Programa OK 2:Maquetación 1 10/10/14 11:21 Página 1 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON FORTIFIED HERITAGE: MANAGEMENT AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT PAMPLONA, 15 – 17 OCTOBER 2014 DL NA 1708-2014 Programa OK 2:Maquetación 1 10/10/14 11:39 Página 2 Programa OK 2:Maquetación 1 10/10/14 13:13 Página 3 CONTENTS Greetings from the Mayor .............................................................................................. 5 Scope ................................................................................................................................................ 6 Institutions ................................................................................................................................... 8 Venue .............................................................................................................................................. 11 11 14 15 16 Conference Topics ................................................................................................................. Scientific Committee ........................................................................................................... Technical Committee ........................................................................................................... Programme ................................................................................................................................. Sessions Schedule ................................................................................................................... Speakers biographies .......................................................................................................... 19 20 21 23 30 34 CONTENTS – Pamplona ............................................................................................................................ – Condestable Palace ......................................................................................................... – App “PAMPLONA ME GUSTA!” ................................................................................ – A walk around the Pamplona Fortifications ........................................................ Fortified Heritage: Management and Sustainable Development 3 Programa OK 2:Maquetación 1 10/10/14 11:21 Página 4 Programa OK 2:Maquetación 1 10/10/14 11:21 Página 5 GREETINGS FROM THE MAYOR Pamplona is putting all its energy and enthusiasm behind hosting the 1st International Congress on fortified heritage: management and sustainable development. On 15th, 16th and 17th October, our city has the honour of becoming a meeting point for discussion and debate on the use and maintenance of former defence constructions. With this in mind, I would like to make the most of these words to welcome the congress to Pamplona, hoping that its professional expectations will be fully met, and encouraging you all to get to know the virtues that go hand in hand with a thousand-year-old city beyond actual heritage and the host of monuments that Pamplona has to offer. As a city, we are regular hosts for pilgrims starting out on the St James' Way, as an educational reference point - with over 20,000 university students – and as a universal festival, as the San Fermin celebrations cross borders year after year. I am highly optimistic that all the presentations, debate forums and tours scheduled during the congress will help us to organise new initiatives around conservation and use of walled enclosures, and that together, we will be capable of promoting it correctly so as to guarantee that future generations have the chance to enjoy fortified heritage as an important part of the city and in its day to day life. Welcome to Pamplona. We hope you have a pleasant stay with us. Enrique Maya Miranda Mayor of Pamplona GREETINGS FROM THE MAYOR As Mayor of Pamplona, I should point out that this is an excellent opportunity for our city to organise this type of professional congress and be able to develop the FORTIUS cross – border project that Bayonne and Pamplona, twinned since 1960, have been backing to improve the tourist and cultural pull of our fortified heritage. 5 Programa OK 2:Maquetación 1 10/10/14 11:21 Página 6 International Conference on FORTIFIED HERITAGE: MANAGEMENT AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT The International Conference on Fortified Heritage: Management and Sustainable Development aims to be a forum for debate on the preservation and civic integration of built military heritage. While often forgotten and neglected, many defensive structures offer a great opportunity to transform the spaces they occupy into revitalising focal points of city life through their restoration and the implementation of functional improvements in accommodation, facilities and accessibility. Attending the conference will be many international experts with an interest in sharing their experiences of cities engaged in transferring and integrating into civic life structures that had previously served a defensive purpose. The conservation of their military heritage (buildings, landscape, urban fabric, etc.) is of great importance as for many cities it represents a badge of identity. Subjects to be covered range from restoration and conservation techniques and methods to the social and economic impact of conservation, or the opportunity that military monuments offer to tourist, sociocultural and other urban sectors. The presentation of solutions from diverse sites will familiarise attendees with different approaches that have come under consideration and thus enable them to study and compare a wide variety of best practices. The problems and opportunities are common to many sites and landscape environments in the different regions and countries. It is our intention that the topics for debate and the papers presented at the conference emphasise these common features while at the same time helping to share international experiences in transforming and adaptating defensive structures and complexes to civic ends. The aim is for the military monument to be regarded as more than just a memorial or cultural reference point, or even a mere place or object. Defensive heritage is moving towards broader and more ambitious scenarios where it typically becomes an 6 Fortified Heritage: Management and Sustainable Development Programa OK 2:Maquetación 1 10/10/14 11:21 Página 7 opportunity to drive forward economic or leisure activities. Co-operation between cities and countries, such as the Fortius project set up by Pamplona and Bayonne, represents an opportunity to share knowledge and experience, and also to undertake joint upgrading and promotion initiatives that serve to boost their heritage potential. The need to achieve sustainable development will be discussed in all its aspects (environmental, economic, social and cultural), entailing questions related to upkeep and conservation, as well as the necessity for a management plan (short, medium and long term) that is responsive to the needs and aspirations of the community. These days, heritage conservation and safeguarding, especially with defensive structures, faces new and complex problems. Their physical degradation is not just a consequence of the ageing of the materials or the action of the environment. Among other factors, pollution, climate change, poverty, religion, tourism, commercial exploitation and ideology are now at the forefront of new approaches, preoccupations and visions emerging around the theme. Part of the project known as Fortius: tourist and cultural enhancement of the fortified heritage of Pamplona and Bayonne, this conference is directed at researchers, architects, town planners, landscape gardeners, historians, sociologists, economists, government employees and others working in the field of heritage and the city. The Fortius project is financed by the Regional Development Funds of the European Union within the Spain-France-Andorra Territorial Cooperation Programme [POCTEFA] of the Working Community of the Pyrenees. MORE INFORMATION: @Fortius_ICFH #fortius2014 SCOPE José Vicente Valdenebro García Coordinator FORTIUS Pamplona-Bayonne Project 7 INSTITUTIONS Programa OK 2:Maquetación 1 10/10/14 11:21 Página 8 Programa OK 2:Maquetación 1 10/10/14 Organization: Partner Institutions: 11:21 Página 9 Programa OK 2:Maquetación 1 10/10/14 12:00 Página 10 Programa OK 2:Maquetación 1 10/10/14 12:00 Página 11 VENUE PAMPLONA The General Gnaeus Pompey Magnus. Surrounded by mountains, the plain of the basin of Pamplona has always favoured human settlement. Stone tools have been found on the terraces of the River Arga dating from some 75,000 years ago. In approximately the first millennium BC, there already existed a Vascon settlement beneath the modern-day city. This settlement gave rise to the name Iruña, Basque for "the city". The Roman General Gnaeus Pompey Magnus arrived in 75 BC and founded a Roman-model city. He gave it its name, Pompaelo, and enhanced its function as a strategic link between the peninsula and Europe. A kingdom in the hands of the clergy. Pamplona fell into the hands of the Visigoths and the Moors between the IV and IX centuries. In the X century, the noble clans gained sufficient autonomy as to form the Kingdom of Pamplona, the name of which was a tribute to the symbolic importance of the city, then considered the “soul of the land of the Vascons”, in political and religious terms. For more than three hundred years, the head of the capital was not the king, but rather the bishop. This was the result of a donation by Sancho Garcés II Abarca as a sign of his gratitude to God for the help received against the Moors and was then ratified by successive monarchs. The Privilege of the Union. The XII century saw the arrival of the Settlement of San Nicolás, based around a new parish church, populated by new immigrants. Navarrería, where the "navarros" lived, received its privilege of Franks and the annex of San Miguel in 1189. The nobility, living in Navarrería and supported by the bishop, backed the alliance with Castile, while those living in San Cernin and San Nicolás preferred the French solution. The VENUE Three walled boroughs. At the end of the XI century, the monarchs from the Aragonese dynasty (Sancho Ramírez, Pedro I, Alfonso I) made great efforts to reconquer and repopulate the land. The arrival of the Franks or “burgueses” (emigrants devoted to trade and craftsmanship) meant that Pamplona was no longer just a large village with a cathedral. Meanwhile, internal tensions started. Before 1100, Frenchmen from the Midi, devout followers of Saint Saturnine, to whom they dedicated their church and the name of the new district, settled to the west of the old city. And so, the Borough of San Cernin was born. These inhabitants kept themselves apart from the older Navarrese inhabitants and the privileges they received from the king in 1129 widened still further the distance between them. 11 Programa OK 2:Maquetación 1 10/10/14 11:21 Página 12 three centres of population fought until 1423, when King Carlos III the Noble transformed the three boroughs into a single body. Jurería and a new Town Hall were built, a new coat of arms for the city was designed and the construction of fortifications within the city was forbidden. Fortified enclave. After the conquest of Navarre and its inclusion within Castile in 15121515, Pamplona became one of the Spanish Crown’s outposts on the French border. The constant objective of the next three centuries was to hold the border against possible invasion. Fortifications and walls were a vital system of defence which, at the same time, prevented the city from spreading. The Citadel and the new walled city (XVI- XVIII century) lent Pamplona, more than ever, the mark of a city-fort. The neoclassical reforms. At the beginning of the XVIII century, society was still highly traditional. A good part of the citizens belonged to the aristocracy and the clergy, almost a quarter worked the land and a third of the population were small artisans. From an industrial viewpoint, only the existence of a cloth factory, a paper mill and a gunpowder mill were worthy of mention. As of 1750, Pamplona sought modernisation. A new Town Hall, sewers, a running water system, fountains, a Neo-classical façade for the cathedral, an urban explosion which was not interrupted by the Napoleonic invasion of 1808 and only ended with the 1813 War of Independence. Napoleon’s troops were the only ones ever to take the Citadel. Liberals and Carlists at war. Following the War of Independence, liberal ideas began to take hold in Spain and Navarre, in particular, suffered the consequences. A good part of the Kingdom backed the Carlists, defenders of absolutism and the regime dictated by ancient privilege. Pamplona, however, supported the liberals, although part of the population sympathised with the Carlist cause. Pamplona’s active bourgeoisie and civil servant bureaucracy managed to find room for their ideas in the reform of the ancient privileges (Ley Paccionada of 1841). The Madrid Government tried to reduce Navarre’s fiscal autonomy and a huge demonstration was held in Pamplona in 1839. As a symbol of this spirit, the Monument to the Fueros (Privileges) was raised. Urban expansion began in 1888 with the construction of the I Ensanche (literally, ”widening”). The best local architects of the day designed modernist projects for the area. The city remained entirely walled, however, until 1915, the year in which some of its walls were demolished. The XX century was the century of expansion. Cultural, social, economic, technological and urban growth. Today, Pamplona is a city with effective social services, good education and health systems, areas given over to leisure, high industrial activity and a consolidated communications network. In brief, a modern city with a high quality of life. 12 Fortified Heritage: Management and Sustainable Development Programa OK 2:Maquetación 1 10/10/14 11:21 Página 13 Programa OK 2:Maquetación 1 10/10/14 11:21 Página 14 CONDESTABLE PALACE – PALACIO DEL CONDESTABLE c/ Mayor 2, 31001 Pamplona | T +34 948 224 249 The International Congress on Fortified Heritage: “Management and Sustainable Development” will take place in the Condestable Palace, in the centre of the city of Pamplona. This historical building, located at the junction of Mayor and Jarauta Streets, is the only example of 16th-century civil architecture in Pamplona. To learn of the origins of the palace it is necessary to go back to 1548, the year in which Luis de Beaumont, 'Condestable (constable) of Navarre', bought 4 adjacent houses to extend his own, on the corner of Mayor Street. The title of Constable of Navarre originated in the first third of the 15th century and was used to designate nobles who were charged with carrying the royal standard. Throughout its history, the building has served the city as the seat of the bishop and even as the city hall. In the 21st century, following extensive restoration work, the palace opens its doors again, this time at the service of the people of Pamplona as a civic centre, adding to the list of assets of cultural interest in Navarre. The form has restored the building's original appearance, recovering elements such as its fanciful corner. Nowadays it's the main centre of Civivox, the civic and cultural network of Pamplona City Council. Each year it has 150.000 users and it's used by more than 100 social and cultural associations. The building follows the design of Renaissance palaces. Access from Mayor Street is through an entrance hall, giving onto a courtyard with the main staircase on one side. The rooms are located around this central space. The building is completed with a garden at the back where the stables used to be located. Ground floor The courtyard is flanked by 14 octagonal columns, 8 of them the original ones. It contains a well that was discovered during an archaeological dig. The oldest room is over 6 metres high and has three large pointed arches. 14 Fortified Heritage: Management and Sustainable Development Programa OK 2:Maquetación 1 10/10/14 12:36 Página 15 First floor This is the 'noble' floor and houses three large halls with ceilings whose hand-cut wooden ceilings maintain part of the original colours. Over four centuries the walls were decorated to the taste of the tenants, and a walk through the halls shows quite a few details of days gone by. This floor is also home to the exhibition on the genial violinist from Pamplona Pablo Sarasate. The halls on this floor are also the venue for temporary exhibitions of a wide range of themes. Second floor For almost two centuries this floor was occupied by the servants of the palace, and much of the graffiti they left on the walls can be seen; anonymous pencil drawings on a wide range of subjects. The floor now contains the skylight that gives natural light to the whole building. Of particular note is the restoration of the gallery of pointed arches on the façade of the building that gives onto Mayor Street. MORE INFORMATION. INTERESTING LINKS: Pamplona’s City Council has a new computer application for mobile devices: “Pamplona Me Gusta!”. This computer application contains the entire tourist and heritage offer of the city with the goal of facilitating a route plan to the visitors. The app is free and is accessible and can be downloaded on Apple App Store and on Google Play. VENUE App “PAMPLONA ME GUSTA!” 15 Programa OK 2:Maquetación 1 10/10/14 11:21 Página 16 A WALK AROUND THE PAMPLONA FORTIFICATIONS 9 11 10 12 1 15 13 16 17 2 km 19 18 14 41 20 21 22 3 km 23 24 34 29 36 35 37 25 5 km 28 38 32 39 40 33 27 30 4 km 26 31 Walk Course of the vanished wall Camino de Santiago - Way of St. James Programa OK 2:Maquetación 1 9 10/10/14 12:41 Página 17 8 10 1 km 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 200 m 1. San Bartolomé Fort [Interpretation Centre for the Pamplona Fortifications] 2. Arga Lift 3. Labrit Walkway 4. Labrit Bastion 5. Ronda del Obispo Barbazán (Magdalena Front) 6. Cathedral of Santa María la Real 7. Redín Bastion 8. Low Bastion of Our Lady of Guadalupe 9. Reyes Ravelin 10. Francia or Zumalacárregui Gate 11. Low Bastion of El Pilar 12. Abrevador Bastion 13. Archivo General de Navarra 14. Town Hall 15. Parma Bastion 16. Paseo de Ronda - Francia Front 17. Descalzos Lift 18. Nuevo Gate 19. Gonzaga Bastion 20. San Roque Ravelin 21. San Nicolás Gate 22. Taconera Bastion 23. Taconera Gate 24. Victoria Bastion 25. Santiago Bastion 26. Santa María Bastion 27. Real Bastion and Cavalier 28. San Antón Bastion 29. Santa Ana Ravelin 30. Santa Isabel Ravelin and Counterguard 31. Santa Clara Ravelin and Counterguard 32. Santa Lucía Ravelin 33. Socorro Gate 34. Main Gate of the Citadel 35. Guardhouse 36. Oven 37. Gunpowder Block 38. Magazine 39. Weapons Hall 40. Bus Station 41. Condestable Palace Programa OK 2:Maquetación 1 10/10/14 11:41 Página 18 Programa OK 2:Maquetación 1 10/10/14 11:44 Página 19 CONFERENCE TOPICS 1. Conservation and Restoration Typologies of restoration: conservation, consolidation, repair and reconstruction. The use of modern techniques and materials. 2. Management Plans Contents of a management plan, drawing up process and involvement of interested parties. Short, medium and long term planning. The regional and local scale. Characteristics and conditons of conservation and restoration. Flexibility, setting planning and quality standards. 3. Management, Safety and Accessibility Models of management: public, private and/or combinations. Visitor safety: protection of the buildings and their surroundings. Universal Accessibility: visitor flows, guides and adaptations for the disabled. 4. Recycling and Sustainability Recycling possibilities and their selection criteria. Combination of cultural and historical values with recycling. What to avoid using. Recycling in commercial activities. Civic participation: experiences and results. Social and economic sustainability. Emphasis on energy use: heating and air conditioning. 5. Landscaping, Maintenance and Urban Planning Landscape design and land use around the fortifications. Matters regarding the upkeep of the buildings and their surroundings, financial implications and methods. 7. Communication, Marketing and Branding Presence in the media and on the social networks. Target groups for communication and marketing. Forms of participation: commercial aims and the protection of historical and cultural values. Fortified heritage as a brand. 8. Fortified heritage, Culture, Tourism and Education Fortified heritage as a strategic bid for the development of cities. Cross-border cooperation for the enhancement of fortified heritage. Educational training as a guarantee of the future of fortified heritage. CONFERENCE TOPICS 6. Funding, Foundations and Volunteering Different sources of funding for restoration and conservation. Cross-border projects as an opportunity. Good practices. Groups involved in the management and maintenance of fortified heritage. Volunteers, disabled people, students, etc. 19 Programa OK 2:Maquetación 1 10/10/14 11:21 Página 20 SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE Víctor Echarri Iribarren PhD Architect Lecturer at the High Technical School of Architecture (ETSA), University of Alicante Esther Elizalde Marquina PhD in History Ricardo Fernández Gracia Lecturer of History of Art, University of Navarra Director of the Chair of the Heritage and Art of Navarre Javier Garabito PhD Architect Contracted lecturer PhD in the High Polytechnical School, University of Burgos John Harris BA in Architecture · Editor of the FORT (The Fortress Study Group) magazine Mercedes Jover Hernando PhD in History · Director of the Museum of Navarra, Department of Culture – Institución Príncipe de Viana Lecturer at the University of Navarre Juan José Martinena Ruiz SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE PhD in History · Former Director of Navarre Archives 20 Luis Eduardo Oslé Guerendiain PhD in History · Former Colonel of the Spanish Army José Vicente Valdenebro García PhD Architect · City Manager of Pamplona City Council Associate lecturer, Public University of Navarre (UPNA) Fortified Heritage: Management and Sustainable Development Programa OK 2:Maquetación 1 10/10/14 15:20 Página 21 TECHNICAL COMMITTEE José Vicente Valdenebro García City Manager, Pamplona City Council Coordinator FORTIUS Project José Ignacio Alfonso Pezonaga Director of Projects, Pamplona City Council Silvia Azpilicueta Rodríguez-Valdés Director of Employment, Trade and Tourism, Pamplona City Council Teresa Lasheras Balduz Director of Education and Culture, Pamplona City Council Maite Errea Errea Head of the External Financing Unit. General Service Area, Pamplona City Council José María González Odériz Staff of the Finance Unit. General Service Area, Pamplona City Council Marie-Christine Riviere Director of Culture and Heritage, Bayonne City Council TECHNICAL SECRETARIAT Esther Elizalde Marquina With the cooperation of: El Corte Inglés travel AGENCY CIVIVOX the network of cultural centres of Pamplona City Council SEDENA, S.L. Cultural Services ARCHITRAD Translations TECHNICAL COMMITTEE Technical Secretary 21 Programa OK 2:Maquetación 1 10/10/14 16:03 Página 22 Programa OK 2:Maquetación 1 10/10/14 16:03 Página 23 PROGRAMME TUESDAY, 14 OCTOBER WELCOME TO THE PARTICIPANTS TO THE CONGRESS from the Councillor for Education and Culture of de Town of Pamplona, FERMÍN ALONSO IBARRA OPENING OF THE EXHIBITION “BASTIONS. Fortalezas del Pirineo – Fortresses of the Pyrenees” Location: Palacio del Condestable, Main Street, Calle Mayor no. 2 PROGRAMME 19:00 h 23 Programa OK 2:Maquetación 1 10/10/14 11:21 Página 24 WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 15th THE MONUMENT • Conservation and restoration • Management Plans • Management, Safety and Accessibility 8:30 h to 10:00 h PARTICIPANT RECEPTION: SIGN IN AND DOCUMENTATION Location: Palacio del Condestable, Main Street, Calle Mayor no. 2. 10:00 h to 10:30 h OPENING CEREMONY – ENRIQUE MAYA MIRANDA | MAYOR OF PAMPLONA – IVES HUGALDE | DEPUTY MAYOR FOR CULTURE OF BAYONNE – REPRESENTATIVE OF THE GOVERNMENT OF NAVARRA – REPRESENTATIVE OF THE CTP [Working Community of the Pyrenees] 10:30 h to 11:00 h PRESENTATION of “Fortius Project” given by ENRIQUE MAYA MIRANDA | MAYOR OF PAMPLONA 11:00 h to 11:30 h COFFEE BREAK 11:30 h to 12:30 h OPENING SPEECH MILAGROS FLORES ROMÁN | PRESIDENT OF ICOFORT “ICOFORT; Overview for Preserving and Handling Fortified Heritage” 12:30 to 13:30 h ROUNDTABLE 1 Moderator VÍCTOR ECHARRI IRIBARREN | PHD ARCHITECT – FERNANDO COBOS GUERRA | ARCHITECT AND EXPERT MEMBER OF ICOFORT-SPAIN “Studies on Systems and Borders” – JOAO CAMPOS | ARCHITECT, PORTUGAL | “Enhancing an archaeological site inside the city-fortress as a contribution to the sustainability of Almeida” 24 Fortified Heritage: Management and Sustainable Development Programa OK 2:Maquetación 1 10/10/14 11:21 Página 25 – SALVADOR MORENO PERALTA | ARCHITECT, EDITOR OF THE PERI OF MELILLA “Melilla la Vieja’s new face” – MARÍA CRUZ VILLALÓN | SENIOR LECTURER AT THE UNIVERSITY OF EXTREMADURA "Fortification of the Spanish-Portuguese border. A heritage recovery project in Extremadura" 13:30 to 15:00 h LUNCH 15:00 to 16:00 h MASTER CLASS PETER ROS | PROJECT MANAGER OF AT FORT “The results of the Interreg C Project At Fort” 16:00 to 17:00 h ROUNDTABLE 2 Moderator JUAN JOSÉ PONS IZQUIERDO | PHD IN GEOGRAPHY – ANA LUENGO AÑÓN PRESIDENT OF THE INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION OF LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS - IFLA EUROPE "From the monument to the landscape. Image and identity of a changing society" – JUAN ANTONIO RODRÍGUEZ-VILLASANTE EXPERT MEMBER OF ICOMOS-SPAIN AND ICOFORT-SPAIN “Assessing fortifications for management" – LIDIA KLUPSZ | FOUNDER AND THE FIRST PRESIDENT OF ICOFORT “Problems of the protection, conservation and re-use of the military monuments in Poland” 19:00 to 20:00 h CULTURAL VISIT to Pamplona city walls ending at the Interpretacion Centre for the Pamplona Fortifications where conference attendees could enjoy a concert by a quartet PROGRAMME 17:00 to 19:00 h PRESENTATION OF PAPERS Session 1 [Auditorium - ground floor]: Papers 1-8 (see page 30) Session 2 [Arquillos Room - 2nd floor]: Papers 9-16 (see page 30) 25 Programa OK 2:Maquetación 1 10/10/14 11:47 Página 26 THURSDAY OCTOBER 16th THE MONUMENT AND ITS URBAN SCALE • Recycling and Sustainability • Landscaping and Urban Planning 9:00 h to 11:00 h PRESENTATION OF PAPERS Session 3 [Auditorium - ground floor]: Papers 17-25 (see page 31) Session 4 [Arquillos Room - 2nd floor]: Papers 26-33 (see page 32) 11:00 h to 11:30 h COFFEE BREAK 11:30 h to 12:30 h MASTER CLASS NICOLAS FAUCHERRE | HISTORIAN OF FORTIFICATION "The heritage of European borders: from the fortification of states to the identity of the land" 12:30 to 13:30 h ROUNDTABLE 3 Moderator JOSÉ IGNACIO ALFONSO PEZONAGA | PHD ARCHITECT – BELÉN RODRÍGUEZ NUERE COORDINATOR OF THE NATIONAL DEFENSIVE ARCHITECTURE PLAN. SPANISH INSTITUTE OF CULTURAL HERITAGE MINISTRY OF EDUCATION, CULTURE AND SPORT DIRECTORATE GENERAL FOR FINE ART AND CULTURAL PROPERTIES AND FOR ARCHIVES AND LIBRARIES “The National Defensive Architecture Plan. Recommendations for re-use and sustainability of urban-scale defence heritage” – JOSÉ MARÍA BALLESTER | BOARD MEMBER OF HISPANIA NOSTRA, DIRECTOR OF THE BOTÍN FOUNDATION RURAL DEVELOPMENT AREA “Urban landscape and Ethics of Society” – CLAUDE BUSUTTIL | ARCHITECT AND LECTURER AT THE UNIVERSITY OF MALTA “Revalorizing the military architecture heritage – the Maltese experience“ 26 Fortified Heritage: Management and Sustainable Development Programa OK 2:Maquetación 1 10/10/14 11:47 Página 27 13:30 to 15:00 h LUNCH 15:00 to 16:00 h MASTER CLASS WILLIAM H. CLEMENTS | CHAIRMAN OF THE FORTRESS STUDY GROUP, COLONEL (RETD) “Fortifications at Risk: the restoration and re-use of fortified built heritage in Britain and Ireland” 16:00 to 17:00 h ROUNDTABLE 4 Moderator JOSÉ VICENTE VALDENEBRO GARCÍA | PHD ARCHITECT – JUAN MANUEL ALFARO GUIXOT PRESIDENT OF THE LES FORTALESES CATALANES FOUNDATION "Monumental military heritage: Property for cultural use” – BENJAMÍN CASANOVA CHULILLA DIRECTOR OF THE CASTILLO DE SAN PEDRO DE JACA CONSORTIUM “Jaca Citadel enabling culture in its surrounding area” – MIREN AYERBE IRÍZAR COORDINATOR OF THE FUNDACIÓN ARMA PLAZA-FUNDAZIOA, HONDARRIBIA “The old town walls of Hondarribia, an opportunity for the city” – ROBERT DULAU | HERITAGE CHIEF CURATOR “Living the fortifications in France” 17:00 to 19:00 h FREE TIME to visit the city of Pamplona. Wide choice of options: visiting the Museum of Navarra, Occidens exhibition in Pamplona Cathedral, etc. PROGRAMME 19:00 to 21:00 h RECEPTION IN THE CITADEL WEAPONS ROOM (Sala de Armas) including wine tasting, buffet and a Flamenco concert. 27 Programa OK 2:Maquetación 1 10/10/14 11:29 Página 28 FRIDAY OCTOBER 17th THE MONUMENT AS AN OPPORTUNITY • Funding, foundations and volunteering • Communication, marketing and branding • Education, culture and tourism 9:00 h to 11:00 h PRESENTATION OF PAPERS Session 5 [Auditorium - ground floor]: Papers 34-44 (see page 32) Session 6 [Arquillos Room - 2nd floor]: Papers 45-51 (see page 33) 11:00 h to 11:30 h COFFEE BREAK 11:30 h to 12:30 h MASTER CLASS JUANA TAMARA BLANES MARTÍN | COORDINATOR FOR AMERICA – ICOFORT “La Havana fortifications. Worldwide heritage with potential for tourism and cultural development” 12:30 to 13:30 h ROUNDTABLE 5 Moderator JUAN JOSÉ MARTINENA RUIZ | PHD IN HISTORY – ARACELI PEREDA ALONSO | PRESIDENT OF HISPANIA NOSTRA “Good Practices in Heritage” – VÉRONIQUE DAVIDT | MURAILLES ET JARDINES PROJECT MANAGER. COOPERATION ASSIGNMENT AND EUROPEAN CULTURAL PROJECTS. CULTURE DIVISION. NORD DEPARTMENT GOVERNMENT, FRANCE “Living fortified heritage. Conciliating contemporary uses of fortification while respecting specific ecological assets” – LUIS ALEJANDRE SINTES | RETIRED ARMY GENERAL “Notes on the fortress of Isabel II on La Mola and how it enabled culture and tourism for the Port of Mahón, thanks to a Consortium set up by the Ministry of Defence” 28 Fortified Heritage: Management and Sustainable Development Programa OK 2:Maquetación 1 10/10/14 11:29 Página 29 – GERCO MEIJER LECTURER: ING., ASSOCIATE IN BUNKERQ V.O.F, OFFICE FOR HERITAGE DEVELOPMENT, RESTORATION AND ARCHITECTURE “Heritage development, examples from the New Dutch Waterline” 13:30 to 15:00 h LUNCH 15:00 to 16:00 h MASTER CLASS DR.-ING. HANS-RUDOLF NEUMANN | DEPUTY CHAIRMAN OF ECCOFORT REG. ASS. “Enhancing of fortified heritage by tourism-analysis of a fortress study tour to Ukraine, Belorussia and Poland” 16:00 to 17:00 h ROUNDTABLE 6 Moderator MERCEDES JOVER HERNANDO | PHD IN HISTORY 17:00 to 18:00 h CLOSING CEREMONY with the authorities – MARÍA CABALLERO MARTÍNEZ COUNCILLOR OF EMPLOYMENT, TRADE AND TOURISME OF PAMPLONA – JOSÉ VICENTE VALDENEBRO GARCÍA CITY MANAGER OF PAMPLONA, COODINATOR FORTIUS PAMPLONA-BAYONNE PROJECT PROGRAMME – PILAR BARRACA DE RAMOS TECHNICAL ADVISOR. MINISTRY OF EDUCATION, CULTURE AND SPORTS “Fortresses as border icons and their current dimension” – AMADOR RUIBAL RODRÍGUEZ VICE-PRESIDENT OF THE SPANISH CASTLE FRIENDS ASSOCIATION “The Spanish Castle Friends Association and its work to defend fortified heritage” – JOSÉ MANUEL ARNAIZ SECO | CORONEL IN THE RESERVES AND COORDINATOR OF COURSES AT THE INSTITUTE OF HISTORY AND MILITARY CULTURE, MADRID “The Army's fortified heritage: Organisations and updates” – MARIE-HÉLÈNE ATALLAH ”VILLES À SECTEURS SAUVAGARDÉS ET PROTÉGÉS” NATIONALE ASSOCATION, BESANÇON “Mediation of fortified Heritage in the Town of Art and History of Besançon” 29 Programa OK 2:Maquetación 1 10/10/14 11:22 Página 30 SESSIONS SCHEDULE The papers will be presented by their authors, with an estimated time of around 7-10 minutes for each one. Presentations will be divided up by topic, content similarity and the presentation language. Consequently, the Auditorium will be used for presentations in Spanish and the “Arquillos” Room for presentations in French and English. They will be held simultaneously. WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 15 th, from 17h to 19h. S1 Auditorium (Ground Floor) | Chaired by Luis Eduardo Oslé 1. BAGNARINI, N., “The tower: a defensive structure in the Templar, Teutonic and Hospitaller Settlements in Umbria and Lazio. An Historical and Architectonic Study” 2. MARTÍNEZ TABOADA, P., “Consideraciones sobre el patrimonio fortificado de Sigüenza y el Plan Director de las murallas de la ciudad” 3. GIL CRESPO, I. J., “Tower of Martín González or castle of La Raya (Soria, Spain): territory, history, defense and construction” 4. DE LERA SANTÍN, A., BOUSTA, F., VERGÈS-BELMIN, V., “Hydrocolloids to clean porous inorganic materials” 5. BALDÓ ALCOZ, J., FUGUET SANS, J., “The defensive compound of the Templar commandry of Aberin (Navarre): hypothetical configuration” 6. TORRES CABALLERO, A., “Walls and fortifications in the Ribera Alta of the Júcar river, Walls in Alberic, Spain" 7. GUERRERO CASTRO, M., CORTÉS PÉREZ, J.P., DEL POZO MARIÑO, E., "Documentation graphics and structural analysis of the fortified heritage by applying Laser 3D Scanner. The case of the Castle of Puebla de Alcocer, Spain" 8. ARDANAZ RUIZ, C., "Case studies: past and present of the tower-house in Navarre" S2 “Arquillos” Room (Second Floor) | Chaired by John Harris 9. BIANCO, A., "The preservation of the Istanbul Theodosian Land Walls: one step forward and two steps back" 10. NOVAKOVIC, N., FILIPOVIC, I. "Belgrade fortress - between yesterday and tomorrow" 30 Fortified Heritage: Management and Sustainable Development Programa OK 2:Maquetación 1 10/10/14 11:22 Página 31 11. BELLOMO, E., “Fortified Settlements of the Order of Malta in Local Illustrated Registers: The Case of the Priory of Lombardy (XVII-XIX Centuries)” 12. BANTA, J. V., “Jaisalmer and Intramuros: A Comparative Study of Two Fortified Cities in Asia” 13. EPPICH, R., “History, literature and tourism: Shakespeare and Othello’s Citadel” 14. MENEGUELLI, F., “Lessinia’s Forts Recovery. Recovery Programme Architecture and Landscape” 15. APOSTOLOU, A., “Restoration of the ancient fortification and landscaping of surrounding area of Palaiokastro, Nisyros” 16. RUTLEDGE, G., “Preservation Master Plan and Design Guidelines for the Reuse of Fort Monroe, VA” THURSDAY OCTOBER 16th, from 9:00 h to 11:00 h. S3 Auditorium (Ground Floor) | Chaired by Luis Eduardo Oslé 17. PARADISO, M., BENEDETTI, S., “The weird case of the Fort of San Fernando Bocachica, Cartagena de Indias, Colombia. Study of the thrusts propagation in vaults distributed according a curved line” 18. TORRES RAMO, J., QUINTANILLA CRESPO, V., “The Action Plan of the Fortifications in Pamplona: a Tool for Conservation and Enhancement of Fortified Heritage” 19. PARADISO, M., USELI, G., “Analysis of the structural instability of the central building of the Castillo de Los Tres Reyes del Morro in Havana“ 20. SÁNCHEZ GONZÁLEZ, A., “Fortifications for the custody the scriptures: some samples emblematic of archives-strengths” 21. HIDALGO MORA, J., “The musealization of the fortified heritage in times of crisis. The example of the Torre dels Milà of Massalavés (Valencia)“ 23. ZALDÍVAR MORALES, E., “The Morro Castle of Santiago de Cuba. History and management of a Spanish fortress in the Caribbean” 24. RIVES NAVARRO, L., “The urban planning of Pamplona in defense of their fortifications” 25. DAZA PARDO, E., LÓPEZ-MUÑIZ MORAGAS, G., VEGA RIVAS, E., “The edition and diffusion of the studies on fortifications. Some experiences from the private initiative” SESSIONS SCHEDULE 22. LÓPEZ MARTÍNEZ, J.F., “The waterfront of Cartagena. Urban military image conversion – university” 31 Programa OK 2:Maquetación 1 10/10/14 16:01 Página 32 S4 “Arquillos” Room (Second Floor) | Chaired by John Harris 26. BORG, M., JAMES, P., “Fortifying Built-Heritage. Towards an Integrated Conservation Model for Heritage Development” 27. BOLTON, J., “Dalkey Islands, Ireland: ensuring the protection of fortifications in a diverse cultural landscape” 28. DUQUE, E., “Intramuros under Three Regimes: The Significance of Context and Coherence to the Conservation Agenda” 29. KORICHI, A., KASSAB, T., “Reuse defensive heritage of Bejaia city” 30. SAIDI, M., “Fortifications system of the crusade period in the territory of TARTOUS: from de defensive system to the Historic-cultural system” 31. VERSACI, A., “The Lombardy Castle in Enna (Italy): new studies for a sustainable conservation and integration in the historic city” 32. PREET, V. SOOD, Y., “Impact of Heritage Projects on Development of Amritsar” 33. DJUKIC, L., “Belgrade Fortress: Open Air Classroom” FRIDAY OCTOBER 17th, from 9:00 h to 11:00 h. S5 Auditorium (Ground Floor) | Chaired by Luis Eduardo Oslé 34. CORTÉS PÉREZ, J.P., VIOLA NEVADO, J.M., GUERRERO CASTRO, M., CORTÉS, A., “The consolidation of the walls of Jerez de los Caballeros (Badajoz)” 35. VIOLA NEVADO, J.J., CORTÉS, J.P., “Intervention on the Roman Wall of Coria (Cáceres)” 36. TARIFA CASTILLA, M., J., “Engineers and master builders of the fortified enclosure of Pamplona in the sixteenth century” 37. SÁDABA CIPRIAIN, S.D., “The reuse of the Citadel of Pamplona as a cultural and leisure enclosure” 38. RODRÍGUEZ SILGO, A., “Fortifications in Galicia. Usage and functions in the 21st century” 39. NIGLIO O., INSUASTY, P.A., “Educational and cultural projects around the fortified architecture: experiences of the Workshop Architecture and Sustainable Heritage in Cartagena de Indias, Colombia” 40. VELAZCO GÓMEZ, M.M., “Spanish fortification in Hispanic America” 41. JIMÉNEZ CABALLERO, I., LORDA IÑARRA, J., “Images of fortified cities and its interest to XX century architects” 32 Fortified Heritage: Management and Sustainable Development Programa OK 2:Maquetación 1 10/10/14 16:01 Página 33 42. NIAR, S., LASHERAS, F., “The Spanish defensive system in Oran (Algeria), history and actuality” 43. VARGAS MATÍAS, S.A., “Fortified Veracruz” 44. ORDUNA PORTÚS, P.M., SAN VICENTE VICENTE, F. J., “A forgotten military rampart across the Pyrenees. Cataloging and spreading of the ‘Line P’ in Navarre and Gipuzkoa” S6 “Arquillos” Room (Second Floor) | Chaired by John Harris 45. ANANTH HUGGLER, A., “Assesing and establishing Cultural Significance to Material Heritage: national prerogative or a multi-national exercise; the case of the German Occupation structures in the Channel Islands, UK” 46. FARKAS, E., “Transboundary fortress system – Cultural-touristic development along borders” 47. ESTÊVãO, F., “Historical Route of the Lines of Torre Vedras. An example of an interdisciplinary and inter-municipal work for the improvement of a military and architectural heritage in Portugal” 48. SEYEDASHRAFI, B., “Heritage contribution to post-disaster sustainable development of communities: The case of Bam and its Cultural Landscape” 49. BOUSSA, D., “Fort of Bahrain: a World Heritage Site Tourism and Sustainability” 50. MILOHNIC, I., SMOLCIC JURDANDA, D., “Sustainable development of Small Old Towns – Heritage as a Tourist Attraction” SESSIONS SCHEDULE 51. BOSCOLO, A., “The fortified system of the Venetian lagoon between the XV and XVII century. A proposal of development for a highly critical Site” 33 Programa OK 2:Maquetación 1 10/10/14 11:22 Página 34 SPEAKERS BIOGRAPHIES Milagros FLORES ROMÁN | PRESIDENT OF ICOFORT She has been President of ICOFORT since 2008. One of the main functions of this Committee is to provide support to UNESCO and its Worldwide Heritage Convention programme in all matters related to military heritage. She also works as a specialist on Fortifications both for UNESCO and for ICOMOS. Likewise, she is a member of ICOMOS in the United States where she is also an exofficio member of its Executive Board. She has a history degree from the University of Navarre (Pamplona, Spain), specialising in Military Heritage, Caribbean Fortifications and the Organisation and Handling of Institutional Archives and Museums in Puerto Rico, United States and the Virgin Islands. Moreover, she is the author of numerous publications on these subjects. Peter ROS | ATFORT (ATELIER EUROEPAN FORTRESSES) PROJECT MANAGER OF THE LEAD PARTNER: NEW DUTCH WATERLINE He has been working as an EU manager for the New Dutch Waterline National Project since 2006. He is responsible for developing financing and knowledge for EU projects in the fields of cultural heritage, economy, landscape development and tourism. He is a specialist in EU funding programmes. Formerly he worked as a secretary at the Managing Office for the European Rural Development Programme in the Netherlands, responsible for the Netherlands' EAFRD programme. A large part of this funding is used to restore fortresses on the New Dutch Waterline. Subsequently, as a policy advisor on economic affairs in the province of Northern Holland, his job included organising employment projects on fortresses. Dr.-Ing. Hans-RUDOLF NEUMANN DEPUTY CHAIRMAN OF ECCOFORT REG. ASS.T Nowadays he is Deputy chairman of ECCOFORT, reg. ass., Berlin-D. He has a PhD in architecture, town planning, building history and conservation of monuments and historic buildings from the FH Mainz, TU Kaiserslautern and TU Berlin; he has managed the Coordination Centre BFRManagement Berlin-D since 2007. Among his professional activities he is renowned as scientific coordinator of European Interreg III B project “Baltic Culture and Tourism Route Fortresses” (BFR), his work in the development of the computer application FORTE CULTURA, his scientific management of EU Interreg IV-B funding project FORTE CULTURA. Voting and Expert Member of FRG in ICOMOS/ICOFORT. His research focuses on history, architecture, construction and safeguarding of historic fortifications and fortresses, especially in Central and Eastern Europe. Organizing and managing of fortress study tours worldwide. He is also the author of a number of publications. 34 Fortified Heritage: Management and Sustainable Development Programa OK 2:Maquetación 1 10/10/14 11:22 Página 35 Former Colonel William H. CLEMENTS LLB, FRHistS PRESIDENT OF THE FORTRESS STUDY GROUP Graduated in law, with a brilliant military, he is actually a member of the British Society for Army Historical Research and the Military History Society of Ireland and Chairman of the Fortress Study Group. He was elected a Fellow of the Royal Historical Society in 2011 and his special interests are Martello Towers, the fortifications of the British Empire, and the preservation of post-medieval fortifications in Great Britain and Ireland. Author of a number of books and articles on fortifications for Fort, the journal of the Fortress Study Group, The Irish Sword, the journal of the Military History Society of Ireland; and the journal of the Society for Army Historical Research. Juana Tamara BLANES MARTÍN | AMERICA COORDINATOR – ICOFORT Art Historian, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Senior Lecturer and Professor Emeritus of the regions UNESCO seat, she is an expert in Hispanic fortifications in the Caribbean and Cultural Routes. Due to her broad knowledge on fortifications, she has given conferences and participated in technical assignments as an advisor and consultant for ICOMOS International and UNESCO throughout the world. She belongs to the Cuba National Union of Architects and Construction Engineers (UNAIC), to the Cuba National Union of Writers and Artists (UNEAC) and to the International Centre for Conserving Cultural Heritage (CICOP-Cuba). She is also a member of ICOMOS Cuba, the International Scientific Committee for Cultural Itineraries (CIIC) and Coordinator for AmericaICOFORT. Architect and Town Planner, M.Sc. in Intercultural Relations and Ph.D. in History of Art. Of particular note amongst his works, Consultant and Project Planner for Fundação Gulbenkian for Portuguese Heritage throughout the World and Almeida City Hall Consultant for Fortress Safekeeping. He is also a founding member of the International Committee on Shared Built Heritage (ICSBH), Expert for ICOFORT and Honorary Member of CIVVIH/Historical Cities of ICOMOS. He is also a member of “Europa Nostra”. He is in charge of the CEAMA journal (Portuguese/English) for the Military Architecture Study Centre in Almeida. He has been organising the annual International Seminar on Military Architecture (Almeida, Portugal) since 2007. He has also published around two dozen books. SPEAKERS BIOGRAPHIES Joäo CAMPOS ARCHITECT AND EXPERT FOR ICOFORT 35 Programa OK 2:Maquetación 1 10/10/14 11:22 Página 36 Fernando COBOS GUERRA EXPERT MEMBER OF ICOFORT Architect specialising in Town Planning and Documentation and Restoration of Monuments. Professor at Alfonso X University, teaching the Rehabilitation Master's course since 2009. Expert member of the Scientific Board of Europa Nostra, the Partal Academy and of the ICOMOS International Scientific Committee on Fortifications and Military Heritage (ICOFORT). With many national and international prizes for Heritage Research, intervention works and planning, such as fortifications in La Mota, Ponferrada, Cornatel and Ibiza and other buildings in Portugal and Italy. He is also the author of numerous books and publications. Fernando Cobos website: José María BALLESTER INTERNATIONAL CIVIL SERVANT. BOARD MEMBER OF HISPANIA NOSTRA International Civil Servant and Director of the Botín Foundation Heritage and Territory Rural Development Programme. In addition, he is a member of the Executive Board of Europa Nostra and sits on the Hispania Nostra Board of Directors. He also sits on the Jury for the Helena Vaz da Silva European Award for Raising Public Awareness on Cultural Heritage. Previously, he was the Director of Culture and Cultural and Natural Heritage for the Council of Europe and President of the international Jury for the European Union/Europa Nostra Cultural Heritage Awards. Salvador MORENO PERALTA ARCHITECT, PERI (LOCAL GOVERNMENT PROTECTION AND REFORM PLAN) EDITOR IN MELILLA He qualified as an Architect at ETSA (Madrid, 1972). He is the author of Rehabilitation of the Trinidad-Perchel neighbourhoods (Malaga) and the General Plans for Mijas, Vélez-Málaga and Malaga (1983). He was awarded the National Town Planning prize (1985), the Europa Nostra Award for the Rehabilitation of the Four Fortified Enclosures in Melilla (1999) and he is two-time winner of the Malaga Architecture Prize. In Malaga, he worked on the Faculty of Law, Torremolinos Town Hall, rehabilitation of the San Rafael Parador for TURASA, the Basic Project for the high speed train station, the CIO in Mijas, the Senior Engineering School, the Andalusia Lab in Marbella and the Andalusia Technology Park. For ten years he coordinated cooperation between the Andalusia Government and Argentina. He has been the President of the Board of Trustees for the University of Malaga and the San Telmo Academy of Fine Arts. Author of many articles appearing in specialised journals and several books, he has given town planning courses at the Malaga Architecture School. He is currently developing a project for the Centre of Excellence for disabled sportsmen and he is managing the Strategic Plan for the eastern section of the Costa del Sol. 36 Fortified Heritage: Management and Sustainable Development Programa OK 2:Maquetación 1 10/10/14 11:22 Página 37 María CRUZ VILLALÓN HISTORY OF ART LECTURER AT THE UNIVERSITY OF EXTREMADURA The many strings to her bow include research into military engineering and architecture from the 16th to the 20th century. She has given many different PhD courses in this field, publishing a range of articles and books on fortifications in Extremadura and along the Spanish-Portuguese border. This research has demonstrated the historical value of the fortified heritage along this boundary and has set guidelines to conserve it and project its tourism. She is director of the research group entitled "Art, Architecture and engineering from Ancient times to the present day" (ArtArq). She is also a corresponding member of the Royal Academy of History and a corresponding member of the St Elizabeth of Hungary Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Seville. Ana LUENGO AÑÓN PRESIDENT OF THE INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION OF LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS - IFLA EUROPE She has degrees in Architecture and Landscape Architecture and a PhD as a Landscape Architect. She also has a Masters in Gardening and Landscaping and another in Management and Maintenance of Parks and Public Places. She is currently President of the International Federation of Landscape Architects (IFLA Europe); member of the Spanish National ICOMOS Committee, the International Committee for Cultural Landscapes and Historical Gardens (ICOMOS-IFLA), the Historic Gardens Foundation (United Kingdom) and the Madrid Studies Institute, among other institutions. She combines her teaching work at different Spanish and foreign universities with wide-ranging cultural work. She is also a founding member of the CITEREA landscaping studio and the author of many important research works, articles and publications. Landscape architect, conservator of monuments, a long-time employee of state institutions for the protection of monuments in Poland. She has also worked as Secretary of the National Project of the Ministry of Culture and Art – Protection and Conservation of the Historical Cultural Landscape. She is one of the experts of the Minister of Culture and National Heritage in the field of fortifications, military heritage, landscape, parks and gardens. Moreover, she is member of different associations: the Society of the Friends of the Fortification; member of the ICOMOS; Founder and the First President of IcoFort; founder of the Polish National Committee id the Blue Shield; Board Member of ANCBS (Association of National Committees of the Blue Shield). Author of many projects connected with the preservation and management plans of cultural landscape, fortifications, the fortress landscape and historic parks. She is also author of numerous publications and organizer of scientific conferences on these subjects. SPEAKERS BIOGRAPHIES Lidia KLUPSZ FOUNDER AND THE FIRST PRESIDENT OF ICOFORT 37 Programa OK 2:Maquetación 1 10/10/14 11:22 Página 38 Juan Antonio RODRÍGUEZ-VILLASANTE PRIETO EXPERT MEMBER OF ICOMOS – SPAIN AND ICOFORT-SPAIN As a retired QM Coronel, he combined his military career with studies on Historical Military and Naval Heritage and Engineering and Architecture. He sits on the ICOMOS-Spain Board of Directors, its Scientific Committee for Cultural Itineraries (expert member) and he is a member of ICOFORT-Spain. He holds the position of Director of the International Centre for Fortification Studies and Logistics Support (CIEFAL). He also works with different organisations and universities and is a member of the editorial and monitoring commission for the National Defensive Architecture Plan (Ministry of Culture). In addition, he is the Corresponding Academic for the "San Fernando" Royal Academy of Fine Arts (Madrid) and the "Ntra. Sra. del Rosario” Academy (Galicia). He is the author of several publications. Belén RODRÍGUEZ NUERE COORDINATOR OF THE NATIONAL DEFENSIVE ARCHITECTURE PLAN SPANISH INSTITUTE OF CULTURAL HERITAGE (IPCE) She has a degree in Archaeology and works at the Spanish Institute of Cultural Heritage depending on the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport Directorate General for Fine Art and Cultural Property and for Archives and Libraries. She began working closely on defensive architecture after coordinating the Technical Sessions on Military Architecture held in Baños de la Encina in 2006 that led to the famous Charter of Baños de la Encina. Since 2010, among other occupations in the Spanish Institute of Cultural Heritage Interventions Area, she has been monitoring and developing the National Defensive Architecture Plan, approved by the Historical Heritage Council in October 2012, as its coordinator. Juan Manuel ALFARO GUIXOT PRESIDENT OF THE “LES FORTALESES CATALANES” FOUNDATION He is in charge of organising and managing the opening of the San Fernando fortress in Figueres (Gerona). This work is supported by Les Fortaleses Catalanes Foundation, set up in 2002 to focus on Catalonia's Monumental Military Heritage. It promotes documentary research and awarenessraising activities concerning military monuments. Consequently, the Spanish-French cultural project (Interreg III A) dedicated to highlighting cross-border military heritage led to the emergence of a collection of informative focus studies dedicated to military monuments in Catalonia: Dos horas en…, of which he is the author of several volumes. He has also been in charge of managing publically owned monuments and has worked on military monuments from Catalonia and France. 38 Fortified Heritage: Management and Sustainable Development Programa OK 2:Maquetación 1 10/10/14 11:22 Página 39 Araceli PEREDA ALONSO PRESIDENT OF HISPANIA NOSTRA She has a degree in Art History and is a corresponding academic at the San Fernando Royal Academy of Fine Art. She was Spain’s correspondent on the Council of Europe Heritage Committee and took an active role in preparing the 1985 Heritage Law. Regarding her professional career, she lists her work experience as Head of the Ministry of Culture Heritage Information and Documentation Service; Director General of Cultural Heritage for the Madrid Region; director of the Banesto Foundation; director of the Lázaro Galdiano Foundation-Museum in Madrid; coordinator of the Heritage Cooperation Programme and the ACERCA Programme for training cultural management professionals (AECID). Benjamín CASANOVA CHULILLA CORONEL IN THE RESERVES. DIRECTOR OF THE JACA CASTLE OF SAN PEDRO CONSORTIUM His long, exemplary military career in the Engineers, rewarded on many occasions by the most outstanding awards, has opened the door to a variety of positions. Among his current occupations, he is Director of the Jaca Castle of San Pedro Consortium. This Consortium runs management of Jaca Citadel (Huesca). She has a degree in Archaeology from the Autónoma University of Madrid and has developed her professional career on urban archaeology. Amongst other achievements are included her performances in the fortresses of San Sebastian and Hondarribia (Province of Guipuzcoa in the Basque Country). For over ten years she works as an archaeologist for the City Council of Hondarribia and fosters and coordinates action plans in the matter of refurbishing the old town and other heritage matters. She has coordinated the ARMA PLAZA Foundation works for the last two years, in order to communicate the cultural heritage of the City of Hondarribia. She has been particularly involved in the outreach and valuing program of the contemporary Guadalupe Fort as well as the monumental ensemble of the 16th Century fortress. SPEAKERS BIOGRAPHIES Miren AYERBE IRÍZAR COORDINATOR OF THE FUNDACIÓN ARMA PLAZA-FUNDAZIOA, HONDARRIBIA 39 Programa OK 2:Maquetación 1 10/10/14 11:22 Página 40 Véronique DAVIDT DIRECTOR OF THE “MURAILLES ET JARDINS” PROJECT After working for Lille city council and its metropolitan area in the field of tourism and heritage, she became a member of the Lille Metropolitan Development Council as an expert in tourism and then director of a tourism promotion organisation in the north of France, Nord Tourisme. Later, in 2009, the French Nord Department Culture Division commissioned her for European cultural cooperation projects. This service manages six Interreg projects; four of which are leaders of Interreg IV programmes France Wallonie Vlananderen and 2Mers on topics such as: preparing the World War One commemoration, cross-border culture and fortified heritage, "Walls and gardens", etc. Luis ALEJANDRE SINTES RETIRED SPANISH ARMY GENERAL He is a retired Spanish Army General boasting a long and brilliant military career that includes weighty positions in a variety of destinations, for which he has been awarded extremely important international decorations. He is also a founding member of the Isla del Rey Hospital Foundation that works to recover historical assets in Menorca. He has made an outstanding contribution to safeguarding and revitalising Historical and Cultural Heritage in Toledo, receiving an award from the Royal Toledo Foundation in 1996. In addition, he was awarded the Ramón Llull Prize 2005 by the Govern de les Illes Balears. Alongside his degree in Political Sciences, he is currently taking a PhD through the UNED and is the author of two books. Amador RUIBAL RODRÍGUEZ 1ST VICE-PRESIDENT OF THE SPANISH CASTLE FRIENDS ASSOCIATION (A.E.A.C) With degrees in Law, Philosophy and the Arts and a PhD in Art History from the Complutense University in Madrid, he currently holds the position of 1st Vice-President of the Spanish Castle Friends Association (A.E.A.C.) and Director of the "Castles in Spain" journal. His wide-ranging work as a researcher in the field of fortification, medieval history and military orders has won many awards. In addition, he was the coordinator and co-author of the Spanish Castellology Inventory. He has also worked and continues as director-organiser, speaker and professor at many congresses, symposiums, sessions and courses on history, medieval archaeology and fortified heritage. He is also the author of many publications. 40 Fortified Heritage: Management and Sustainable Development Programa OK 2:Maquetación 1 10/10/14 11:22 Página 41 José Manuel DE ARNAIZ SECO CORONEL IN THE RESERVES. DIRECTOR OF THE FORTIFICATION AND MILITARY DEFENCE COURSES AT THE INSTITUTE OF HISTORY AND MILITARY CULTURE (IHCM) As a Coronel (Reserves) with qualifications in Information Systems, Telecommunications and Electronic Warfare, as well as in Security and Intelligence, he took postgraduate qualifications in Information Systems and Telecommunications. He has a Masters in Classic Mediterranean Archaeology. He is currently Director of the Fortification and Poliorcetica Courses at the Institute of History and Military Culture (IHCM) for the Land Army. He also works with and participates in conferences for the Military History Seat and the History Course for over 55s at the Complutense University in Madrid (UCM). Pilar BARRACA DE RAMOS TECHNICAL ADVISER. MINISTRY OF EDUCATION, CULTURE AND SPORTS Prehistory and Archaeology graduate, Documentalist and long term civil servant with the Museum Curators Facultative Body, she is currently working for the General Historical Heritage Protection Sub-division where she is in charge of the Protected Properties Legal Regime Area and management of European Programmes: Head of the European Council European Cultural Itineraries Analysis Unit and National Coordinator of the EU European Heritage Seal. Likewise, she is a representative in the EHLF European Heritage Legal Forum, European Heritage Discussion Group, CDCPP Lead Committee for Culture, Heritage and Landscape for the CoE. She is also the author of a whole host of publications related to management, protection, diffusion and conservation of all types of cultural heritage. Marie-Hélène ATALLAH SPEAKERS BIOGRAPHIES History and Art History Graduate. National conference speaker. Qualified architecture and heritage facilitator. Head of department, in charge of implementing the "Ville d’art et d’histoire" (Art and History Town) convention since 1986, when the Town of Besancon signed its agreement with the Ministry of Culture. 41 Programa OK 2:Maquetación 1 10/10/14 11:54 Página 42 GERCO MEIJER LECTURER: ING. ASSOCIATE IN BUNKERQ V.O.F, OFFICE FOR HERITAGE DEVELOPMENT, RESTORATION AND ARCHITECTURE Educated as an engineer, he started bunkerQ in the late 1990's. From the year 1999 bunkerQ got involved in the development of the New Dutch Waterline. The first plan was a conversion of a wooden shed. Soon to be followed by the reconstruction of the earth works of a small battery fort. In 2003 bunkerQ was able to estimate, by database modeling , the cost of preservation of the build objects of the new Dutch Waterline. The results of this calculation were base of a large scale financial program to invest in the New Dutch Waterline. The database itself grew to the 'method bunkerQ'. A coherent calculation tool to estimate the costs and benefits of large scale 'heritage' projects. From 2007 Gerco co-operated with his partner Indira Zuljevic, an Sarajevo born architect. Several large scale projects have been completed. 'Fort Vechten, phase 1', a consolidation program on 13 buildings, from which 5 buildings were converted to bat- habitats and 1 to a climate controlled meeting place for groups up to 200 people. Recently 'Fort het Hemeltje' was completed. A 750 m2 fort, converted to a flexible high class office for up to 60 people. Nicolas FAUCHERRE HISTORIAN OF FORTIFICATION Member of the Mediterranean Medieval & Modern Archaeology Laboratory scientific council, he is Professor of History of Art and Medieval Archaeology at the University of Aix-Marseille. He is also member of the World Heritage French Property Committee, of the Historical and Scientific Work Committee, of the National Historical Monument Commission, of the History of Defence Study Centre scientific council the regional Heritage and Site Commissions Poitou-Charentes, and Castellology team leader at the Higher Medieval Civilisation Studies Centre, among others organisations. French representative on the international ICOMOS - ICOFORT, he is Scientific expert for the Vauban fortifications world heritage application. He was Coordinator of Vauban Year (Heritage Management) and curator of the "Vauban Réformateur" exhibition, French Monuments Museum (1982-1983). He is also the author around one hundred scientific articles and as many again in the popular press. 42 Fortified Heritage: Management and Sustainable Development Programa OK 2:Maquetación 1 10/10/14 11:22 Página 43 Programa OK 2:Maquetación 1 10/10/14 11:22 Página 44
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