26 OCTOBER 2014 BULLETIN! Address: 10 Bishan Street 13 Singapore 579795 Tel: 6259-1943 Fax: 6259-4279 [email protected] www.livingpraise.org.sg Living Praise Presbyterian Church Order of Service THE GATHERING! ! Call to Worship Ruth Chen! ! ! ! Songs of Praise ! ! Across The Lands ! ! Come Thou Fount Of Every Blessing ! Prayer of Adoration and Thanksgiving ! Song of Reflection ! ! ! Prayer of Confession 2014 Meeting Time Colossians 1:15-20 Youth & Young Adults 9am to 10.15am English Service & Sunday School Before The Throne Of God Above 10.30am to 12pm (every 1st Sunday - combined Family Communion Service) OUR WELCOME, PRAYERS & GIVING ! Welcome & Announcements ! Congregational Prayer ! Offertory ! ! ! Doxology ! ! ! Pastor Foo Yuk Yee Mandarin Service 10.30am to 12pm (every 1st Sunday Holy Communion Service) Ancient Words Join us for Lunch Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow Every Sunday! 12pm to 2pm THE WORD ! Scripture Reading ! Krystal Lim Revelation 2:12-17 Sermon! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Rev David Wong The Church That Compromises - Pergamum THE SENDING ! Closing Song ! ! ! Benediction ! ! • Get to know someone new. • Talk to someone about the message. Pray with someone. • • Speak with a pastor, elder, deacon or a friend. Hear The Call Of The KingdomT Three-fold Amen Please carry our conversations about God over to lunch and minister to one another. Our Mission in Living Praise Presbyterian Church is to know, love and enjoy God forever – and lead others to do the same. Our 10 Year Vision by end 2022 is to have 100 (+ existing in 2012) families, to know, love and enjoy God forever and lead others to do the same. Published and Printed by Living Praise Presbyterian Church MICA (P) 031/05/2013 Welcome to Living Praise! Dear friends, On behalf of the leaders and members of Living Praise Presbyterian Church we warmly welcome you to our church. We hope that you'll be blessed by your visit this morning as you find out more about Jesus and meet some of His people. Do stay back after the service, join us for lunch fellowship and speak to us. We would love to get to know you. We warmly invite you for our regular Sunday services from 10.30am - 12pm. If you would like to find out more about our church activities do contact me at 91821644. Pastor Yuk Yee, on behalf of the leaders and members of Living Praise. CONTACT OFFICE EXT Acting Senior Pastor 9182-1644 105 [email protected] Reverend Tan Hoo Sun Daniel Associate Minister, Mandarin Ministry 98331984 108 [email protected] Preacher Stanley Soh Pastor, Youth & Young Adults Ministry 9695-9286 104 [email protected] Pastoral Associate (Chaplain & Sunday School Ministry) 9698-6051 [email protected] Pastoral Associate (Church and School Ministry) 9770-9539 [email protected] STAFF Reverend Foo Yuk Yee Carol Ng Gerard Su EMAIL Roy Chang (Study Leave @ Singapore Bible College from July 2014- June 2017) Tan Lip Teng Senior Church Manager, Administration & Facility Management Evelyn Tan 9622-4659 Admin Executive 101 [email protected] 0 [email protected] MINISTRY TEAM (ELDERS) Richard Ong Elders & Deacons Court Clerk, Chairman Personnel 9297-9680 [email protected] Hospitality Ministry 9824-5105 [email protected] Wang Kim Meng Family Ministry 9630-3096 [email protected] Chan Siew Heng Cell Groups Ministry 9754-5689 [email protected] Sunday School Ministry & Assistant Treasurer 9651-1442 [email protected] 9179-7029 [email protected] Treasurer & Young Adults Ministry 9144-3480 [email protected] Missions Ministry 9824-4536 [email protected] Tan Yeong Nam MINISTRY TEAM (DEACONS) Jessie Wong Sow Har Daniel Loke Kwong Yan Wilson Tay Swee Kiat Church and Worship Ministry Martin Chen Wee Bang MINISTERS Congregation of Living Praise 26 October 2014 Name RESPONSE SLIP (Please tear off) (Dr./Mr./Mrs./Ms./Mdm.) Address Email Mobile Age Group Please tick where applicable Home 18 & below 19-30 Office 31-40 I would like to join a Discovery Class to find out more about Christianity. I would like to know how to be a Christian. 41-50 50 & above I would like to join the New Members’ Class and be Baptised / Confirmed / Transferred (Kindly circle your response) I would like to join a Cell Group. I would like to join a Foundation Class. Others: I would like to know more about church activities. I heard about Living Praise from __________________________________ (Family / Friend / Came On My Own) 2 SERMON OUTLINE! 26 OCTOBER 2014 Scripture: Revelation 2:12-17 Title: The Church That Compromises - Pergamum Preacher: Rev David Wong 1. The City of Pergamum First Temple dedicated to Emperor Famous Temple dedicated to Goddess of Healing Centre of Emperor Worship Centre of Idolatry (and Immorality) 2. The Church of Pergamum Faithful despite Satan’s Territory (2.13) Faithful despite Martyr’s Death (2.13) Unfaithful, holding to false teachings Unfaithful, tolerating false teachings (2.14-15) 3. The Lord Jesus Call to Truth & Holiness (2.12, 16) Offer of “Hidden Manna” & “White Stone” (2.17) “Love becomes sentimental if it is not strengthened by truth, and truth becomes hard if it is not softened by love. We need to preserve the balance of the Bible which tells us… to grow not only in love but in discernment.” John Stott We thank God for the gospel partnership that we share with Zion Bible Presbyterian Church. This Sunday we warmly welcome Rev Dr David Wong, Senior Pastor of Zion BP together with their leaders Elder Sonny Tan, Elder Reginald Tan and Elder & Mrs Jeffery Lim Sermons are available on our church’s website at www.livingpraise.org.sg or on your Android ph ones! Download LPPC App from https://play.google.com/store. Search using the keyword: "LPPC" or "Living Praise Presbyterian Church" 3 Praiselines by Pastor Stanley Soh 26 OCTOBER 2014 From The Pastoral Leadership Team ⼀一⼈人⼀一半, 感情不散 ⼀一⼈人⼀一素故,感情才会久 together and causes relationships to be strengthened. Last Sunday, our neighbours - fellow brothers and sisters in Christ of Zion Bible Presbyterian Church, invited our Pastors and church leaders to attend their 20th Anniversary Service! Initially, it felt a bit funny to be in the same hall where I just preached and welcomed friends in the morning. Now, instead of shaking hands and welcoming church members, I was being welcomed into the warm fellowship of another church. Though I was among many unfamiliar faces, all my initial uneasiness quickly faded away when we began giving praise and thanks to God through the hymns, prayers and the reading of God’s Word. I was happy to be among fellow Christian brothers and sisters giving praise to our Heavenly Father. Last week during my sermon, I shared how I struggled with speaking and writing Mandarin since my younger days. If you think that I have somehow improved my Mandarin overnight after seeing the heading of today’s Praiselines, I have not. The above are the lyrics of a song from a local movie and these opening words were sung in Hokkien dialect which if I may, attempt to help us pronounce with these: ⼀一⼈人⼀一半, 感情不散 The worship leader began by reading from Psalm 133 “How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity!” As God’s word was being read, I reflected on them and I whispered a prayer of thanks to God in response. Years ago, God in His plans planted two churches which are just 300m down the road from one another. Though our churches are different yet we are united together with all Christians everywhere as God’s children saved through the blood of Jesus Christ. zhi lang zhi bua, kam cheng buay sua ⼀一⼈人⼀一素故, 感情才会久 zhi lang zhi su ku, kam cheng jia eh ku Loosely translated, the above words have the meaning: Each person, one half, our relationship won’t separate Each person, one quarter, our relationship will last long This saying expresses our Chinese values of friendship and relationships, loyalty, sharing and love for one another – the sharing of life’s struggles, pain and laughter The saying probably came from China when frequent natural disasters happen and villagers are often left homeless, poor and hungry from famines and flooding. So the villagers learned to share whatever food they have with one another. If there are two of us, we will share half with one another. If there are three of us, we will just have a smaller portion. Instead of half, we get a quarter, but another person gets to share what we have. Sharing whatever we have in a time of need brings people Unity within the local church is expressed by our relationships of humility towards one another, gentleness in dealing with one another, patience in response to one another and bearing with one another in love. But how is this unity expressed between churches? The answer is gospel partnership! So even though we are different in size and community, both LPPC and Zion BPC share a common purpose of reaching out to our Bishan community albeit through different means of gospel work. I look back at the last two years where both our churches – Living Praise PC and Zion BPC had to relocate to a temporary place so that our own places of worship could go through rebuilding works. Both churches had to go through changes of timings and worshipping in a new place and members of both churches had to adjust to the new changes. In a time of need, our two churches came to share a common need in a common place. We often hear sad stories 4 when two churches share a common space. Disagreements, rights of use, failing to keep to time allocation are often the case for discord. When LPPC had to relocate our services to the school hall, Zion BPC who was having their services on Sunday mornings in the hall, graciously allowed us to use the morning slot after the leaders of both our churches met to talk. This meant making another change to their service timing from Sunday mornings to Sunday afternoons. Even with the change of their service to a Sunday afternoon, they offered to get people to set up the chairs for us to use for our morning service. They shared their PA sound equipment and helped trained our PA crew to learn to set up and use it so that we didn’t have to set up ours. There were also occasions when their members gave up their classrooms which they had booked to allow our members to use because we were a bigger group. Each Sunday, they would wait patiently for our cars to move off from the carpark lots, and even when some of our members forgot to leave at the allocated time, they were patient with us. In the coming together to share a place, Zion BPC have shown us what it means to share what they have with us and to also live in the spirit of partnership with fellow brothers and sisters of LPPC. Their partnership with us helped us to proclaim the gospel more effectively to our members, our school KCPPS and the Bishan community. In the blink of an eye, two years have passed and both churches are looking forward to moving back to our own buildings soon. In some sense, we have been brought together to share a common space for two years and God’s love has kept us in gospel partnership. As the service went on, we stood up to sing the hymn, “Oh How Good It Is”. “Oh how good it is When the family of God Dwells together in spirit In faith and unity Where the bonds of peace of acceptance and love Are the fruit of His presence Here among us Refrain : So with one voice we'll sing to the Lord And with one heart we'll live out his word Till the whole earth sees The redeemer has come For He dwells in the presence of His people” “Oh how good it is when the family of God dwells together in spirit in faith and unity …” As my heart broke out in praise for our Lord, I thanked Him for this partnership we shared with our family from Zion BPC the past two years. They have really shown us the true meaning living in partnership and of the phrase “⼀一⼈人⼀一半, 感情不散. ⼀一⼈人⼀一素故, 感情才会久.” Here is a prayer for ourselves and for our loving neighbours down the street where we live. Dear Heavenly Father, We thank you for your love and faithfulness shown to your people in Living Praise and Zion Bible Presbyterian Church through the years. We thank you for enabling us to be part of your work in reaching out to the people in Bishan for the past 20 over years! We praise you; For the lost who found salvation, For those who doubt who found faith, For the sinners who found forgiveness For the anxious who found peace For the tempted who found their hiding place, For the sorrowful who found comfort For the weary who found rest For the strong who found renewed strength For the elderly, who found consolation and joy For the young who found inspiration and hope. All these are only possible through the unceasing work of Your Holy Spirit working in the hearts and lives of Your people in both churches. As we return to our own buildings in time to come, we thank You for the partnership we share with one another. We thank You for bringing us to this common place where we can still gather to worship You and to gather as Your people for the past two years. May you O Lord continue to work in and through us; enable us as Your people to continue the good work You are doing in Bishan. This we pray in the name of Your Son Jesus Christ. Amen 5 THANKSGIVING, PRAYERS & ANNOUNCEMENTS ! 26 OCTOBER 2014 PRIMARY SCHOOL MINISTRY Kuo Chuan Presbyterian Primary School 1. Semester Assessment 2 Continue to pray for our KCPPS students as they sit for their final Semester Assessment on 27 - 29 October. May God strengthen the students as they prepare and sit for their exams. May the students know that they can depend on God’s strength, wisdom and presence as they go through this examination period. 27 Oct: Mathematics 28 Oct: Mother Tongue Paper 2 29 Oct: Science 2. The Move Pray for the teachers and staff as they prepare to move back to Bishan from Ang Mo Kio holding school. Pray for God’s strength and joy as the teachers settle the logistics of packing and continue to teach the students as well as wrap up the school year with paperwork and marking. Pray for God’s wisdom and strength upon the Operations Manager - Mr Seetoh, our Principal - Mdm Teo and Vice Principals - Mr Poh and Mdm Jessie Ang and the rest of the key personnel as they handle the logistics of the move. May God grant the school a smooth transition back to Bishan. LPPC Mission Trips - Chiang Rai, Thailand Date: ! 27 November to 3 December 2014 Programs:! Children program, Sunday School, Youth program & visitation Team Leader: Tittiwa Tan Please register with Titttiwa @ 9030-1440 if you would like to join this upcoming mission trip. 6 THANKSGIVING, PRAYERS & ANNOUNCEMENTS Musicale preparations have started! Please join us to get Bethlehem@LPPC for Christmas and get ready to receive our guests. We need many hands on board; please feel free to approach the following people to offer your hands! Choir: Ben Ho/Annabelle Costumes/Props: Anthea/Anne Lee Drama: Alyssa Publicity: Dennis Wong/Abigail Dance: Pih Yann Befrienders: Barney Dunne AV/Stagehands: Eddy/Yoong Hwee CHURCH SCHEDULE NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2014 Week (Mon - Sun) Sunday Sermon Scripture Text Weekly Cell Group Study 20 Oct - 26 Oct The Church that Compromises Pergamum 27 Oct - 2 Nov The Church that Tolerates Immorality Thyatira Revelation 2:18-27 3 Nov - 9 Nov The Church that Lives Like The Walking Dead - Sardis Revelation 3:1-6 10 Nov - 16 Nov The Church that Endures - Philadelphia Revelation 3:7-13 17 Nov - 23 Nov The Church That Is Indifferent - Laodicea Revelation 3:14-22 24 Nov - 30 Nov SevenMember’ ChurchsofService New Revelation - LPPC 1 Dec - 7 Dec Seven Churches of Revelation 8 Dec - 14 Dec Christmas Message 15 Dec - 21 Dec Christmas Service 22 Dec - 28 Dec New Year’s Eve Service Cell Leaders Meeting Event Revelation 2:12-17 The Church that Lives Like The Walking Dead - Sardis The Church that Endures Philadelphia The Church That Is Indifferent - Laodicea Seven Churches of Revelation - LPPC 28 Nov-3 Dec - Chiang Rai Thailand Mission Trip 12 Dec to 15 Dec - Youth Camp 7 MINISTRY INFORMATION OUR FAITHFULNESS 26 October Attendance @ Service 335 (English Service) 45 (Mandarin Service) Sunday School @ Service Roster 26 October 2 November Duty Pastor/ Elder/Staff Pastor Foo Yuk Yee Elder Richard Ong Service Leader Ruth Chen Elder Richard Ong Musicians & Singers Tithes & Offerings! $11,659.50 Isaac Lee, Benjamin Ho, Ian Lim, Roy Chang, James Soh & Tabitha Lee Jeanette Choong, Daniel Lee, Yeo Zhi Wei, Matthew Lu, Kristie Ng, Marcus Ong & Yeo Jiaen Scripture Reader Kyrstal Lim Reuben Yap Our 10 Year Vision Visual Team Lim Jia Xin Low May Ling By end 2022 to have 100 (+ existing in 2012) families, to know, love and enjoy God forever and lead others to do the same. Audio Team Eddy Ho & Elaine Chen Joshua Lee & Matthew Loh Welcome Team Elder Richard Ong Elder Tan Yeong Nam Gloria Ong, Jerlyn Lee, Ng Kay Beng, Ann Quek, Building Up, Reaching Out, Passing Down Ushers Png Yiye, Valerie Seet & Barney Dunne, James Soh & Yap Swee Hin Simon Soo CELL GROUPS If you are interested to join a Cell Group, please fill in the response slip on page 2. Thursday, 8pm, Bishan Elder Wang Kim Meng 9630-3096 Thursday, 2pm, Bishan Elder Sue Kim Lee 9695-5395 Friday, 8pm, Marymount/ Toa Payoh Friday, 8pm, Yio Chu Kang/ Thomson Friday, 8pm, Bishan Saturday, 3pm, Bishan Saturday, 3pm, KCPSS (01-01) Saturday, 3.30pm, KCPSS (01-03) Sunday, 8.45am, KCPSS (Tamil Language Room 1) Elder Jimmy Tan 9626-6068 Tan Nguan Sen 6457-4754 Elder David Lim 9620-2953 Elder Chan Siew Heng 9754-5689 Steven Tan 9686-1906, Loh Pui Wah 9630-7618 Elder Tan Yeong Nam 9824-5105 Chew Siew Chin 9618-2745 Sunday, 9am, KCPSS (01-01) Elder Kok Siew Hoong 9622-6087, Chew Wing Kee 9111-0114 Sunday, 9am, KCPSS (01-02) Felix Lim 9826-9750 , Wilie Wu 9652-1180 Sunday, 9am, KCPSS (01-07) Elder John Seah, Tay Swee Kiat 9144-3480 Sunday, 9am, KCPSS (01-08) Priscilla Lam 9754-5182 Sunday, 9am, KCPSS (Tamil Language Room 2) Sunday, 9am, KCPSS (02-05) Pr Stanley Soh 9695-9286, Tan Nguan Sen 6457-4754 Elder Richard Ong 9297-9680 ARRANGEMENT OF CHAIRS Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, The chairs that we use for our Service have been kindly arranged by our brothers and sisters in Christ from Zion BP. Please help to keep the chairs arranged orderly after our Services. Thank you for your loving consideration.
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