Established 1904 1110 Old Spanish Trail P.O. Box 610 ScoƩ, LA 70583 Rectory: (337) 235-2433 Fax: (337) 233-4868 CCD: (337) 232-6167 Catholic School: (337) 504-3400 Fr. Tom's email: [email protected] Parish email: stspeterandpaulscoƩ Parish Web-Site: www.stspeterandpaulscoƩ.org School Web-site: School email: [email protected] Diocesan Website: Find us on Facebook October 19, 2014 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time STAFF: Rev. Fr. Thomas Voorhies Pastor Rev. Fr. Andre Metrejean Associate Pastor Arthur F. Bakeler, Jr. Permanent Deacon Monica D. Laperous Secretary/Bookkeeper Kip & Ashley Faulk Public High School Religion Laurice A. Dubuc Public Elementary Religion Janet S. Hebert Catholic School: Dr. Robert Richard Principal Tiffany Albarado Administrative Assistant Mona Hodge High School Youth Group (SYG) Jeremy & Amie Clostio & Art & Bridget Trevino Jr. High Youth Group (SKOT) Yvette W. Broussard Choir Director Kip Faulk High School Choir Director OFFICE HOURS: Monday thru Thursday: 8:30am - 4:00pm Friday: 8:30am - 12:00pm MASS SCHEDULE: Saturday (Anticipated Mass) 4:00pm Sunday 6:30, 8:00, 10:00am & 6:00pm Monday, Wednesday & Friday 6:30am Tuesday, Thursday & 1st Saturday 8:30am Holy Days of Obligation As announced SACRAMENT OF PENANCE: On Saturdays from 3:00-3:45pm; on Sundays from 6:00-6:15am, 7:307:45am, 9:15-9:45am and from 5:15-5:45pm. 30 minutes before all of our weekday Masses and by personal appointment. MARRIAGE: Couples planning marriage need to make an appointment with one of the priests at least SIX months before the intended wedding date to begin the preparation process. A wedding date cannot be scheduled without approval of a priest. BAPTISM: Expectant parents should contact the office four to six (4 - 6) months before the birth of the child. VISITATION OF THE SICK OR SHUT-INS: If any one is ill at home and not on the regular Communion list, please call the parish office at 235-2433. NEW PARISHIONERS: Please complete the form provided at entrances of the church, then place it in the collection basket or mail it to the parish office. BULLETIN NOTICE: Deadline is two weeks before the announcement is to appear. RELIGION CLASSES: Contact the CCD Office for registration of new students. Page Two DearParishioners, Today is World Mission Sunday. We all have a mission in life to live the Gospel and to spreaditwithourwords.JesussaidtogooutandBaptizeallnations(Matthew28). Today also closes the Extraordinary Synod of the Bishops on the family. The Ordinary Synodwillbenextyear.Itissigni icantthattodayPopeFrancisBeati iedBlessedPopePaulVI. PaulVIwroteadocumentonevangelization(mission)andonthefamily(HumaneVitae).Soletusallcontinuetohelpevery familytolivetheGospelandthusbemissionaries. TodaywehaveasecondcollectionfortheBishop’sServicesAppeal.Thethemethisyearis“GlorifytheLordbyour Lives”.Wedidn’tquitemakeourgoallastyear(97%)solet’salldoourparttomakeitthisyeartosupportallthediocesan of icesandtheirministries. Don’tforgettoreturnthebabybottleswhichsupporttheWomen’sCenter.ThankstoFrannieRoyfororganizing theBabyBottleCampaignthisyear. Ifyoumisseditlastweek,wehadthe inancialreportfortheparishendingJune30,2014.Our irstcollectionswere upby$26,000fromthepreviousyear.Totalincomewasupby$53,000,ourexpenseswereupby$43,000,mostofthatcan beattributedtoourassessmentexpense.We inishedourlowerassessmentforthebuildingoftheschoolandnowweare backtoourregularassessmentbythediocese.Overallourreceiptsoverdisbursementswereover$9,000morethanlast years’.That$578,126.33wenttowardtheschooldebt. SoitisagoodreportandthebestsinceI’vebeenhere.Thankstoallofyouforyourhardworkanddonationsto keepthisparishgoing.ImyselftithetotheparishandIchallengeallofyoutodothesame.Catholicschooltuitioncanbe consideredpartofyourtithe.Wearestillontracktoretirethedebtin2016,butlet’sdoitearlierifwecan. Anumberofparishionershaveputthechurchontheirautobillpaysystemthroughtheirownbank.TheFinance AdvisoryCommitteewantstomakesurethateverybodyknowsaboutthisavenueofmakingdonations.It’sgreatbecause whenyougooutoftownthechurchstillreceivesitsdonation.Ifyoucanremembertohavethebanktoputyourenvelope numberonthecheckitwouldbeveryhelpful. WeareplanninganewaltarservertrainingonMonday,October20,2014at7:00pminchurch.Only3rdgraderson upwhohavemadetheir1stCommunionareeligible.Pleasecalltherectorytosignup. ArmbandswillbegiventhisSundayforourannualTrunk-or-TreatwhichwilltakeplaceonMonday,October27. Thebandsarefreebutthisallowsustoknowhowmanypeopletoexpectsojusttakeoneifyouareplanningoncoming. Dress is restricted to heroes and saints, no witches, monsters or anything ghoulish will be allowed. This is for our parishionersandSts.Peter&PaulSchoolcommunity. Hurting from divorce? Find help from the Diocese of Lafayette Catholic Divorce Recovery Program. iceattheDiocese2615653. Becauseofbulletindeadline,AllSaintsMassesmustbeturnedinnolaterthanThursday,October23by12:00noon. Iloveyouall. Joke of the Week: Contents Priest: “Doyouknowwhat’sintheBible?” Little Girl: “Yes,IthinkIknoweverythingthat’sinit.” Priest: “Youdo?Tellme.” Little Girl: “Okay.There’sapictureofmybrother’sgirlfriend,aticketstub,apictureofmyschnauzer,andasecret notefromTerry.” InJesus,[email protected] Page Three PRIEST, EXTRAORDINARY LAY MINISTERS OF HOLY COMMUNION LECTORS & ALTAR SERVERS SATURDAY, October 25, 2014 TIME PRIEST ELMOHC READERS 4:00pm Fr. Andre Danny Hollier, Carrol Sonnier Dorothea Sonnier Richard Labutka ALTAR SERVERS Destiny Guidry Jackson Andrepoint John & Philip Clostio SUNDAY, October 26, 2014 TIME PRIEST 6:30am Fr. Andre 8:00am Fr. Tom 10:00am Fr. Andre 6:00pm Fr. Tom ALTAR SERVERS ELMOHC READERS Michael & Jane Mayeaux Ken Hebert Rene Mouton Adrenne & Stephen Hendrix Isabelle Sabatier Tommy & Susan Ducharme Alice Matte, Karen Molbert, Glenn Landry Deacon Art Bakeler Robert & Brunella Cormier Johnny Richard Justin Brice, Cameron Domingue Emma & Nathan Rachal Jeanne Theriot Amelie Huval, Guy Griffin William Oliver Nick & Aimee Serio Chris Segura Life Teen Ashley Menard, Elizabeth Galland Kevin Schexnayder, Seth Trahan COLLECTIONREPORT: OCTOBER12 $19,851.38 MAILED/DROPPEDINOFFICE 1,383.00 TOTALOCTOBER12 $21,234.38 *******HOORAY, WE ARE UNDER $900,000 SCHOOL DEBT: NUMBER OF FAMILIES: $892,123.72 3032 THANK YOU FOR YOUR GENEROUS DONATIONS AND STEWARDSHIP. PLEASE REMEMBER TO PUT STS. PETER & PAUL CHURCH AND SCHOOL IN YOUR WILL. SECOND COLLECITON THIS WEEKEND BISHOP’S SERVICES APPEAL PLEASE PRAY FOR THE FOLLOWING SICK:Claude Sonnier,AlbertMoses, Edward Bourque Sr, Pat Gilbert, Luke Page, Michelle Rivero, Laurie Miguez, Amie Clostio, Joanna&FredGaspard,HazelLeleux,JohnIBoudreaux,Angella Labbie Cannon, Wilsey & Velma Vincent, Janelle Dupuis, CherylGuillory,VickieDomingue,RoyMatthieu, Noelie Prejean (1) Mona Hebert, John Roger, Cody Prejean, Cathy Holloway, John Hebert Jr, Norma Hoffpauir Chiasson, Sue Trahan, Mildred Leger, Harry Leger, Harry Trahan, Earlin Miller, Preston Hebert, Carolyn Denais, Polly Richard, Renelle Welborn, Linda Savoie, Margaret Lavergne, Ashley Harris, Wayne Cormier, Michelle Morgan, MariePrejean,AidenBenoit,HannahSimmons,PatsyMartin, Mable Domingue, Patsy Robin, Leroy & Sable Alleman, Murphy Hebert, Mac Arnold(2) Rosa Mae Thibodeaux, Merlene Hebert, Ethel Guidry, Mary Alice Touchet, Carita Credeur,EliaMouton,RayMouton,KirkVidrine,LeeBoudreaux, Laura P Credeur, Todd Broussard, Annette Sonnier, Curtis Hebert,CharleneReninger,AdamLaBauve,StonySittig, Jerry Darby, Barbara Comeaux, Larry Thibodeaux, Dianne McQuirk, Brenda LaPorte, Dot Gauthe, Faith Kimball, Harry Bertrand, Joe & Irene Sellers, Lois Trahan, Jo Sonnier, Martha Ortiz, Lois Dooley, Frannie Roy(3) Ifyouknowofanypersonwhoissickandneedsprayersor visits,pleasecalltheparishof ice235-2433.Namesonthe abovesicklistweregiventousbyparishioners. Page Four OURCATHOLICSCHOOLNEWS!! KnightoftheMonth Knights of the Month for September based on the Core Essential Value of Responsibility are: Pre-K- Jacques Dominique&KatePoole;Kindergarten-GavinMcBride&CoraBroussard;1stgrade–KatePologruto&Hudson LeJeune; 2nd grade – Maryanne Hodge & Lily Luneau; 3rd grade – Ava Calais & Kaytlyn Reed; 4th grade Laney Emmels&AbbigailKoury;5thgrade–SimoneBertrand&MitchellTouchet;6thgrade-MacyHernandez;7thgrade –AntonioPhillips;8thgrade–EvanHernandez FirePreventionMonth Mrs. Broussard’s 2nd grade class were the Fire Prevention Month poster contest winners for Lafayette Parish. CongratulationsclassonrepresentingSts.PeterandPaulCatholicSchoolandwinningthisaward. VolleyballTeams Congratulationstothe5th,6-7th,and8thvolleyballteamsonsuccessfulseasons.The8thgradegirlswontheEdgar MartinTournamentthisyear.GoKnights! Sts.Peter&PaulFallFunFest Thankyoutoeveryonewhohelpedorganizeandparticipateinthisyear’sFallFest. ProspectiveParentTours Pleasecalltheof iceat337-504-3400toscheduleyourenrollmenttour.Registrationforthe2015-2016school yearbeginsinJanuary. SCHOOLCONTACTINFORMATION School's address: E-mail address: Web Site: Phone Number: Fax Number: 1301 Old Spanish Trail Scott, LA 70583 [email protected] 337-504-3400 337-504-4995 Page Five HAPPENINGS AROUND STS. PETER & PAUL - Our Lady of the Oaks Retreats for Women Our Lady of the Oaks is hosting mid-week retreats and weekend retreats . For more information call 337-662-5410. - Our Lady of the Oaks Married Couples Retreat Our Lady of the Oaks is hosting a married couples retreat on October 25-26. For more information call 337-662-5410 or - Marriage Encounter weekends are being planned. For more information call 800-586-5469 or 225-752-5084 or go on-line at - Circle of Friends Single adults in Acadiana, ages 30 and up can find a venue of fellowship and speakers. For meeting dates and calendar please visit http:// -Community of Jesus Crucified Retreats - Married Couple's Retreats to be announced. To register call Cheryl Moss at 254-8158. --Retrouvaille - A Lifeline for Marriage - helps couples through difficult times in their marriages. For more information please call 1-800-470-2230. Christ in the City-A monthly opportunity for young adults in their 20’s & 30’s to worship through Eucharistic Adoration. It is held the 1st Thursday of the month from 7:00-8:00pm at St. Mary Catholic Church, 419 Doucet Road. Cry room available. For more information please email [email protected] or visit the website at 2014 Natural Family Planning Classes – To register for any go to PRAYER FOR HURRICANE SEASON!! (Please clip and pray daily during this hurricane season) O God, Master of this passing world, hear the humble voices of your children. The Sea of Galilee obeyed your order and returned to its former quietude; You are still the Master of land and sea. We live in the shadow of a danger over which we have no control: the Gulf, like a provoked and angry giant, can awaken from its seeming lethargy, overstep its conventional boundaries, invade our land and spread chaos and disaster. During this hurricane season we turn to You, O loving Father. Spare us from past tragedies whose memories are still so vivid and whose wounds seem to refuse to heal with passing of time. O Virgin, Star of the Sea, Our Beloved Mother, we ask you to plead with your Son on our behalf, so that spared from the calamities common to this area and animated with a true spirit of gratitude, we will walk in the footsteps of your Divine Son to reach the heavenly Jerusalem where a stormless eternity awaits us. Amen. THIS WEEK AT STS. PETER & PAUL AA Meetings: Sun, Wed & Fri 8:00pm (Room 11) Tue, Thu & Sat 7:00pm (Room 11) Saturday, October 18 -StsPeter&PaulSchoolFallFestival-11:00am- 3:00pm-StsPeter&PaulSchool -Truck-orTreatArmbandDistribution Sunday, October 19 -Truck-orTreatArmbandDistribution -CDAMass-8:00am -Coffee&Donutsafterthe10:00amMass -LifeTeen-4:30-6:00pmMass -SensatComeLordJesusBibleStudy&so muchmore-6:00pm-CCDBuilding Monday, October 20 -AltarServerPractice-7:00pm-church Tuesday, October 21 -“ThatManIsYou!”-5:00am-Hall -SchoolMass-8:30am -9:30amWirtzComeLordJesus-CCDBuilding -FirstCommunionParentMeeting-5:30pm -1-4thgradeCCD-5:30-6:30pm -5-8thgradeCCD-7:00-8:00pm -PatrioticRosary-6:30pm-AdorationChapel Wednesday, October 22 -MaeBoudreaux’sPrayerGroup-10:00amin CryRoom -SrBingo-9:30am-Hall–BringBagLunch -6:00pm-ChoirPractice-Church -Fr.Metrejean’sFundamentalTheology- 6:30-8:45pm-Hall Thursday, October 23 -RosaryprayedinCryRoom-9am-EveryoneInvited -DivineMercyChapletthenSeniorsComeLord JesusBibleStudy-3:00pm-AcadianHeritage -7:00pmRCIA-Hall -HabetzComeLordJesusBibleStudy&so muchmore-6:30pm-CCDBuilding Sunday, October 26 -NO LifeTeen -SensatComeLordJesusBibleStudy&so muchmore-6:00pm-CCDBuilding DEADLINE FOR ALL SAINTS DAY MASSES BECAUSE OF BULLETIN DEADLINE, ALL SAINTS MASSES MUST BE TURNED IN NO LATER THAN THURSDAY OCTOBER 23 BY 12:00 NOON. Page Six Come & See Vocations Weekend Retreat Thoughtaboutthepriesthoodlately? Beenonyourmindalot? ComeandseewhatGodhastosayaboutit. Thisweekendisabouthowtodiscern God’scallforyourlife. Nocosttoyou. TransportationprovidedfromLafayette. Mealsprovided,bedsprovided,prayerprovided. Men16yearsandolder. When:November7-9,2014 St.JosephSeminaryCollegeis locatedat75376RiverRoad inSt.Benedict,LA Contact:Fr..KevinBordelon, LafayetteDiocese VocationsDirector DioceseofLafayette Of iceOfVocations 1408CarmelDrive Lafayette,LA70501 Phone:337-261-5690 Fax:337-261-5693 E-mail:[email protected] Visitourwebsite: The Central Region of the Diocese of Lafayette presents “Food for the Journey”, a monthly lunchtime speaker series designed to help Catholics live out our faith in our daily lives. Our speaker for October is Rev. Patrick Broussard, Associate Pastor of Our Lady of Wisdom Church & Catholic Student Center.“Food for the Journey”willbeheldonTuesday, October 7,at HotelAcadiana,1801W.PinhookRoad,beginningat 12:00noon.Anoptionallunchbuffetisavailablebeginningat 11:30 a.m. Cost is $12.00 and includes meal, drink dessertandtip.Allarewelcometocome“eatandbe fed”- please bring a friend! Pre-registration is not required. For more information, please call Mary Bergeron(654-8682). Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Sunday: READINGS FOR THE WEEK Eph 2:1-10; Ps 100:1b-5; Lk 12:13-21 Eph 2:12-22; Ps 85:9ab-14; Lk 12:35-38 Eph 3:2-12; Is 12:2-3, 4bcd-6; Lk 12:3948 Eph 3:14-21; Ps 33:1-2, 4-5, 11-12, 1819; Lk 12:49-53 Eph 4:1-6; Ps 24:1-4ab, 5-6; Lk 12:54-59 Eph 4:7-16; Ps 122:1-5; Lk 13:1-9 Ex 22:20-26; Ps 18:2-4, 47, 51; 1 Thes 1:5c-10; Mt 22:34-40 Please pray for a priest each day: EternalFather,weliftuptoYoutheseandallthepriests oftheworld.Sanctifythem.Healandguidethem.Mold them into the likeness of your Son, Jesus, the Eternal HighPriest.MaytheirlivesbepleasingtoYou.InJesus' namewepray.Amen. October18 Rev.MarioRomero October19 Rev.SiprianusRotok,SVD October20 Rev.WilliamRuskoski October21 Rev.MichaelRusso October22 Rev.GarrettSavoie October23 Rev.WilliamSchambough October24 Rev.GarySchexnayder “Holy Hour for Vocations” Please join us for our monthly “Holy Hour for Vocations and for the Spiritual Renewal of All Priests” on Monday, October 6, from 6:00-7:00 p.m. at St. Patrick Catholic Church, 406 E. Pinhook Road.RecitationoftheRosarybeginsat5:30p.m.All arewelcometojoinintheseprayersforvocationsand perseverance of vocations to the priesthood and religiouslife,sponsoredbytheSerraClubofLafayette. ADORATION CHAPEL ANSWERED PRAYERS/FAVORS GRANTED “ Thanksgiving for all of God’s graces.” Adoration Substitutes Your service to the Lord, in the ministry of being a replacement for Holy Hours, is greatly appreciated. Thank you! Page Seven St. Landry Catholic Church Cemetery Tour “Enriching Our Future, Preserving Our Past” is the theme of the St. Landry Catholic Church Cemetery Tours held in Opelousas, LA. The dates of the tours areOctober18and19withSaturdaytoursat6,7&8 PMandtheSundaytoursat2&3PM.Travelbackin time to a place where the voices from our past will giveyouare lectionoftimesgoneby.Theonehour tourofSt.LandryCatholicChurchCemeterygivesone aperspectiveofhowourpasthasshapedourpresent andre lectsintothefuturegenerationsofcommunity. TheSt.LandryCatholicChurchParishandOpelousas Little Theatre are pleased to bring this reenactment foryourenjoyment.Toursare$10perperson,willbe limited to groups of 15 (walking shoes), conducted hourly, are not handicapped accessible and young children under 10 years of age not suitable (safety). For more information – call 337-942-6552 or 3083474. Holy Land Gifts- Olive Wood Carvings for sale after Masses Saida & George Rashmawi, volunteer members from the Roman Catholic Church in Bethlehem in the Holy Land are visiting our parish the weekend of Nov. 1,2. They will speak to us about the Christian struggle in the Holy Land and they also have some beautiful Olive Wood carvings which are all handmade by the Christian people over there. This is a Church mission to maintain the existence of the Catholic people in the Holy Land. Catholic Christians were once the majority in that land but the percentage has now dropped to less than 1.5%. Please take time to look at the carvings, make a purchase and help this worthy cause. These carvings make great sacramental and Christmas gifts that have an added special significance. Teurlings Catholic High School Open House All parents and students who are considering Teurlings Catholic High School for the 2015-2016 school year are invited to join us for TCH OPEN HOUSE-THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 6th in the school gym.Toursbeginat4:00,5:00,&6:00pm.Ifyouhave any questions, please contact Maria Hanes in the Admissions Of ice at 235-5711 Ext. 1 or [email protected]. “Into the Wild” Outdoor Men’s Retreat! Men, do you want to experience God in a profoundly masculine way? Want to keep a young man’s interests engaged for four full days? Consider then The King’s Men’s dynamic Into the Wild outdoor retreat at Chicot State Park November 13-16, 2014. The weekend includes EucharisƟc AdoraƟon, daily Mass & rosary, orienteering, archery, fishing, hiking, brotherhood, bonfires & much more! Visit to learn more and register for the retreat. For info. please contact Mark at [email protected] or call 267-980-5507. Couples Date Night TheOf iceofMarriageandFamilyLifeissponsoringa couples’datenightonJanuary16,2015,6:00pm.The eveningwillbeheldatthePetroleumClubofLafayette, 111HeymannBlvd.JoinusandourspeakerChristopher West, author of “Fill These Hearts: God, Sex, and the UniversalLonging”.Thecostfortheeveningis$50.00 per couple which includes your dinner. For more information or to register, please visit our website, Community Building Committee Leave No One Behind CBCwillhost"Leave no onebehind" meeting for parents/grandparentswhomhavelostchildreninpregnancy andbeyond.Groupwillmeetevery3rdWednesdayfrom9am-11am,inthenewCCDbuilding.PleaseusetheAlfred streetentrance.Formoreinformationcontact,FrannieRoy,337-356-5695. Community Building Committee Companions Along the Journey The CBC will now be hosting grief support meetings every month. These meetings are based on the program "CompanionsAlongtheJourney,"whichthedioceseuses.Meetingswillbeonthe2ndThursdayofeachmonth,from 6:30-8:30pmintheCCDHall(AlfredSt.entrance).Ifyouorsomeoneyouknowhassufferedalossandwouldbene itfrom griefsupport,pleasejoinus.ContactCarlaOliverat989-0232ifyouhavequestions. Page Eight The rosary is prayed 30 minutes before each weekday Mass. Saturday, October 18 4:00pm Bill&HazelNeef ShirleyAnnLeger M/MCyrusLeger M/MEastonThibodeaux Adley&BeverlyScrantz JosephLarryHoffpauir GirdyCMenard M/MWhitneyBreaux M/MAlexMartinJr&Mona Comeaux-DuetDFM SuzannePChatelain Joe&HildaPeschier HildaPeschier(Anniv) David“Boo”Prejean MaryBSegura(Anniv) EmetileD&Edward(L) BourqueSr CJ&MildredDelhomme Ef iePhillips&DFM Chester&HelenDuhon DupreHebert HaroldGauthe Andrew“Woogie”Bowie SybilDuhon GladysGuilbeau PershingBroussard Evan&LouiseDomingue LeonardLRichard EllenCResweber BerniceFDugas Viola&ForestBlanchard& dfm Carl,Waver&Sosthene Guidry Charlie,Gene&Louis Provost StephenHigginbotham M/MHervinThibodeaux MaeTygrett SandraHGuidry EliteSMeyers Jeff&MelissaPogue MazieDomingue PearlCormier Sunday, October 19 6:30am ClayMouton Caruthers&Perrodin Families GeorgeMartin RiversQuibodeaux(L) Evan&LouiseDomingue AudreyDVillien BerniceHebert MollieDomingue MariaNguyen Sunday, October 19 8:00am WillieMyers&DFM CDAMembersLiving& Deceased George&GladysNaquin Ernest,Editha&Tommy Benoit(2) Gladue&AdaMeche(2) AlvinJVenable Lloyd&NolaChaisson MaryDBroussard& MaryEve&LeeABroussard WilliamLornia&AllDFM WillieLouDesormeaux Sunday, October 19 10:00am MichaelO’NeilMouton Amithilde&LibbonGuidry DiGiGianfala RayfordDomingue Viola&ForestBlanchard& DFM HassieSpellman Hebert&DomingueLFM& DFM EricPaulFabre MichaelJLeBlanc SpiritualHealing Jeff&MelissaPogue JessieChampagne(L)(HB) HarrisLaviolette(Anniv) Sunday, October 19 6:00pm ForthePeople Tuesday, October 21 RodneySavoy(L)(HB) Wednesday, October 22 Bill&HazelNeef Thomas&JacobNguyen LiverdaMDomingue Thursday, October 23 (St John of Capistrano) DorothyMeaux Carrol,Frank&Edna Sonnier Joe(Anniv),Cole, TommyPrimeaux ElaineHebert(L)(HB) BelleMixon(L)(HB) Friday, October 24 (St Anthony Mary Claret) ColinBenoit(L)(HB) GreggLawrenceMenard (L)(HB) MadelineBergeron MaximeABernard BrendaMorvant MollieDomingue FayFrugeGossen Monday, October 20 (St Paul of the Cross) LouisBearb,CoraMeche& MadelineStoute FrWilsonMatt VIGIL LIGHTS:JohnBSonnierFamily,Francis“Pop-Pop”&Ellen“Grandma”Resweber,SpecialIntention-D CHURCH NAME AND ADDRESS Sts. Peter and Paul Church #525201 1110 Old Spanish Trail Scott, LA 70583 TELEPHONE 337 235-2433 CONTACT PERSON Monica Laperous EMAIL: [email protected] SOFTWARE MSPublisher 2010 Adobe Acrobat X Windows 7 PRINTER HP Laserjet 6P TRANSMISSION TIME Tuesday: 2:30pm SUNDAY DATE OF PUBLICATION October 19, 2014 NUMBER OF PAGES SENT 1 through 9 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS
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