Chapter 15 Alcohols, Diols and Thiols CH3OH: methanol, toxic (wood alcohol) CH3CH2OH: ethanol, non-toxic but inebriating (surprise.....) Nomenclature: prefix – parent – suffix (1) for alcohols, the suffix is -ol (2) longest chain containing the -OH group has the highest priority (3) lowest numbering (4) write the name in alphabetical order CH 3CH 2CH 2–OH propan- 4 H 3C 3 -ol 1 2 CH 3 = propanol = 2–butanol OH OH 1 H 3C 2 OH 3 4 6 5 CH 3 CH 3 (5) -OH has a higher priority than -SH As a substituent: (a) -OH is hydroxy (b) -SH is mercapto parent = 6 carbons = hexane 2,4–diol and 5-methyl 5–methyl-2,4–hexanediol 1 CH 3 OH 1-methyl-1,2-cyclohexanediol 2 OH SH 5 6 4 3 1 OH 6-mercapto-4-cyclohexene-1,3-diol 2 OH OH 1 4 H 3C 2 SH 2-mercapto-4,4-dimethylcyclohexanol 3 CH 3 OH 4-phenyl-2-butanol (3-hydroxybutylbenzene) Hydrogen Bonding: like water, alcohols have very polar bonds (a) alcohols are capable of hydrogen bonding (b) lower molecular weight alcohols boil higher than expected based on molecular weight (recall: boiling means separation of molecules from liquid phase to vapor phase; the more tightly held to the liquid implies a higher boiling point) H O δ– H R δ+ δ– δ+ δ+ O H H δ– H O δ– O H O δ+ – H Oδ H H δ– + Hδ δ– O R H δ+ R water (H-OH) CH3CH2 alcohols (R-OH) CH3 CH3CH2 F CH3CH2 OH b.p. (°C) dipole moment (Debye) Alcohols can act as proton donors and acceptors Solubility: CH3OH, CH3CH2OH, (CH3)2CH-OH, (CH3)3C-OH are water soluble Acidity and Basicity: alcohol can act as bases (lone pairs) or acids (H+ donor) CH3CH2OH + B– CH 3 CH 2 O – ethoxide in general: "alkoxide" methoxide ethoxide propoxide tert-butoxide + B-H from SN2 chapter: HO– is a poor leaving group , but H2O is a better leaving group H H X X– R CH 2 OH R CH 2 OH R CH 2 X + H2O "activated" leaving group Acidity of Alcohols in Water (pKa): RO–H + RO – H 2O + H 3O + a more positive pKa implies a less acidic alcohol Alcohol pKa (CH3)3C-OH CH3CH2-OH H-OH CF3CH2-OH (CF3)3C-OH the more stabilized that we can make RO–, then the easier it will be for RO-H to lose a H+ (i.e. RO-H will be a strong acid) (a) OH– is very charge dense so hydroxide is well H-bonded in H2O (b) t-BuO– ((CH3)3CO–) is “greasier” and less H-bonded in H2O so t-BuOH is less acidic than H2O (c) also can have an inductive effect; electronegative atoms will help to withdraw electron density and can help to stabilize the negative charge on the anion (alkoxide) F C CH2 F F net = O Alcohols (and thiols) can therefore donate H+ in reactions with strong bases (NaH, NaNH2, R-Li, R-MgBr) δ+ δ– Na-H O δ– δ+ δ– R-CH2-Mg-Br O OH OH Na + MgBr + Preparation of Alcohols: (1) Addition of H2O to alkenes: proceeds by Markovnikov addition CH 3 CH 3 + H –H H2O +H – H, OH ∆ –H +H +H CH 3 CH 3 H H H 2O O H H H H (2) Hydroboration/Oxidation: anti-Markovnikov addition of H-OH across the double bond CH3 H CH3 H OH H (3) Oxymercuration: Markovnikov addition of H-OH across the double bond CH 3 CH 2 1) Hg(OAc)2, H2O 2) NaBH4 OH (4) Di-hydroxylation: H H OH OH H H OH OH CH2 Alcohols from Aldehydes and Ketones: O O R C R H C ketone aldehyde O O C C H H 3C acetaldehyde (ethanaldehyde) H3CH 2C R' (R, R' ≠ H) H 3C CH 3 2-propanone (acetone) O O C C H propanaldehyde H3CH 2C CH 3 2-butanone (1) Catalytic Reduction (Hydrogenation) O O H H H2, catalyst high pressure O O H2, catalyst low pressure H OH H H2, catalyst high pressure 2) Hydride Reducing Agents: H:– (hydride) can act as a base or a nucleophile; reactivity depends on coordination (a) Sodium Borohydride (NaBH4) H Na H B H H (i) a good source of H:–; one can reduce aldehydes and ketones to alcohols (ii) NaBH4 is safe and easy to handle (iii) one can do NaBH4 reductions in water or alcohol solution (iv) this source of H:– is not very basic OH O H3CH2C C O H H H H3CH2C C H H O δ– H C R δ+ H O δ+ H B H H δ– R H C BH3 H O B R C H H O 3 O RCH2 RCH2 H H C R B CH 2R H Na O R C H H Na O B O O CH 2R 4 H3O+ OH 4 R C H H + B(OH) 3 + NaOH (b) Lithium Aluminum Hydride (LiAlH4): LAH for short (i) great source of H:– (ii) need to be careful in handling; LAH reacts violently with acidic protons (H2O, MeOH, and so on); must use ether (non-protic) solvents (Et2O and THF) (iii) LAH reduces all carbonyl (C=O) groups, i.e. LAH is more reactive than NaBH4 (iv) this source of H:– is both basic and reductive NaBH 4 LiAlH4 aldehydes YES YES ketones YES YES esters slowly YES acids NO YES O R C H O R R R C O C O C R OR OH O CH 3CH 2 C H 1) NaBH4 , EtOH 2) H3O + H 1) LiAlH4 , Et2O 2) H2O O CH 3CH 2 C O H C C O CH 3 1) NaBH4, EtOH 2) H3O + CH 3CH 2 CH 3CH 2 C O C H C O OH H C OH OH H H H O O H C H O C OH H O CH 3 1) LiAlH4, Et2O 2) H2O H C H C H OH CH 3 H O R C H OCH 3 Li Al H H O Li R O C H OCH 3 R C H + – OCH 3 LiAlH4 OH 2 hydrides get added to carbonyl carbon of the initial ester R C O H 2O H R H Li C H H NaBH4 is more selective but also less reactive than LiAlH4 O H α β 1) NaBH4, EtOH 2) H3O+ O H OH OH + H OH 1) LiAlH4, Et2O 2) H2O α,β-unsaturated enones can be reduced at the C=O group with selectively Grignard Reagents: R-Mg-X R-X + Mg Br Et2O δ– δ+ δ– R–Mg–X Mg MgBr Et2O Polarity? (a) Mg is electropositive as compared to halogens or carbon, so R-Mg-X (Grignard reagents) are carbon anions complexed (stabilized) by coordination to Mg as a metal (b) carbon anions are relatively unstable, but when coordinated to a metal (such as Mg2+ or Li+), one can make a variety of 1°, 2°, 3°, vinyl or aryl carbon anions Br Mg Et2O CH3 H 3C H 3C Mg CH 2Br Et2O One can reduce carbonyl compounds to alcohols O 1) R-Mg-X, Et 2O 2) H3O + C R–Mg–X δ– δ+ δ– O R H 3O + OH R (1) “effective” addition of R and H across carbonyl group (in separate steps) O MgBr 1) H C OH H C Et2O H 2) H3O+ O MgBr 1) RCH2 C H OH H Et2O C 2) NH4Cl H CH2R O 1) CH3CH2-MgBr Et2O 2) H3O+ O 1) CH3CH2-MgBr Et2O 2) H3O+ (2) with esters, of Grignard reagent adds to carbonyl center O C OH OCH3 1) 2 CH3MgBr, Et2O 2) H3O+ O C OCH3 CH3 C CH3 CH3 (3) with acids, acid-base reaction occurs and one gets no addition to carbonyl group O C O OH CH 3MgBr Et2O C O + CH3-H Grignard reagents (stabilized carbon anions) are nucleophiles and also bases! (i) need to be careful about acidic H’s that can quench the “carbon anion” (Grignard reactions are not “compatible” with functional groups like OH, SH, CO2H, etc) (ii) must use dry solvents (no H2O can be present) How would you prepare: OH CH3 (a) CH3MgBr reduction of (b) MgBr reduction of (c) H2 reduction (NaBH4) of Reactions of Alcohols (1) dehydration (loss of water) H OH CH3 OH H3O+ H3O+ + H2 O CH2 CH3 H3O+ + a CH3 OH H b b H CH2 a H H (a) Zaitsev’s rule: most substituted double bond is favored (b) proceeds via carbocation (E1 mechanism) (c) 3° alcohols dehydrate well; 2° and 1° alcohols dehydrate less well; use POCl3 with pyridine as an alternative for 1° and 2° alcohols OH POCl 3 pyridine O Cl P Cl Cl loss of H+ O N Cl P Cl H O H proceeds by E2 mechanism; need to make good leaving group (2) Conversion into alkyl halides: OH X C C X = Cl, Br, I (a) 3° alcohols react with HCl, HBr or HI (via a carbocation intermediate) (b) 2° and 1° alcohols react with SOCl2 (for X=Cl) or PBr3 (for X=Br) O Cl RCH 2 S – H+ Cl O H RCH 2 O O H S R –CH 2 O O Cl S Cl Cl RCH 2–Cl + SO 2 + Cl make good leaving group and then favor SN2 (avoid carbocation formation) (3) Conversion into tosylates (-OTs): O N R OH + R O S CH3 O –OTs group (good leaving group) (4) Oxidation of alcohols to carbonyl compounds (a) oxidation of 3° alcohols gives no reaction OH CH3 CH3 CrO3, H2SO4 H2O, acetone (b) oxidation of 1° alcohols yields carboxylic acids or aldehydes depending on reagents Jones' reagent O CH 3(CH 2)8CH 2–OH CrO 3, H2SO 4 H2O, acetone CH 3(CH 2)8C–OH O CH 3(CH 2)8CH 2–OH PCC CH 2Cl 2 CH 3(CH 2)8C–H PCC = pyridinium chlorochromate N H CrO 3Cl (c) oxidation of 2° alcohols yields ketones OH O CrO3, H2SO4 H2O, acetone OH PCC CH2Cl2 OH Na2Cr2O7 H2O, CH3CO2H, ∆ (d) the mechanism is the same for these oxidations; E2 mechanism after good leaving group is made O C H CrO 3 H O C CrO 3 O Base H C + CrO32– Alcohol Protection: Why? One reason: O CH 3CH 2 C OH 1) CH3CH 2MgBr 2) H2O H CH 3CH 2 O CH 3CH 2 C CH 2CH 2 C H CH 2CH 3 O CH 3CH 2 MgBr CH 3CH 2 OH O HO C HO Br CH 2 CH 2 O O O CH 3CH 2 MgBr H C C CH 2CH 2 O Mg H H CH 2 CH 2 Et2O So need to mask (protect) the OH to do chemistry with the Br CH 3 R O H H3C Si H 3C Et3N Cl CH 3 R O Si CH 3 CH 3 + Et3NH Cl TMS-Cl: trimethylsilyl chloride Trimethylsilyl ethers (R’–O–SiR3) are very useful as they are unreactive under basic conditions; silyl ethers are easily made by SN2 reaction as C–Si bond lengths are long and Si is not very hindered OH OTMS OTMS Mg Et2O TMS-Cl Et3N Br MgBr Br De-Protection? Silyl ethers are readily cleaved with acid OH OTMS OH H 3O + TMS-Cl Et3N Thiols: R + X HS R + SH X good nucleophile CH (CH ) 3 2 6 CH Br 2 Na SH CH (CH ) 3 CH SH 2 6 2 + CH (CH ) 3 2 6 CH 2 S 2 + Na Br R X + HS R SH R R R S H+ + S X R + X thioether or sulfide So, to avoid this problem of “double-addition”: S R X + H 2N C NH 2 R NH 2 S C NH 2 X thiourea H2O, HO – R SH + O H 2N Biological systems: very common to have disulfide bridges R–S–S–R 2 R–SH (cysteine residues) Br2 (oxidation) Zn, H3O + (reduction) R S S R C NH 2 urea
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