Welcome If you are a visitor to St. Rose of Lima we want you to know how welcome you are, whether you have come from another part of the country, or from across the world, or simply from another parish in the Diocese. Please join us in the church basement after Sunday Mass for coffee, goodies and conversation. Welcome to Fr. Marc Parent Fr. Marc is our celebrant until Fr. Mike returns. This week in the parish: Monday, February 2nd. 6 – 8 p.m. Weight Watcher’s meeting Thursday, February 5th. NO Mass Friday, February 6th. No Mass and Adoration 9 – 3 p.m. VIHA Mobile Adult meeting Saturday, February 7th. 10:30 am -12:30 pm Sooke Philharmonic Chorus Choir practice 5 p.m. Mass - Intentions for the people St. Vincent de Paul collection after mass Sunday, February 8th. 10 am Mass St. Vincent de Paul collection after mass “In so far as you did this for one of the least of my brothers, you did it for me” Unfortunately, life is more difficult for some individuals then ourselves, please remember those who are less fortunate. Thank you! St. Rose of Lima Conference – The Society of St. Vincent de Paul Please Pray for all our parishioners who are ill, at home, or in the hospital; Andrew Cullum, Corina & Basil DeVries, Peter Kaglik, Fr. Gary Hartmann. Feb. 6th. to our friends: Robert Sequin, Jan. 31. Marquerite Swallow, Feb. 3rd. Caroline Coakley, The Pastor’s Desk Greetings from Fort Nelson I was saying last week how warm it has been here in Fort Nelson and on Tuesday of this week the temperatures dropped to more seasonal temperatures of -17 highs and -27 for the lows. The forecast is for light snowfall and after that sunny for the weekend and into next week. On Tuesday I will be going up to Whitehorse for a few days to visit. It is about 960 km from here so a day`s drive. Laird Hot Springs is on the way and I be bringing my swimming trunks to dip into the springs on the way there and back to Fort Nelson. Fr. Mike Volunteers needed to help with the Sunday Coffee after mass. If we like to have coffee/cookies and refreshments after mass we need the help of more people to set up the coffee/tea and do the cleanup afterwards. Beverley, Paula and Marjorie doing it for months now and they need a break. Please see the list on the bulletin board and sign your name to the week that you like to volunteer. We need 2-3 people per week. Men welcome too! Thank you. The 2014 Income Tax Receipts for your donations are at the foyer. Please take yours on your way home. 2015 Collection Envelopes Please take your named box with collection envelopes home after mass. There also free (not assigned to a person) envelopes for those that would like start using them to get a tax receipt at the end of the year. Pre Authorized Donation forms (PAD) available next to the envelopes. Please read the Synod Reflection letter by Bishop Gary Gordon. Copies of the questionnaire are available by request from our parish office if you don’t like to download it yourself from our parish’s or the Diocesan website. Ordination Celebration! You are invited! The Diocese of Victoria celebrates the Ordination of Deacon Harrison Ayre to the Priesthood on Saturday February 7th at 10 am at the Cathedral & all are invited. A noon Reception will follow at St. Andrew's Elementary School Gym. Collection Envelopes PAD Loose Total Budget Difference 25/01/15 888 444 82 1,414 1,750 -336 YTD 4,820 1,776 547 7,144 7,000 144 Eucharistic Miracles Exhibition is coming to Our Lady of the Rosary Parish, Langford, 798 Goldstream Ave. There will be an opening Mass on Wednesday February 4th at 6:30 pm followed by the opening of the exhibition. The exhibition runs from Thursday February 5th to Sunday February 8th in the mornings from 9:30 am to 3:30 pm and in the evenings from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm. For more information please contact 250.478.3482 or e-mail at [email protected]. YDISCIPLE – Parish Youth Group for Students Grades 7 – 10 YOUTH PARTY Friday, February 13th. at 7 p.m. at Our Lady of the Rosary Parish Hall, 798 Goldstream Ave. Langford. This is a pot luck event. Bring a friend or two. We will have a Presentation about St. Valentin; Games, Music & Dance. Appropriate dress required upon entrance. Info? Contact the OLOR parish office Ph.: 250-478-3482 Email: [email protected] Catholic Schools’ Week Today marks the beginning of Catholic Schools’ Week (CSW) in British Columbia. The theme this year is Catholic Schools Live the Joy of the Gospel. Each and every year, Catholic schools throughout the province join together to send a message about the importance and value of Catholic education. For those that are not aware, there are six Catholic Schools in the Diocese (5 elementary and 1 high school) educating 1700 students. The schools are: John Paul II in Port Alberni, St. Joseph’s School in Chemainus, Queen of Angels School in Duncan St. Joseph’s Elementary, St. Patrick’s Elementary and St. Andrew’s Regional High School in Victoria. Thank you to all who have and are supporting our Catholic schools. We ask that whether you have a Catholic school in your community or not, please pray for our Catholic schools. Our schools are a blessing to the diocese and the mission of Catholic Education! Diocesan Responsible Ministry and Safe Environment Coordinator (parttime position) The Diocesan Responsible Ministry and Safe Environment Coordinator administers the Responsible Ministry and Safe Environment policy for the protection of children and vulnerable adults in Diocese of Victoria and Island Catholic Schools. The incumbent will implement policies, provide training, respond to questions, maintain correspondence and respond to concerns brought forward under the direction of the Advisory Committee. A detailed job description is posted on our website http://www.rcdvictoria.org/ Please submit your resume to: Diocese of Victoria, Attention: Responsible Ministry and Safe Environment Advisory Committee, 4044 Nelthorpe St., Victoria, B.C., V8X 2A1 or via email to [email protected] by February 20th, 2015. 'Join with us at a special Prayer and Music in the style of TAIZE service, Friday Feb 13th at 6 pm at Christ Church Cathedral. 930 Burdett Ave in the Jerusalem Chapel. Brother Emile from Taize community in France will be our guest for the weekend and on Saturday Feb 14th at 6 pm we will have a second Taize service at Fairfield United. All are welcome to these Ecumenical gatherings.' Contact for Assistance: Fr. Mike Favero 250.419.1392 Parish Office: 250.642.3945 Parish Secretary: Rita Rieper Liturgy Co-ordinator: Mary Warner 250.474.0454 Finance: Mike Attard 250.642.4985 Parish Pastoral Council Chairperson: Mary Warner 250.474.0454 Baptism: Fr. Mike Favero 250.419.1392 [email protected] Religious Education Co-Ordinator: Ann Potts 250.642.0201 [email protected] Father Mike Favero and the Community of St. Rose of Lima Welcome You to Our Celebration! Sketch by Peter Kaglik Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Saturday, January 31st. & Sunday, February 1st. 2015 Mass Times: Saturday 5:00 p.m. Sunday 10:00 a.m. Thursday 10.30 a.m. Reconciliation, Baptism, Weddings: Please call to make an appointment. Office Hours: Tuesday 12:00 noon – 3:00 p.m. Wednesday 10:00 am – 12:00 noon Thursday 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. Office Phone: 250.642.3945 Office Fax: 778.425.3945 Fr. Mike Favero: 250.419.1392 E-Mail: [email protected] Mailing Address: St. Rose of Lima Parish 2191 Townsend Rd. Sooke, B.C. V9Z 0H4 E-mail Fr. Mike: [email protected] Are you new to our Parish? We would like to hear from you! Please complete the Parish Registration form located at the front of the church or contact the parish office. Allergies: To help people with allergies, please do not wear perfume, scented bodylotion or aftershave at Mass. Thank you. Please make sure your cell phone is turned off. Thank you. Please visit our website www.strosesooke.org Bulletin Deadline: Wednesday at 1:00 p.m.
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