Document 345656

Holy Family Parish
of Cedar County
Oct. 19, 2014 * 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Father Eric Olsen
Deacon Sylvan Thoene
Deacon Shane Kleinschmit
Judy Verschoor, Parish Secretary
Marsha Wuebben ~ Ss. Peter & Paul
Mary Klug - Immaculate Conception
Heather Heimes ~ Sacred Heart
357-2465 or 254-3311
East Catholic~ Head Teacher Mary Klug
Deacon Shane Kleinschmit ~ DRE
HOLY ORDERS: Those discerning a call to the Priesthood
or religious life should contact Fr. Olsen or Fr. Paul Hoesing,
Vocations Director at (402) 558-3100
SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM; Pre-Baptism class required for
1st child. Call Fr. Olsen to make arrangements for Baptism.
SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE: Contact Father Olsen to arrange
your marriage. Please call at least six months before the date
you wish to marry.
SICK Please call Fr. Olsen to let
him know when you are hospitalized or homebound.
PO Box 65, Wynot NE 68792
PO Box 63 St. Helena NE 68774
Holy Family Parish Email:
[email protected]
Parish Web site
Sun. 8:00-8:45 AM & 10:30-10:45 AM & 20 mins. before
weekday Masses, or anytime by appointment.
HOSPITALIZED OR HOMEBOUND: Please call Deacon Sylvan
to let him know that a family member, friend or neighbor is
hospitalized or homebound. We will come to the homebound
with Holy Communion on weekends.
PRAYER CHAIN: Call or email Carol Thoene, 254-6794 or
[email protected]
Office 357-2465 or 254-3311 Home 357-2240
Parish Secretary Hours: Tuesdays & Thursdays, 9 am-3 pm ~ Bulletin items due by Thurs. 10:00 AM
Mass Schedule
5:00 PM
9:00 AM
11:00 AM
6:00 PM
8:00 AM
8:00 AM
7:00 PM
7:30 AM
8:00 AM
5:00 PM
9:00 AM
11:00 AM
Sacred Heart
Ss. Peter & Paul
Immaculate Conception
Sacred Heart
Ss. Peter & Paul
Immaculate Conception
Sacred Heart CCD Mass
Sacred Heart
Ss. Peter & Paul
Sacred Heart
Ss. Peter & Paul
Immaculate Conception
The People of Holy Family Parish
+Richard Heine
+John Brand
+Jimmy Boeckman
+Ray & Leona Kruse
L/D mbrs Joe & Veronica Klug family
+Beverly Jones
L/D mbrs Sacred Heart CCW
+Bob Korth, Sr.
Mick & Karen Boeckman & family
L/D mbrs Aaron Dickes family
The People of Holy Family Parish
Everyone is invited to attend the Wednesday evening CCD Masses and stay for Adoration until 8:15.
Spirit Catholic Radio 88.3 fm KVSS
Pastor’s Report
One of the many benefits of being a Catholic priest is that I
will never again have to put together another resume. This
is a great blessing not simply because of the job security it
indicates, but also because it allows me to avoid one of the
most uncomfortable processes of our adult life; the job interview. Of course, the source of this unease isn’t really the
amount of work required. It really doesn’t take THAT long
to put together a resume or interview for a job. Rather, the
unease of the interview process results mainly from the
stress of having to maximize your strengths and minimize
your weaknesses, presumably without lying.
I was reminded of this unease as I was praying about the
story of the Pharisee and the tax collector in the gospel of
St. Luke. Recall that the Pharisee in this gospel seems to
think that he is interviewing for a job as he recites his prayer
to God. First he starts by sucking up, then he moves to
boasting and then finally slams his competition; all in the
same sentence. “O God, I thank you that I am not like the
rest of humanity; greedy, dishonest, adulterous; or even like
this tax collector here.” What a clever interview tactic!
Stroke the boss’s ego while distinguishing yourself from the competition at the same time. Genius!
Next, the Pharisee gives the list of
his impressive accomplishments. “I
fast twice a week, and I pay tithes
on my whole income." Wow, which
of us can say that? Clearly, the
Pharisee is setting himself up as a
highly qualified applicant. If what
he is saying is true, and there is no
reason to doubt that it is not, he
appears to have the position he is
striving for in the bag.
Especially when we look at his competition. The man the
Pharisee is competing with is a tax collector. After all, for the
Pharisees, and really all other Jews, tax collectors were considered the lowest form of life. Not only did their influence
with the Romans allow them to cheat people out of their
money and get away with it, but also, they were viewed as
traitors to their Jewish race as well. Think about it. Who
were these tax collectors collecting taxes for? The hated Roman occupiers! By collecting taxes, these Jews were not only
weakening their fellow Jews, but, at the same time, strengthening the grip of the Romans.
have this job in the bag.”
Of course, he’s wrong. Notice what Jesus says of these two
prayers. The tax collector is the one who goes home forgiven, while the Pharisee does not. Why?
There are actually several reasons, but the most obvious is
also the most important. The Pharisee never asks forgiveness. In fact, in all his scheming to win favor with his
boss, the Pharisee forgot the most important reality; his unworthiness before God because of his sins. Put quite simply,
his pride gets in the way. But, this, perhaps obvious answer
is a little more subtle than it may appear. For the reason the
Pharisee doesn’t think of himself as a sinner is because (1)
either he thinks he doesn’t sin, which means he’s not only
proud but also delusional, or (2) he thinks that his good
works make up for any sins he has committed.
This second idea is extremely dangerous. For even the least
sin incurs an infinite debt owed to almighty God. This is why
even the greatest saints perceive themselves as the most
wretched sinners. As they grow in holiness, they realize
more and more that even the tinniest sin they might have committed,
or more likely, omitted, can never,
not in a million years, be made up
for by the totality of their good actions. In fact, not even all of the
combined works of Mother Theresa
paid even the slightest portion of
the debt she owed to God because
of just one of her smallest venial
sins. This is why, when the Pharisee gives God his resume, he walks
away unjustified. For no matter
how much good he has done, the
only way he walks away justified is
by asking for forgiveness.
Yet, I often wonder how many of us fall into this very trap.
How often do we give God our resume instead of asking for
His mercy? In fact, I see this in the confessional all the time.
Or, perhaps more accurately, I rarely see it in the confessional at all. For at a time when I think all of us would agree that
the world is awash in wickedness, scarcely anybody receives
the sacrament of confession anymore. Think there might be
I think one of the big reasons why so few people make a regular confession is that we are more like the Pharisee in this
With this in mind, one can almost picture the disdain of the
gospel story than we care to admit. It’s not that we think we
Pharisee as he overhears the “interview” of his perceived
don’t sin, but rather that our sins aren’t that big of a deal or
competition. There is no sucking up, no listing of credentials that the good we do makes up for them. Perhaps now that
and no belittling of competition. In fact, all the tax collector
we understand better the error of these ideas we also undersays to God is, “O God, be merciful to me a sinner.” If you
stand better the importance of going to confession frequentlisten closely you can almost here the muffled guffaw emaly. For it is in humbling ourselves through the confession of
nating from the eavesdropping Pharisee. “If this is all he has our sins, that God can exalt us by forgiving our sins.
to say,” the Pharisee thinks to himself, “then I
“Can you not watch one hour with Me?”
Parish Adoration Schedule: Tuesdays 8:30 am-5:00 pm, Ss. Peter & Paul * Wednesdays, 8:30 am—5:00 pm, Immaculate
Conception * Thursdays 8:00 am-7:30 pm, Sacred Heart
Winter weather & Funeral policy regarding the Weekly Tues/Wed/Thurs Adoration program and Monday Holy
Hours: If school is cancelled due to bad weather, or there is a funeral at the site of the Holy Hour or Adoration, those activities
will be cancelled for that day.
Monday Divine Mercy Holy Hours in October are at Immaculate Conception, St. Helena. Always from 9:30-10:30 am.
Please join us whenever you can!
Our Holy Father’s Intentions for October: Peace: That the Lord may grant peace to those parts of the world most battered by war
and violence. World Mission Day: That World Mission Day may rekindle in every believer zeal for carrying the Gospel into all the world.
RCIA on Thursdays, at 7:00 pm in Sacred Heart hall, Wynot.
NO TRICKS, ONLY TREATS at the Lighthouse Catholic Media Stands in the back of each church! You too can be a
SAINT! Pick up a great Catholic CD or book today & continue your path to sainthood! Suggested donation for books
is $6 and for CDs is $4. Your generosity makes it possible to continue to add new titles each month!
Parish Meetings: Parish Council Meeting, October 20, Immaculate Conception Hall, 8:00pm
Pro Life Committee, November 4, at 7 pm in the small meeting room in Ss. Peter & Paul hall. New members welcome!
October is Help Lick Family Violence month. There is a box in the back of each church site to collect items for Haven House in Hartington through the end of October. Items needed include dishwasher soap, laundry soap, mops, paper towels, toilet paper, band-aids, box
meals, jelly, sugar, canned vegetables, bottled water, peanut butter, cereal , crackers, soups, rice, pasta, flour, ketchup, gift cards $25 or
less, prepaid phone minutes, personal hygiene products, gas cards $25 or less, food storage containers, radio alarm clocks, or a new toddler
car seat. Your generosity would be greatly appreciated. Through your prayers and actions, we will assist those in our area who are experiencing the pain of family violence.
The American Legion Auxiliary is sponsoring a Fall Senior Citizens’ Party this Sunday, Oct. 19th, at Sacred Heart hall in Wynot.
Bingo will be played from 1:30 to 3:30, followed by lunch. Come & enjoy the afternoon!
Rural North Central Deanery Council of Catholic Women (CCW) Fall Meeting, Tues. Oct. 21 at Holy Family (Sacred Heart) Hall in
Wynot with registration beginning at 9:30am and meeting at 10:00am.
Coming Soon! The Holy Family Fall Pancake Breakfast Sunday, October 26, at Sacred Heart Hall in Wynot
from 9:00-1:00. A delicious menu of homemade pancakes, French toast, scrambled eggs, sausage and fruit will be
served. We will also be having a bake sale and door prizes. Any cash donations to help purchase groceries and other
supplies for the breakfast are greatly appreciated. Please contact Chairpersons: Debra and Tim Harms @ 402-692-3252
or Co-Chairpersons: Karen and Jay Heimes @357-2409. Thank you for your support and hope to see you there!
All Saints’ Day, Nov. 1st, is not a Holy Day of Obligation this year, but Father will still have All Saints’ Masses for us on Fri. Oct. 31,
7 PM and Sat. Nov. 1, 8 AM both at Immaculate Conception in St. Helena.
The St. James Catholic Order of Foresters will be having their soup supper Nov. 8 from 4:30-7:00 PM. It will be at the
Sacred Heart Hall in Wynot with the proceeds going for replacement windows in the rectory there. There will be a live auction
and silent auction of donated items. Anyone wishing to donate items please contact Frederick Pinkelman at 402-353326.
Thank You in advance for your support!
Immaculate Conception CCW Christmas party and voting in of new officers will be Nov. 16th, at 2 PM.
Dinner Theater Production, Nov. 22nd and 23rd, performed by Holy Family parishioners! There will be a play-only
performance on Sat. evening & Sunday afternoon, and a dinner-theater performance on Sunday evening. Watch your bulletin
for further details!
Make a
Happy Anniversary! Emery & Claudette Wiepen, Oct. 21, 1978 ** Mick & Karen Boeckman, Oct. 24, 1981 **
Roman & Arlene Arens, Oct. 25, 1950 **
Congratulations to Craig & Jenny Rolfes on the Baptism of their son Ezekiel Matthew on October 12th at Ss. Peter & Paul!
Sacred Heart Centennial Cookbooks can still be purchased at Cedar Security Bank in Wynot, Art Kathol Appliance in Bow Valley, and at
the St. James Marketplace! Or call Deb Harms at 402-692-3252. A limited number of Sacred Heart History Books is available at Cedar
Security Bank in Wynot and Art Kathol Appliance in Bow Valley, or call Carol Tramp, 402-357-3311.
Deacon Jeremy Hans appreciates your notes and prayers very much. Write him at 5200 Glennon Dr., St. Louis MO 63119
Help Support our local Food Pantry! Donations accepted at any of the Cedar Security Bank branches in Fordyce, Hartington and Wynot,
through Oct. 31.
The Bishops of the United States have issued a statement on the importance of bringing the values of our faith to the decisions made in
our public life. In their statement, Faithful Citizenship, the bishops call for “a different kind of political engagement: one shaped by the moral
convictions of well-formed consciences and focused on the dignity of every human being, the pursuit of the common good, and the protection of the weak and vulnerable” (no. 14) As you prepare for the upcoming election, please consider how the values of your faith can help
you make your decisions. For election information and Catholic teaching visit
Please be generous to the 2014-15 Archbishop’s Annual Appeal. Your contribution is one way to serve as Christ’s disciple and to participate in continuing the saving work begun by Christ. Please prayerfully consider a contribution.
Sept. 24th to Nov. 2nd: 40 Days for Life at the Planned Parenthood Clinic, 4409 Stone Ave., Sioux City.
“A groundbreaking, coordinated international mobilization. We pray that, with God’s help, this will mark the beginning of
the end to abortion in our city — and beyond.”
Project Rachel: Spiritual and psychological healing for anyone (female or male) affected by an abortion experience.
Don’t suffer any more. Call 1-888-456-HOPE (4673). More information is available online at
January 20-25, 2015 2015 Archdiocese of Omaha March for Life Pilgrimage Defend the right to life and visit holy and historical
sites in Washington, DC, and Gettysburg, PA, on this pilgrimage for high school youth and young adults ages 19-34. For more information
visit or contact Elizabeth Abbott: [email protected]; 402-551-9003 ext. 1306. Registration and
payment deadline: November 24, 2014.
Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I dedicated you…” Jeremiah 1:5
Your Spiritually Adopted Unborn Baby is now in his 7th month! He weighs about 3 pounds and is more than 15
inches long. He can open and close his eyes and follow a light. Beginning this month, the baby uses all four senses. He
can see, hear, taste, and touch. He can cough, yawn and hiccup! He now recognizes his mother’s voice. During this
month he will also receive antibodies from his mother protecting him from a wide variety of diseases.
Pray & fast for an end to abortion and in reparation for the sins of abortion on Wed. Oct. 22nd
A Special Thank You to the Wuebben’s who so graciously lent us their property for Life Chain again this year… and to all who came to
bear witness to the sanctity of LIFE! God bless you all...
>Holy Trinity Fall Dinner & Bazaar, this Sun. Oct. 19, 4-7 PM at the Msgr. Werner Activity Center. Games & fun activities in the Holy
Trinity Gym for the kids beginning at 3:30. Call 402-254-6496 for take-out orders & in-town deliveries. Raffle, Bake Sale, Country Store,
Book Fair & Kids’ Fun Run!
>October 19-21 Parish Mission at St. Rose of Lima parish in Crofton. “Ignite Your Faith”, given by Fr. Ron Hoye. Topics: Sunday,
Discipleship; Monday, The Eucharist; Tuesday, The Spirit.
> “Gathering the Grain” TEC Reunion: All who have attended a Teens Encounter Christ (TEC) retreat are invited to attend a reunion on
Saturday, Nov. 1st from 5-9pm at the St. Pius X Parish Center. The evening includes a vigil Mass & meal. A free will offering will be taken.
RSVP by Tuesday, Oct. 28th to [email protected] or 402-557-5610.
>West Catholic Development Brunch, Sun. Nov. 2, 9 am to 12:30 pm, serving Egg Bake, Cinnamon rolls, fruit & drinks. Adults $6,
Children (K-6) $3, 5 and under, free.
Youth, School & CCD News
HyVee gift cards are always available from Mary at school (254-2146), and from Julie Wuebben at Hair Expressions
(357-3739). The school receives 5% back, and these cards can be used at any HyVee store. Please continue to
purchase HyVee cards, and save Box Tops, Campbells soup bar codes, Coca Cola caps and 12 pack
codes, ink cartridges (check your list) and cell phones to hand in now that school has started!
East Catholic Fun Facts!
All East Catholic servers know how to serve Mass on weekdays & weekends, as well as for Exposition and Benediction!
East Catholic Prayer Friends - please remember to pray each day for your prayer friend. Now would be a great time to send them a note
to let them know you're praying for them. They love to hear from you!
CCD Schedule: Oct. 22, Mass for Kindergarten, 1st & 2nd grades. ** Oct. 29, Confessions for 3rd grade in the church
(When your grade has Mass or Confession, please meet in church at 7 pm) Nov. 5, Fall Break, no classes
All parishioners are welcome to attend the Wed. night CCD Masses, and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
until 8:15.
January 20-25, 2015 2015 Archdiocese of Omaha March for Life Pilgrimage Defend the right to life and visit holy
and historical sites in Washington, DC, and Gettysburg, PA, on this pilgrimage for high school youth and young adults ages 19
-34. For more information visit or contact Elizabeth Abbott: [email protected]; 402-551-9003 ext.
1306. Registration and payment deadline: November 24, 2014.
NATIONAL CATHOLIC YOUTH CONFERENCE 2015!!! We are almost a year away from the next NCYC in Indianapolis, IN. Please join
us for an INFORMATIONAL meeting to find out what NCYC is, why you should go, and when we will be going. The meeting will only last half
an hour after the 11 AM Mass in St. Helena on Nov 2nd. Contact Marnie at 402-640-3729 for more information. NCYC Alumni are also
encouraged to attend this meeting!
ADDRESS TO MINETTE AT [email protected].
Post Confirmation Class, Sun. Nov. 2nd, 7 pm, Sacred Heart hall, Wynot
St. Anthony Mary Claret
Feast Day: October 24th
Anthony Mary Claret, the "spiritual father of Cuba", was a
missionary, religious founder, social reformer, queen’s chaplain, writer and publisher, archbishop and refugee. He was a Spaniard whose
work took him to the Canary Islands, Cuba, Madrid, Paris and to the
First Vatican Council. In his spare time as a weaver and designer in
the textile mills of Barcelona, he learned Latin and printing. He was
ordained at 28, and was prevented by ill health from entering religious life as a Carthusian or a Jesuit, but he went on to become one
of Spain’s most popular preachers.
He spent 10 years giving missions and retreats, always placing great emphasis on the Eucharist and devotion to the Immaculate
Heart of Mary. Her rosary, it was said, was never out of his hand. At
42, beginning with five young priests, he founded a religious institute
of missionaries, known today as the Claretians.
He was appointed to head the much-neglected archdiocese
of Santiago in Cuba. He began its reform by almost ceaseless preaching and hearing of confessions, and suffered bitter opposition mainly
for defending marital faithfulness and giving instruction to black
slaves. A hired assassin slashed open his face and wrist. Anthony
succeeded in getting the would-be assassin’s death sentence commuted to a prison term. His solution for the misery of Cubans was
family-owned farms producing a variety of foods for the family’s own
needs and for the market. This invited the hatred of those with vest-
ed interests who wanted everyone to work on a single cash crop—
He was recalled to Spain for a job he did not relish—being
chaplain for the queen. He went on three conditions: He would reside
away from the palace, he would come only to hear the queen’s confession and instruct the children and he would be exempt from court
functions. In the revolution of 1868, he fled with the queen’s party to
Paris, where he preached to the Spanish colony there.
All his life Anthony was
interested in the Catholic press. He
founded the Religious Publishing
House, a major Catholic publishing
venture in Spain, and wrote or
published 200 books and pamphlets.
At Vatican I, where he
was a staunch defender of the
doctrine of infallibility, he won the
admiration of his fellow bishops.
Cardinal Gibbons of Baltimore remarked of him, "There goes a true
saint." At the age of 63, he died in
exile near the border of Spain.
Saturday, Oct. 25th, 5:00 pm
October Work Groups
Please do not clean on Thursdays during Adoration
CCW chairladies: Rose Promes & Lori Hans
Minette Paltz, Mary Rose Pinkelman, *Jeri Backman
Men’s chairmen: Dennis Promes & Jim Hans
Virgil Paltz, Richard Pinkelman, *Butch Backman
Charles Jones
Minette Paltz
Beau Heimes & Kyle Boeckman
Jay Heimes & a volunteer
Gift Bearers: Rick & Kelly Wieseler
Rosary Leader (Glorious Mysteries)
Oct. 25th: Karen Boeckman
October Money Counters:
David Koch & Terry Pinkelman
Sunday, Oct. 26th, 9:00 am
Gift Bearers:
Cleaners for October (Group 3)
Please do not clean on Tuesdays during Adoration
Carol Thoene
Brian Pinkelman
Lacey Heimes & Evvie Krie
Ron Hochstein & Don Reifenrath
Linus & June Lange
Rosary Leader (Glorious Mysteries)
Oct. 26th: Terry Lammers
October Money Counters
Doris Hochstein & Brian Lange
Sunday, Oct. 26th, 11:00 am
Gift Bearers:
2014 CCW Officers: P Joan Foxhoven, VP Violet Pinkelman
S Charlotte Pinkelman, T Donna Gowery
Maintenance Contact: Aaron Burbach 357-2118
Parish Council Members:
Steve Wieseler, Aaron Burbach, Deb Harms
Finance Council Members:
Frederick Pinkelman, Terry Pinkelman
Week of Oct. 20: Mark & Leah Noecker, Rich & Rita Pedersen,
Dan & Mary Pick, Joe & Sonya Schroeder, Dan & Lisa Sudbeck
Week of Oct. 27th: Keith Sudbeck, Martin & Deb Sudbeck,
Bob & Lauren Thoene, Dani & Karen Thoene
Week of Nov. 3: Steve & Karen Noecker, Clint & Michelle
Pinkelman, Tim Nissen, Doug & Tracy Pinkelman,
Rick & Mary Pinkelman
2014 CCW Officers: P Marsha Wuebben, VP Jolene Weinandt
S Sarah Reifenrath, T Julie Wuebben
Maintenance Contact: Kenny Kruse 357-2107
Parish Council Members:
Deb DeBlauw, Clint Pinkelman, Mark Jackson
Finance Council Members:
Judy Pinkelman, Jolene Weinandt
October Men’s Work Groups
Group 1Chairmen: Greg Heine & Dale Schaefer
Duane Bruening, Harold Zimmerman, Brice Pinkelman,
Steve Heine, Ken Wieseler, Gary Wieseler, Cletus Schmidt,
Larry Schumacher, Calvin Schulte
Lyndsey Heine
Claudette Wiepen
Malaya & Lexie Heine
Myron Klug & Calvin Schulte
Brice & Lorie Pinkelman
October Money Counters:
Clair Wieseler & Mitzi Heine
October Church Cleaning
Please do not clean on Wednesdays during Adoration
2014 CCW Officers: P Jennifer Wieseler, VP Sue (Gary)
Wieseler S Elaine Bruening, T Heather Klug
Maintenance Contact: Dale Becker, 357-2153
Parish Council Members
Dale Becker, Harold Zimmerman, Lyle Klug
Finance Council Members:
Kathy Schmidt & Rich Bruening
Ruth Bender, Amanda Klug, Mary Jo Bonertz, Jeanette Wieseler
Stewardship for Weekend of Oct. 12, 2014
Sunday Envelopes
Votive Lights
Budgeted Receipts for Weekend of Oct. 12, 2014
Immaculate Conception Cemetery
Sacred Heart Cemetery
IC Restoration
Sacred Heart Building Fund
Ss. Peter & Paul Wall
The St. James Marketplace
89039 570 Ave
St. James, NE 68792
Open May 3 thru Dec. 7, 2014
Saturday & Sunday 10 AM - 5 PM
Butch’s Propane
103 Nebraska St. * Obert NE 68757
Ph: 402-692-1111 Cell: 605-857-1111
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cookbooks, and unique handcrafted gifts.
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Wintz Funeral Home
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and Steve Wintz
Serving Northeast NE & Southeast SD
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16 years
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Hours: Mon-Sat 8am - 6 pm
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101 W. 5th
PO Box 103
Wynot NE 68792