s"xc YOUNG ISRAEL OF STATEN ISLAND ,hatrc ,arp October 17, 2014/ 23 Tishrei Rav Yaakov Marcus, Rabbi Emeritus Zavel Pearlman, President Rav Yaakov Lehrfield, Rabbi Rav Ephraim Polakoff, Assistant Rabbi www.yisi.org CONDOLENCES Janet Goldstein on the loss of her father Mr. Jack Rochkind. Shiva is being observed at 223 Sheraden Ave through Thursday morning. MAZEL TOV Jessica & Dr. Joshua Greenstein on the birth of a baby boy. Rabbi Eliezer & Rebbetzin Rebecca Mischel on the birth of a baby boy. If you wish to have your Simcha listed on the monthly calendar (e.g. aufruf, wedding, bar/bat mitzvah), please notify the office by mid-month prior to the event. To be listed in the weekly announcements, notify the office before 1 PM Thursday at 718-494-6700 ext. 0 or email [email protected] . Please leave detailed messages with the wording and spelling of names that you want placed in the announcements. Please speak slowly and leave a call back number or email address. Please note the following e-mail addresses Rav Yaakov Lehrfield [email protected] Rav Ephraim Polakoff [email protected] Zavel Pearlman [email protected] Alan Zachter [email protected] Office [email protected] Rebecca Silberman [email protected] Josh Sturm [email protected] Contact the following for requests to utilize shul facilities: Minyanim for Simachot Alan Zachter 347-922-1586 Building use, other than catering Norman Koller 718-983-0255 Catering [email protected] 718-698-5564 Luach Shabbat Eruv is up Z’man Kriat Sh’ma 9:56 Nerot Friday Mincha Chumash Shiur Daf Yomi Rabbi Polakoff Pre-mincha Shiur "Why 5:55 6:05 8:30 4:45 4:50 Pray? An Introduction to Tefillah." Mishna Yomit Shabbos Mincha/Ends Rabbi Lehrfield will be speaking on the topic: "Who wrote Moshe's demise in the The Week Earliest T&T Mincha/Maariv Halacha of the week Motzei Shabbos Sunday Monday Tuesday Refuah Shelaima • Richard Stone, son of Lynne Stone who recently had quintuple bypass surgery. (Reuven Avraham ben Leah Rochel) We would like to thank the following for their contribution to the Simcha Fund: • Amy & Stuart Bierig in honor of their daughter Rena making Aliyah next week We would like to thank the following for their contribution to the Charity Fund: • Rabbi Bruce Ochs and family in memory of the first yahrtzeit of Bracha Sora bas Pinchas, A”H. • The Bierig Family in memory of their beloved grandfather and greatgrandfather, Jack Rochkind, A”H father of Janet Goldstein. SAVE THE DATE! The 48th Annual YISI Dinner will take place on Sunday evening, November 16, 2014 at 6 pm. Please join us as we recognize four outstanding couples: Guests of Honor – Michelle and Richard Frohlich; Keter Shem Tov, Community Service Awardees – Susan and Sandy Haber; Amudei Chesed Awardees – Rachelit and Elazar Reichman; Young Leadership Awardees – Alyssa and Jesse Slater. Reservations can be made online at YISI.org. For inquiries, please call Moti Schwartz, dinner chairman, at 718-938-8851. Please note our special Simchat Torah morning format. The Main Minyan, which will begin at 8:45 am, will be combined with and led by our Teen Minyan. Main Minyan/Teen Hakafot will take place in the social hall at approximately 9:45AM. Everyone is invited to a kiddush sponsored by the Young Israel that will be opening in the gym at 10:15, and will remain open for the Main and Sfard minyanim through the layining in those minyanim. The kiddush for the 7 AM minyan will take place in the Gym upon completion of their minyan. There will be women's shiurim taking place in the Main shul's Ezras Nashim begining at 10:45. We look forward to another exciting and leibidik Simchat Torah in our shul. We wish to remind everyone that it is the policy of the Shul that drinking or providing liquor on shul premises is prohibited on Simchat Torah. We expect everyone to cooperate with us in enforcing this policy and ensuring our safety and the safety of our children. Due to the recent overflow of Sheimus, we are asking everyone not to bring any more until further notice. In honor of Shabbat Mevorchim, there will be a Carlebach minyan Friday evening in the Beit Midrash following mincha. All are invited for joyous, enthusiastic singing and dancing with much kavanah. We are starting a new learning group on Mishnah Brurah which will be given daily at 9 pm Sunday through Thursday. Please come and join. If you have any questions please contact Louis Emmer at [email protected] This Shabbos, Parshas Bereishis, October 18th, Rabbi Polakoff will be beginning a new series of pre-mincha shiurim on the subject of Tefillah. He will be focusing on the background and philosophy of prayer, as well as on gaining a better understanding of the meaning of our tefillos. Rabbi Polakoff will also be starting a new series of Tuesday night shiurim on the subject of Hilchos Shabbos beginning Tuesday October 21st. The shiurim will be focused on practical halacha with some pertinent background information. All shiurim are open to both men and women. Between Mincha/Maariv Torah?" Wednesday YOUNG ISRAEL ANNOUNCEMENTS 5:35 5:45/6:56 Thursday 6:17 6:00 There is a beautiful custom/law, that one should review the weekly Torah portion every week. This Shabbos we have begun again Beresheis. It is a wonderful time to start this mitzvah. Rabbi Reisman’s Navi shiur begins Motzei Shabbos at 9 PM in the MPR Rabbi Lehrfield Bagel & Coffee Shiur: Legends of The Gemara 9:45 in the Beit Midrash. (Please bring a Gemara Shabbos) Cancelled Rabbi Polakoff at 8:10 pm on the topic, "An Introduction to Hilchos Shabbos." Beit Midrash Rabbi Lehrfield Women’s Navi 10 AM cancelled Gemara B’Iyun Masechet Kiddushin given by Reb Yidel Morgenstern 8:45-9:30 PM Sefard Room Baba Basra Shiur Berachot 8:00 PM, Pirkei Avos 8:45 PM & Parsha 9:15 PM, Rabbi Y.A.Weiss. Adult evening classes in Aleph Bais, Siddur & Basic Judaism 8 PM. For information call Jerry at 646-645-0226. Gemara B’Iyun 8:45 PM Early Mincha on Sunday at 1:45 in the Main Shul Late Maariv S-Th 9:30 in the Main Shul Please refer to Sukkot handout for the schedule of all times. The Young Marrieds of Staten Island are interested in helping to organize and advertise The Shabbos Project (October 24-25 Parshas Noach) so that our community can participate in this great project! We are hoping to really get the word out there in our neighborhood. If you want to help organize it please let us know. We need to spread the word, and spread the word fast! For more information or if you want to help you can contact Shaindy Silber at (718) 9388887, Jesse Slater at (718) 619-0045, or Daniel Slomnicki at (718) 757-8298. Or you can email us at [email protected]. A Course on “Tefillah”, based on the teachings of Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik, will be given by Norman Linzer on alternate Tuesday mornings at 10:00 AM in the main shul, beginning October 28. It will alternate with Tuesday class given by Rabbi Lehrfield. Among the major objectives are to understand the Rav’s conception of tefillah, to utilize tefillah as a means of developing a relationship with God, and to enhance the meaning of one’s davening. The text is the Koren Mesorat HaravSiddur, 2012, OU Oress, which can be purchased from Amazon for about $21. Additional handouts will be distributed. The course will be taught seminar-style, thereby maximizing participation. Women and men are welcome. In order to show that everyone has a voice in our beautiful Shul, we have created a new email, [email protected] specifically for ideas to be heard. Emails will personally be read by our President. Only emails that are signed with a name and phone number will be considered. All emails signed will get a quick response. Our President can be reached at 917-567-7383 For those of you who are already members, we thank you for your commitment and support. For those of you who have not yet joined our shul, we encourage you to show your support by becoming a member of our family. With your help we will continue to be a bastion of Jewish life and learning here in Willowbrook. Please see a member of the Board for more information. YISI NEW MAILING ADDRESS: Young Israel of Staten Island PO BOX 140100, Staten Island, NY 10314 YISI KOLLEL BA’Al HABATIM UPDATE: with great excitement the Kollel Baal Habatim announces the expansion of our program. We now have Rav Goldstein’s Gemara Shiur as well as Rav Goldberger’s Tanach Shiur available, live or recorded, via Kol Haloshon telephone dial-up. The Kol Haloshon phone number is 718-906-6400. Rav Goldberger’s prompts –(1,1,3,2,1 or 2 or #) Rav Goldstein’s prompts- (1,2,19,1,1or #) For more information please call Bob Bromberg at 718-208-3628. The Staten Island Chevra Kadisha is looking for additional individuals, both men and women, who are able to assist on a regular basis. If you are available or would like additional information, contact Larry Cohen at 718-612-3474. Tizku L'Mitzvos Don’t forget our adopted families. Please redeem your pledges & contribute today. Their needs are great & their resources are few. Checks should be made payable to YISI Adopt-aFamily and returned in the envelopes provided or they can be given to any board member. "o,uct kg ohbc cku ohbc kg ,uct ck chavu" s"xc YOUNG ISRAEL OF STATEN ISLAND ,hatrc ,arp October 17, 2014/ 23 Tishrei Rav Yaakov Marcus, Rabbi Emeritus Zavel Pearlman, President Rav Yaakov Lehrfield, Rabbi Rav Ephraim Polakoff, Assistant Rabbi www.yisi.org Please say Tehillim for our children seeking refuah: • • Bracha Rivkah bat Miriam Leba Kayla Rus bat Chaya Rachel Food Pantry - Noga Kugel 718-494-8451. Bikur cholim gown gemach Debbie Berkovits call 718 494-1905 YOUTH ANNOUNCEMENTS Refael Avrohom Gershom Tzvi ben Emunah Refael Pisachya Yaakov HaLevi ben Aviva Sarah If you would like to add a name to our list of people needing a refuah, please email the office at [email protected] or call 718-494-6700 ext. 0 As you are aware, Nachas unlimited has successfully raised funds to ease the lives of sick children in our community. If you or anyone you know has a child in need of assistance directly related to the illness, please call Rachelit at 718-983-9664. All calls are confidential. AMIT News: if you did not receive a calendar please call Esther Loewenthal or Myra Lanter. To purchase greeting cards for all occasions call Aviva Brum. Our 30,000 children in Israel need your support. In addition to "political" action, Israel would greatly benefit from "economic" action at this time. One of the best ways to show your solidarity with Israel in her hour of need is to buy Israel bonds. The single role of Israel Bonds is to strengthen Israel's economy. If you have not yet made a purchase of an Israel bond in 2014 please make it NOW! Rates are as high as 3.88%. Limited time only Please contact our Israel Bonds representative, Robert Lunzer 212-446-5835 or [email protected] For current rates and prospectuses visit, http://www.israelbonds.com SAVE THE DATES: Ma'ayanot Yeshiva High School for Girls will be having a Parlor Meeting on Monday evening October 20, 2014 at 8 PM at the home of Sarah and Bruce Feder 1135 Wilowbrook Road. Sunday, October 26th RJJ Walk a thon- @ Clove Lakes Park. Get your heart strong and keep the Torah alive and beating in Staten Island. To reserve your slot or sponsor, contact the business office at 982-8745 ext 3. Sunday, October 26th All 6th grade girls and their mothers are invited to our 6th annual JEWISH HEROINES THROUGH THE AGES: The Matan Mother-Daughter Bat Mitzvah Program. Discover how Jewish women are part of a chain across the generations and how the Bat Mitzvah can serve as a bridge connecting the young girl to Jewish continuity. Each week we delve into the midot of our matriarchs through different modes of selfexpression such as creative dance, music, theater, art and guided imagery. Fall 2014 sessions begin October 26. Baby sitting for younger siblings available upon request. To register, contact Sarah Feder at 718-698-9885 or [email protected]. COJO's Annual Legislative Breakfast honoring COJO CEO, Scott Maurer with the, “Friend of Israel Award” Sunday, October 26th 9:30 AM at The Young Israel of Staten Island. For more information or to make reservations please call 631 706 3894 or email us at [email protected] . Breakfast is $18 per person. For reservations call 718-720-4047 or email [email protected] . Checks may be mailed to COJO at 984 Post Avenue, Staten Island, NY 10302. Payment will also be accepted at the door. Please note Groups Schedule For this Weekend: Shemini Atzeret: Thursday, October 16 There will be regular morning groups for children grades N-4. There will be NO Mommy and Me or Jr. Congregation on this day. There will be NO AFTERNOON GROUPS on this day. Simchat Torah: Friday, October 17 There will be NO MORNING OR AFTERNOON GROUPS on this day Shabbat, October 18 There will be regular MORNING and AFTERNOON GROUPS on this day SIMCHAT TORAH: We are really looking forward to an exciting Simchas Torah! We would like to invite all of our parents to come and dance 'early Hakafos' with their N-5 children on Shmini Atzeres at 4:00 pm. We will be convening in the gym, where you will be able to dance with your children. Children who are dancing will be given flags and tickets redeemable for candy bags. At approximately 4:40 the children will have the opportunity to redeem their tickets for candy. Please Note: 1. THERE WILL BE CHALOV YISROEL CANDY BAGS AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST. Please find Rebecca Silberman to obtain one of these specially packed bags. 2. Only children in grades Nursery-5 will be receiving candy bags at this time. Candy and prize tickets will be distributed during regular Hakafot later on that night and the next morning. 3. Only children who are present at Pre-Hakafos will be receiving candy bags. If you have any questions or concerns before or at the event, please direct them to Rebecca Silberman. Thank you to the families who opened their homes for the Sukkah Hop on Shabbos Chol Hamoed! The Berezin-Bahr Family, The Burack Family, The Feder Family, The Frohlich Family, The Gelber Family, The Goldzal Family, The Lowenthal Family, The Maslow Family, The Moskowitz Family, The Polakoff Family, The Reiss Family, and The Zimmerman Family. Thank you to those families who have generously donated the candy for this year's Simchas Torah; Michael and Susan Gelber, Richard and Michelle Frohlich, Jeremy and Malkie Goldzal, Joey and Rita Goldzal, Wayne and Cathy Greenberg, Judi and Yoni Jacobs and family in memory of their brother and uncle, Zavel Yeshaya ben Chaim Baruch, Irvin and Yehudis Loewenstein, Mendy and Irit Mirocznik, Shmuel and Lisa Mozorosky, Bernie and Susan Zimmerman AVAILABLE JOBS • Secretary / Office manager position available immediately for our Young Israel. Please send resumé to [email protected] or call 917-567-7383. • Stay tuned for details about a night with your friends and neighbors. We will be having an evening Art Show with refreshments on Motzei Shabbat, November 1st . Come early and stay late, you have an extra hour to sleep that evening. Doors will open at 8 PM. Look out for the brochure to come soon. • Save the date!! Hatzolah of Staten Island is hosting a blood drive on Sunday 11/2 at the Young Israel. Give blood, save a life • YU is proud to announce an exciting semester of Community Beit Midrash. This 6-week program will take place at the Yeshiva University Museum (15 West 16th Street) on Wednesdays, October 29 - December 3, from 10:30 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. Sessions will feature Rabbi Dr. Meir Soloveichik, Director of the Zahava and Moshael Straus Center for Torah and Western Thought, Yeshiva University and Dr. Jacob Wisse, Director of Yeshiva University Museum and Associate Professor of Art History, Stern College for Women who will co-present on the topic of: “The Image and the Idea: An Interdisciplinary Seminar on Art History and Jewish Thought.” We encourage you to let members of your congregation know about this unique opportunity to learn from and with our renowned Yeshiva University faculty. For more information and to register for the courses, please visit http://www.yu.edu/beitmidrash. In addition, a program flyer can be downloaded here so that you can post it in your synagogue. • • Join us for Bruriah 's Open House on Sun, Nov 2. The program will commence at at 9:30 am and will be held at 35 North Avenue, Elizabeth, NJ 07208. Find out why Bruriah continues to lead the way in Torah and General education after more than 50 years of excellence, and learn about our exciting new, state of the art STEM laboratory (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics), opening this year! For more information and to pre-register online, please visit Bruriah.TheJEC.org tel 908-355-4850. • • SETSS Provider with two open spots for this upcoming school year. Please call 917-583-2957 or email [email protected] Brooklyn Decorative showroom looking for a full time inside sales person. Will provide training. Sales and design experience are an asset. An outgoing personality is a must. Send resume to [email protected] Part time girl needed in medical office in the neighborhood. Please call 718-9828790 Speech Language Pathologist/ Language based tutor with three open spots available for the upcoming school year. Please email [email protected] or call 7184735891 to discuss. Business Application Analyst go to PANYNJ.GOV and click on careers. A dynamic Shommer Shabbos marketing company based in Staten Island is seeking an experienced administrative assistant. Requirements: You must be able to work in a fast paced start up environment and fit into an informal yet focused and demanding culture. Must have excellent communication skills (both verbal and written).Must be highly tech savvy and proficient with Microsoft suite (word, excel, outlook, internet research). Be fast on the computer (keyboard shortcuts) Must be self driven, organized, detail oriented, responsible and demonstrate effective time management skills. Must Posses great research and analytic skills. Responsibilities: As an administrative assistant you'll work closely with the CEO and marketing team. You will be responsible for inviting and securing speakers for our conferences, conducting online research, communicating with industry executives via email and phone, processing registrations, managing event prep and onsite event needs, and general customer service. Your contribution will be important to the achievement of our future growth plans.We are accepting resumes from candidates that are either seeking Full or Part Time work. email resume to [email protected] Looking for full time babysitter/housekeeper. Please call 646-247-6177. Join us for RTMA's Open House on Tues., Nov. 11. The program will commence at at 7:00 pm and will be held at 330 Elmora Ave., Elizabeth, NJ 07208. Learn about RTMA's exciting new Beit Medrash initiative, stimulating Zionism curriculum, innovative Kashrut course, exceptional college preparatory and extra curricular opportunities. For more information and to pre-register online, please visit RTMA.TheJEC.org or call 908-355-4850. There will be a defensive driving class at Young Israel of Staten Island on Wednesday evening December 10th at 6:45 pm downstairs in the teen lounge. By attending this class you will save 10% on your auto insurance for the next 3 years and reduce up to 4 points on your NY driver license. For reservations please call Harry Schonfeld (718) 339-1300 or email [email protected] . COMMUNITY GEMACHS • • • Furniture - Email a photo of the furniture to [email protected] or call 718 983 8136. Centerpieces - Rachelit 718-983-9664 after 4:30PM Clothing - Rachelit 718-983-9664 after 4:30PM. Drop off at the FRONT DOOR of 1097 Willowbrook Road, Sunday thru Thursday between the hours of 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM only "o,uct kg ohbc cku ohbc kg ,uct ck chavu"
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