Clarkston First Presbyterian Church From the Desk of Vonna Thomas

The Messenger
Years of Ministry
From the Desk of Vonna Thomas
Bearing Fruit Where You Are Planted
I love this passage from Jeremiah 17:7-8:
“But blessed is the one who trusts in the
Lord, whose confidence is in him. They will be
like a tree planted by the water
that sends out
its roots by the stream.
It does not fear when
heat comes; its leaves are always green.
It has
no worries in a year of drought and never fails
to bear fruit.”
Recently, a conservative pastor at the September
Presbytery meeting mentioned that while he disagreed
with recent decisions at General Assembly, he was
remaining a PC(USA) Teaching Elder because, in his
words, “This is where God has planted me.” His
words resonated with me. I, too, have felt “planted” in
As a child, I attended a Presbyterian church (this was
before the 1983 merger). But as an adult, I lived in
various places and attended various denominational
churches: American Baptist, Evangelical Covenant,
Evangelical Free, Methodist, and Nazarene. I’m a
spiritual mutt, evidently.
belief in the authority of Scripture and about the
guidance of the Holy Spirit (you can find these and
other questions in our 2013/2015 Book of Order, page
1. Do you trust in Jesus Christ your Savior,
acknowledge him Lord of all and Head of the
Church, and through him believe in one God,
Father, Son and Holy Spirit?
2. Do you accept the Scriptures of the Old and New
Testament to be, by the Holy Spirit, the unique and
authoritative witness to Jesus Christ in the Church
universal, and God’s Word to you?
3. Do you sincerely receive and adopt the essential
tenets of the Reformed faith as expressed in the
confessions of our church as authentic and reliable
expositions of what Scripture leads us to believe
and do, and will you be instructed and led by those
confessions as you lead the people of God?
4. Will you fulfill your ministry in accordance to
Jesus Christ, under the authority of Scripture, and
be continually guided by our confessions?
5. Will you be governed by our church’s polity, and
will you abide by its discipline? Will you be a
friend among your colleagues in ministry, working
with them, subject to the ordering of God’s Word
and Spirit?
6. Will you in your own life seek to follow the Lord
Jesus Christ, love your neighbors, and work for the
reconciliation of the world?
7. Do you promise to further the peace, unity and
purity of the church?
As many of you have heard me say, when God called
me into ministry, I didn’t start an ordination process
until my last year of seminary. After several people
convinced me that they thought God was calling me
to be a pastor, I started praying and discerning in
which denomination God wanted me to be ordained
and serve. My discernment process brought me to the
PC(USA). Here’s what I’ve appreciated about the PC
Second, I have appreciated the rich history of mission
and ministry. The PC(USA) has a well organized
First, the PC(USA) appeals to the evangelical aspect ministry of providing disaster and refugee relief. CFPC
of my faith. Before someone can become an Elder or has worked with the Presbyterian Disaster Assistance
Deacon, they must affirm the following, which speak program. The PC(USA) also has a very large global
to essential tenets of PC(USA): belief in the Holy
Trinity, belief in Christ Jesus as our Lord and Savior,
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Clarkston Presbyterian Church—1122 Diagonal Street—Clarkston, WA 99403 - (509) 758-3381
Continued on Page 2
October 2014
Continued from Page 1
missionary network of missionaries who are
evangelizing the world and seeking to be the hands
and feet of Jesus where God has planted them. The
Presbyterian Church has also had a rich history
actively working for social justice. During the years
of the civil rights movement Presbyterians, white and
black, marched in the non-violent protests and
supported the efforts of Martin Luther King, Jr. and
his followers in numerous ways. Presbyterians were
involved in women’s rights, as well.
Third, I have appreciated the emphasis on education.
A Presbyterian woman, Patty Smith Hill, pioneered
and helped set the standards for Kindergarten
education in the public school system in America.
Many educational institutions (colleges, universities
and seminaries) owe their existence to Presbyterian
influence and PC(USA) support.
Fourth, I have appreciated the fact that our current
denomination, the PC(USA), honors diversity and
has been humble enough to make room at the table
for those with differing opinions. Back in 1837, a
huge split over the issue of slavery resulted in two
branches of Presbyterians:
The United Synod of the Presbyterian Church,
which was the half that condemned slavery.
The General Assembly of the Presbyterian
Church in the Confederated States of America,
which did not want to support the Federal
Government’s policy on slavery.
However, in 1983 the two largest Presbyterian
church organizations reunited to become known as
the PC(USA), although smaller groups had been
merging over the years.
In recent years, (specifically after the 2010 GA) there
has been a small percentage of churches leaving the
PC(USA). In 2010 the PC(USA) had 10,560 churches.
In 2013 that number had dropped to 10,038. 305
congregations left for another denomination, while
312 closed their doors. There were also a number of
new congregations that were organized as PC(USA)
When I was the Moderator for the Seattle Presbytery
and engaged in discussions over the ebbs and flows of
congregations in the PC(USA), I expressed my hope
that we, the PC(USA) would continue to have a
humble spirit that sought reconciliation. It’s part of
our history. I hope and pray that it is part of our
It’s interesting to me that two of the three primary
writers of the Essential Tenets for the Covenant Order
of Evangelicals (known as ECO) have opted to stay in
PC(USA). Paul Detterman, the Executive Director of
the Fellowship of Presbyterians, (a networking of
Presbyterians, not a denomination) has also called for
PC(USA) folks to stay in the PC(USA). I find great
consolation in knowing that people with diverse
opinions are calling for us to remain where God has
planted us and work with the Spirit to bear fruit. May
it be so with us.
Pastor Vonna
Potluck Dinner &
Missionary Speaker
Wednesday, October 8
6 p.m.—Hendrick Hall
Please come for the
evening. Bring a potluck
dish to share.
Burkhard Paetzold
Mission co-worker in Germany since 1998.
Serving as regional liaison for Central and
Eastern Europe and facilitator of work with the
Roma (formerly known as the Gypsies) people.
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Friday, October 31—6 p.m.
Hendrick Hall
Clarkston Presbyterian Church—1122 Diagonal Street—Clarkston, WA 99403 - (509) 758-3381
October 2014
ABS—Adult Bible Study
AF—Adult Fellowship
BSRT—Boy Scouts Round Table
CP—Choir Practice
FM—Family Ministry
HH—Hendrick Hall
IP—Intercessory Prayer
KK—Kingdom Kids
MBS—Men’s Bible Study
MMM-Mission Ministry Mtg
MS—MS Support Group
RP—Royal Plaza
STP– Song Team Practice
SS—Sunday School
WF—Women’s Fellowship
W & M—Worship & Music
Yth—Youth Group
9 am STP
10 am Worship & SS
Peacemaking Offering
4:30 pm MMM
9 am STP
10 am Worship & SS
1 pm Staff Mtg
3 pm TLC
1:15 pm MS
4 pm TLC Volunteer Mtg
10 am WF
6:15 pm CR
6:15 pm Yth
6:30 am MBS
10:30 ABS
6:30 pm BSRT
7 pm
Al Anon
2 pm Song
Team Clean
6 p.m. Potluck &
Missionary Speaker
6:15 pm CR
6:15 pm Yth
6:30 am MBS
10:00 am AF
10 5:30 pm
Yth Tailgate
11 7 am
2nd Sat
15 3 pm TLC
6:15 pm Yth
6:15 pm CR Bunco
16 6:30 am MBS
10:30 am ABS
3 pm TLC
7 pm Al Anon
7 pm
Al Anon
Family Promise
8:30 am CP
10 am Worship & SS
3 pm TLC
6:30 pm
1:15 pm MS
3 pm TLC
6:15 pm CR
6:15 pm Yth
23 6:30 am MBS
10:30 am ABS
3 pm TLC
5 pm TLC Pizza
7 pm
Al Anon
9 am STP
10 am Worship & SS
4 pm Service @ RP
1 pm Staff Mtg
3 pm TLC
6:30 Deacons
10 am WF
3 pm TLC
6:15 pm CR
6:15 pm Yth
30 6:30 am MBS
10:30 am ABS
3 pm TLC
Fall Fest Set up
31 6 pm Fall
7 pm Al Anon
ALL (that means YOU) are welcome to join Bob Hopkins
and others at the monthly Deacon’s Sunday afternoon service at Royal Plaza on the 4th Sunday of every month. The
residents are so grateful for this ministry and all who attend
are blessed. We are so thankful for Bob and his heart for
those unable to attend worship services elsewhere.
Speaking of those residents, the Deacons would like
names of those who are shut in at home or are in facilities.
If you know of someone needing a gentle touch, some
encouragement, or time of prayer who is not able to venture
forth, please let Faye in the church office know so a Deacon
can look after that need.
The Deacon’s Pantry is getting low on food items. Food,
in the form of non-perishables, is urgently needed and greatly appreciated! Don’t know what to buy? Here is a partial
list: Instant oatmeal in individual sizes or small servings;
canned goods including chili, soups, tuna, chicken, beef
stew, vegetables, and fruit; Top ramen noodles; Peanut butter, jelly, and jam; Mac ‘n Cheese boxes.
Many of the people we serve with food donations do not
have cooking facilities, but have microwaves so any food
that can be prepared easily or heated up is perfect! Thank
you for your generosity!!!!
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25 2 pm
new Adult Bible Study based on Eugene
Peterson’s “PRACTICE RESURRECTION.” It’s based on Paul’s letter to the
Ephesians in which he councils the
Christians of Ephesus on how to be the body
of Christ in the world. The study lead by
Bob Harder is on every Thursday, at 10:30 a.m. (except
the 2nd Thursday) in the Narthex. All adults welcome.
Sally Briney
Joanne Poe
Christi Vallandigham 07
Beth Guthrie
Bill Legg
Jim Bailey
Alyssa Hopkins
Stacy Holbert
Joseph Auer
Kaitlyn Flynn
Vonna Thomas
Don Poe
Mary Kincaid
Dixie Ehrenreich
Judy James
Robin McPeak
Clarkston Presbyterian Church—1122 Diagonal Street—Clarkston, WA 99403 - (509) 758-3381
October 2014
The library staff is back working in
the library after taking the summer off. There
is always something for us to attend to. We
do have a ‘wish’ for this coming year. We
think it is time to replace the wooden, gatelegged table with something more substantial.
Would any of our congregation have a small 4legged wooden table that you would like to trade with our
antique table? A spill-proof top would be perfect to protect
liquids and would benefit many occasions of use.
We need to be able to seat at least 6-8 people. Perhaps and
extension for when there are more. We are happy to have
gatherings in the library, in fact we encourage them. It is
just that our table does not hold up to the leaning on as one
tries to get up from one’s chair or the many other activities
that the table is used for.
In our November article we will have a listing of
some of the new books on the market. If any of you have
read something you would like others to know about, leave
us a note in the ‘RETURNS’ basket and we will pass the
information on to our readers. One such recommendation
came out a couple of years ago.
 Our Texas ridge trip was originally planned for Oct.
28 but we had to move it to Oct 5.
 Oct 5 Texas Ridge—meet at the church at 12:30
p.m. to carpool to the Myklebust's property past
Kendrick. We will have a bonfire, paddle boats, fishing, and lots of fun. If you are interested in bringing
food, please contact Stacy @ 360-584-3678
 Oct. 10—5:30 p.m. in the CHS parking lot tailgating
party before the Clarkston High home game.
 Oct.
Meet at the youth building at normal time for youth
group (6:15 p.m.—7:30 p.m.) come dressed in theme
and bring a potluck item if you can.
Music is a fair and glorious gift from God!
I am strongly persuaded that after theology, there is no art
which can be placed on the level with music.
Martin Luther
The Song Team and choir continue to be an
important ministry at CFPC.
On Sept 21, the choir led worship with three numbers and this was well received. They will lead worship
again on Oct 19 with musical accompaniment of drums, guitar, trumpet provided by Molly Myklebust, Bob Hopkins,
and John Guillotte. We are so fortunate to have such talented musicians in our congregation who serve God through
music. Rehearsal will begin at 8:30 AM.
New musicians are always welcome on the Song
Team! Rehearsals begin at 9:00 AM every Sunday morning
except the third Sunday of the month when the choir leads
REMEMBER: You, your spouse, your children,
your grandchildren, your neighbors and anyone else you can
think of who likes to raise their voices in song is welcome to
join the choir, OR come and join us for the Cantata, “Silent
Night Holy Night” to be performed on Sun. Dec 21 during
the 10 AM service. Rehearsals will be on Wed. evenings for
one hour starting at 6:30 PM on Nov 12, 19, Dec 3, 10, 17.
From your merry Musical Director, Elizabeth Greggain
 Sun. Nov. 2 @ 7:00 PM - Jeremy Camp "Come
Alive" Tour - LCSC Activity Center. Stacy has 20
tickets, cost $20.00. If you want to purchase one,
contact her at 360-584-3678. Scholarships are
available. Ticket will go quickly, don’t wait. This is
open to the entire congregation.
We will meet the 2nd & 4th Tuesdays
during the year. October 14 will be at
Church with a short study WITH OUR
BIBLE. And as always, good friendship
we will be working on those.
Then on October 28 we will be at Dorothy Locken’s
home; and as last time, there will be a short study
WITH OUR BIBLE; we will work on our card
mission; and visit with our friends over coffee and tea.
Page 4 Clarkston Presbyterian Church—1122 Diagonal Street—Clarkston, WA 99403 - (509) 758-3381
October 2014
Today as I prayed for the
to write I felt God
directing me to share my
heart with you. God has
designed each of us in a very unique way,
each of us with talents, gifts, life experiences, personalities
and passions. I believe God did this for His great design to
use each one of us as part of the body of Christ. We are all
called to serve in our own unique way. We are all equally
important and valuable to God's plan. Sometimes the hard
part is stopping and listening to where God is calling us to
serve. In my office I have four questions posted on the
wall. They are a reminder to me to constantly be checking
in with God and listening to His calling in my life. I ask
What have I been given?
Where have I been placed?
Who can I reach?
Why do I exist?
Today I would like to ask you to ask yourself these
questions, then pray and listen for God's answer. Not
everyone will be lead to TLC, however, I do trust and
believe that God is faithful to hear the prayers of our hearts
and then direct and lead us to where He wants to use us.
Volunteering in ministry can be uncertain and at times
even difficult. Often we do not feel we are equipped for the
task at hand, but the great thing is that we do not have to
have faith in ourselves, we only need to trust and have
faith in God, knowing He is faithful to equip us with all we
need. When we are obedient to follow His calling in our
life the reward of witnessing God’s work in the lives of
others makes every challenge or personal hurdle worth it.
TLC has many areas where you can serve. Homework
Helpers/Reading Partners are a vital part of our program,
individuals dedicate 1 hour a week to assist children with
homework or one on one reading. Healthy snack
donations, you may give financially or by bringing items to
the church for after school snacks. Family Pizza Night, we
would love to have you join us as a Table Host where you
will share a meal and build relationships with TLC
families. Family Nights are a wonderful area to serve and
build a bridge between our TLC families and the church
family. Prayer partners: every ministry needs prayer! Many
of our TLC children come from homes where they deal
with difficult life situations that effect their behaviors and
ability to learn. I would like to ask everyone to join in to
pray for TLC, our volunteers, the program needs and
especially the TLC students and families. If you feel God
leading you to be a part of TLC I would love to get
together with you and discuss how you can be a vital part
of the TLC Ministry. I will be praying for you J
Blessings, Jennifer Babino (509)295-3044
2nd Saturday—Coming October 11
Come and participate in 2nd Saturday, October 11. Breakfast
starts in Hendrick Hall at 7 a.m. The work day goes from 8
a.m. to 4 p.m., lunch provided. We don’t know for sure what
work projects in the community will be on the list, but they
could include: building wheelchair ramps; yard work;
painting, or various other jobs for which someone in our
community needs help and support. In the fall yard work jobs
are often in plentiful need to be done. October 11 should be a
very good day for working outside. The average temperature
for that date in our valley is a high of 65 degrees.
Yes, you can be part of 2nd Saturday, even if you are not a
“handy” person or have ever operated a power tool your own.
(You may get that opportunity!) There are people in charge
who know what to do and will give all the help that you need.
The day starts with breakfast in Hendrick Hall at 7 a.m. with
the work day going along until 4 p.m. If you are not able to
work all day, come for breakfast and work until noon or as
long as you are able.
On the last 2nd Saturday, September 13, there were 13 people
participating. We only did one job that day, but it was a big
one. We built possibly the longest wheel chair ramp that we
have ever done for a small home near Walmart. Let’s make
October 11 an even bigger 2nd Saturday effort. We know that
there will be plenty of work to be done.
has their first meeting on
Thursday, Oct. 9 at 10:00
a.m. in Hendrick Hall.
Guest Speaker is Sharon Hoseley who has had a very
interesting life including writing nine plays for elementary
students, authored a book, taught English in four Eastern
countries and more amazing things. She has been awarded
the Stan McNaughton Outreach Award in 2014. You won’t
want to miss this program!
Family Promise
“Benefit Dinner & Dessert Auction”
October 11 @ 6 p.m. @ Red Lion
For Tickets: See Pat Paasch, Rachel
Harder or the church office.
We host Family Promise
October 12—October 18.
Please contact Pat Paasch if you’re interested in helping
with set up, meals, evening events, or donations.
Page 5 Clarkston Presbyterian Church—1122 Diagonal Street—Clarkston, WA 99403 - (509) 758-3381
October 2014
Children’s Ministry
Janis Wallis—Children’s Director
Fall Festival is October 31st from 6 to 8 p.m. and we
want you! Admission for families with children is one
bag of candy or one bag of trinkets!
Please invite your friends and neighbors to our annual
carnival! We would love everyone to come! We need
volunteers to supervise booths and to “greet and meet.”
All our TLC and Kingdom Kids families are invited.
a campfire at Babino’s, a service project, and lots of
Advent Night will be Dec. 3, so mark your calendar! We
will have our Christ-centered activity night which is family
oriented and a great event for inviting friends! Will have
more details next month but if you have a Nativity/Advent
craft that you would like to have that night, please contact
Crusaders in October! What will Crusaders do this
month? We will have another Bunco party at Evergreen,
Questions? Contact Janis: [email protected]
The Peacemaking offering will be taken
October 5. Special envelopes will be in the
pews, or you may write a check to the
church marked for Peacemaking Offering.
The offering supports effort toward actual peacemaking ministry efforts, locally, regionally as well as nationally and worldwide. Some uses of these offerings locally
helped with supplies for Angel Tree Christmas party and
TLC Christmas. Nationwide included: campaign to end
violence against women including support of a women’s
shelter; educational expenses for veterans; and support for
a peace conference in Israel and Palestine.
Our presbytery of Inland Northwest has used its share of
Peacemaking offering funds to support and train Presbytery
COM, Commission on Ministry members to help local
churches in the Presbytery who are in need of reconciliation
within the church. Related to this is a program for churches
and pastors who are in need of medication to assist in
conflict resolution within the local church or the
Clarkston, WA 99403
1122 Diagonal Street
First Presbyterian Church