GOOD NEWS October 2014 VO L U M E X VI I I S S U E 9 THE CHURCH OF CHRIST, IN EVERY AGE The church of Chris t, in ev'ry age Beset by change, b ut Spirit -led, must claim and tes t its heritage and keep on rising from the dead. Then let the servant church arise, a caring church t hat longs to be a partner in Christ's sacrifice, and clothed in Christ's humanity. We have no mission but to serve in full obedience to our Lord; to care for all, without reserve, and spread his liberating word. Text: Fred Pratt Green, 1903 -2000 This wel l-known hymn (EL W 729), recommended for Reformation Day), has a re:forming challenge for us. The Reformation, which we celebrate and remember the final Sunday of October (October 26), and the reformers who led the movement, spurred the churc h to listen to the ever active spirit of God, heard in God’s Word, and to rethink how they were being church. We too are challenged to listen to God’s Word and think about who we are as God’s p eople in this place, and how we live out, individually and collectively, God ’s mission to l ove and serve the world. This summer we began talking about participating in a synod led program called the For ward Leadership Program. This program helps congregations make better decisions in less time with more competence. I t evaluates how we are currently living out our calling as God’s people in this place, what is hindering us, what is helping us, and what gifts do we have to offer. I t is a tool for us to use as we “claim and test our heritage” so that we “keep on ri sing from the de ad.” We did not get our application in this year . We needed more time, but are working toward applying next summer. Continued on page 9 INSIDE PG 1 › PASTOR’S PAGE 2 › SUNDAY SCHOOL DECEMBER 2013 3 › COUNCIL CORNER 4 › NAME TAG SUNDAY & 5 6 › › TAG LINE NEWS FINANCE & GOD’S WORK, OUR HANDS LET THERE BE LIGHT & SOUND SUCCESS & COZY COVER DISPLAY 7 8 9 › OKTOBERFEST › OCTOBER SCHEDULE › PASTOR CONT’D & 10 › 11 › 12 › WOMEN’S GUILD UPCOMING EVENTS AT ST ANDREW OCTOBER CALENDAR PASTORAL CARE & FAITH ON THE GO 13 › WHAT’S HAPPENING 14 › OCTOBER BIRTHDAYS 15 › PASTORAL CARE 1 GOOD NEWS October 2014 VO L U M E X VI I I S S U E 9 2 Sunday School got off to a great s tart with the Rally Day; the children had a snack with their teacher and classmates. A special thank you to Ni ck Ropp for running Net for Nets. Nick along with help from Roger came up with the idea. Children and adults had a fun time and raised $240.00 for the ELCA Malaria Campaign. The students are using a new curriculum this year called Whirl. Whirl b ring ki ds into the life of the church with a lectionary -centered curriculum for preK through grade 6 that is fun for kids and si mple for leaders to use. Every Whirl lesson follows a four -part sequence: Welcome, Hear , Respond, and Launch (WHRL!). Each week, kids an d leaders start their time together by identifying where they are in the church year and watching an animated video to set up the lesson. Next, they dive into the Whirl Story Bible or Whirl NRSV Bible together , respond to the scripture lesson with creative leaflet activities, and circle up to review the lesson and pray before being sent out. The lessons the children will be learning for the month of October: October 5: Rejection in the Vineyard - Matthew 21:33 -46 October 12: Rejoice in the Lord Always - Philippians 4:1-96 October 19: A question about Taxes -Matthew 22:15 -22 October 26: The Greatest Commandment - Matthew 22:34 -46 Stewardship Committee News I t’s been an amazing year for people at S t . Andrew to share their time, talents and treasure. Volun teerism continues to increase, more and more people are sharing their talents of music, construction, baking, ushering, greeting…….you get the picture! People are spending time gardening, weeding, spring/fall cleanup, helping with events. Financial steward ship continues to move in a positive direction. Think back to last fall………..the pledge cards for tim e… you remember committing some time to St. Andrew? I bet you exceeded that pledge! Do you remember committing a talent to St. Andrew? I bet you realize d new talents that you shared. And the financial support pledge cards? I bet you shared more gifts than you thought you would to the glory of God…… Now is the time for us to concentrate on what we will do with our gifts for 2015. Prayerfully consider what time, talent and treasure you will return to God as stewards of His gifts. GOOD NEWS October 2014 VO L U M E X VI I I S S U E 9 3 COUNCIL CORNER FROM THE PRESIDENT: And we are off and running….. After a bit of a summer slow down, September has returned us to a very active congregation. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. S un d a y Sc ho o l h as s tar t e d a lo n g wi t h Co nf i rm ati on C l as s . O ur f ir s t ye ar c onf irm at io n c l as s has f i v e s t ud e nts a nd th e s ec on d ye ar c l as s has s ix s tu d en ts . W e pra y G od ’s b l es s i n g o n th es e en d ea v or s . A n i nd o or p ic n ic was h e ld o n S e pt em ber 6 – T hos e p res e nt e nj o ye d a m ag ic i a n , l i ve m us i c , an d d e l ic i o us f o o d. S e ver a l m em ber s of th e c o ngr e ga t io n t ook part in t h e E LC A’s d a y of G od ’s W ork , O ur H a nds on Se p tem be r 7. L oc a l r es id e nts we re as s i s te d wi t h g ar de n in g c h ores . O ur c h o irs ar e b ac k to r e h ear s e o n Tues d a y e ve n i ngs . G w yn n e a n d t he c ho ir m em bers wo u ld be pl e as e d t o h a ve yo u j o in t h em . I t is n ot a ll work – we d o h a ve f un a t t h e s am e t im e. O ur “L ET T H ER E B E L IG HT AN D SO UN D” e v en i n g was a t rem en d o us s uc c es s . A d el ic i o us d in n er, wi t h l i ve di n n e r m us ic , f o l lo we d b y a s c a ve n ge r hu n t an d a n a uc t i o n was t h e ag e n da f or t h e e ve n i ng . T h e auc t io n r a is e d $ 2, 6 73 .0 0 a nd , o nc e al l of t he di n ne r ex p e ns es ar e ta l l ie d, we ex p ec t t o h a ve at l e as t a n ot h er $ 20 0 .0 0 pr of i t f rom t h e f ree wi l l off er in g . T h a nk s , ag a i n, t o a l l wh o d o na te d i tem s f or t he a uc ti on , t o a ll wh o wo rk ed s o v er y h ar d, t o a l l wh o at te n de d , to a l l who p ur c h as e d. T h e f u n ds ra is e d wi l l be us e d t o up gr a de t h e l ig h ti n g a nd s ou n d s ys tem in t h e s anc t uar y. I n a dd i ti o n t o th e f un ds ra is e d th e f el l o ws h ip we ex p eri e n c ed was in v a lu a b l e . Fo l lo wi n g t he auc t io n our c onf ir m at io n c l as s es a nd s om e h i gh s c h oo l yo u th h a d a “L oc k In” a t th e c h urc h . T h e y wa tc he d t he m ov i e “ N oa h” , p l a ye d g am es , a te a l l k in ds of s nac k s , h ad a c am pf ire , an d e n de d w it h a d e l ic io us br e ak f as t. T h er e wa s no t im e f or s l ee p i ng – no t f or an y of t h em . S inc er e th a n k s to th e a d ul ts wh o “s tuc k it o ut” wi th t h e k i ds . P as t or h as s tar te d a B i bl e C l as s on t h e Ps a l m s . It h as b e en ve r y we l l r ec e i ve d , bu t t her e is s ti l l ro om f or yo u on W ed n es d a y e v e n in g a t 7 P. M. P as t or h as m et w it h a l l of t h e wo r s h i p as s is tan ts ( as s is t i n g m in is te rs , l ec t ors , ac o l yt es , gre e ters , us he r s , a n d a ltar gu i l d) . S h e s tres s ed t h e im por ta nc e of eac h of th es e “j o bs ” to prom ot e m ean i n gf u l w or s h i p. P l e as e c o ns i d er a dd i n g yo ur nam e t o o ne or m ore of t hes e l is ts . And the list goes on….. 1. 2. O n O c t ob er 3 St . An dr e w wi l l b e hos t in g a n o th er “L oc k I n” f or our c onf irm at io n a nd hi g h s c ho o l ag e d yo u t h. T h is t im e i t wi l l be wi th a ga th e ri ng of yo u t h f r om m any c o n gre g at i ons of t he E LC A . S yn o d has ar r an g ed f or t h e “ Loc k I n ” i n f i v e l oc a t io ns , ge o gra p h ic a l l y, an d St. A n dre w is t he o n l y o ne in C o n nec t ic u t. T he pro gr am , Ac t2 D a y4Tom orro w, wi l l f oc us on wor l d hu ng e r. T hank s in a d v a nc e f or a l l of pas to r ’s wo rk o n th is pr oj ec t . O k tob erf es t wi l l b e h e l d o n O c to b er 2 5 – 5 :3 0 P. M . R ob i n h as o utd on e h ers e lf i n p l an n i n g th is e ve n t, C hef P h an e uf h as b ee n h ir ed ( at n o c os t) t o pr epar e th e d i n ne r. I ’m s ure R o b in wi l l ha v e m ore d etai ls e ls e wh er e i n th is c om m uni c at i on . G et yo ur t ic k e ts n o w – s e at i ng wi l l b e l im ite d t o 1 00 . Most importantly, we worship every Saturday at 4 P.M. and every Sunday at 9 A.M. – See you there!!! If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to share them with me. See YOU in Church! Bob GOOD NEWS October 2014 VO L U M E X VI I I S S U E 9 October 5 t h will be our second Name Tag Sunday . We apprec iate all parishioners that participated with joy and patience on our first Sunday September 7 t h . A special thanks to Ruth Vontell and Robin Landrette who wrote out the names so beau tifully. Until we have an official holder for the hundreds of name tags completed, please arrive a few minutes early on October 5th. Volunteers will be standing by to assist in helping you find your tag. Thanks!! Your outreach and mission committee The Outreach and Mission committee had the daunting task of whittling down 26 submissions to 6. At the last council meeting we combined two of the tag lines into one for OUR NEW TAG LINE ------ St Andrew has a place for you---- to Worship, to hear God’s Word, to Share God’s Love. Our visitor brochure is in the works and will feature our new tag line. STAY tuned. Thanks to all who participated and shared their thoughts and ideas---it tells me how energized and engaged you all are moving forward--- growing our parish and sharing God’s love. Kathy Cutter 4 GOOD NEWS October 2014 VO L U M E X VI I I S S U E 9 5 Finance Committee The Finance Committee has been working on a few ways to enhance the finances of our congregation. Our plans are not complete but we thought our members might like to know what is being discussed. I f anyone has some cons tructive input we welcome you to the next meeting of the Finance Committee or suggest you talk to one of our members. We are discussing how we can assist our parishioners with the newly developed Thrivent Action Team Program and the existing Choice Dollars program. Many S t Andrew m embers are also members of Thrivent but some may not understand how these programs work and how to take advantage of them for the good of some worthy project and also St Andrew. Our plans are not yet formalized but we hope to announce soon how the Finance Committee can help you participate. Look for further information in the newsletter or the Sunday bulletin. We are also working on several opportunities to dine at Ruby Tuesday. Knowing how Lutherans love to eat and usually turn out for events involving food we are looking for some dates to participate in a fund raiser in conjunction with the local Ruby Tuesday Res taurant on Rt 6 in Bris tol. The proceeds of the program will go toward the Capital I mprovement fund. You will be receiving information in the Sunday Bulletin very soon. Pas tor Stephanie reported to the Finance Committee that from time to time visitors to the Church office have asked for financial help. The Finance Committee agreed and referred the matter to the Church Council. The Counci l authorized a discretionary fund to be distribu ted to those in genuine need at Pas tors discretion. $125 will be available to be distributed with the use of Stop and Shop gift cards each with a value of $25. This would allow someone to purchase groceries or gasoline but not allow them to redeem the card for cash. Our Treasurer (Thea Griffin) will purchase the cards and provide them to Pas tor Stephanie. Bill Flaherty Financial Liaison to the Church Council September 7 t h God’s Work Our Hands Sunday was a great success ! Over twenty volunteers loaded up their gardening tools and headed over to the two homes that needed sprucing up. Bushes were tri mmed, weeds pulled and yards raked to return each yard to a thing of beauty. Our resident handy man (Ray ) realigned the front door to finally close properly to the relief of its owner at the same time. Lunch break we munched on fried chicken, chips and dessert —thanks to leftovers from the church picnic. God must have been shining down on us because the weat her was perfect. Thank You volunteers for maki ng this national service day extra special. GOOD NEWS October 2014 VO L U M E X VI I I S S U E 9 LIGHT & SOUND EVENT AN OVERWHELMING SUCCESS! WOW! The success of the Sep tember 19 t h event was a col laboration of everyone at St. Andrew; we all s upported the even t by donating goods and services, making desserts, attending the event – WE did it! We raised about $3000 toward the purchase of the new sanctuar y lighting and sound system. We knew we had about 75 people signed up, we planned for 100, and, like loaves and fishes, we fed 110 people! The fel lowship during the evening was beautiful, and you all dug deep into your wallets to support the ev ent. Our entertainment, I nner Groove, was a great addition to the evening. Their acoustic music made dinner fun, and Denis e Jones, the lead singer, even stayed extra late so that we could use her mi crophone for the auction. (we REALL Y need that sound system!). The committee members agreed to give a check for $100 to Denise for her congregation, Calvary Fellowship, in the Hart ford area as thanks for staying late. We have a soft spot for Denise, as her congregation currentl y worships out of a school unti l the time when they can build a church. Sounds familiar to many of us, doesn’t it! A very big “Thank You” to Stewardship Comm ittee members Roy Ouellette, Bri tt Rescsanski, Noreen Zurell, Bob Herold and Pr. Stephanie for coordinating the scavenger hunt, auction paddles and signs, event set -up and kitchen help. Thanks to Robin Landrette for creating our audio/visual entryway, and thanks to Gene Phaneuf for coordi nating and preparing the food and acting as auctioneer. Thanks to the Women’s Guild for the wonderful desserts. Thanks to Roger Narvesen and the confirmation/youth group for helping with the dinner. I would say for our fi rst auction event, it went pretty well! Thank you to all who participated in any way. God Bless, Arlene Creswell Stewardship Committee THE COZY COVER DISPLAY will be on the front pews during the Sun. service on October 19. Prayers of thanksgiving and intentions will be given. Be sure to come forward after the service and look them over. All items will be given to anyone needing comfort. Thanks is extended to all of our crafters, and to everyone who has donated yarn and crafting supplies. Special thanks is given to each of you praying for the success of this OUTREACH MINISTRY. We thank God for His continued blessings on our humble efforts. Expressions of gratitude are received and appreciated. If you would like to become involved in this worthwhile, ongoing project, please pray about what you can do. Knitting and crocheting lessons, plus all supplies are free. Call Trudi Wedler @ 860-583-0554. 6 GOOD NEWS October 2014 VO L U M E X VI I I S S U E 9 OKTOBERFEST AT ST. ANDREW Saturday, October 25 t h at 5:30 Adults $12 Children (12 and under) $5 Children age 5 and under are free! Tickets are very limited so get them before we’re sold out! MENU Roast Pork with Onion Gravy Mashed Potato Carrots Sautéed Cabbage w/ apples & onions Pierogies with caramelized onions Homemade Applesauce Rye Bread w/butter Apple Crisp w/whipped cream Assorted Beverages Featuring Avery’s Soda at our “Beer Garden” Coffee and Tea Entertainment by The Harugari Schulplattiers (Dancing and Bell Playing) 7 GOOD NEWS October 2014 VO L U M E X VI I I S S U E 9 8 October Schedule Oct 5th Oct 12th Oct 19th Oct 26th ASSISTING MINISTERS Mike Beaudoin Sue Landry Terry Gustafson Kathy Cutter LECTORS Arlene Creswell Herbert Wedler Mike Beaudoin COMMUNION ASSISTANT Kathy Cutter Nancy Deneher ACOLYTES Kaylee Hall Lindsay Matulis Robin Hein Quinn Vontell Elizabeth Hintz Jack Alling Alana Torres Olivia Beaudoin USHERS John Werner, Lou Usala Gerry & Tina Beaudoin Nancy Denehy Alan Rindfleisch Bill Golden, Ted Neumann Nancy Denehy Alan Rindfleisch Bill Golden, Ted Neumann Bill Flaherty Sue Landry COFFEE HOUR The Provenzano/Murphy Family Dawn Stitham Amber Cruz Arlene Creswell Vicki Trudel Cathy Demers Nancy Siecienski Christine Mitchell GREETERS FRONT Paul & Robin Caron Keith Clark Steven & Nancy Siecienski Andrew & Jennifer Alling GREETERS SIDE Denise Martin Kristen Vaccaro Chuck & Noreen Simmons Nancy Shaw COUNTERS Den i se M art i n T on y & L yn n Pel ow Deni se M art in Tony & Lynn Pelow Deni se M art in Tony & Lynn Pelow Deni se M art in Tony & Lynn Pelow ALTAR CARE Joan Strecker Althea Johnson Joan Strecker Althea Johnson Joan Strecker Althea Johnson Joan Strecker Althea Johnson TAPE MINISTRY Steven Siecienski Steven Siecienski Steven Siecienski Steven Siecienski BULLETIN HELPERS Nancy Carpenter Nancy Carpenter Nancy Carpenter Nancy Carpenter GOOD NEWS October 2014 VO L U M E X VI I I S S U E 9 9 Continued from page 1 For now, we have set our hearts and energies to serve, a servant church, a caring community, partners in Christ. Our Sunday School, led by high school student Nicholas Ropp, participated in a “Nets for Nets” and raised $240 for the ELCA Malaria Campaign. We worked o n small repairs and yard clean ups for neighbors in need for “God’s Work. Our Hands.” Sunday. Stewardship led us in a great event where the whole congregation came together in food and fellowship, offered their gifts, and raised money for our lighting a nd sound system . Our youth are gathering to talk about hunger and build up the food pantry at Zion Lutheran Church (October 3 -4), and the congregation prepares to cook a meal for hungry families at their “Meals for the Needy” program (October 30). Our Cozy Cover crew has been busy praying and knitting with love and we will bless their labors of the heart in worship (October 19). Gather with us in worship, in service, as we obediently serve and care for all withou t reserve, especially the smallest and mos t vulnerable among us (Blessing of the Animals, October 5, and the baptism of Luis Cardenas October 12). Peace+ Pastor Stephanie WOMEN’S GUILD We are off to a great s tart! Many members and guests spent an enjoyable evening at Confetti’s on September 9 t h . We were happy to welcome our guests and hope they were not disappointed. Our next meeting will be held on TUESDAY, OCTOBER 14 T H @ 1:30 PM. Hos tesses for the afternoon will be Rosemarie Tessman, Judi Ferro and Althea Johnson. Devotions will be led by Rosemarie. Our guest for the afternoon will be our own special organist, Gwynne Hopko, who will entertain us with samples of her wonderful music. Guests are always welcome! Plan to be there on the 14 t h ! GOOD NEWS October 2014 VO L U M E X VI I I S S U E 9 UPCOMING ACTIVITIES AT ST. ANDREW Songs of the Fa ithful: Adult Bible Study. We are half way through our study of the book of Psalms, and would welcome any who would like to join our lively discussion. Enrich your worship and prayer life. The Psalms displays the highs and lows of the life of faith. Join us Wednesdays, October 1, 8 and 17 at 7 p.m. Act 2Day 4Tomorrow/Youth Lock -in. An overnight (l ock -in) focusing on issues of hunger. Junior and Senior High School Youth join us (and other Lutheran youth fr om our area) for a good time get ting to know one another and think about our faith together. There will be silly games , art projects, worship, movies and more. We will spend time listening to Jesus, and thinking together about ways we can feed those who hunger in our communities. Walki ng in sol idarity with those who hunger, we will fast from our arrival until breakfast the next morning, a little over 12 hours. (Though, as many practice fasting, we will have beverages and fruits readily available, including our midnight makeyourownsmoothi es ). Join us Friday, October 3 beginning at 6 p.m. through Saturday, October 4 9 a.m. To participate, you need to let Pastor Stephanie know that you are coming, turn i n a permission form and $5, bring your overnight stuff (no snacks – fasting remember), and your favorite nonperishable food item to share with the food pantry at Zion Lutheran Church. We are looking for some help from the congregation: bottled water or fruit juices, fruit boxes, and fruit; blenders and coolers to borrow (please clearly label so t hat we can return them). Blessing of Animals. Sunday, October 5 t h gather with us following Sunday School at 11:30 a.m. on the l awn near the outdoor patio as we bless the furrier side of our families. Celebrati ng all God’s creatures, we bless our pet s for the joy and companionship they bring into our lives. Francis of Assisi cared for all God’s creatures, calling animals his brothers and sisters. All ani mals need to be leashed/caged/cooped so that everyone can have a good time! Come, and bring a friend. 10 GOOD NEWS October 2014 VO L U M E X VI I I S S U E 9 11 October 2014 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 1 7:00 PMB i b l e S tu d y Friday 2 7 : 0 0 P M - AA (F e l l o w s h i p Hall) 7:00 PMChurch Council 5 9 : 0 0 AM Wo r s h i p S e r vi c e (S a n c tu a r y ) 1 0 : 1 5 AM Sunday School 1 0 : 3 0 AM Stewardship C o m mi t t e e 1 1 : 3 0 AM Blessing of the An i m a l s 6 1 0 : 0 0 AM - P a s t o r in the Office 6:00 PMC o n f i r ma t i o n Class 7:00 PM-Bristol Chorale Society 7:00 PM – Faith on the Go (P a n e r a B r e a d ) 7 6:00 PMP a s t o r i n th e Office 6 : 0 0 P M - Yo u th Choir 6:45 PM-Bell Choir 7 : 3 0 P M - Ad u l t Choir 12 9 : 0 0 AM Wo r s h i p S e r vi c e (S a n c tu a r y ) 1 0 : 1 5 AM Sunday School 1 1 : 3 0 AM Sunday School Te a c h e r s M e e ti n g 13 Pastor not in Office 6:00 PM-No C o n f i r ma t i o n Class 7:00 PM-Bristol Chorale Society 14 1:30 PMWo m e n ' s Guild 6:00 PMP a s t o r i n th e Office 6 : 0 0 P M - Yo u th Choir 6:45 PM-Bell Choir 7 : 3 0 P M - Ad u l t Choir 15 7:00 PMB i b l e S tu d y 7:00 PMFinance C o m mi t te e 19 9 : 0 0 AM Wo r s h i p S e r vi c e C o z y C o ve r Display/Blessin g (S a n c t u a r y ) 1 0 : 1 5 AM Sunday School 20 1 0 : 0 0 AM - P a s t o r in the Office 6:00 PMC o n f i r ma t i o n Class 7:00 PM-Bristol Chorale Society 21 6:00 PMP a s t o r i n th e Office 6 : 0 0 P M - Yo u th Choir 6:45 PM-Bell Choir 7 : 3 0 P M - Ad u l t Choir 26 9 : 0 0 AM Wo r s h i p S e r vi c e (S a n c tu a r y ) 1 0 : 1 5 AM Sunday School 27 1 0 : 0 0 AM - P a s t o r in the Office 6:00 PMC o n f i r ma t i o n Class 7:00 PM-Bristol Chorale Society 28 6:00 PMPastor in the Office 6 : 0 0 P M - Yo u th Choir 6:45 PM-Bell Choir 7 : 3 0 P M - Ad u l t Choir 6:00 PMYo u th L o c k in - Synod 9 Pastor not in Office 7 : 0 0 P M - AA (F e l l o w s h i p Hall) 4 4:00 PMWo r s h i p S e r vi c e (C h a p e l ) 10 11 4:00 PMWo r s h i p S e r vi c e (C h a p e l ) 16 17 7:30pm AL AN O N ; Yo u th R o o m 18 4:00 PMWo r s h i p S e r vi c e (C h a p e l ) 22 Pr e p f o r Oktoberfest 12:00 PMB r i s to l Clergy Lunch (B AR C ) 23 Pr e p f o r Oktoberfest 7 : 0 0 P M - AA (F e l l o w s h i p Hall) 7:00 PMO u tr e a c h & Mission M e e ti n g 24 Pr e p f o r Oktoberfest 7:30 PMAL AN O N (Yo u th Room) 25 4:00 PMWo r s h i p S e r vi c e (C h a p e l ) 5:30 PMOktoberfe st 29 30 M e a l s f o r th e Ne e d y a t Zion 7:00 PMB i b l e S tu d y 8 Saturday 3 6:30 PMWo r s h i p C o m mi t te e 6:30 PMC h r i s ti a n E d u c a ti o n C o m mi t te e 7 : 0 0 P M - AA (F e l l o w s h i p Hall) 7 : 0 0 P M - AA (F e l l o w s h i p Hall) Pastor not in Office 7:30 PMAL AN O N (Yo u th Room) 31 7:30 PMAL AN O N (Yo u th Room) GOOD NEWS October 2014 VO L U M E X VI I I S S U E 9 12 Pastoral Care Help us to provide good pastoral care by keeping the church up -to-date wi th what’s going on in our lives as part of God’s family. Please call the church office and let Pastor know if… * You are in need of prayer ; * You are ill or hospitalized; * You wish to be anointed for healing and/or wholeness; * A baby is born in your family; * A family member dies; * You wish to be married; * You wish to be baptized or have a child baptized; * You wish to receive communion; * You are moving, or have changed your contact information; or * You would like to join St. Andrew Faith on the Go! Faith on the Go! When Loving our Neighbor is Tough. Joi n us for casual conversation in the community the first Monday of the month. W e will meet at Panera Bread (1214 Farmington Avenue) at 7 pm, Monday, October 6 . Enjoy a beverage or a bite, good company, and faithful conversation. This month we are digging into how we love our neighbors when it’s tough: the bullies and know i t alls , the gossips and social climbers, the prejudiced and self -absorbed. How do we see God in each other when we do harm, damage to one another? How do we honor ourselves and each other as beloved of God? Come, relax, converse with friends or friends to be made. GOOD NEWS October 2014 VO L U M E X VI I I S S U E 9 What’s Happening at St. Andrew October 3 r d Synod-Wide Lock-In October 5 t h Animal Blessing 11:30 October 6th Faith on the Go 7pm at Panera Bread October 19th Cozy Covers Display and Blessing at service October 25 t h OktobertFest St. Andrew Style! 5:30 pm 13 GOOD NEWS October 2014 VO L U M E X VI I I S S U E 9 October Birthdays 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th Peggy Hoyt Joelle Stairs Angela Provenzano Jacob Chamberland Bob Herold Amanda Rios Mark Shackf ord 18 t h 21 s t 9th 12 t h Bob Dev eau Jennifer Bellef leur Edward O’Regan Anna Boisvert David Nelson James Beaucar Pat Ginter Lena Morse Joan Strecker 25 t h 26 t h 14 t h 15 t h 16 t h 22 n d 23 r d 27 t h 31 s t Marianne Beaudoin Mildred Boisvert Peter Mitchell Donna Ropp Renee Werner Larry Beaulieu Kaylie Torres George Wentland Hilda Schauss Carol Emond Jared Procko Nancy Siecienski Stacy Lorenzetti David Beaucar Holly Talmadge CARE OF CREATION IDEA: Thank you so very much for all your generosity in keeping our grocery cart full! We are now on a once a month pick -up schedule! Don’t forget about taking advantage of the all those 10 for $10 or Can -Can Sales! THANK YOU to all who donated for Lutheran Social Services New England Synod Appeal 14 GOOD NEWS October 2014 VO L U M E X VI I I S S U E 9 PASTORAL CARE PLEASE REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS… Those in need of healing: Rick Barnard, Brandan Cole, Michelle Govoni, James Howe, Anneliese Kolhosser, Joan Lagasse, Russell Modeen, Cullen Murphy, Roger Rinaldi, Ron St. Pierre, Lois St. Pierre, Sharon Shenk, Perk Talmadge, and Dorothy Wagner. Those in nursing homes and the homebound: Astrid Bekstrom, Lydia Dallmann, Dorothy Forrest, Lawrence Demske, Alma Fawcett, Lillie Gorr, Ruffina Hein, Walter Hintz, and Marie Ouellette. Baptisms: Funerals: James Govoni Esther Schmidt Irene DeCarolis If pastoral care is needed, please contact the Church Office at 860.583.5809. Pastor Pope will be available in the office on Mondays from 10-1 and Tuesdays 6pm-8pm and other times with an appointment. PASTORAL ACTS We will be resetting the prayer list monthly. If you wish to add someone to the list, please fill out a prayer request or contact Maryann in the office via email or at 860-583-5809. PURPOSE STATEMENT We are committed to seeking out people for membership in Christ’s family, studying God’s Word together that we may grow in his grace, strengthening our lives with regular worship and fellowship and 15 sharing our time, talents, and treasure that Jesus will be known to all people through our words and deeds. GOOD NEWS 1125 Stafford Avenue Bristol, CT 06010 860.583.5809 October 2014 VO L U M E X VI I I S S U E 9 16 The Monthly Newsletter is no longer mailed to members. I t is posted monthly on the website. Please remember your neighbors and those who do not have internet access by bringing them a copy. Printed versions of the news letter are available all month in the narthex and on the racks in the rear entry and the fellowship hall. A Congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America CONGREGATION COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESIDENT Robert Herold VICE PRESIDENT Keith Clark SECRETARY Ellie Miller TREASURER Thea Griffin OUTREACH AND MISSION LIAISON Katherine Cutter FINANCE COMMITTEE LIAISON William Flaherty WORSHIP COMMITTEE LIAISON Leana Gleicher PROPERTY COMMITTEE LIAISON Kenneth Griffin PARISH LIFE LIAISON Robin Landrette STEWARDSHIP LIAIASON Arlene Creswell CHRISTIAN EDUCATION LIAISON Sue Phaneuf LIAISON AT-LARGE Alex Carros LIAISON AT-LARGE Sue Landry
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