Page 2 October 19, 2014 ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT Monday, October 20 7:30AM Deanna Asbrand (A) RB/Asbrand Family 6:30PM Forgotten Souls in Purgatory 7:30PM Mass & Healing Service Tuesday, October 21 7:30AM Ferdinando D’Angelo (A) RB/Maria Bellusci 2:00PM Rosary & Prayer Hour — Chapel 6:30PM Michael Barbalace (A) RB/Grandparents Wednesday, October 22 7:30AM Dorothy Czarnecki (A) RB/Salewski Family 3:00PM Prayers for Priests, Religious & Vocations 6:30PM Adeline Malone (A) RB/Mary & Family Thursday, October 23 7:30AM John Scibek RB/Doris Scibek 6:30PM Deacon Dave Harris Friday, October 24 7:30AM John Hlubik RB/Salewski Family 6:30PM Louise Kelly RB/Helen Varani Saturday, October 25 7:30AM Helen Gogo Milas RB/Jean & Bill Malloy 5:00PM Mass for St. Mary’s Parishioners Sunday, October 26 7:00AM William Murl RB/Nephew 8:30AM Russell Mich, Sr. RB/Kathy & Russ Mich 10:00AM Jean Connolly MASSES Saturday Evening: 5:00 P.M. Sundays: 7:00, 8:30, 10:00 and 11:30AM. Weekdays: M-F 7:30 and 6:30 P.M., Sat. 7:30AM Eve before a Holy Day: 7:00 P.M. Holy Days: 7:30 and 10:00 A.M. and 7:00 P.M. BAPTISMS Sundays at 12:15PM. Arrangements are to be made at the rectory at least 6 weeks in advance and are done on 1st & 3rd Sunday of the month. is held in the Chapel Mon. 9am-7pm, Tues. 9am-2pm & 5-10pm, Wed. 9am-9pm, Thurs. 9am-12pm & 5-10pm, Fri. 9am-9pm and Sat. from 9am to 1pm. CONFESSIONS Saturday from 4PM to 4:30PM and after the 5PM Saturday evening Mass. NOVENA In honor of the Miraculous Medal each Wednesday evening at 7PM. MARRIAGES Arrangements are to be made at least 1 year in advance. SICK CALLS Urgent calls any time of day or night. Arrangements for Communion calls to the sick or confined to the home are to be made by contacting the rectory. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Public elementary school children on Sunday morning at 8:00, 9:30, and 11:00 A.M. PARISH REGISTRATION We welcome new parishioners to the parish, and we ask them to register as soon as possible. If you are not registered we are not able to issue testimonial letters for sponsorship for the Sacraments or character references to schools or for employment. If you move from the parish please notify the rectory. ENVELOPE SYSTEM The regular use of envelopes provides for a stable income to the church. This enables the pastor to plan for repairs, future expansion and improvements. We urge all parishioners to make regular use of PARISH ORGANIZATIONS: Adoration Cathy Lippincott 499-9909 Adult Choir Jac Madson 758-7243 Adult Faith Formation Earl Alger 298-7071 Contemporary Choir Cathy Alphonse 291-9204 Food Pantry Jonette Tilton 977-1136 Knights of Columbus Alan Moshinsky 298-8710 Liturgy Committee Jack Laciskey 587-1397 Open Hearts, Willing Hands (Interfaith Caregivers) Judy Pesce 298-5395 Pastoral Council Jack Laciskey 587-1397 Rosary & Altar Society Helene Shea 298-7612 Senior Citizens Club Joe Harcar 298-4396 Sports Committee John Bacovin 638-9054 St. Vincent de Paul Society Mary Williams 298-1414 of er Word Life Pray- Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 19, 2014 Messages From Fr. Mike On this World Mission Sunday, we recognize the thousands of Catholic Missionaries who travel to foreign lands and bring the Good News of Jesus Christ to people hungering for this message of God’s love. Today we have the opportunity to show our support for these courageous men and women by our prayers and contributions in the annual Mission Sunday offering. In Baptism we are all called to be missionaries—to share our faith. May we respond to this call with generosity and love for all God’s people. Millions of people around the world go to bed hungry every night, and this afternoon concerned people for several area churches will walk and raise funds to combat world hunger as part of the Bordentown Area CROP Walk. I will be taking part in the Walk once again this year along with a few of our Confirmation candidates, and I thank all who have donated to this worthy cause. One fourth of the money raised will be given to our own Food Pantry to assist the hungry here in our community. The CROP Walk begins at 2 PM at the First Baptist Church on Prince Street. Fr. Tom Ganley will celebrate a Healing Mass in our church this Monday at 7:30 PM, and all are welcome. At the end of the Mass, there will be individual prayers and laying on of hands for those who are sick and suffering. This Tuesday at 6:30 PM we will have an important meeting for parents of children preparing for their First Penance in our school hall. Parents attending this meeting will receive important information about this sacrament and will have the opportunity to select the times for their children’s First Penance and First Holy Communion. Please pray for all the children preparing to experience God’s forgiving love in the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Don’t forget to return your All Souls envelopes in the collection basket no later than next Sunday if possible. On All Souls Day, November 2nd, we will begin offering a series of Masses for all deceased loved ones and parishioners whose names are submitted. Also, on Tuesday, November 4th, we will celebrate our annual Remembrance Mass for families who have lost a loved one during the past year. If you wish to participate in this special Mass, please fill out a response form in the back of church or from last week’s bulletin and drop it in the collection basket today or next weekend. Names of loved ones will be recited by Deacon Tom Shea and a candle will be given to each family. Next Sunday I will visit St. Paul’s Church in Burlington to take part in their 150th Anniversary Mass and celebration. I spent 8 good years at St. Paul’s from 1978 to 1986 and still have many friends from that parish. Would you like to learn more about the Mass? I invite you to come to our 4-part series on the Parts of the Mass which will begin on Monday, October 27th at 7 PM in our school hall. Each session includes a brief video, small group discussions and refreshments. Please see today’s bulletin MEETINGS OF THE WEEK Mon. 7:00 PM Mary’s Weavers Parish Center, downstairs 7:30 PM Mass & Healing Service (Church) & reception (School Hall) 6:30 PM First Penance Parents Prep Meeting (School Hall) 7:00 PM Liturgy Meeting Parish Center, downstairs Wed. 7:00 PM Bingo (School Hall) Thurs. 7:00 PM RCIA Tues. Remembrance Mass Our annual Mass remembering loved ones who have passed away during the last year will be held on Tuesday, November 4th, at 7PM, and registration forms are available in the rear of our church for those wishing to include the What: When: Where: Catholic, collegial support and resources for the unemployed and those in career transitions 7-8 PM on the first Wednesday of every month St. Mary’s Parish Center, first floor Sponsor: Knights of Columbus, Council 570 For more information, call Paul at 609-324-2811 Our own Deacon Tom Shea . . . . . . will be honored at the Bordentown Veterans Memorial Patriotic Ball on November 15th at the Old York Country Club. * * *Cocktails, hors d’oeuvres, dinner and dancing * * * * * * Black Tie optional—Tickets are $100 per person * * * For information, contact Stephanie Pecht (298-0128) or Barbara Cavallero (477-9029) Parts of the Mass Study – Oct 27th The parish is having a 4 week study on the Parts of the Mass. It will start on Monday Oct 27th at 7 PM in the school cafeteria. The study will continue every Monday for 4 weeks ending November 17th. Each night we will watch a 15–20 minute video by Jeff Cavins on the parts of the Mass. After the video we will break for refreshments and then continue as small groups discussing questions from the workbook. This study will open your eyes to every part of the Mass we celebrate as a Catholic community. The cost of the 4 week study is $5 and can be paid the first night of the study. This will help cover the cost of the refreshments, videos and workbooks. To register for the study, fill out a registration form at the table in the back of the church under the poster for the study; fill out the form on line at our website:; or call the parish office during normal office hours at 2980265. You must register no later than Oct 20th. Come to the study and really learn about the great gift we have as Page 4 October 19, 2014 Rosary and Altar Society News RESPECT LIFE MONTH “Each of Us is a Masterpiece of God’s Creation!” Please pray a Rosary a day throughout the month of October for LIFE. Why is it important to encourage and defend strong families, anchored in the faithful, permanent and fruitful marriage of one man and one woman? Pope Francis offered one simple answer in his homily on June 1, 2014: "Families are the ‘home church’ where Jesus grows. He grows in the spouses’ love and in the children’s lives. For this reason, the enemy attacks the family so much. The devil does not want it. He tries to destroy it, to prevent love from becoming free. … May the Lord bless the family and make it strong in the face of the crisis by which the devil wants to destroy it." LINENS Week of October 19 Maria Bellusci Week of October 26 Luz Moore If illness or any unforeseen scheduling conflicts occur before or during your assigned week for linens and you are unable to do them, please contact Helene at 298-7612 or Stephanie at 291-1816. UPCOMING EVENTS: >>WEEKDAY ROSARY–7AM & 8AM in the Chapel, before and after the 7:30AM Mass. >>ROSARY HOURS – EVERY TUESDAY from 2–3PM in the chapel; and EVERY WEDNESDAY at 3 PM for priests and religious. On Saturdays at 9AM the “Timeless Rosary” is recited. Please join us—ALL ARE WELCOME. Holy Father’s Prayer Intentions for October: — Peace: That the Lord may grant peace to those parts of the world most battered by war and violence; — That World Mission Day may rekindle in every believer zeal for carrying the Gospel into all the world. >>PRAYER SHAWL PROJECT – Mary’s Weavers - All parishioners and friends with knitting or crocheting skills, and those who are willing to learn, are invited to join us on Monday evenings at 7:00 PM in the downstairs meeting room, Parish Center. ALL ARE WELCOME. Interested? Telephone Helene Shea for more information at 298-7612. Next Meeting of group is October 20th. >>CLARE ESTATE ROSARY — Next recitation is scheduled for November 4th, at 10:30AM. >>COMMUNION SUNDAY — November 9th Rosary at 8:00AM; Mass at 8:30AM; Meeting to follow, in the Parish Center, upstairs room. Let us pray for all Rosarians, and especially our currently ill or suffering members and friends and their caring family members: Marie Rachmiel; Paul and Sue Shea; Susan H.; Joan MacMullan; Robert; Sophie Piller; Abigail L., and Linda G. and for their families; Patricia Krowicki; Catherine; Marilyn Rogalski; Reba Burrichter; Terry for lung cancer; Andrew S.; John T.; Bertha; Ted; Nancy K. and for her daughter Barbara’s healing; for Rose for a successful, healthy pregnancy; Lois M. and Teddy for fortitude and health; Jesse; Addie; Joyce; and Carl and Rosemary Brodowski. We continue to pray for the protection of our religious freedom and our conscience rights; for an end to abortion; for the family and sacramental Is God Calling you? Vocational discernment groups meet to assist young men who are discerning the possibility that God may be calling them to a life of priestly ministry. These groups are designed to explore a priestly vocation with other like-minded men through prayer and sharing vocation stories and experiences. The group meetings aren’t meant to convince anyone that the priesthood is their vocation. They are designed to assist someone in discovering if the priesthood is their true vocation and build their relationship with Christ along the way. If you are a faithful, single, Roman Catholic man between the ages of 18 and 40, and are asking yourself whether God is calling you to be a priest, you are encouraged to attend this month’s discernment meeting which will be held on Sunday, October 26th from 4 PM to 6 PM at St. Gregory the Great parish, 4620 Nottingham Way, Hamilton Square, NJ. Please register with the Diocese of Trenton Vocation Office at [email protected] or by calling 406-7449. Join us for prayer, sharing vocation stories and concluding with a great meal and conversation. It’s an World Mission Sunday Every year on World Mission Sunday, Catholics of the world unite at Mass to recommit ourselves to our vocation, through Baptism, to be missionaries. The Church’s missionary activity begins with the proclamation of faith: “Jesus is Lord!” He is our common hope – a hope that saves. Today we are called in a special way to be missionaries through prayer and participation in the Eucharist and by giving generously to the collection for the Society of the Propagation of the Faith. As we pray and respond on World Mission Sunday here at home, we are sharing in those celebrations taking place in every parish, seminary, school and convent all over the world. Our brothers and sisters in the Missions themselves offer their prayers and sacrifices so that others may come to know Jesus. In a world where so much divides us, World Mission Sunday rejoices in our unity as missionaries. And it provides an opportunity to support the life-giving presence of the Church among the poor and suffering in more than The Gifts of the Holy Spirit: Wisdom, Understanding, Counsel, Knowledge, Bordentown Area CROP Walk — Oct. 19 The annual Bordentown Area CROP Walk to combat world hunger will take place next Sunday, October 19th, and once again this year Fr. Mike and a few of our Confirmation candidates will be participating. Fr. Mike would gladly accept any donations to assist this interfaith initiative. Drop your contributions in the collection basket next weekend in a plain envelope marked “Fr. Mike— CROP Walk” or drop it off at our parish office. Any checks should be made out to “CWS—CROP”. The walk is 6 miles in length through the streets of Bordentown, and begins at 2 PM at the First Baptist Church on Prince Street, Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time October 19, 2014 “Repay to Caesar what belongs to Caesar, and to God what belongs to God.” — Matthew 22:21 Readings for Sunday, October 26, 2014: Exodus 22:20-26 In the book of Exodus we hear about laws against oppressing the alien/immigrant and the widow and the orphan; all considered weak and vulnerable. God is solicitous for the weakest and the most defenseless. God says: "if he cries out to me, I will hear him; for I am compassionate." We must be ready to show mildness and mercy, according to the Spirit of God. Psalm 18:2-4,47,51 I love you, Lord, my strength. 1 Thessalonians 1:5c-10 The Thessalonians became imitators of the apostle and of the Lord, because they received the preaching of the Word. This "imitation" is rooted in Paul's view of solidarity with Christ by sharing in Jesus' cross and in the Spirit of the risen Lord. If you get the opportunity this week, stop by the chapel, on the bookshelf is "The Imitation of Christ "by Thomas A. Kempis (1380-1471). Spend some time and read a few pages. And, as Pope Francis has requested: Carry a small book of the Gospels with you always, and every day randomly open up the book and read the Word of God. See what Jesus is saying to you every day. "When we hear the word of Jesus and we hold it in our hearts, the word of Jesus grows in us...and when does it grow? When we proclaim, when we give it to others. This is the Church's mission: to listen to Jesus and offer it to others.” Pope Francis 3/16/2014 Gospel - Matthew 22:34–40 Once again Jesus is being set up and tested by the Pharisees. There were many Mosaic laws and the scholar wanted to know the order of priority of these laws....which is the greatest? Jesus' response embodies the whole law. "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart with all your soul and with all your mind." We can hold nothing back in our relationship with God: this is the greatest and the first commandment. "The Mass and Healing Service – October 20th Is anyone among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord (James 5:14). Father Tom Ganley, a priest from the Diocese of Metuchen, will be offering a Mass on Monday October 20th at 7:30 PM for healing. During the Mass, a collection will be taken for Father Tom and his ministry. Following the Mass will be individual prayer and Laying on of Hands for the sick. Father Tom is an author, well-known speaker on Divine Mercy, and ministers in the Gift of Healing. Following the Mass and Laying on of Hands, a reception for Father will take place in the school cafeteria. For more info call Pat October 19, 2014 Traveling Faith – Oct 2014 – Power of the Rosary This month’s Traveling Faith CD is on the Power and Promises of the Rosary. Since Oct 7th is the memorial of Our Lady of the Rosary, it seemed only fitting to have a talk on the Rosary available for the parish to listen to in their cars as they travel around this great state of New Jersey. Once again you can find them on the table at the back of the church. We will replenish them all month, so if there are none when you check at the table, check back again next week and there should be more. For more info call the $1,000 BINGO — Every Wednesday Night Consolidated Fire Association (298-4761) is hosting a $1,000 Bingo at St. Mary’s school hall, every Wednesday evening. Parishioners are welcome! Supporting ALS Research The "ice bucket challenge" to raise support for ALS research has gone viral in recent weeks, drawing celebrities, everyday people and even cartoon character Homer Simpson. The ALS Association acknowledges using embryonic stem cell research in one specific study; the Church as you are aware opposes embryonic research using cells from unborn children and fertilized eggs. WE DO HAVE AN ALTERNATIVE TO WHICH WE CAN LEND OUR SUPPORT—The John Paul II Medical Research Institute in Iowa City, Iowa sponsors ethical ALS research without using embryonic stem cells, as well as other research on diseases. The Research Institute can be contacted at: Pilgrimage with Bishop O’Connell Bishop David O’Connell is leading a special Pilgrimage in the Footsteps of Saint John Paul II to Poland and Budapest from April 23rd to May 3rd, 2015. The itinerary includes visits to Warsaw, Czestochowa, Wadowice (St. John Paul’s birthplace), Lagiewniki (the capital of the Divine Mercy), Krakow, AuschwitzBirkenau, and Budapest. Cost is $3,999 per person double occupancy, or $4,698 single occupancy, which includes round trip airfare and taxes, nine nights’ accommodations at hotels, entrance fees and English speaking tour guides and gratuities. Fliers with Domestic Church Media Fundraiser WFJS 1260 AM — Trenton, Princeton & Bucks County Support our local Catholic radio station at a fundraiser this week — Eat at Texas Roadhouse restaurants in Hamilton or Bensalem on Wednesday, October 22nd, and 10% will be donated to Domestic Church Media. You must show the coupon—available from the website Page 6 October 19, 2014 Religious Educa on & Sacramental Programs st th 1 ~ 8 Grade & High School October 19, 26….RE Classes October 21……….First Penance Parent Prep; 6:30–8PM in School Hall October 26…………Confirmation Candidate’s “Choosing of a Christian Name” form due November 2, 9, 16, 23...RE Classes November 21…Advent Wreath Celebration – School Hall, 7:00–9:00 PM. Parents of 2nd Grade students are asked to attend a very important meeting in the School Hall on October 21st from 6:30—8:00PM. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss the Sacrament of Reconciliation and answer any questions you may have. You will also be requesting your child’s First Penance time and First Communion date at this time. We look forward to seeing you at this informative session. New Students – If you have forgotten to sign up for classes, it is not too late! Registration forms are available in the bookcase in the back of the church. Please note – if your child is new to our program, and was not baptized here at St. Mary’s Parish, we will need to see an original baptismal certificate. Thank you! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ All Dates, Notices and Calendars for Our Religious Education Programs are online at …. Please check website on a regular basis for updates. Also, important notices/updates will always be posted here! RE Office: (609) 291-8281 ext. 17 or 18, Fax #: (609) 298-7178, Email: [email protected] or [email protected], Website: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PARISHIONER ASSISTANCE NEEDED The Rosary & Altar Society is in need of additional help with caring for the linens that are used on our altars to the Lord. We will provide all the details in the special handling of these items vital in the Liturgical Service of the Mass. The time commitment is handled on a rotation basis. You need not be a member of the Rosary & Altar Society. If anyone is interested, please contact Helene Shea at 298-7612 or Stephanie Salewski at 291-1816. SHOPRITE GIFT CARDS — WEEKLY SHOPPING Shoprite Supermarket Gift Cards are available in various denominations from $10.00 to $100.00. The parish community earns a 5% return on every card purchased. Order forms are at all church exits or you may place orders by telephoning Stephanie at 291-1816. Thank you for considering this option which makes a routine weekly task a double blessing – food for your family and a benefit to your parish family. Note: We are suspending the purchase of other merchants’ gift cards at this time, due to Altar Servers — October 25th& 26th 5:00PM 7:00AM 8:30AM 10:00AM Team Team Team Team #1 #5 #10 #12 Coppola Bloom Hlubik Russello St. Vincent de Paul Society October 19, 2014: 29th Sunday in Ordinary time In the Gospel today Jesus says: “Repay to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and to God what belongs to God.” When God is the center of our lives there is no problem with giving others their due. Thank you to all who supported our mum sale and clothing and housewares drive last weekend. You donated over 100 bags of clothes and 35 boxes of household items. Thank you for your support! We are very happy to sponsor our Thanks-Giving Food Drive project again this year. Food and monetary donations will be accepted to provide Thanksgiving baskets to the guests of the St. Vincent de Paul Society and to provide the guests of the food pantry with food for their Thanksgiving dinners. There will be a flyer in the bulletin next weekend with all the details. Together, we can give “Thanks” to God by “Giving” to others. ...THE SICK who have been recommended to our prayers: Sr. Joyce Marie Riley, Shirley Mich, Ken Kreidler, Victoria Seda, Joan Shaw, Mary Mathews, Abigail Lynch, Cindy Marriott, Dominic Scolaro, Daniel Wilson, Deborah Peters, Merle Barrett, Karen C. Hillman, Rob Morton, Lawrence MacArthur, Rosemarie Brodowski, Lois Mayer, Jean Mizenko, Kathi Matey, Mary Cox, Zachary Slane, Hal Frock, Alice tenBerge, John tenBerge, Fred Baiocco, Jeanne Gelak, Golden Rasmussen, Angelo Nasti, Sophie Piller, Marie Rachmiel, Don Glover, Miron Gontowitz, Fr. Pat Connor, Michael Revesz, Kathy Alvarez, Diane Wilson, Ronald Rausse, Boleslaw Pacholek, Doris Scibek, Patricia Krowicki, Tom Moore, Marie Russo, Marilyn Rogalski, Thelma Jablonski, Mike Machulskis, Stephanie DeMarco, John Karp, Christine Wetterling, Virginia Plank, Connie Lippincott, Helen Seaman, Larry Steele, Mary Ellen Mancini, Al Rowley, Carl Brodowski, Primitivo Cruz, Robert Inman, Allison Eckman, Kelly, Antoinette Schroeder, Joan MacMullan, Joe Harcar, Kaley Lawrence and all of the sick of the parish. Pray For Our Deceased Louise Kelly Chapel Sanctuary Lamp Edward P. Foley, Jr. RB/Family
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