4 Seneca County Area Shopper • October 20, 2014 NOTICE We will be CLOSED COOLEY CONSTRUCTION: New construction, timber frames, garages, decks, roofing, remodeling and more. Call Chad at 607532-4002. Facebook. DELONG TRUCKING & WELDING basements, crusher run, driveways & more call 607-532-8840. www. delong-construction.com, see us on Facebook. CARVALHO CONSTRUCTION, INC. Consider us also for your plumbing and electrical needs! • Kitchens & Baths • Jet Pump and Water Heater Replacement or Repair • New Plumbing or Electrical Fixtures • Plumbing and Electrical Repairs October 23rd - November 4th FINGER LAKES ENGINES AND HYDRAULICS 7514 So. Town Building Rd., Ovid, NY 607-869-5753 • No Sunday Calls SCHEDULE FALL CLEAN-UP Clean out basement, attic garages and barns and haul away. Rich Vogt 607-387-4190 or water [email protected]. CALL CRAIG LAPOINT for all your heating & plumbing needs 607-532-8507. RABER’S FOOTWEAR AND DRAINAGE PRODUCTS. 5985 Chapman Rd., Conewango Valley, NY 14726. Mon - Tues - Thurs - Friday 8am - 7:30pm. Saturday - 8am - 5pm. Closed Wed. & Sunday. Gloves, Boots, Belts, Mucks, Wolverine, Georgia Boots, Lacrosse, Rocky Hunting Boots, Tony Lama’s. NY FarmNet %ULJKWHQLQJWKHIXWXUHRI1<DJULFXOWXUHVLQFH "USINESS0LANNINGs2ETIREMENT%STATE0LANNING &INANCIAL!NALYSISs3TRESS-ANAGEMENT 0ERSONAL7ELLBEINGs"USINESS4RANSFERS £°nää°x{Ç°,ÊUÊ 9>À iÌ°À} 100% FREE & CONFIDENTIAL Heavenly Tree Care Free Estimates Over 20 Years Experience 52 Ft. Aerial Bucket Service Fully Insured WE DO: •Trees •Hauling • Trimming •Storm Damage Owned by: Leslie VanHorn, Sr. 607-474-5013 Cell: 279-6984 Monday, October 27, 2014 7:00pm Do You Remember..... As the Interlaken Historical Society continues working on our 65th Anniversary publication we are asking the community, near and far, young and old, “Do you Remember…?” Please join us Monday evening, October 27th at 7:00 pm as we ask the question and share pictures and memorabilia to help recall people, places and events of the last 60 plus years. We hope the program will help you ask the question, “Do You Remember…?” we need your input on events and people from the past so that they can be recalled and included in the forthcoming book. Included in the evening will be both a slide presentation of photos and memorabilia, and items from the collections that we hope will get people talking. This is a program for sharing more than listening. If you have photographs or other items that you would like to share that evening, please bring them with you. We will have scanning equipment to allow for quickly scanning items, and sharing them. The program will be held in the Masonic Hall Dining Room (8396 Main Street, second floor) and is handicapped accessible. Refreshments will be served and all are invited to join in a fun evening of sharing memories. If you can’t join us but have a photograph or a story to share, please contact the Interlaken Historical Society at museum@ interlakenhistory.org, or PO Box 270, Interlaken, NY 14847 and we will make arrangements to copy photographs or gather your stories. For more information please contact the Society at [email protected] or 607-280-2099. Leaky roof? Shingles blowing off? Is it time to replace that old roof? r Seasons Fou oo R !"##$ %&' ( ))"*"+, -.%/)'&0$.%/&)1 607-582-7746 THE ROOFER TO THE RESCUE! fing West LLC Library Story Times Fun stories, songs, crafts and snacks for children from birth to age 4 • Active toddlers welcome! Mondays 10:00 AM at the Interlaken Library 532-4341 Fridays 10:30 AM at the Edith B. Ford Memorial Library, Ovid 869- 3031 All programs are free Sponsored by the World of Words Early Literacy Grant. Funded by the Community Foundation of Tompkins County Ujeni Fund HERO MILES - to find out more about how you can help our service members, veterans and their families in their time of need, visit the Fisher House website at www.fisherhouse.org REDUCE YOUR CABLE BILL! Get a whole Satellite system installed at NO COST and programming starting at $19.99/mo. FREE HD/DVR Upgrade to new callers, SO CALL NOW 1-800-492-1952 YOUTH DAYS & PHEASANT HUNT For Novice Women and Youth 12-17 years old Saturday, November 1 South Seneca Sportsmen’s Club Yarnell Rd., Ovid Space is limited. Sign up by calling Bob Jennings 607-532-4940 MUST HAVE: NYS Small Game License & Blaze Orange Clothing Shingle • Metal • Rubber Serving Geneva, Auburn, Lansing, Ithaca & Surrounding Areas. Levi Swarey Ovid, NY 14521 WINDOWS DOUBLE HUNG, double paned tilt-ins $199 installed, Energy Star Package add $20. Triple pane tilt-ins $249 installed, Elite Energy Star package add $50. Why pay more? 1-866-272-7533 WEB DEVELOPER for Growing Norwich, NY Company. If you are a talented front end developer we have an excellent opportunity. Go to newmediaretailer.com/ careers for a complete job description. DONATING A VEHICLE, running or not, to Children’s Cancer Fund of America, Inc. is easy and tax deductible. Call 1-866-204-4548 Custom Design and Construction Agricultural, Residential, Equine, Commercial 1-888-615-5303 EMPLOYMENT EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY 2 Part-time Food Service Helpers needed in Seneca County OFA Romulus Kitchen to assist in preparing meals for the elderly. May require Food Transport and delivering meals. Must operate your own vehicle. Clean NYS Driver’s License is required. EOE $9.058/ hr. For more information and application call Seneca County Office for the Aging at (607) 869-9420 MISCELLANEOUS CASH FOR CARS and TRUCKS. Get A Top Dollar INSTANT Offer! Running or Not! 1-888-416-2208 PRODUCE ROLLING HILLS PRODUCE, STATE ROUTE 79. OPEN MONDAY-FRIDAY 10-6, SATURDAY 9-5, SUNDAY 10-4. We have winter squash, apples, grapes, pumpkins, cookies, pies, honey, maple syrup and much more. Stop in and enter the pumpkin contest. We will close for the season October 31. 607.546.2259 MISCELLANEOUS Polebarns • Garages • Metal Roofing • Arenas • Run Ins & More D & J West LLC 607-869-9466 • or Phone 24/6…1-800-281-5685 7562 McCarriger Road, Ovid, NY *CASH TODAY* We’ll Buy Any Car (Any Condition) + Free Same-Day Removal. Best Cash Offer Guaranteed! Call for FREE Quote: 1-888-9896216 Participants will shoot a round of trap & skeet then go to the field for pheasants. EMPLOYMENT EMPLOYMENT SOUTH SENECA CENTRAL SCHOOL SUBSTITUTE POSITIONS AVAILABLE South Seneca Central School has openings for substitutes in the following areas; must meet minimum civil service requirements. All positions pay $9.00 per hour. Substitute Teacher Aides Substitute Food Service Substitute Bus Monitors Substitute Cleaners To apply & receive an application, send your letter of interest, and resume to: Shelley Reynolds, District Clerk, South Seneca District Office, 7263 Main Street, Ovid, NY 14521; or by Email to: [email protected] PRODUCE PRODUCE Wyckoff’s Farm Stand County Rd. 139, Sheldrake Local Fresh Produce Fresh Tomatoes, Apples including Honey Crisp, Grapes, Pumpkins & Mums Now Accepting N.Y.S. Farmers Market Nutrition Checks Veterans your $2.00 checks are worth double at our stand. Thank You! Open 7 Days a Week • 10am-6pm
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