6A Legals Tuesday October 14, 2014 Sidney Sun-Telegraph Online: www.suntelegraph.com Legal Notices L393 NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE For default in the payment of debt secured by a deed of trust executed by Lisa A. Harvey and Thomas E. Harvey, dated November 24, 2004, and recorded on November 29, 2004, Document No. 079713, in Book No. 269, at Page 68 in the Office of the Recorder of Deeds, Cheyenne County, Nebraska, the undersigned Successor Trustee will on November 12, 2014, at 10:30 AM, at the East Door of the Cheyenne County, Courthouse, Sidney, Nebraska, sell at public vendue to the highest bidder for cash: Lots Five (5) and Six (6), Block Ten (10), Carow’s First Addition to Dalton, Cheyenne County, Nebraska., commonly known as 603 Elm Street, Dalton, NE, 69131 subject to all prior easements, restrictions, reservations, covenants and encumbrances now of record, if any, to satisfy the debt and costs. /s/Edward E. Brink, Successor Trustee NOTICE Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, 15 U.S.C. §1692c(b), no information concerning the collection of this debt may be given without the prior consent of the consumer given directly to the debt collector or the express permission of a court of competent jurisdiction. The debt collector is attempting to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose (No. 162300). For more information, visit PRIVATE HREF=”http://www. southlaw.com” MACROBUTTON HtmlResAnchor www.Southlaw. com [Published in The Sidney Sun-Telegraph on September 16, 23, 30 and October 7, 14, 2014.] L439 REQUESTS FOR BIDS / INVITATION FOR BIDS Sidney Airport Authority, Sidney, Nebraska Sidney Municipal Airport AIP Project No.: 3-31-0075-05 Sealed bids will be received until 2:00 PM (Mountain Time), November 12th, 2014, and then publicly opened and read at the City Hall Building, City of Sidney, 1115 13th Avenue, Sidney, Nebraska for furnishing all labor, materials and equipment and performing all work necessary to: New Airport Terminal Building Copies of the bid documents including project drawings and technical specifications are on file and may be inspected at: Sidney Municipal Airport 11149 Road 16 Sidney, Nebraska City of Sidney 1115 13th Avenue Sidney, Nebraska M.C. Schaff & Associates, Inc. 818 South Beltline Highway East, Scottsbluff, Nebraska Nebraska Department of Aeronautics 3431 Aviation Road, Suite 150 Lincoln, Nebraska The Owner will conduct a prebid conference for this project at 2:00 PM (Mountain Time), October 30th, 2014, at the Sidney Municipal Airport, 11149 Road 16, Sidney, Nebraska. Contractors and Subcontractors are highly encouraged to attend this meeting to properly familiarize themselves with the scope of the project. A complete set of bid documents may be obtained from the office of M.C. Schaff & Associates, Inc for a fee of $300.00, no part of which will be refunded. Each proposal must be accompanied by a bid guaranty in the amount of five (5) percent of the total amount of the bid. The bid guaranty may be by certified check or bid bond made payable to the Sidney Airport Authority, Sidney, Nebraska. Bids may be held by the Sidney Airport Authority, Sidney, Nebraska for a period not to exceed 90 Calendar Days from the date of the bid opening for the purpose of evaluating bids prior to award of contract. The right is reserved, as the Sidney Airport Authority, Sidney, Nebraska may require, to reject any and all bids and to waive any informality in the bids received. This project is subject to the requirements of the DavisBacon Act, as amended. The Contractor is required to comply with wage and labor provisions and to pay minimum wages in accordance with the schedule of wage rates established by the United States Department of Labor. The Sidney Airport Authority, in accordance with the provisions of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (78 Stat. 252, 42 U.S.C. §§ 2000d to 2000d-4) and the Regulations, hereby notifies all bidders that it will affirmatively ensure that any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement, disadvantaged business enterprises will be afforded full and fair opportunity to submit bids in response to this invitation and will not be discriminated against on the grounds of race, color, or national origin in consideration for an award. Notice of Nonsegregated Facilities Requirement: Notice to Prospective Federally Assisted Construction Contractors 1. A Certification of Nonsegregated Facilities shall be submitted prior to the award of a federally-assisted construction contract exceeding $10,000 which is not exempt from the provisions of the Equal Opportunity Clause. 2. Contractors receiving federally-assisted construction contract awards exceeding $10,000 which are not exempt from the provisions of the Equal Opportunity Clause will be required to provide for the forwarding of the following notice to prospective subcontractors for supplies and construction contracts where the subcontracts exceed $10,000 and are not exempt from the provisions of the Equal Opportunity Clause. 3. The penalty for making false statements in offers is prescribed in 18 U.S.C. § 1001. Notice to Prospective Subcontractors of Requirements for Certification of NonSegregated Facilities: 1. A Certification of Nonsegregated Facilities shall be submitted prior to the award of a subcontract exceeding $10,000, which is not exempt from the provisions of the Equal Opportunity Clause. 2. Contractors receiving subcontract awards exceeding $10,000 which are not exempt from the provisions of the Equal Opportunity Clause will be required to provide for the forwarding of this notice to prospective subcontractors for supplies and construction contracts where the subcontracts exceed $10,000 and are not exempt from the provisions of the Equal Opportunity Clause. 3. The penalty for making false statements in offers is prescribed in 18 U.S.C. § 1001. Certification of Nonsegregrated Facilities: The federally-assisted con- struction contractor certifies that she or he does not maintain or provide, for his employees, any segregated facilities at any of his establishments and that she or he does not permit his employees to perform their services at any location, under his control, where segregated This project is subject to the requirements of 49 CFR Part 26 Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Participation. The owner has established a contract goal of 4.4 percent participation for small business concerns owned and controlled by qualified disadvantaged business enterprises (DBE). The bidder shall make and document good faith efforts, as defined in Appendix A of 49 CFR Part 26, to meet the established goal. Award of contract is also subject to the following Federal provisions: Executive Order 11246 and DOL Regulation 41 CFR PART 60 - Affirmative Action to Ensure Equal Employment Opportunity DOL Regulation 29 CFR Part 5 – Davis Bacon Act DOT Regulation 49 CFR PART 29 - Governmentwide Debarment and Suspension and Governmentwide Requirements for Drug-free Workplace DOT Regulation 49 CFR PART 30 - Denial of Public Works Contracts to Suppliers of Goods and Services of Countries that Deny Contracts to Suppliers of Goods and Services of Countries that Deny Procurement Market Access to U.S. Contractors (Foreign Trade Restriction). TITLE 49 United States Code, CHAPTER 501 – Buy American Preferences [Published in The Sidney Sun-Telegraph on September 30, October 7, 14, 21, 28, November 4, 2014] L466 REGULAR MEETING October 6, 2014 The Lodgepole Village Board of Trustees convened in regular and open session at 7:00 PM in the town hall, at 814 Sheldon, Lodgepole, NE. Present were: Bret Bondegard, Leonard Suhr, Justin Misegadis and RJ Savely. A motion by Bondegard, seconded by Misegadis for an excused absence for Alan Runge; Savely, Misegadis, Bondegard and Suhr voting yes, none voting no, Runge absent, motion passed. Also present was J. Leef, Steve Kuntz, Preston Richards, David Klipfel and Tammy Sherman. Savely informed the public of the location of the open meet- ings act poster on the bulletin board in the entry way of the town hall. A motion by Bondegard; seconded by Misegadis to approve the minutes of the September 8, 2014 meeting as printed; Savely, Bondegard, Misegadis and Suhr voting yes, none voting no, Runge absent, motion approved. A motion by Suhr, seconded by Bondegard to accept the treasurer’s report and the following bills; Savely, Bondegard, Misegadis and Suhr voting yes, none voting no, Runge absent, motion approved. General Fund:Miller Office 36.98; Dalton Telephone 83.07; Payroll Tax 2,783.12; Ideal Linen 51.86; Aflac 109.77; Verizon 79.58; Sidney Telegraph 142.36; Law Office of J Leef 350.00; FVC 25.11; SA Foster Lumber 22.45; NE Safety Council 9.38; League Assoc. of Risk Management 18,214.00; Rodger Webb 75.00; NE Dept. of Revenue 1,070.45; NE Dept. of Labor 34.90; Health Ins. 1,813.72; IRA 258.50; Library: Electric transfer 131.05; Payroll 781.68; Sewer Fund: Wheat Belt 48.93; FVC 25.11; Electric Transfer 27.90; Payroll 769.19; Water Fund: Wheat Belt 194.30; Dalton Telephone 62.67; NE Public Health Environmental Lab 916.00; Olsson Associates 3,375.00; FVC 25.12; Utility Service 1,929.74; Electric Transfer 31.83; Payroll 1,287.27; Electric Fund: NE Dept. of Rev 2,133.69; FVC 25.12; Source Gas 26.16; NPPD 16,554.58; Wheat Belt 4,285.73; Kevin’s Custom Electric 706.25; Precision Multiple Controls 49.28; Dutton-Lainson 30.85; Tana Kennedy 17.19; Curtis Gillespie 20.88; Barb Henzel 3.50; Payroll 3,838.31; Parks: FVC 66.27; Electric transfer 207.59; Rood’s Tire 579.43; Payroll 752.05; Sanitation: City of Sidney 938.00; FVC 267.09; Premier Auto Parts 68.80; Payroll 820.43; Roads: FVC 35.35; Source Gas 26.16; E&S Auto 15.26; NMC 90.94; Electric transfer 1,567.14; Payroll 739.57; Health Ins. 971.55; Community Hall: Dalton Telephone 48.67; Source Gas 41.42; Electric transfer 132.64; Rob’s Lock Service 47.00; Payroll 99.39; Payroll 99.39; Fire Hall: Fort Dearborn Life Ins 92.88; Source Gas 34.29; Dalton Telephone 48.67; Electric transfer 64.59; Total $70,212.73. Building permits none. Discussion was held concerning the noise ordinance. Leef provided copies of other municipal codes concerning noise. After some discussion; Leef was instructed to draft an ordinance similar to sample #2 with the hours to be listed as 7:00 AM to 10:00 PM for review at the November meeting. Discussion was held concerning definitions in the Planning & Zoning ordinances for permanent foundations and permanently anchored. The Board will review this topic at the next meeting, pending review and suggestions for the Planning & Zoning Board. Discussion was held regarding ordinance 8-105 Municipal property; obstructions. Sherman is to survey the village and send out letters to property owners accordingly. Discussion was held concerning the need for a tractor for the sewer, water, parks and road & street departments. A motion by Suhr, seconded by Misegadis to authorize Richards to submit a bid on the tractor for $16,000; Savely, Suhr, Bondegard and Misegadis voting yes, none voting no, Runge absent, motion passed. Discussion was held regarding the water study; no new information to report. Olsson Associates will present the final report on November 3, 2014 at the regular board meeting. Savely asked for public comments, none. Savely reviewed some of Robert’s Rules for meeting procedures. Reports were heard from the village attorney, chamber update, road & street dept., sewer & water dept., parks, sanitation, fire dept., community hall and clerk. Savely asked for any additional items for discussion, none. At 7:46 PM a motion by Suhr seconded by Misegadis to adjourn the meeting, Bondegard, Suhr, Savely and Misegadis voting yes, none voting no, Runge absent, motion passed. The next Village Board meeting will be November 3, 2014 @ 7:00 PM at the town hall, 814 Sheldon. T. Sherman, Clerk [Published in The Sidney Sun-Telegraph on October 14, 2014.] CLASSIFIEDS Retirement Sale MISC. FOR SALE HELP WANTEd HELP WANTEd HELP WANTEd STATEWIDE ADS STATEWIDE ADS STATEWIDE ADS 2004 International Air Ride 430 Cummins 10 speed over, 90% Tires/Brakes. 2011 Merrit Air Ride grain trailer, 43 Ft., 90% tires, 80% Brakes, Electric Tarp & Tuss. Ready To Go. 308262-0955 Bedroom Suite Queen Size, Grandfather Clock. Call 308-2547490 Do you love designing pages and have a creative bug in you? The Sidney SunTelegraph is looking for a page designer to join its team. The ideal candidate will have some experience with Adobe InDesign, but we’ll train the right person if you show us you’re a great fit. This is a full-time position, which will assist in producing pages for our daily and weekly newspapers in the region. Send a cover letter, resume and page examples via email to Rob Langrell at publisher@ suntelegraph.com or by mail to The Sidney SunTelegraph, Attn. Rob Langrell, P.O. Box 193, Sidney, NE 69162. PT JANITORIAL/ CLEANING, evenings, help needed. Available in Sidney. Must be dependable, hard working and have a good attitude. Clean background check required. 970-571-3592 for more info. F/T truck driver. Home nights & Sundays. Great benefits. Call Performance Plus, 970522-9052. THE NORTH Platte Telegraph, a 10,000 circulation daily newspaper, has an immediate opening for a reporter. Candidates are asked to have a journalism or related field degree and/or experience writing for a newspaper. Reporters for The Telegraph cover a variety of meetings and write on a variety of subjects. Interviewing skills and the ability to seek out compelling stories is desired. Please send cover letter, resume, clips and references to: Job Vigil, Managing Editor, North Platte Telegraph, PO Box 370, North Platte, NE 69103. E-mail job. [email protected] or Phone No. 308-5326000. BEAR TERMITE Services. Pest control contractors for 35+ years. Servicing Nebraska and Iowa. Yearly home pest control for one low price! Free estimates. 800-2417179. beartermiteservices.com HAVE A disability and want to work? Prepare for, find, and keep a job at Nebraska VR. Learn more at vr.nebraska.gov or call 877-637-3422. CDL Class A Drivers Immediate Opening: Benefits include paid vacations, paid holidays, health insurance, life insurance, dental, 401k, merchandise discounts. Wage increases after 60 and 90 day evaluations. HAZ MAT NOT REQUIRED. NO OVER NIGHT. APPLY IN PERSON ONLY @ Cash Wa Distributing Co. 825 Hickory, Sidney NO PHONE CALLS HELP WANTEd Git N Split now hiring Now Hiring! Part time and Full time employees at $9.00 an hr. Also Asst. Managers $9.50 hr. Apply in person at either Git n Split Location. EOE Security First Bank is looking for weekend and evening cleaning help. Must be able to pass all background checks. Contact Rick at 308-249-3781 for appointment. The Nebraska Department of Roads is currently accepting applications for a Highway Construction Tech I/II in Sidney, NE. For a full job description or to apply, visit www.statejobs.nebraska.gov. An on-line State application must be completed. This opening will remain until filled. Notify the State Department of Personnel at 402-471-2075 if you need accommodation in the selection process. (TDD Calls ONLY: 402-471-4693). The State of Nebraska is an Equal Opportunity Employer. o o o o o o o o o o o o Feedlot position available, medical insurance, paid vacation and meat part of compensation. Wages depend on experience. Chappell Feedlot, PO Box 691, Chappell, Ne 69129. 308-874-2297 The Havre Daily News on Montana’s beautiful Hi-Line is looking for a page designer who can make our pages sparkle. We are a small newspaper with a small staff. This is a place where you can make a big difference. You will be the only designer at our paper that publishes five afternoons a week. We encourage experimentation and are always looking for ways to improve our paper. Please send cover letter, resume and samples of your work [email protected]. We will gladly consider recent graduates. Questions? Call Managing Editor John Kelleher at 406-2656795 ext, 17. One Year (in county) $108.00 One Year (out-of-county) $128.00 One Year SENIOR - 65 or older (in county) $97.00 One Year Senior - 65 or older (out-of-county) $115.75 6 Months (in county) $60.00 6 Months (out-of-county) $67.50 6 Months SENIOR - 65 or older (in county) $54.00 6 Months SENIOR - 65 or older (out-of-county) $60.75 3 Months (in county) $32.50 3 Months (out-of-county) $37.00 3 Months SENIOR - 65 or older (in county) $29.50 3 Months SENIOR - 65 or older (out-of-county) $33.75 THE SIDNEY 817 12th Ave. • P.O. Box 193 • Sidney, NE 69162 • 308.254.2818 • www.suntelegraph.com STATEWIDE ADS C L A S S I F I E D ADVERTISING in over 170 newspapers. Reach thousands of readers for $225/25 word ad. Contact your local newspaper or call 1-800-3692850. BANKRUPTCY: FREE initial consultation. Fast relief from creditors. Low rates. Statewide filing. No office appointment necessary. Call Steffens Law Office, 308-8728327. steffensbankruptcylaw.com. We are a debt relief agency, which helps people file bankruptcy under the bankruptcy code. AFFORDABLE PRESS Release service. Send your message to 175 newspapers across Nebraska for one low price! Call 1-800-3692850 or www.nebpress. com for more details. R E S T A U R A N T EQUIPMENT Outlet; new & used restaurant equipment. See www. Chillmasters.biz, call 1-800-526-7105, or stop by Showroom to see what’s in stock for you! Sioux City, IA. CIVIL ENGINEER-Project Manager. W Design Associates, Hastings, Nebraska, seeking a motivated, detail focused individual with site design experience. Competitive salary, benefit package. Qualifications: Licensed Professional Civil Engineer. E-mail resume: [email protected]. LEGAL SECRETARY/ Legal Assistant position open for person with law office experience requiring word processing and computer skills. References required. Nonsmoking office. Pay commensurate with experience and ability. Submit resume with references to PO Box 90, Ogallala, NE 69153 or [email protected]. UNIQUE CONCRETE contractor seeks foreman to manage onsite production. Construction management experience and extensive travel required. Please call 1-402-643-0141 or e-mail resume to laura@ccsgrouponline. com. BUTLER TRANSPORT Your Partner in Excellence. Drivers Needed. Great hometime. $650.00 sign on bonus! All miles paid. 1-800-528-7825 or www.butlertransport. com DRIVER TRAINEES Needed! Become a driver for Stevens Transport! No experience needed! New drivers earn $800+ per week! Paid CDL Training! Stevens covers all costs! 1-888589-9677, drive4stevens.com Yes! I’ll subscribe to The Sidney Sun-Telegraph! 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