Chapter 5 Alcohols Thiols Ethers Structure of Water and Methanol • Oxygen is sp3 hybridized and tetrahedral. • The H—O—H angle in water is 104.5°. • The C—O—H angle in methyl alcohol is 108.9°. Chapter 10 2 Classification of Alcohols • Primary: carbon with —OH is bonded to one other carbon. • Secondary: carbon with —OH is bonded to two other carbons. • Tertiary: carbon with —OH is bonded to three other carbons. • Aromatic (phenol): —OH is bonded to a benzene ring. Chapter 10 3 Examples of Classifications OH CH3 CH3 CH3 CH CH2OH * CH CH2CH3 * CH3 CH3 C* OH CH3 Chapter 10 4 Examples of Classifications OH CH3 CH3 CH3 CH CH2OH * CH CH2CH3 * Primary alcohol CH3 CH3 C* OH CH3 Chapter 10 5 Examples of Classifications OH CH3 CH3 CH3 CH CH2OH * Primary alcohol CH CH2CH3 * Secondary alcohol CH3 CH3 C* OH CH3 Chapter 10 6 Examples of Classifications OH CH3 CH3 CH3 CH CH2OH * Primary alcohol CH CH2CH3 * Secondary alcohol CH3 CH3 C* OH Tertiary alcohol CH3 Chapter 10 7 IUPAC Nomenclature • Find the longest carbon chain containing the carbon with the —OH group. • Drop the -e from the alkane name, add -ol. • Number the chain giving the —OH group the lowest number possible. • Number and name all substituents and write them in alphabetical order. Chapter 10 8 Examples of Nomenclature OH CH3 CH3 3 CH3 CH CH2OH 2 1 1 2-methyl-1-propanol 2-methylpropan-1-ol 2 CH3 CH3 1 C OH CH3 CH CH2CH3 2 3 4 2-butanol butan-2-ol 2-methyl-2-propanol 2-methylpropan-2-ol Chapter 10 9 Alkenols (Enols) • Hydroxyl group takes precedence. Assign the carbon with the —OH the lowest number. • End the name in –ol, but also specify that there is a double bond by using the ending –ene before -ol OH CH2 5 CHCH2CHCH3 4 3 2 1 4-penten-2-ol pent-4-ene-2-ol Chapter 10 10 Naming Priority Highest ranking Lowest ranking 1. Acids 2. Esters 3. Aldehydes 4. Ketones 5. Alcohols 6. Amines 7. Alkenes 8. Alkynes 9. Alkanes 10. Ethers 11. Halides Chapter 10 11 Hydroxy Substituent • When —OH is part of a higher priority class of compound, it is named as hydroxy. carboxylic acid OH CH2CH2CH2COOH 4 3 2 1 4-hydroxybutanoic acid also known as g-hydroxybutyric acid (GHB) Chapter 10 12 Common Names • Alcohol can be named as alkyl alcohol. • Useful only for small alkyl groups. OH CH3 CH3 CH CH2OH isobutyl alcohol CH3 CH CH2CH3 sec-butyl alcohol Chapter 10 13 Naming Diols • Two numbers are needed to locate the two —OH groups. • Use -diol as suffix instead of -ol. 1 2 3 4 5 6 hexane-1,6- diol Chapter 10 14 Glycols • 1, 2-diols (vicinal diols) are called glycols. • Common names for glycols use the name of the alkene from which they were made. ethane-1,2- diol ethylene glycol propane-1,2- diol propylene glycol Chapter 10 15 Phenol Nomenclature • —OH group is assumed to be on carbon 1. • For common names of disubstituted phenols, use ortho- for 1,2; meta- for 1,3; and para- for 1,4. • Methyl phenols are cresols. OH OH H3C Cl 3-chlorophenol (meta-chlorophenol) 4-methylphenol (para-cresol) Chapter 10 16 Solved Problem 1 Give the systematic (IUPAC) name for the following alcohol. Solution The longest chain contains six carbon atoms, but it does not contain the carbon bonded to the hydroxyl group. The longest chain containing the carbon bonded to the —OH group is the one outlined by the green box, containing five carbon atoms. This chain is numbered from right to left in order to give the hydroxyl-bearing carbon atom the lowest possible number. The correct name for this compound is 3-(iodomethyl)-2-isopropylpentan-1-ol. Chapter 10 17 Physical Properties • Alcohols have high boiling points due to hydrogen bonding between molecules. • Small alcohols are miscible in water, but solubility decreases as the size of the alkyl group increases. Chapter 10 18 Boiling Points of alcohols • Alcohols have higher boiling points than ethers and alkanes because alcohols can form hydrogen bonds. • The stronger interaction between alcohol molecules will require more energy to break them resulting in a higher boiling point. Chapter 10 19 Solubility in Water Small alcohols are miscible in water, but solubility decreases as the size of the alkyl group increases. Chapter 10 20 Methanol • • • • • “Wood alcohol” Industrial production from synthesis gas Common industrial solvent Toxic Dose: 100 mL methanol Used as fuel at Indianapolis 500 – – – – – Fire can be extinguished with water High octane rating Low emissions Lower energy content Invisible flame Chapter 10 21 Ethanol • • • • • • • Fermentation of sugar and starches in grains 12–15% alcohol, then yeast cells die Distillation produces “hard” liquors Azeotrope: 95% ethanol, constant boiling Denatured alcohol used as solvent Gasahol: 10% ethanol in gasoline Toxic dose: 200 mL Chapter 10 22 Acidity of Alcohols • pKa range: 15.5–18.0 (water: 15.7) • Acidity decreases as the number of carbons increase. • Halogens and other electron withdrawing groups increase the acidity. • Phenol is 100 million times more acidic than cyclohexanol! Chapter 10 23 Table of Ka Values Chapter 10 24 Formation of Alkoxide Ions • Ethanol reacts with sodium metal to form sodium ethoxide (NaOCH2CH3), a strong base commonly used for elimination reactions. • More hindered alcohols like 2-propanol or tert-butanol react faster with potassium than with sodium. Chapter 10 25 Formation of Phenoxide Ion The aromatic alcohol phenol is more acidic than aliphatic alcohols due to the ability of aromatic rings to delocalize the negative charge of the oxygen within the carbons of the ring. Chapter 10 26 Charge Delocalization on the Phenoxide Ion • The negative charge of the oxygen can be delocalized over four atoms of the phenoxide ion. • There are three other resonance structures that can localize the charge in three different carbons of the ring. • The true structure is a hybrid between the four resonance forms. Chapter 10 27 Synthesis of Alcohols (Review) • Alcohols can be synthesized by nucleophilic substitution of alkyl halide. • Hydration of alkenes also produce alcohols: Chapter 10 28 Synthesis of Vicinal Diols Vicinal diols can be synthesized by two different methods: • Syn hydroxylation of alkenes – Cold, dilute, basic potassium permanganate Chapter 10 29 Reduction of Carbonyl • Reduction of aldehyde yields 1º alcohol. • Reduction of ketone yields 2º alcohol. • Reagents: – Sodium borohydride, NaBH4 – Lithium aluminum hydride, LiAlH4 – Raney nickel Chapter 10 30 Sodium Borohydride • NaBH4 is a source of hydrides (H-) • Hydride attacks the carbonyl carbon, forming an alkoxide ion. • Then the alkoxide ion is protonated by dilute acid. • Only reacts with carbonyl of aldehyde or ketone, not with carbonyls of esters or carboxylic acids. Chapter 10 31 Lithium Aluminum Hydride • LiAlH4 is source of hydrides (H-) • Stronger reducing agent than sodium borohydride, but dangerous to work with. • Reduces ketones and aldehydes into the corresponding alcohol. • Converts esters and carboxylic acids to 1º alcohols. Chapter 10 32 Reduction with LiAlH4 • The LiAlH4 (or LAH) will add two hydrides to the ester to form the primary alkyl halide. • The mechanism is similar to the attack of Grignards on esters. Chapter 10 33 Reducing Agents • NaBH4 can reduce aldehydes and ketones but not esters and carboxylic acids. • LiAlH4 is a stronger reducing agent and will reduce all carbonyls. Chapter 10 34 Catalytic Hydrogenation • Raney nickel is a hydrogen rich nickel powder that is more reactive than Pd or Pt catalysts. • This reaction is not commonly used because it will also reduce double and triple bonds that may be present in the molecule. • Hydride reagents are more selective so they are used more frequently for carbonyl reductions. Chapter 10 35 Thiols (Mercaptans) • Sulfur analogues of alcohols are called thiols. • The —SH group is called a mercapto group. • Named by adding the suffix -thiol to the alkane name. • They are commonly made by a substitution. • Primary alkyl halides work better. Chapter 10 36 Synthesis of Thiols • The thiolate will attack the carbon displacing the halide. • This is a substitution reaction • methyl halides will react faster than primary alkyl halides. • To prevent dialylation use a large excess of sodium hydrosulfide with the alkyl halide. Chapter 10 37 Alcohol Reactions • • • • • • Dehydration to alkene Oxidation to aldehyde, ketone Substitution to form alkyl halide Reduction to alkane Esterification Williamson synthesis of ether Chapter 11 38 Summary Table Chapter 11 39 Oxidation States • Easy for inorganic salts (reduced, organic oxidized) – CrO42- reduced to Cr2O3 – KMnO4 reduced to MnO2 • Oxidation: loss of H2, gain of O, O2, or X2 • Reduction: gain of H2 or H-, loss of O, O2, or X2 • Neither: gain or loss of H+, H2O, HX Chapter 11 40 Oxidation States • Easy for inorganic salts (reduced, organic oxidized) – CrO42- reduced to Cr2O3 – KMnO4 reduced to MnO2 • Oxidation: loss of H2, gain of O, O2, or X2 • Reduction: gain of H2 or H-, loss of O, O2, or X2 • Neither: gain or loss of H+, H2O, HX Chapter 11 41 1º, 2º, 3º Carbons Chapter 11 42 Oxidation of 2° Alcohols • • • • 2° alcohol becomes a ketone Reagent is Na2Cr2O7/H2SO4 = H2CrO4 Active reagent probably H2CrO4 Color change: orange to greenish-blue OH CH3CHCH2CH3 Na2Cr2O7 / H2SO4 O CH3CCH2CH3 => Chapter 11 43 Oxidation of 1° Alcohols • 1° alcohol to aldehyde to carboxylic acid • Difficult to stop at aldehyde • Use pyridinium chlorochromate (PCC) to limit the oxidation. • PCC can also be used to oxidize 2° alcohols to ketones. OH N H CrO3Cl CH3CH2CH2CH2 O CH3CH2CH2CH Chapter 11 44 3° Alcohols Don’t Oxidize • Cannot lose 2 H’s • Basis for chromic acid test Chapter 11 45 Alcohol as a Nucleophile H C O R X • ROH is weak nucleophile • RO- is strong nucleophile • New O-C bond forms, O-H bond breaks. Chapter 11 46 Alcohol as an Electrophile • OH- is not a good leaving group unless it is protonated, but most nucleophiles are strong bases which would remove H+. • Convert to tosylate (good leaving group) to react with strong nucleophile (base). H + C O C-Nuc bond forms, C-O bond breaks Chapter 11 47 Reduction of Alcohols • Dehydrate with conc. H2SO4, then add H2 OH CH3CHCH3 alcohol H2SO4 CH2 CHCH3 alkene Chapter 11 H2 Pt CH3CH2CH3 alkane 48 Reaction with HBr • • • • -OH of alcohol is protonated -OH2+ is good leaving group 3° and 2° alcohols react with Br- via SN1 1° alcohols react via SN2 R O H H3O + H R O H Chapter 11 - Br R Br 49 Reaction with HCl • Chloride is a weaker nucleophile than bromide. • Add ZnCl2, which bonds strongly with -OH, to promote the reaction. • The chloride product is insoluble. • Lucas test: ZnCl2 in conc. HCl – 1° alcohols react slowly or not at all. – 2 alcohols react in 1-5 minutes. – 3 alcohols react in less than 1 minute. Chapter 11 50 Limitations of HX Reactions • Poor yields of 1° and 2° chlorides • May get alkene instead of alkyl halide Chapter 11 51 Reactions with Phosphorus Halides • Good yields with 1° and 2° alcohols • PCl3 for alkyl chloride (but SOCl2 better) • PBr3 for alkyl bromide Chapter 11 52 Dehydration Reactions • • • • • • Conc. H2SO4 (or H3PO4) produces alkene Carbocation intermediate Zaitsev product Bimolecular dehydration produces ether Low temp, 140°C and below, favors ether High temp, 180°C and above, favors alkene Chapter 11 53 Ethers H O O O H Hydrogen Oxide Aka Water R H Alcohol R R Ether • Ethers contain an sp3 hybridized oxygen atom • Ethers do not hydrogen bond between each other, but will hydrogen bond with water and alcohols. • Ethers are polar and water soluble Ether Nomenclature Common System Give alkyl names to the carbon groups (alkyl groups) bonded to the oxygen, followed by ether. Examples Ether Nomenclature Common System Give alkyl names to the carbon groups (alkyl groups) bonded to the oxygen, followed by ether. Examples Dimethyl ether Ether Nomenclature Common System Give alkyl names to the carbon groups (alkyl groups) bonded to the oxygen, followed by ether. Examples Dimethyl ether Ethylmethyl ether Ether Nomenclature Common System Give alkyl names to the carbon groups (alkyl groups) bonded to the oxygen, followed by ether. Examples Dimethyl ether Ethylmethyl ether Isopropylmethyl ether Ether Nomenclature Common System Give alkyl names to the carbon groups (alkyl groups) bonded to the oxygen, followed by ether. Examples Dimethyl ether Ethylmethyl ether Isopropylmethyl ether Sec-butylcyclopropyl ether Ether Nomenclature IUPAC System Name the longest chain of carbons in the normal fashion. The oxygen containing group is named by giving the carbon portion the Latin root followed by oxy. Examples Methoxymethane Ether Nomenclature IUPAC System Name the longest chain of carbons in the normal fashion. The oxygen containing group is named by giving the carbon portion the Latin root followed by oxy. Examples Methoxymethane Methoxyethane Ether Nomenclature IUPAC System Name the longest chain of carbons in the normal fashion. The oxygen containing group is named by giving the carbon portion the Latin root followed by oxy. Examples Methoxymethane Methoxyethane 2-Methoxypropane Ether Nomenclature IUPAC System Name the longest chain of carbons in the normal fashion. The oxygen containing group is named by giving the carbon portion the Latin root followed by oxy. Examples Methoxymethane Methoxyethane 2-Methoxypropane 2-Cyclopropoxybutane Ether Formation • Primary alcohols can dehydrate to ethers • This reaction occurs at lower temperature than the competing dehydration to an alkene •This method generally does not work with secondary or tertiary alcohols because elimination competes strongly The mechanism is an SN2 reaction: Williamson Ether Synthesis • Good for unsymmetrical ethers Dehydration Mechanisms H OH CH3CHCH3 H2SO4 OH CH3CHCH3 CH3CHCH3 alcohol H2O CH3OH H3O CH2 CHCH3 + CH3 CH3 OH2 O CH3 H CH3OH H2O Chapter 11 CH3OCH3 66 Esterification • Fischer: alcohol + carboxylic acid • Nitrate esters • Phosphate esters Chapter 11 67 Fischer Esterification • Acid + Alcohol yields Ester + Water • Sulfuric acid is a catalyst. • Each step is reversible. O CH3 C OH CH3 + H O CH2CH2CHCH3 + H O CH3 CH3C OCH2CH2CHCH3 + HOH Chapter 11 68 Sulfate Esters Alcohol + Sulfuric Acid O HO S O + OH H + H O CH2CH3 O S OCH2CH3 O O CH3CH2O H + HO HO S O + OCH2CH3 O Chapter 11 H CH3CH2O S OCH2CH3 O => 69 Nitrate Esters O O + N OH + H O CH2CH3 H O N OCH2CH3 O Chapter 11 70 Phosphate Esters => Chapter 11 71 Phosphate Esters in DNA O CH2 base O H H H O O CH2 O H P O base O H H O O CH2 O H P O base O H H O O CH2 O H P O base O H H O O P O Chapter 11 O => 72 End of Chapter 5 Chapter 11 73
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