Our Lady of Malibu Catholic Church 3625 Winter Canyon Road, Malibu, California 90265 Telephone (310) 456-2361 Fax (310) 456-3942 Website: olmalibu.org E-Mail: [email protected] PARISH STAFF Parish Office (310) 456-2361 Fax (310) 456-3942 Rev. William F. Kerze, Pastor Sr. Brigid McGuigan, Pastoral Associate Peggy Thomas, Parish Manager Tom Thomas, Parish Bookkeeper Marie Slaton, Director of Religious Education WORSHIP AND PRAYER Daily Mass (Mon, Tues, Wed, Fri.) 8:00 AM (Thurs) Eucharistic Service 8:00AM Saturday morning Mass 8:00 AM (unless otherwise listed) Liturgical Morning Prayer 7:50 AM Rosary 8:30 AM Sunday Vigil Mass (Saturday) CONVENT Sister of St. Louis (310) 456-6156 MUSIC MINISTRY Peter Torsiello, Director (310) 281-9603 Laura DeMieri, Associate Director (310) 456-2361 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Marie Slaton (310) 456-2361 OLM SCHOOL (310) 456-8071 Michael Smith, Principal Karen Medrano, School Secretary Tom Thomas, School Bookkeeper Sunday Masses 7:00, 8:30, 11:00 AM Holy Day Masses 8:00, 12:00 PM, 7:30 PM First Friday Mass 8:00 AM SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Saturday Daily MINISTRIES 4:00 to 4:45 PM By Appointment SACRAMENTAL PREPARATION Altar Servers Jean Muldoon (310) 457-5017 Catholic Student Association Dr.Tom Vandergon (805) 604-1938 Detention Ministry Jerry Vogeler (310) 397-1376 Lectors & EM’s Debra Domeyer (310) 589-2690 Legion of Mary Bill Baldau (310) 456-2252 Ministry to Homebound Shirley D’Haenens (310) 457-5383 Pro-Life Chair Katherine Cimorelli Safeguard the Children Karen Dion 5:00 PM Baptism Instruction: A parent wishing to have a child baptized at Our Lady of Malibu must contact the Parish Office to register. Baptisms: Confirmation: Marie Slaton Fourth Sunday of the Month (310) 456-2361 Marriage: Anyone within Our Lady of Malibu Parish boundaries wishing to contract the Sacrament of Marriage must contact a priest at least six months in advance of the wedding date. RCIA Program: Sr. Brigid McGuigan (310) 456-2361 Picture of OLM Done By: Ellen Cerniglia (310) 456-2361 Page 2 Our Lady of Malibu Catholic Community October 19. 2014 Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time Our Mission The Catholic Community of Our Lady of Malibu welcomes all people to worship God, to grow spiritually in the Catholic faith, and to receive encouragement and direction in shaping the wider world in light of the Gospel. Treasures From Our Traditions When the fathers of the Second Vatican Council met to discuss the sacrament of penance, they were required to draw up a new rite, including several forms. The hot button for debate was so-called “general absolution,” by which a penitent could be absolved of sin without confessing to a priest. This was a difficult debate, compounded by widely varying traditions in both East and West. Some were surprised to learn that the Holy See had already given permission, during the First and Second World Wars, for this form. In 1944 the Vatican issued a decree saying this form was valid under extreme conditions, which bishops in mission lands and Latin America took as a kind of “blanket permission.” Thus, the fathers of the Council were alarmed to find this practice fairly widespread, not only in war, but in peaceful places with huge numbers of faithful and few priests. Although they eventually produced a ritual with three different forms, the forms are not considered equal, and the enriched and revised individual form is preferred. The enrichments include a welcome of the penitent, a sign of the cross with an encouragement to trust in God’s compassion, new texts rich in the Word of God, praise for God’s mercy, and a dismissal. —Rev. James Field, Copyright © J.S. Paluch Co. RE Classes Registrations are still being accepted for students in Grades 1-8. Classes meet on Sundays from 9:45 to 10:45. Contact Marie Slaton at [email protected] for additional information. Households of Faith This is a program for any family in the parish who would like to have a monthly packet of materials to use in their home. This month’s packet focuses on St. Francis of Assisi. There are 10 packets left. If you would like one, just contact Marie Slaton. Parent/Child Workshop This program is for students who have made their First Confession and First Communion. An adult and child meet together once a month. Contact Marie Slaton for additional information. Question of the Week Question from Life: How do you affect the values and commitments of your workplace? Question from the Gospel: How do you honor the image of God in yourself? In others? “Repay to Caesar what belongs to Caesar, and to God what belongs to God.” —Matthew 22:21 After each Mass this weekend we will celebrate the Renewed Church with a Wine and Cheese Reception in Sheridan Hall on Saturday night and a Brunch after each Mass on Sunday morning. Morning Bible Study We are studying the book of The Acts of the Apostles each Thursday at 10:30am in the Lower Conference Room. All interested are welcome to join us. Books are available in the Rectory. Page 3 CALENDAR Time to Celebrate Sun, 19th Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time Sunday Symposium, Sheridan Hall, 9:45am Mon, 20th AA Meeting, Hall, 6:30pm Al Anon Meeting, Hall, 8:00pm Tues, 21st NA Meeting, Hall, 7:30pm Wed, 22nd Evening Bible Study, Lower Conf., 6:30pm Thurs, 23rd Morning Bible Study, Lower Conf., 10:30am Fri, 24th Men’s AA, Hall, 6:00pm Al Anon Meeting, Okoneski Room, 6:15pm Sat, 25th Legion of Mary, Rectory, 8:30am Confessions, Church, 4:00- 4:45pm Vigil Mass, Church, 5:00pm Reception in Sheridan Hall after Mass Evening Bible Study We are now gathering on Wednesday evenings to study the Word of God and Jesus’ teachings, and how to respond in our own lives as disciples of Christ. As further exegesis, we will also explore the life and ministry of the Apostle Paul. Join us 6:30-8:00pm in the Lower Conference Room. Becoming Catholic Are you interested in exploring what it means to be Catholic? Do you know someone who is interested In the Catholic Church? We have a special process for adults to help them understand what it means to be a Catholic Christian and whether they are being called by God to live as Catholics. If you are interested, contact Sr. Brigid at the rectory (310-456-2361). Mexico Mission Thanks to your support, we had a successful trip to Tijuana on September 20th. We distributed food to 300 families and over 260 backpacks and school supplies were handed out to the local children. We have set the date for our next trip for January 3, 2015 and because of the holidays we are preparing early and would like to start collecting goods now. We are asking for canned goods (tuna, soup, vegetables, fruit), juice packs, dry pasta, hard candy, peanut butter and jelly; things that can be easily stored for a few months. Of course, you can bring any of the items listed on the grocery bags which are at the back of the church. We also take monetary donations which we use to purchase food to compliment your donations. It is your continued support that enables us to bring this much needed help to our less fortunate brothers and sisters in Tijuana. Mass Intentions Oct 22 Salvatore Merlino 10/19/14 R.I.P. Welcome! If you are new in the Parish or have moved to a new address, please complete this form,and return it to the Parish Office or place it in the collection basket. NAME ____________________________________ ADDRESS __________________________________ CITY _____________________ ZIP _____________ PHONE ___________________ DATE ___________ □ New Registration □ Change of Address □ Moving out of Parish □ Volunteer
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