Document 34624

Follow professional business style
Align letters to the left justification setting (don’t indent paragraphs)
Use three paragraph format (introduction, body, and closing)
Always use a colon when addressing the person in the letter (Dear Mr. Jimenez:)
When addressing a female, always use the title Ms. or Dr. (regardless of marital status)
Always double space between paragraphs
Use transitional phrases to help the letter flow (in addition to, however)
Personalize letters to the recruiter and company/organization
Focus letters on what you can offer the company/organization
Learn the company culture to determine if letters by email are appropriate
Proofread all letters for spelling, grammar, and clarity
Sign your documents (manually or electronically)
Create a system to track letters you send and make copies of all correspondence
Your Street Address
City, State and Zip Code
(4 spaces)
Name of Contact
His/Her Title
Company/Organization Name
City, State and Zip Code
Dear Mr., Ms., or Dr. (Contact’s Name):
State something interesting you learned from your research about the company or make reference
to a previous conversation, if you had one. Next, write a statement that defines the purpose of your
letter. This can include which position you are seeking and where you learned about it.
Demonstrating that you have researched the company helps to sell you as a candidate.
In the second paragraph, highlight specific skills that will be useful to the employer. Refer to some
additional information that may not be highlighted in your resume such as international, special,
technical, or cultural experiences. Connect the point you make with the position requirements.
Provide strong examples of your experience that directly support what the employer seeks in skills.
Show how you would benefit the company and what you have to offer.
To conclude the cover letter, indicate that you are interested in action. Make every effort to
maintain control of the process by indicating that you will follow up to ensure correspondence was
received or set an interview date. Refer to your enclosed resume and thank the reader for his/her
time and consideration.
Your signature here
Your name
(4 spaces)
Tips for Success
Write the cover letter for a specific position; it should complement the resume
Highlight your strengths and skills and match those up with the job description
Never mention salary in a cover letter
If you are submitting your resume via email, you can include the cover letter in the body of
the email
1234 Lake Osceola Drive
Coral Gables, FL 33146
May 22, 2010
Ms. Teri-Anne Jones
Regional Recruiting Supervisor
Enterprise Rent-A-Car
One City Plaza, 2nd Floor
Miami, FL 33022
Dear Ms. Jones:
I am writing to apply for the Management Trainee position advertised on the University of Miami’s
CaneZone career management system. My interest was solidified after attending an information
session at the Toppel Career Center last fall. During this event I learned about Enterprise’s
commitment to professional development and the many opportunities for growth within the
Enterprise Rent-A-Car has been recognized for its superb treatment of customers and employees.
The Management Training position is a great opportunity to join the Enterprise family and further
develop skills in the field. Customers are the center of any organization and I know that my
experience working in various customer service positions will allow me to provide positive
to your
clientele. This past summer I had the opportunity to intern in the Marketing
Division of Target Corporation. My assignments ranged from market research to customer
experience support, and I worked closely on a variety of projects with senior executives. Perhaps
most importantly, I had the opportunity to gain an insider’s view of the internal workings of a large
corporation by working with key players in the division while still having a great deal of direct
customer contact.
I look forward to sharing more with you about how I can contribute to the success and growth of
Enterprise Rent-A-Car, and am eager to learn more about the infrastructure of your organization.
Please feel free to contact me 305-284-5451 or [email protected]. Thank you for your
Diane Firestone
Diane Firestone
1234 Lakeside Drive
Coral Gables, FL 33146
December 2, 2008
Ms. Nilda Perez
Human Resources Recruiting Associate
Timely Magazine
120 Zephyr Drive
New York, NY 12345
Dear Ms. Perez:
Through the course of researching career opportunities on the marketing side of publishing, I have
learned a great deal about Timely Magazine and its innovative web-based marketing approach. I
would like to be considered as an applicant for the Coordinator Position, Number 12345, in your
Marketing Department, as advertised on your website.
Recently, I completed an independent research project comparing the costs and benefits of
advertising via the internet versus more traditional methods and presented my findings at the
annual American Marketing Association Convention. In addition to having a solid understanding of
marketing practices and principles, I consider myself a strong communicator and manager. Last
summer I assisted with organizing and coordinating the delivery of basic social services to indigent
children. I was directly responsible for recruiting, training, and scheduling volunteer workers.
The prospect of launching a marketing career in the publishing industry is exciting, and I hope to
begin that journey at Timely Magazine. I would appreciate the opportunity to meet with you to
further discuss how my skills and experience can be of use to your organization. I look forward to
hearing from you soon.
Tom McRae
Tom McRae
Your Street Address
City, State and Zip Code
(4 spaces)
Name of Contact
His/Her Title
Company/Organization Name
City, State and Zip Code
Dear Mr., Ms., or Dr. (Contact’s Name):
Use the opening paragraph to make a clear connection between you and the recipient of your
letter. Highlight a similarity you share with your reader. For example, you may both be alumni of
the same school or share specific interests, careers, and mutual acquaintances.
Because this letter is not a cover letter, your tone may be more relaxed. You are seeking an
informational meeting instead of an interview with this type of letter. Rather than pressure your
reader, simply state your desire to learn more about a specific career, school, or opportunity.
Indicate where you are in the decision-making process so that the person knows what information
he/she can provide. Also, be sure to share your goals and what you hope to gain from the meeting.
It is critical that the recipient understand that you are not seeking a job but looking for advice,
opinions, and information.
Close the letter with a statement of your intent to call and make arrangements for a brief meeting.
Thank the person for his/her willingness to assist you.
Your signature here
Your name
(4 spaces)
Tips for Success
Follow up with recipient 1-2 weeks after sending the letter
Be prepared for the meeting – do your research and prepare questions in advance
Send a thank you letter if the recipient takes the time to meet with you or assist you
1306 Stanford Drive
Coral Gables, FL 33124
June 1, 2009
Ms. Julie Jacobs
Therapeutic Specialty Representative
Pfizer Inc.
201 South Main Street
Orlando, FL 32802
Dear Ms. Jacobs:
My name is Eduardo Ruiz, and I am a senior at the University of Miami interested in pursuing a
career in pharmaceutical sales. My father, Dr. Tomas Ruiz, gave me your contact information and
suggested I contact you. I will be in Orlando from August 14 to August 25 and would like to meet
with you to discuss your successful career with Pfizer.
My interest in the pharmaceutical sales industry was piqued while taking courses in sales and
brand management. I will graduate in May of 2010 and am in the process of learning more about
the industry, including its rewards and challenges. In addition, I will be taking biology in the
upcoming semester to increase my scientific knowledge. Sales positions are competitive, and it
would be a wonderful opportunity if you could share your experiences and expertise.
I will call you next week to see if we can schedule a convenient time to meet. If you would prefer to
contact me, my contact information is 305-284-5451 or [email protected]. Thank you for
your time and consideration.
Eduardo Ruiz
Eduardo Ruiz
Your Street Address
City, State and Zip Code
(4 spaces)
Name of Contact
His/Her Title
Company/Organization Name
City, State and Zip Code
Dear Mr., Ms., or Dr. (Contact’s Name):
The thank you letter should be brief and to the point. Emphasize your sincere appreciation to this
person for taking the time to meet or interview you. Remind the recipient of your strong
qualifications for the position and connect the requirements of the position directly with your
specific talents.
Next, focus on your interest in the position. Describe briefly how you would be an asset to their
organization. Offer your phone number in case the recipient should need any further information
from you.
Finally, request action. Each thank you letter should be concluded with an appropriate statement
of your appreciation for their help and a request for action. After a networking meeting, be sure to
write a thank you letter to the individuals who assisted you in gaining information or interviews.
Your signature here
Your name
(4 spaces)
Tips for Success
Send a thank you letter to each person who met with you
Send letters within 24 hours after the meeting
Consider organizational culture if you want to use more informal correspondence (a handwritten thank you card or email)
1211 Dickinson Drive
Coral Gables, FL 33146
September 21, 2009
Mr. Bob Tyler
Group Campus Recruiter
Target Corporation
1101 South Main Street, Suite 501
Orlando, FL 33150
Dear Mr. Tyler:
Thank you for taking a few minutes to speak with me yesterday at the University of Miami’s Career
Expo. After speaking with you and other Target representatives, I was impressed by Target and
would like to learn more about the company culture and internship opportunities. As you
suggested, I will attend Target’s information session at the Toppel Career Center in October.
As a junior majoring in Business Management and Organization, an internship in a Target store
would allow me to see all areas of retail management and apply my classroom knowledge in a
business setting. Additionally, I am interested in this internship because of the opportunity to work
closely with store managers and complete a project on my own.
Thanks again for your willingness to share insight about Target with me. I will submit my
application for an internship on CaneZone once the position is posted. I look forward to hearing
from you and can be reached at 305-284-5451 or [email protected]. Thank you for your time and
Maria Jimenez
Maria Jimenez
Your Street Address
City, State and Zip Code
(4 spaces)
Name of Contact
His/Her Title
Company/Organization Name
City, State and Zip Code
Dear Mr., Ms., or Dr. (Contact’s Name):
The acceptance letter is a pleasure to write. In the first paragraph, thank the company/organization
for the offer and directly accept the position.
In the second paragraph, restate the contract provisions as you understand them. These are the
points that you and your contact at the company have discussed in relation to your employment.
These may include salary, location, and benefits. You may also include the date you will begin
working. It is important to reiterate these details because they provide documentation of an
understanding between you and the organization before the contract is signed.
To conclude the letter, end with a statement that demonstrates your excitement at the opportunity
to join the company. Remember to be thankful and courteous!
Your signature here
Your name
(4 spaces)
Tips for Success
Express your appreciation for the opportunity
Before sending the letter, make sure you include the correct details of the offer
1211 Dickinson Drive
Coral Gables, FL 33146
April 21, 2009
Ms. Lisa Stein
Human Resources Representative
Department of State
2201 C Street NW
Washington, DC 20520
Dear Ms. Stein:
It is with great enthusiasm that I accept the Foreign Service Officer position with the Department of
State. I feel confident that I can make a significant contribution to the agency.
As we negotiated, my starting salary will be $40,000 with the full range of benefits granted to
government employees. I will report to work at 8:30 a.m. on June 1 and will have completed the
medical examination and drug testing by May 5. Additionally, I shall complete all employment and
insurance forms for the new employee orientation.
Thank you for your assistance during this process. I look forward to working with you and joining
the team at the State Department.
Lee Chen
Lee Chen
Your Street Address
City, State and Zip Code
(4 spaces)
Name of Contact
His/Her Title
Company/Organization Name
City, State and Zip Code
Dear Mr., Ms., or Dr. (Contact’s Name):
The rejection letter is difficult to write because it conveys bad news. In the first paragraph, indicate
that while you appreciate the offer, you are unable to accept the position.
In the second paragraph, express your appreciation for the opportunity. Use your discretion when
giving reasons for turning the offer down. You may indicate that you have accepted another
opportunity. Keep in mind that it is through this type of letter you can demonstrate your
To conclude the letter, end on a positive note. Refer to your positive experience during the
interview process, and leave the door open in case you want to apply for another position with the
organization in the future.
Your signature here
Your name
(4 spaces)
Tips for Success
A polite refusal is your responsibility and a professional courtesy
Do not put off writing the rejection letter, as you allow the employer to move forward with the
search as quickly as possible
Verbal rejections should be confirmed in writing
1211 Dickinson Drive
Coral Gables, FL 33146
September 21, 2008
Ms. Samantha Jarrod
Vice President for Human Resources
ABC Financial Services
1 Financial Plaza, Suite 150
New York, NY 20012
Dear Ms. Jarrod:
Thank you for offering me the position of Financial Analyst with ABC Financial Services. I
appreciate your willingness to discuss the details of the position with me and give me time to
consider your offer. It was a difficult decision to make; however, I have accepted a position with
another company.
You have a great organization and many aspects of the position are very appealing. I appreciate
your consideration throughout the interview process and also enjoyed learning more about ABC
Financial Services.
Thank you again for taking the time to consider my candidacy. It was a pleasure meeting you and
your staff.
Donte Williams
Donte Williams