WITNESS Fall Festival Sunday, October 12 from 4-6pm Kim & Kevin Hanson’s home, 1198 30th Ave NW (across the highway from Eagle’s Landing) +Hayride +Bonfire +Food +Games +Prizes +Fun! In case of inclement weather, event will be held at Vinje What to bring??? Chairs, prizes or treats to share with the kids, Free will donation for supper meal. Students 6th grade and older are invited to help with games for the younger kids Please sign up in the church office or RSVP via e-mail to Amy by October 8th! OCTOBER 2014 OCTOBER Weekly Sunday Schedule 8:30 a.m. – Worship with Communion 9:45 a.m.—Sunday School 10:45 a.m.- Worship with Communion Music & Worship Ministries—by John Jahr October 26 is Reformation Sunday! On this day we celebrate the heart of our faith: the gospel of Christ – the good news – that makes us free! We pray that the Holy Spirit would continue to unite the church today in its proclamation and witness to the world. In the waters of baptism we are made one body; we pray for the day that all Christians will also be one at the Lord’s table. Gracious Father, we pray for your holy catholic church. Fill it with all truth and peace. Where it is corrupt, purify it; where it is in error, direct it; where in anything it is amiss, reform it; where it is right, strengthen it; where it is in need, provide for it; where it is divided, reunite it; for the sake of our Son, Jesus Christ, our Savior, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen. West Central Singers Fall Concerts “Through the Church the Song Goes On: Prayers for Those who Make Music” Saturday, November 15 – 7:00 PM First Presbyterian Church 312 – 6th Street SW Willmar, MN Sunday, November 16 – 4:00 PM St. Aloysius Church 301 S 10th Street Oliva, MN Tickets are $10 ($5 students) and are available at the door For more information, visit us at www.WestCentralSingers.com MARK YOUR CALENDARS! November 4th 3 - 8 PM Vinje’s 97th ANNUAL Lutefisk and Meatball Supper & QUILT RAFFLE / BAKE SALE Reserve Tuesday, Nov. 4 for helping with the Lutefisk Dinner. Men, youth and families are encouraged to help. Call the church office at 235-1441 to volunteer. Bake Sale—Please consider making some baked goods for the “Bake Sale”. Please bring baked goods to church marked and packaged for sale by 2pm on Nov. 4. Any questions call Bobbi Gates 222-8464. Raffle tickets—for the quilt are on sale between services on Sundays through October or in the church office during the week. STEWARDSHIP SUNDAY October 19, 2014 Confirmation Sunday Oct 26, 2014 10:45am Faith Formation Ministries—Amy Juel-Palmer 10th GRADE CONFIRMATION RETREAT +Complete your faith statement +Reflect on your faith journey +Get adventurous on the ropes courses +Celebrate your friendships and your faith! Thursday, October 16 @ Prairie Woods Environmental Learning Center Leave Vinje at 8:30am – back to Vinje by 4pm Registration form and payment option are available on-line at www.vinjechurch.com Sunday, October 19 – 4 to 6pm 5th Quarter Party! Friday, October 10th – After the home football game Grades 6-8 and FRIENDS! Cost - $2.00 per person Snacks, Games, Movie, Pizza and GA GA BALL!!!!!!!!! No need to sign up, just come and bring your friends Parents are always welcome, too! Reading of Faith Statements / Baptism Remembrance Service +Confirmands share their faith statements with their families +Baptismal Remembrance Service +Parent Choir rehearsal +Confirmation pictures will be taken +Light refreshments will be served Confirmation Sunday, October 26 10:45 Worship with Holy Communion Reception at Coffee Fellowship – 9:45am Worship preparation in Room 102 – 10:15am FIESTA TIME! Progressive Dinner Who: What: Middle School Students (friends welcome!) Progressive Dinner – Fiesta Style 4pm Drop Off & Appetizers at Bethel Main Course at Vinje Desserts at St. Mary’s 7pm Pick Up at St. Mary’s How: Bus transportation is provided between churches +adults are needed to join us for the fun! When: Sunday, October 5, 2014 Cost: $10.00 per person Register and pay on-line or at the church office BY October 1st Loving Arms Childcare Center October 2014… Loving Arms is always a very busy place, and this month especially, there are kudos by the bundle to share: First to Beckie Brynjulfson (Asst. Dr.) who stepped up for the last two weeks of August, above and beyond the usual, handling every issue and supporting the staff (and me) in every way. THANK YOU! To the staff at Loving Arms: When the lead “goose” dropped back, you all leaned forward, taking on whatever came your way. Your kindness and dedication are truly appreciated! THANK YOU! To the families at Loving Arms: Leadership came in many different faces this fall and we are all grateful for your understanding, kindness, and patience. THANK YOU! To the Vinje Church Staff: It is at times like this that we clearly see and appreciate the connection between our two entities. There’s support there that is often unseen, and maybe somewhat uncelebrated, but this was support of the finest kind. THANK YOU! The staff spent two in-service days at the end of August readying their rooms for the new school year. We are super excited for a new school year! If you get a chance stop by – they painted, organized, cleaned and planned – and it’s awesome! The new system of Authentic Assessments for Childhood Development called TS Gold is officially “in the building”. All of the teachers started training for it on Monday, September 8. Twelve hours will complete their orientation to this amazing assessment program. Our heartfelt thanks to Jenn Hager, who has used this system before and has been instrumental in helping us all learn how to use it effectively. THANK YOU! A HUGE THANK YOU goes to the Loving Arms Parent Advisory Board for their tireless attention to the revisions in the LACCC Personnel Manual. We’ve been working on it for nearly a year and will be sending it on to the Vinje Church Personnel Committee for review next. The new manual is a bit shorter and includes a new policy for earning and using Personal Paid Time Off. Our thanks also to all of you for your continued support of this important ministry. Mark 10:13-16 People were bringing little children to Jesus to have him touch them, but the disciples rebuked them. When Jesus saw this, he was indignant. He said to them, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it." And he took the children in his arms, put his hands on them and blessed them. Donna Brau, Director of Loving Arms Child Care Center, [email protected] Women's Tuesday Morning Bible Study Making Sense of Scripture by David Lose Begins Tuesday October 14, 2014 at 9:00 a.m. Vinje Gathering Space Weekly Dates: Oct. 14, 21, 28, Nov 11, 18, Dec 2, 9 Books will be available for purchase in the church office Announcements & Misc. Book Club October 28 3:30—4:45pm Deidra’s Call Diane Rasmussen with questions! 235-0418 The October book selection is: The Goldfinch by Donna Tart “Pulitzer Prize Winning Novel” Have you remembered Vinje Lutheran in your Estate Planning? When you make or revise your will or trust, or review your life insurance contracts or retirement funds, please consider naming Vinje Lutheran Church among the beneficiaries. It’s a very simple way to continue participating in our “Reaching Out, Reaching In, and Reaching Deeper” Volunteer Hospital Visitors needed for 2015 Please volunteer for one or two weeks a year to visit members of Vinje who are in the hospital. For more details call Mary Jo Patton (796-2826) or Carol Schmiesing Vinje GENERAL FUND Financial Facts August YTD income was $421,921 (including $21,150 transfers in from other funds) compared to YTD budget of $415,771 and 2013 YTD income of $415,962. August YTD expenses were $434,653 compared to YTD budget of $447,274 and 2013 YTD expenses of $458,103. Mission Support to the Synod, Lakeland Conference, GLLM, and Paz Y Esperanza was paid as budgeted in the amount of $22,533. Vinje BUILDING FUND Financial Facts The building mortgage as of 8/31/14 was $607,692. Donations received in August were $6,701 and $46,392 YTD. $4,045 was paid in August and $23,650 YTD on the principal balance of the loan. $2,656 was paid in August and $21,292 YTD interest on the loan. There is $30,000 in Mortgage Reserves. Vinje Library – Check It Out! Please stop by to Check It Out! Does what you do matter? YES is the message from The Boy Who Changed the World by Andy Andrews. Based the best selling Andy Andrews book The Butterfly Effect, this book for all ages opens with a Minnesota boy, Norman Borlaug, playing in the family cornfields. His love and knowledge of agriculture would help him save the lives of 2 billion people and become a Nobel Laureate. Both historical and spiritual this is a gift for all and reminds us that what we do matters! Yesterday, today and tomorrow! Stop by to Check It Out! Announcements & Misc. September Circle Thursday, October 2 ●Elizabeth, 6:45am at Deidra’s ●Esther, 9:30am Vinje Gathering Space Thank you to the following Thrivent Financial members that have directed Choice Dollars to Vinje. We received $14 in donations for September! Benjamin Wilson Tuesday, October 7 ●Naomi/Sarah, 2:00pm Room . Vinje Congregational Advocate Team: Nancy Hafner, Pastor Mary Hovland, Al Juhnke, Dianne Peterson, Dee Rosenbrook Men’s Bible Study Tuesday’s @ 9am Vinje Quilters Oct 9 & 23 9:00am Donate from your smart phone Vinje Lutheran Church now offers a mobile version of our online giving page to make it easy for you to give anytime from your smart phone. Simply scan the image you see here using your phone’s QR code reader or go to www.vinjechurch.com to donate online. Community Meals The Community Meal is an effort to bring people together in the Willmar community through food and fellowship. These events are free for everyone. All ages are welcome.! 1st Sunday @ 6 p.m. First Baptist Church 1000 SE 6th St 320-235-2326 3rd Saturday @ Noon Vinje Lutheran Church 1101 Willmar Ave SW 320-235-1441 2nd Sunday @ 6 p.m. First Presbyterian Church 605 Litchfield Ave. SW 320-235-1263 3rd Sunday @ 6 p.m. Calvary Lutheran Church 302 Olena Ave SE 320-235-2508 4th Sunday @ 6 p.m. United Methodist Church 19th Ave and 9th St SW 320-235-5403 5th Sunday @6 p.m. Bethel Lutheran Church 411 Becker Avenue SW 320-235-5450 Remember in Prayer Recently Ill or Hospitalized: Larry Gates, Kathy Hund, Lavonne Bishop, Corby Newman, Mark Sward, Phyllis Thunstedt, Evy Bredeson, Dianne Christenson, In Loving Memory of: Lois Christensen for Undesignated from Rod & Gretta Kray In the Military: Brett Nelson, Chase Swanson, Tim Kray Robert Brau for Music from Dave & Deb Habbena, for Loving Arms from Jeff & Susan Krogstad Bereaved: Family and friends of Elnore Kostad following her death on August 23. Orville Johnson for Radio Broadcasts from Beverly Falk Leo Gruber and Family following the death of Marjorie Carlson -Gruber on August 27. Brian & Dawn Gauer and family following the death of Evelyn Gauer on August 31. Rolf & Jessica Figenskau and family following the death of Rolf’s father, Jerry Figenskau on September 7. Steve & Linda Myhre and family following the death of Doris Myhre on September 13. Irene Quam & family following the death of John Quam on Sept. 16. Marvella Isaacson and family following the death of Calvin Isaacson on Sept. 18. Family and Friends following the death of Gerald Olson on Sept. 19. New Arrival: Ashlynn Daly daughter of Rebecca (Braness) & Joe Daly on August 25. Marv Michelson for Building Fund from Jim & Wilma Buisman Mary Lou Olson for Radio Broadcasts from Dave & Phyllis Stageberg, John & Kathy Longman, Bill & Marie Welker, for Community Meals from Bob & Dee Rosenbrook, for Building Fund & Pastor’s Discretionary Fund from Larry & Bobbi Gates, Rod & Gretta Kray, LeRoy & Ruth Sanders, Chuck & Michele Nefstead, Paul & Susan Bredeson, Louise Gislason, Wally & Arlene Nelson, Ray & Nancy Groff, Glen & Peggy Wilson, Merle & Barb Berkeland, Family & Friends, for Pastor’s Discretionary Fund from Don & Phyllis Coleman, for Undesignated from Bob & Karla Tinklenberg, for Building Fund from Leonard Olson Ardell Redetzke for Building Fund from Judy Erpenbach, Mike & Karen Hanson, LeRoy & Ruth Sanders, Rod & Gretta Kray, Shirley Brandt, Lynn & Dianne Peterson, for Parish Care from Sharon Deitschman, for Radio Broadcasts from Larry & Bobbi Gates, Dave & Phyllis Stageberg Marjorie Carlson-Gruber for Building Fund from Bill & Marie Welker, for Undesignated from Fran Green Baptism: Callie Emma Carlson daughter of Samantha & Nathan Carlson. Warren Gauer for Music from Dave & Phyllis Stageberg, for Undesignated from Bob & Joan Glaesman Gavin Michael Schunk son of Tanya & Randy Schunk. Evelyn Gauer for Music from Kris Gulbrandsen, for Building Fund from Lillian Fossum, Florence Dufty, Bill & Marie Welker, for Radio Broadcasts from Audrey Thiele, for Undesignated from Bob & Joan Glaesman, David & Karen Rosenquist Elnore Kostad for Library from Curt & Carolyn Olson, for Undesignated from Larry & Bobbi Gates Carol Loehr for Community Meals from Lois Guldbrandsen Gifts Received For: Safe Avenues from Naomi/Sarah Circle Women’s Circles from Elizabeth Circle, Esther Circle, Pastor’s Discretionary Fund from Naomi/Sarah Circle Community Meals from Adrian & Joanne Jimenez Doris Myhre for Pastor’s Discretionary Fund from Lowell & Betty Melbye, for Library from Karen Rousseau, for Undesignated from Grayson & Karen Swalin, Hans & Jan Dahl, for Building Fund from Bill & Marie Welker, Helen Langager, Esther Circle CREATION CARE CORNER Next Committee Meeting Oct 7th 6:00pm Bible Verse Psalm 148 v 7 & 8 “Praise the lord from the earth, your great sea creatures and all ocean depth, lightning and hail, snow and clouds, stormy winds that do his bidding.” Vinje Lutheran Church 1101 Willmar Avenue SW Willmar MN 56201 Non Profit Org. U.S. Postage Paid Permit #333 Willmar MN 56201 Address Service Requested OCTOBER 2014 Vinje Witness Pastor—Jeffrey M. Engholm [email protected] Pastor—Chad Peterson [email protected] Pastor—Mary Hovland [email protected] Visitation Minister - Gretta Kray [email protected] Director of Music and Worship Ministries – John Jahr [email protected] Director of Faith Formation Ministries—Amy Juel-Palmer [email protected] Loving Arms Child Care Center Donna Brau, Director (320-235-7271) [email protected] Beckie Brynjulfson, Assistant Director [email protected] Parish Nurses – Susan Krogstad, R.N. Administrative Secretary – Janet White [email protected] Financial Secretary – Sherri Nelson [email protected] Communication Secretary—Melissa Hansen [email protected] Custodians – Bill Wogan [email protected] Ron Nordby Church Office Phone – 320-235-1441 Fax – 320-235-1125 Vinje Church Website – www.vinjechurch.com A Radio Broadcast of Vinje’s 8:30 a.m. worship service will be broadcast at 9:30am each Sunday on radio station KWLM, 1340 AM in Willmar. A Congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
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