University of Cologne Institute of Geography International Week 29 October 2014: Infoabend Auslandsstudium Zeit und Ort: 18 Uhr, Raum Ü3, Südbau Die Veranstaltung ist für alle Studierende des Geographischen Instituts offen und insbesondere für diejenigen wichtig, die 2015 im Ausland studieren möchten. Es werden u.a. Vertreter des akademischen Auslandsamtes dabei sein, um Fragen zu PROMOS-Stipendien PROMOS etc. zu beantworten. 30 October 2014: International Evening Time and place: 6 pm, Room Ü3, Südbau With this event we address and welcome all international guests, guests scholars, Ph.D. candidates and students at the Institute of Geography, who are staying in Cologne during the Winter Term 2014/2015. Furthermore, all colleagues at the Institute are highly welcome to join this event. We would like to take this opportunity to get to know each other and have a chat about living in Cologne and working in the field of Geography. Programme: - A word of welcome by Peter Dannenberg, Managing Director of the Institute of Geography and Chair of Human Geography - A brief overview on history and key activities of the Institute of Geography - A glance at services and events for international guests, presented by members of the university’s international office - A talk by Humboldt Research Fellow Dr. Arnald Puy about his field of research - Casual evening with snacks and drinks 2 November 2014: Field Trip Time and place: 2 pm, in front of the Rotunda ("Rundbau Rundbau“) It is our pleasure to invite all international guests to a half-day half field trip on “Changing Working and Living Conditions in Cologne”. Please register for the International Evening and Field Trip by sending an e-mail e to Janina Windmüller: [email protected] Weblink for further details: Organised by: Dr. Pamela Hartmann and Janina Windmüller Institute of Geography, University of Cologne, Albertus-M Magnus-Platz, D-50923 Köln - contact: Dr. Pamela Hartmann, [email protected] .de,
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