BOARD MEMBERS MN SWAP NEWSLETTER Barb Anderley, President 763-951-7819 Jen Lahmann, Vice President Summer/Fall 2014 320-252-6525 ext. 2186 Joni Johnson, Past President 507-288-8185 Sherry Hult, Secretary 763-971-6306 Margaret Hemauer, Treasurer 612-518-9685 Pamela Hayle, Education 612-238-5414 Julie Reginek, Membership 320-234-8588 Sandra Lacek, Promotions 507-275-3134 Annette Gunnerson, Editor 320-274-3737 ext. 260 Betty Braegelman, Storage & Vendor 320-254-8215 Megan Klockmann, Region 1 218-688-2106 Stacy Oakland, Region 2 218-723-6433 Nancy Burns, Region 3 320-766-8353 Kara Reiser, Region 4 763-421-5660 Becky Jenniges, Region 5 507-637-3587 Nancy Schwartz, Region 6 651-631-6075 Janice Rasmussen, Region 7 507-477-3266 ext.133 Conference Co-Chairs 2014 Laura Lenertz 651-631-6043 Gina Porter 651-631-6074 Liz Jurchisin 651-631-6076 Conference Co-Chairs 2015 Janice Rasmussen & Allison DeRaad President The summer is moving past quickly and our residents and staff are thoroughly enjoying the beautiful weather. With all the rain, our courtyard has never looked better. Like most of you, we have had to keep a tight budget. We have been taking better advantage of our courtyard and park across the street from our facility. The benefit to being so close is not only cost, but the ability to involve more residents. It can be as simple as a sing-a-long in the gazebo and it gives all of us a chance to enjoy the outdoors. Don’t forget to take advantage of the things right in front of us. We often take then for granted. We had a great speaker for the spring workshop Carmen Bowman. I would hope some of you have tried something new you learned. Soon our fall conference will be here and we will be sharing ideas. This year it will be “Peace, Love and Activities – Get on the Bus!” held in St Cloud October 8-10th. Every year I enjoy listening to the great speakers, but what I enjoy also is listening to what other activity departments are doing in their homes and sharing what we have been up to also. I get some of my best ideas listening to what other activities staff has tried. During the conference, at the annual business meeting, we will be taking nominations for Vice President. Voting will take place on Friday morning. Please seriously consider running for this position. You’ll have lots of help along the way and its fun getting to know other Activity Professionals from around the state in a much better way. Vice-President is a 3 year term. The first year is Vice-President, the second year is President and the third year is Past-President. Key job duties include: Vice-President: to perform the duties of the President in his/her absence and complete the term of President if the position is vacated. Solicit nominations for the MN SWAP sponsored awards and assist with submitting nominations of our MN SWAP award winners to NAAP/NCCAP for consideration of a National Award. President: to preside over all annual and Executive Board meetings; to direct the affairs of this association as its chief administrative officers; and would appoint members to fill any vacancies of office between elections. Past-President: is the advisor to the incoming MN SWAP President and Board. He/she is to acquaint new officers, committee chairs and regional representatives to the function of the Board and their new responsibilities. The Past-President is responsible for compiling questionnaire results; reviewing and assisting in updating job descriptions with the Board; and finishing uncompleted tasks or projects from the term as President. One resident who recently was in our home had a motto I would like to share because it could pertain to all of us. ”I shall pass this way but once, any good I can do and any happiness I can bring, let me do it now as I shall not pass this way again.” Barb Anderley Vice President I want to thank everyone for submitting nominations for the MN SWAP awards this year, it was almost like Christmas when I went to my mail box and looked in my email! It is great to see so many people going above and beyond for our older adults! I was lucky to attend the NCCAP Symposium in June to watch MN SWAP’s Administrator of the Year, Ernie Gershone, receive his National Award; I was proud to have Minnesota represented so well by such a humble and gracious person. It seems early, but the fall conference is just around the corner. MN SWAP has scholarship funds available for the fall conference, spring workshop and for other activity related educational opportunities. Please look at the website for further information and the application. The next deadline is August 1st. Enjoy the rest of your summer! Jen Lahmann REGION REPORTS Summer/Fall 2014 Region 1 Region 2 I am looking for someone in our region to take over as Region Rep. Please contact me at [email protected]. Megan Klockmann Head of the Lakes Activity Directors At our June meeting we had Shelly Raskovich, Activity Director at Aftenro Home presented on the history and benefits of Healing Touch and Qigong exercises for the elderly. With no side effects for their use, she demonstrated different exercises for relaxation, pain relief and stress reduction. She also shared the benefits of essential oils and various gemstones for pain relief and relaxation. The discussion also included the energy of foods that bring energy to the body using the Ayurveda teachings. If anyone has any questions contact Stacie Oakland at 218-723-6433 or email [email protected]. Region 3 The Region three members have been very involved in their recent workshop which was held in Moorhead on Monday June 3rd. Ombudsmen, Dan Tupy, Cory Jones, Ann Holme and Jane Brink were presenters. There were 60 participants that included Administrators, Nursing directors, Social services and Activities. Participants explored best practices and took home new ideas for implementation in their care centers. The next meeting will be held on August 25th at West Wind Village in Morris. Nancy Burns Region 5 Region 5 meets the third Wednesday of the month in Redwood Falls at the Pizza Ranch. In June we held our annual Activity Assistant Day. We were delighted to have Lisa Carter share her wisdom on small groups. And we held an open forum which was a huge success. In July we had a gal teach massage techniques in the morning and essential oils in the afternoon. Our August meeting will be with a representative from the Alzheimer's Association. If you would like more info on our meetings that are held or to be put on the mailing list you can contact me at [email protected] Becky Jenniges Region 6 MAPA Our conference co-chairs are getting everything in Groovy Shape for this fall’s conference: Peace, Love & Activities: Get on the Bus. October 8 -10th. Remember there will be a 60’s costume contest by region at the banquet this year- bring your dancing shoes!! Check out our website for speakers and updates: We have added job postings to help match employers and activity professionals! Check it out! Northern Group The Itasca Activity Directors group held a Senior Picnic on July 24th at the Veterans Memorial Park in Grand Rapids. We are expecting 65 to 70 participants and they will be entertained by Sandy’s Stompers and the Grand Village Floozies. We will have Hamburgers, Potato Salad, Cowboy Beans and Watermelon with Ice Cream Bars for dessert all provided at no charge to the seniors. We continue to coordinate events getting seniors from area facilities together for some fun! The Northern Activity Directors meetings are held in the Grand Rapids area and if you would like more information contact Wendy Griese, [email protected] or call 218-322-4740 for more information. The northern group meets the third Thursday of the month. Stacie Oakland Region 4 This is what you've been waiting for! Our fall workshop will be held at CentraCare Health-Melrose on September 5, 2014. The morning session will be on finding out what tools surveyors use! What methods and tools do the State Surveyors use to establish quality of life for residents through the activity department within a Health Care Facility? These tools include checklists and forms that guide what the surveyor observes, reads and participates in while at your nursing home. A question and answer session will be held afterwards. The afternoon speaker is: Debra Richman BS, ACC, on communication/ behavior techniques working with dementia and the latest research on Alzheimer's disease. Keep an eye out for the brochure in the mail or contact me Kara - [email protected], your Region 4 Representative for questions. Upcoming educational sessions for 2014: Thursday, September 11, 2014; All Day Seminar (see the website for location, times and membership information) “Aromatherapy Today in Health Care” Jodi Baglien, Holistic Practitioner, Certified Clinical Aroma Therapist Understanding of the benefits and uses of Aromatherapy in Health Care. How local facilities are using aromatherapy. Introduction to new products in aromatherapy designed for ease of use. “Stories, Cultures and Traditions Woven into International Folk Dance” Caren Grantz Keljik, International Folk Dance Instructor Telling our stories, sharing culture and tradition with music, dance and movement. Sitting or standing, using right and left brain, dancing and moving as a group. Skills enhancement, social engagement, and therapeutic engagement. Friday, November 14, 2014; All Day Seminar Watch the website for more details on locations and speakers! Nancy Schwartz Kara Reiser Region 7 The Region 7 Spring Workshop was held April 11th in Owatonna with 75 people attending. At the June board meeting, evaluations were reviewed and topics and speakers discussed for next year. The 2015 spring workshop will be hosted by Chapter 2. Their Chapter Rep is Kate Richards at [email protected] or Janice Rasmussen at [email protected]. The Engaging Our Seniors workshop is scheduled for September 26 at Woodlake Meeting Center in Rochester (210 Wood Lake Drive SE). This workshop will be very “hands on” and geared to workers in memory care, universal workers and team leaders, volunteers, activity aides and other staff who cannot attend other training events. Sessions will include adapting games for impairments, memory care, meaningful work, exercise, and handling behavior & conflict. Brochures for registration will be mailed to every facility in the region around the first of August, or you can contact Marie Howard at 507-725-3351 or e-mail to [email protected] or Cindy Sveen at 507-864-7714 or e-mail to [email protected]. Janice Rasmussen MORE REGIONAL NEWS AND HIGHLIGHTS Summer/Fall 2014 New Ad Deadlines and Publication Mailings Ad & Advertising Deadlines: November 1, 2014 March 1, 2015 July 20, 2015 Publication Deadlines: December 1, 2014 April 1, 2015 September 1, 2015 You can submit your articles and advertisements to me by mail to the Annandale Care Center, 660 Park St. East, Annandale MN. 55302 or email them to me at [email protected]. MN Swap does reserve the right to limit the number of ads and articles per issue due to the limited space and content. Annette Gunnerson, MN SWAP Editor Conference Co-Chairs Peace, Love and Activities – Get on the Bus! October 2014 MN SWAP Conference The members of Region 6 /MAPA invite you to join in the Flower Power movement at the MN SWAP Conference October 8-10, 2014. In addition to NEAT professional educational opportunities that are RIGHT ON, enjoy COOL networking with colleagues from all over the state, and sharing of best practices. The conference will include an opportunity to get DECKED OUT in FUNKY THREADS for a 60’s theme night supper and a 60’s themed costumed contest on Banquet & Awards Night. Save the date and plan to GET ON THE BUS with all of your GROOVY friends. It’s going to be FAR OUT and a real BLAST! Start planning your outfits for the 60’s - costume contest and polish up those dancing shoes so you will ready to get your groove on at the banquet!! Laura Lenertz Gina Porter Liz Jurchisin Promo Chair Promotions continues to seek fun and new ways to promote our activity profession. The MN SWAP board and the conference co-chairs have been working together on some fun ideas and a new clothing item at the promotions table to purchase along other items. Thanks for your support, hope to see you at the promo table at fall conference. Sandy Lacek Membership Report NCCAP Update This past June, NCCAP held their annual Symposium in Bloomington, MN with approximately 90 people attending. NCCAP is accepting a call for papers for the 2015 Symposium to be held in Raleigh/Durham, NC. More information is available on the website. Congratulations to Jennifer Lahmann and Ernie Goshen for their NCCAP awards. Ernie was MNSWAP’s Excellence in Administration recipient at the conference in fall. He received the NCCAPs Administration Award. Jennifer received NCCAP’s Best Practice award for her Music Memories program. NCCAP has created a new certification option for the home health worker. The Activity 101 training curriculum provides basics to help the home care worker create meaningful quality of life. The Home Health Certification (HCC) requires education, work experience, and continuing education. The HCC is also available as a specialization option for ADC or can be used for continuing education hours. Details are available on the NCCAP website. MN SWAP Website Two new pages have been added to the website; Activity Resources and Ideas page and a MN SWAP Resources page. Check it out! Please feel free to email me any resources that would be good to include! Julie Reginek MS, ACC, EDU, CDP [email protected] Vendor Chair Hello fellow Activity and Recreational Professionals! I am slowly receiving vendor agreements in the mail at this time. If you know of any vendor you would like to see at our conference be sure to shoot me an e-mail @ [email protected] with their name, phone number and address. See you in the fall, Betty Braegelman, Vendor Chair Betty Braegelman MORE NEWS AND HIGHLIGHTS Summer/Fall 2014 2015 Fall Conference Wham! Pow! Shazam! Region 7 is jumping right into the fray to capture the attention of all Minnesota Activity Professionals and remind them of the Super Heroes they are. Discovering super powers, engaging with other super heroes, and attaining new heights in super powers will be what’s happening at the 2015 MN SWAP Fall Conference. Bam! Zap! KaPow! Janice Rasmussen Allison DeRaad Technology Corner Unleash your creativity with Craftsy! Find out how to bring ideas to life and create projects that make you proud. Craftsy has more than 500 online classes in photography, cake decorating, cooking, painting, drawing, quilting, knitting, sewing, embroidery, jewelry making and beyond, so you can gain the skills you need to succeed. CALLING ALL SUPER HEROES!!! ASSEMBLE!!! October 7-9, 2015 St. Cloud Holiday Inn Same Bat Place! Same Bat Station! Education Update The annual fall conference is October 8-10, 2014 and I hope that you have registered or will be doing so in the next couple of weeks. If needed, download a brochure from the website to register. I am especially excited about our keynote speaker Chad Hymas. His motivating and emotional story of courage and adapting to change will be a perfect introduction to this year’s event. We also have two Friday morning intensives that should appeal to all levels of activity professionals. You may notice we are NOT encouraging you to pay your 2015 membership with conference registration we prefer you pay it with the spring when registering for the spring seminar, or in a separate transaction after January 1, 2015. It makes our record keeping and audits more organized and functional to keep membership in the same year as the actual expenses so 2015 educational events and membership will be recorded in the same year. This will be the new process going forward for all MN SWAP member expenses, we hope this will help you budget more accurately also within your facilities or personal expenses whichever may apply. A few education and registration reminders: handouts will be available on the website two weeks before the event. Please open each file separately and use the recommended way of printing to provide for easy access. We also need you to register on time and make full payment with your registration, no credit cards can be accepted. The other big change is we now have an official permanent address, this conference will be our inaugural run at using a postal service versus a facility address for MN SWAP registration. If you accidently use the old address it will still get processed with no issues. The new address is: Minnesota Statewide Activity Professionals Association (M N SWAP) 7455 France Ave. South #514 Edina, MN 55435-4702 Education is one of the main functions of MN SWAP and member input is always needed. We love getting your suggestions, contacts, and program ideas. The best way to contact me is by email at [email protected]. Pamela Hayle Story Dice is a creative writing prompt tool to come up with ideas for plot, character, and setting. It can be used for both written and oral storytelling.
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