בס“ד RAV AVROHOM BITTERMAN Shabbos Schedule SHABBOS BULLETIN Candle lighting 6:01 pm (not before 5:13 pm) Shkia 6:19 pm Mincha/Kabbalas Shabbos— 6:05 pm Neitz minyan – 6:55 am (Neitz is at 7:45 am) Shacharis 8:30 am Babysitting 8:30 am ages 2-7 Youth Programs 9:45 am **ALL NEW BNOS** **3:15-4:30 pm** Shiur with the Rav 5:00 pm Hilchos Borer - little known halachos with very real implications we encounter every week. Mincha 5:50 pm followed by shalosh seudos Ma'ariv 7:13 pm PARSHAS NOACH October 24 & 25, 2014 Kiddush this Shabbos is sponsored by Rav & Rebbetzin Bitterman and Rabbi Manny & Liz Klein in honour of their becoming a Chasan Torah and Chasan Bereishis. Shalosh Seudas this Shabbos is sponsored anonymously in appreciation of Mrs. Sheryl Markus for her ongoing commitment to Ateres Mordechai. May Hashem bentch her and her family with bracha. Shiurim Kollel Menachem Yechezkel Women’s Shiur with Rabbi Avrohom Bitterman NEW SERIES BEGINNING: LIVING KIDDUSH HASHEM Monday 8:00 pm Weekday Schedule Amud Yomi 6:00 am Shacharis Sun 7:15 (Neitz is 7:46) & 8:00 am followed by shiur with the Rav Mon-Fri 6:45 & 8:00 am st During the 1 minyan we will IY”H put on Tallis & Tefillin at Barchu. Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan 5775 Halacha Shiur with Rabbi Dovid Spinrad Monday—Thursday 4:00-6:00 pm L’zecher nishmas Rav Bitterman’s beloved grandfather, Menachem Yechezkel ben Yitzchak z”l. New Topic!! Please join us in the Bais Medrash for stimulating learning opportunies. Monday 8:45 pm Gemara Shiur with Rabbi Dovid Bennet Monday—Thursday 9:00 pm Gemara Shiur with Rabbi Aaron Eisenberger Halacha of the Week Monday & Thursday 8:45 pm Rabbi Avrohom Bitterman Chumash with Ramban Wednesday 8:45 pm Chovos Halevovos Wednesday 10:00 pm Halachos of Davening Thursday 8:45 pm Mincha/Ma’ariv: Sun-Thurs 6:00 pm Late Ma’ariv: 9:45 pm HATZOLOH 416 256-1000 The “Amen” after the third beracha of Birkas HaMazon serves as a separation between the first three berachos of Birkas HaMazon, and the final beracha, which is considered less significant. The subject matter of the first three berachos is required Biblically (deOraisa), and the berachos were composed by prophets, as opposed to the fourth beracha, which was introduced by the Rabbis in Talmudic times. (Orach Chaim 188:1, Berachos 48b) PARSHAS NOACH October 24 & 25, 2014 Rosh Chodesh Chesvan 5775 Back by Popular Demand! Bnos Avos U’Banim * * Beginning this Shabbos * * Exciting, Shabbos afternoon program for girls in Grades 2-7 filled with great activities, snacks, stories, prizes and more... Our Father/Son Learning Program will begin Motzei Shabbos, Parshas Vayera November 8th at 7:15 pm. exciting story, pizza, drinks, & new prizes Great Food, Great Fun, Great Friends! לעילוי נשמת ע“ה 3:15—4:30 pm רחל ברכה בת מסעודה בוחבוט In loving memory of Rachel Bracha Bat Messouda Bohbot z”l Learning Sponsorships Learning on the 3rd of Cheshvan October 26 & 27 is sponsored by Gersh & Bev Kruger l’zecher nishmas Gersh’s father Yoel ben Karpel Gershon Learning on the 3rd of Cheshvan October 26 & 27 is sponsored by Mrs. Sandra Durbach l’zecher nishmas her mother Gittel Chaya bas Yehuda Naftali Learning on the 6th of Cheshvan October 29 & 30 is sponsored by YIRMI COHEN INSURANCE Is your Family Protected? Get all your $ Back, if you stay healthy. Call 905 760 8770 for all your Life Insurance Needs. 230 Arnold Ave. Thornhill, ON L4J 1B9 905 597-3157 [email protected]
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