tom Keane, William Quinton, Jon Roberts, Dn. Fred Canlas, Bill Waldron, Isidra Basurto, Natalie Collison, Denise Filipek, Lisa O’Brien, Joann Wallace, Henry Marino, Carlos Ronquillo, Margaret Goebel, Patty Blackburn, Joseph Misuraca, Ramiro Villareal, Nick Tumbocon, Zuek Family, Dolly Wong, Iginio Topanes, Joan Furtsch, Jeanette Sanchez, Jorge Zamora Jr. Donald Cashion, Mary Ruth Rivet, Roy Jefferson, Saúl Burgos, Cliff Stone, Cynthia Montes, Darla Salazar, Pauline Luna. NOTE: IF YOU HAVE RECOVERED FROM YOUR ILLNESS, PLEASE CALL THE OFFICE TO REMOVE YOUR NAME. THANK YOU!! Prayer Line—Jill: 714-847-1759 9:00 AM 11:00 AM 11:30 PM 3:00 PM 6:00 PM 7:30 PM Formación en la Fe –Salones 1-8 Pro-Vida Ministerio –Salones 2 Anointing of the Sick Mass-Church Children's Choir-Room 8 Matrimonios en Cristo-Salones 1-4 Neocatecumenado –Salones 5-8 Sunday October 26: 10:00 & 11:30 AM 5:00 PM Childcare LAMBS-Room 3-4 Childcare LAMBS-Room 3-4 Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time “You shall love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.” — Matthew 22:37 2014 Upcoming Parish Events December 6 December 19 Fiesta of Our Lady of Guadalupe Noel Night Concert
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