Document 349330

50 6.3 89.7 707 • 506 .382 .72 34 • F: 5 06.3 88.7 157 | [email protected] |
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October 19, 2014
Welcome and Announcements
Praise Time………………….Whom Shall I Fear?
..…………….……………………Shout To The Lord
..…………….……………………Be Unto Your Name
Call to Worship:
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and
only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have
eternal life. “For God did not send his Son into the world to
condemn the world, but to save the world through him.”
John 3:16, 17
Prayer of Approach
Ministr y of Music ~ You Are My Hiding Place
Children’s Hymn…………………..My God Is So Big
Time with Children:
*Children ages 3-Grade 5*
Hymn……………………………...Our Great Savior
Scripture Reading:
Exodus 14:13-31
Sermon Series: The Essential 100 (E 100) Cha llenge
Sermon: God Saves!
Tithes & Offerings ~ It is more blessed to give than to r eceive. Acts 20: 35b
Doxology…………………………Turn Your Eyes
Hymn……………………………..Jesus Saves
Bened iction
Commissioning Hymn……………. Fairest Lord Jesus
To greet you this Sunday: Margie Scott-Rogers
Distributing Bulletins this Sunday: Angela Allen
Attending Elder: Rosemary Smith
Coordinator: Tim Sabean
Community Breakfast
Our first community breakfast for the new season was held on
Saturday morning, October 4th. We are pleased to report that the
proceeds enabled us to make a contribution to the church’s
ministries in the amount of approx. $900. Additionally, we were able
to host the Youth Impact project Ride-for-Refuge on that day as well,
and a considerable number of the cyclists partook of the breakfast
under the sponsorship of Southampton Computers. They were able
to raise approx. $14,000 for their work with vulnerable & at-risk
youth in our community. A great big THANK YOU to all those who
assisted in any way with set-up, cooking, serving, cleaning, etc. We
are currently planning the next scheduled breakfast for Saturday,
November 1st. We would be pleased for the assistance of anyone
able and willing to help in any way at the breakfasts; either Friday
evening set-up, Saturday morning cooking/serving, bussing tables,
or clean-up following the breakfast; by contacting Faye @ 388-1420
Looking ahead … JUST FRIENDS will be providing musical
entertainment at the November 1st breakfast; and during the
breakfast on December 6th we will be hosting the Atlantic Canada
Highland Dancing competitions.
Praise God for His faithfulness!
Family, Fellowship & Evangelism Committee
“Visitors: We are grateful for your presence this morning!
Please stop by the Welcome Centre to pick up a token of our
appreciation for your visit, and perhaps find out more about
St. Andrew’s.”
Know… Grow… Show…Christ
Can we help?
Name: ___________
Address: _______________
Phone: _______________
Email: ________________
I would like:
Prayer about:
A phone call
A visit
Offering Envelopes
Information about Jesus
"It is not so much the case th at God has a mission fo r
his church in the worl d, as that God has a church fo r
his mission in the wo rld. Mission was not ma de for
the church, the chu rch w as made for missi on
-- God's mission."
Christopher Wright, The Mission of God
Contact Us
Martin Kreplin
[email protected]
Phyllis Nowlan-Corey
Administrative Asst.
[email protected] m
Laurie Kammermann
Coordinator of Music Ministries
[email protected]
Brenda Smith
Contact Church office
Melissa Steen
Director of Youth & Family Ministries
standrewsyouthand [email protected]
Don’t forget to check our website out…
You may want to join others in prayer before the service.
Please go to the Ministers’ Meeting Room
at 9:30am on Sunday mornings.
Please pray for Rev. Dr. Martin Kreplin as he prepares
Next Sunday's Sermon Series:
The Essential 100 (E100) Challenge
Sermon: Law And Land Is A Gift!
Please pray for the work of the Holy Spirit through
the faithful proclamation of the word.
Nursery Caregivers--the more the merrier!
There is a sign-up sheet on the table where the mailboxes are!!
For more information, please contact Madeline Graham.
Please Note: More help is needed in the nursery…youth, ladies
and men are welcome as 3 volunteers are now required….
Catechism Question
What example did Jesus give us in this matter of worship?
It was His custom to go to the place of worship on the Sabbath day.
Food Offering – October 26
The Last Sunday of every month we will be accepting offerings of
non - perishable food items. This food supports our food bank.
Offerings can be left outside the doors of the sanctuary by the
Welcome Centre.
Anytime you can contribute please feel to do so.
Please mark your calendar - Saturday, November 8th we will be
having a Greeter's Ministry Seminar in our boardroom from 9:00 to
11:00 a.m. Everyone is invited but especially those that have not taken
this very important seminar for ministry in our church. We will have a
signup sheet in the atrium so it will give us an idea of how much
refreshments will be on hand. Thank you and will see you then.
Greeter's Ministry Committee
0n the back table in the Sanctuary are Bibles
in Korean and Mandarin for you to use!!
Know… Grow… Show…Christ
Christian Education:
1) Adult Christian Education Class: Sundays following worship
Facilitator: Bill Ross - Meeting Room Lectures from the Ligonier 2006
National Conference, Bought with a Price, on rediscovering the Church and
her mission in the world.
2)Essential Bible (E100) Discussion Group will take place each Sunday during
the Christian Education time, following Coffee and Conversation. The
group will discuss the readings from the previous week, which will also be
the focus of the sermon that Sunday. Elizabeth Eagles is the facilitator and
it will be meeting in the Minister’s outer office.
3) Children/Youth Christmas musical called The Great Gift Exchange'! There
will be acting, singing, choreography and solos. We will be presenting 'The
Great Gift Exchange' to the congregation in December. Our practices will
be held on Sundays, starting October 19, during CE time (approx. 11:30-12:30
pm). Parents are always welcome to sit in on our practices or you can feel
free to take advantage of the adult classes that are offered during Christian
Education time. I hope to see many of you at rehearsal! ~ Laurie K.
4) Young & Older Children in Worship (YCW): For children aged 3 years
through to Grade 5, children are invited to continue worship during the
regular Sunday worship service. Children are dismissed after the “Time
with Children” and the “Younger Children in Worship” go to the CE rooms;
the “Older Children in Worship” go to the meeting room.
5) Pioneers Program is for children ages 4 through Grade 6 and offers Bible
exploration and application, memory verses, learning through
activities, games, and songs in a non-competitive and fun atmosphere.
(Wednesdays 6 pm – 7:30 pm - Located in numerous rooms throughout
the building).
6) Youth Group: Sunday night meeting with games, snacks, and Bible Study,
here at St. Andrew's from 6:15 to 8:15.
"Thank you for ensuring yo u have ta ken all
personal belongings with you. The church
cannot be held responsible for lost items."
Know… Grow… Show…Christ
Building Christian Community:
Faith is not only “taught,” but is “caught!”
Coffee & Conversation: Following worship, enjoy conversation
with others, meeting those new among us,
catching up with friends and encouraging one
another in the faith. Stay as long as you would
like. If you feel that you can be a part of this
important ministry, please let Alison Geldart
know or sign up on the sheet at coffee and
conversation. If you haven’t participated before
we can match you up with someone who is
familiar with the kitchen.
Out To Lunch Program: Consider taking someone home or out to
lunch in order to get to grow deeper relationships and to encourage faith development.
Community Breakfast
St. Andrew’s will once again hosting a community
breakfast on the first Saturday of each month (til
April), from 8-11 am. Pancakes, Sausage, Bacon,
Panfries, Scrambled Eggs, Coffee, Tea & Juice.
Adults $8.00, Children 10 & under $4.00,
Family of 4 $20.00
Looking for a few ding-a-lings!
Our handbell choir is looking for a few ringers (adults and
youth ages 12 and up). It does take some amount of music
knowledge to be a ringer so if you have played an
instrument before or have some experience reading music
and are interested, please contact me. Rehearsals are on
Tuesday evenings from 6-7 pm from October – December
and then February-April ~ Laurie K.
"Board Meeting on Wednesday,
October 22 @ 7:30 pm in the meeting room”!!
Know… Grow… Show…Christ
Into the Word…
Sermon: God Saves!
Exodus 14:13-31
• Some see the salvation of others as a personal responsibility.
• God saves at just the right time.
• Memory of Joseph faded and Hebrews became enslaved in E gypt.
• Israelite population swelled, perceived as a threat to Egyptians.
1) God Sees
(Exodus 2:24f, 3:7ff)
• Often those oppressed don’t rock the boat.
• People ask, ‘Is God blind?’ ‘Why does He allow…?’
• At the birth of Christ a similar situation existed. God’s concern is more
than the external obvious hards hips we endure.
2) God Calls
(Exodus 3:1-4:17)
• As His followers, we are all called and commissioned. (See Matt.28:19).
• We are resistant and make excuses. Yet when faithful considered
beautiful in God’s sight (See Isaiah 52:7, 2 Corinthians 5:20).
• None of us are perfect; Moses wasn’t either.
• God puts us in close contact with others on purpose.
3) God Saves
(Exodus 14:13-15)
• Moses comes to see it is God who saves, not him.
• While God does the saving, His people are called to move in fait h.
• Some of us have faced despair or journeyed with others in it. We have
seen the unmistakable hand of God providing deliverance.
• God saves at just the right time. He us es human, imperfect agents. He
calls us to move forward in faith.
• Many refuse to embrace His salvation, choosing to grumble at God.
• God has placed you in the presenc e of others to lead them out of their
captivity, but ultimately God does the saving at just the right time.
…So the Word can get into you!
Autumn Blessings
Autumn brings to the soul relief,
as hot Summer days, slip to an end
God sent the season for weary hearts
to restore, repair and mend.
Unlike the Autumn trees,
that shed their changing leaves
God sent the season for failing hearts
to adhere, embrace and cleave.
Just as with the Autumn winds,
there comes a new refreshing rain
God sent the season for fraying hearts
to increase, grow and gain.
The Autumn sun is slow to climb,
and dips much earlier into the night
God sent the season for sleepy hearts
to rise, shine and awake in His light.
God gave to us the Autumn season,
so we could have a respite and rest
for it is the season for our beset souls
to see how much we are blessed!
~Deborah Ann Belka