October 14, 2014 MISSION: To know God and to make God known First United Methodist Church P.O. Box 277 1826 Nall Street Port Neches TX 77651 Phone: 409-722-8357 Fax: 409-722-8358 Website: www.fumcportneches.org Email: [email protected] CHURCH STAFF Pastor Dr. Wesley Welborn Home Phone 853-4233 Cell # 979-203-0755 [email protected] Secretary Christy Champagne [email protected] Music Director Brittany Perry Grace and peace in the name of God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. This Saturday is the Annual UMW Bazaar. Come on down and find the Christmas presents for your family and friends. It’s a fun event for those who enjoy shopping for hidden treasures. This Sunday is Laity Sunday. Our Lay Leader, Donna Lumpkin, will be leading the services and bringing the message. Laity Sunday is a powerful reminder of how important every member of the church is. We clergy have a role to play in the life of the church, but the real strength of the church is the dedication and commitment of the laity to Christ as they work together in the church. See you Sunday, Wesley Rules for Living Put Christ First [email protected] Pianist Shawn Simonson Financial Secretary Gwen Hill [email protected] Mother’s Day Out/ Children’s Director Allenda Savant [email protected] Youth Director Alicia Permenter [email protected] Custodian Robert Arnold There is a story about a mother who was trying to keep her little boy entertained, so she gave him a jigsaw puzzle to put together. It was a fairly complicated puzzle, and she thought it would keep him occupied for awhile. To her surprise, he finished the puzzle in a short time. She asked him how he had completed the puzzle so quickly, and he said, “Momma, there is a picture of Jesus on the other side. When I got the picture of Jesus right, all the pieces just fell into place.” There’s a life lesson in that little illustration. When we get our relationship with Jesus right, all pieces fall into place. Life gets confusing when we misplace our priorities, when we put things in the wrong order of importance. When we get our priorities right, everything else falls into place. Put Christ first, and all the other pieces will fall into place. NEWS FROM THE PEWS HOSPITAL Everett Culver Kimber Fondren St. Lukes Texas Children’s CHURCH MEMBERS Eleanor Baird Beverly Blanchard Chuck DuBois Kent Hathorn Lynn Jarrell Jean Leverett Mary Beth McDuff Drake Martin Kathy Newman Evelyn Romberg Richard Walker Julie Winn THE MEMBERS AND STAFF OF FIRST CHURCH EXTEND LOVING SYMPATHY TO… The family of Danny Hall, who died October 2, 2014 Please keep his family in your thoughts and prayers. Michael Worthington CHURCH COUNCIL MEETING Monday, October 20 6:30 pm in the Sanctuary FAMILY MEMBERS Ava Armstrong Kelly Baker Mary Rosalyn Baker Donna Broaddus Gilroy Broussard Mahlan Broussard Demi Demas Janet Duncan Martha Hall Jan Horton Mike Leger Lois Lovett Russell Martin Debbie Murphy Charles Pennell Lynne Pennell Kim Risinger Joey Romero & family Ted Tudor, Jr. Rusty York Our country & leaders FRIENDS Liz Anderson Charles Irons Elisha Barnhill Tom Jordan Scott Bergeron Natalie Laws Wanda Bienvenue Dom Mars Jan Boone Tanya Milan Myrtle Broussard Seth Morey Jackie Cross Becky Nichols Louis DeVillier Lydia Ramirez Mary Dominguez Anita Rice Paula Gregory Danny Ritchie Jerry Grisham Brooklyn Roy Marilyn Hammock Debra Schwartz Betty Healin Many Vara Susan Hilton MILITARY John Alexander Chris Allen Angie Keltz Brody Erek Gonzalez Michael Head Brian Howard Travis Johnson Kevin Knippa Zeke Mills Joshua Needham Eddie Pierce Stephanie Smith Jonathan Welborn Military Families UMW Bazaar this Saturday, October 18 9 am - 2 pm Dates to Remember Oct 21: 5:30 pm Trustees-Bible class 6:30 pm Finance Committee-Fidelis class Got Greeting Cards? St. Jude’s Ranch for Children has helped neglected and abused children For years. The children live on the ranch, and there are many success stories of college graduations and thriving careers. For more than 30 years the ranch has recycled used greeting cards. The children cut down the card fronts and make them into new greeting cards, which are then sold online and in the ranch gift shop. For each card they create, they will receive 15 cents which goes into their Personal account. We will be sending greeting card “fronts” to St. Jude’s Ranch for Children Soon. Remember: ANY type of greeting card is acceptable as long as there is no handwritten greeting on the backside of the “fronts”. Please place your contribution in the designated box near the Church office. Thanks for your help! ASSISTED LIVING/NURSING HOME Lois Boudreaux Nida Garrett Family of Danny Hall Cindy Hemmengway Shirley Hurd Marie Jordan Troy Kerr Gwen Park Betty Ragan Hugh Reeder HOMEBOUND Freddie Cotton Margie Fuller Kent Lee Jean McFatter J29 StuMin and Genesis College and Young Adult Ministry is wanting to update and upgrade the upstairs Student area (now called THE LOFT). We could use the following items: First Aid supplies, storage tubs with lids (all sizes), board games, ping pong balls & paddles, new or slightly used WII games, music players. Thanks for supporting J29 StuMin & Genesis College & Young Adults. NEWS FROM THE PEWS PRESENCE Sunday, October 12, 2014 Sunday, October 26 6:00-8:00 PM Sunday School......................85 9 am Praise Service..............80 11 am Traditional Service .....90 Worship Total......................170 Sign up sheets can be found on the table across from the water fountain in the hallway by Fellowship Hall. Story Hour - HELP NEEDED We’re still in need of people to help with Story Hour. Please sign up today or call Allenda 722-8357. GIFTS Oct 6-12 Offering Sunday, November 23 First United Methodist Church will present Bibles to our 3rd graders on Sunday, November 23. Please look at the list below, if you do not see your child’s name or you know of someone I do not have listed, please contact me by phone 722-8357 or email [email protected]. Ansley Husen Dylan Rector Kaden Kreuzer Lily Euston Sandra Stout A Special Olympics Track & Field Meet will be held at Bridge City High School on Saturday, October 25. They are in need of a lot of volunteers as well as spectators. Volunteers must be 7th grade - 12th grade and adults. If you can volunteer, please contact Alicia Permenter at [email protected] Sys. Contrib. Loose Plate TOTAL $5412.03 169.50 $5581.53 SERVICE October 19, 2014 Greeters: Fidelis class Children’s Sermon: Dr. Welborn Story Hour: Martha Palmer & Alicia Permenter Peace Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” John 14:27 Wednesdays, 6-7 pm “Midweek Boost”; Sundays, 4-5 pm “Hangtime”; 5-7 pm J29 Youth Fellowship It was early June one year and I was standing in the front yard at my mom’s house. It was nighttime, and the stars were bright in the country sky of Mauriceville. A strong, warm breeze blew my hair back as I stood facing into the wind. In the background my two nieces were spinning around in circles, making themselves dizzy and falling over in laughter. All I could do was stand there and praise the Maker of it all. I have never been so filled with peace – peace from knowing that I was in the right place at the right time; peace from acknowledging a loving God who woos me with the stars and warm breezes and sounds of laughter. Have you ever experienced one of those moments when life seems to slow down, and the moment feels almost eternal? All you can mutter is, “God is good. God is good.” For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV) 19th Sunday After Pentecost October 19, 2014 LECTIONARY READINGS Exodus 33:12-23 Psalm 99 UMH 819 1 Thessalonians 1:1-10 Matthew 22:15-22 We are blessed to be God’s children. We are blessed to be filled with God’s spirit and to be vessels of God’s unspeakable peace. Have you ever experienced God’s unspeakable peace? How does that peace overflow into and affect your daily life? Until Next time . . . Alicia THE WEEK AHEAD SUNDAY, October 19 9 am Praise & Worship 10 am Sunday School 11 am Traditional Worship 6-8 pm J29 StuMin Fellowship 6-7:30 pm Girl Scouts-Children’s Bldg THURSDAY, October 23 9 am-2 pm MDO 4:30 pm Girl Scouts-Bible class 6 pm Praise Band practice SUNDAY, October 26 9 am Praise & Worship 10 am Sunday School MONDAY, October 20 10 am Bible Study-Alletta Thompson’s 11 am Traditional Worship home 6-8 pm Trunk or Treat 5 pm Wolf-Cub Scouts-Asbury 6 pm Webelos-Cub Scouts-Asbury MONDAY, October 27 6 pm Alzheimer’s Support Group-Parlor 6:30 pm Church Council meetingSanctuary TUESDAY, October 21 9 am-2 pm MDO 10 am Loose Threads 5:30 pm Trustees-Bible class 6:30 pm Finance Committee-Fidelis WEDNESDAY, October 22 5:45 pm Hand bell practice 7 pm Chancel Choir
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