‘We take care of one another at Monmouth Junction!’ MONMOUTH JUNCTION SCHOOL 630 Ridge Road Monmouth Junction, New Jersey 08852 (Phone) 732-329-6981 Dr. Maribeth Edmunds, Principal Mr. Peter Rattien, Assistant Principal _______________________________________________________________________________________ August 1, 2014 Dear Monmouth Junction Families: I have had a wonderful summer thus far taking time to enjoy my family and by touring this wonderful country of ours. To do so, we took a road trip in California. On our journey, we visited Yosemite National Park and drove 95 miles of the Pacific Coast Highway. We also toured the Monterey Bay Aquarium, well-known for its marine life sanctuary. It was inspiring to witness the aquarium’s conservation efforts on behalf of life in the ocean. On exhibit in one area of the aquarium were several examples of man-made objects that pollute the ocean and threaten sea life. This exhibit was found near a sign that quoted the words of famed children’s author Dr. Seuss. The sign posted this warning, “Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better, it’s not!” These words reminded me so much of our school’s slogan: “We take care of one another at Monmouth Junction.” Not only do we need to care for one another, but we also need to care ‘a whole awful lot!’ This year, as in years past, we will focus on teaching children to care of one another. This, I believe, is the foundation upon which we can build a stimulating, vibrant and caring community where all children flourish. And now, for my annual update of information to help prepare everyone for the upcoming school year. Monmouth Junction’s New Jaguar Logo In this summer letter, we are officially unveiling our new Jaguar logo! He is exciting, clever and imaginative, but nameless. In September, students will have an opportunity to select a name for the jaguar! We know that our students will be amused by these cartoon-like images. Later in this letter, Mr. Rattien, our assistant principal and I, have crafted a short message for you to share with your children about our summer fun, and our new logo. Weekly Updates from the Principal in the Online Friday Folder: Each week, I write to families updating them on important news and information about the school. This update is included with the Online Friday Folder. Families are asked to visit the school’s Web site and click on the appropriate link in order to view the principal’s message. This weekly routine will keep you informed! “Building Bridges” Monmouth Junction Mission Statement Our mission at Monmouth Junction Elementary School is to promote an optimal educational experience and provide an environment where students feel safe, respected, nurtured and supported. Welcome New & Returning Staff Members Classroom Teachers: We have an outstanding line up of teachers for the upcoming year. In Kindergarten, there will be two classes with Mrs. Spinner partnering once again with Mrs. Schuhl. Kindergarten parents will hear from their teachers about Wishes and Dreams meetings that will take place late in August. There will be three first grade classes this year. Mrs. Sciortino will return to first grade after spending a year in grade two. Ms. Drew and Mrs. Miller will complete the first grade team. Mrs. Hair and Ms. Wales will continue as our second grade teachers. The third grade team will be Mrs. Frame, Mrs. Monasch and Mrs. Nieves. We want to welcome two new teachers to our fourth grade team. Ms. Andrea Reish Hannum, a graduate of Penn State University and a former teacher at Cambridge School, will join the fourth grade team. Ms. Kaitlin Salzman, who recently earned her Masters Degree from The College of New Jersey and completed her student teaching at Brunswick Acres, will join Ms. Hannum and Mrs. Daley. Mrs. Buonocore, Mrs. Katz and Mrs. Stadler will form the fifth grade team. A new teacher, Ms. Carly Strommen, will join Mrs. Armento in the resource room. Other Departments: I am pleased to report that Mr. Judge and Mrs. Dawidowicz will return as our two music teachers. Mr. Henning will teach physical education once again. Ms. Ward will teach art. Señor Blanco will continue as the Spanish teacher. Mrs. Garber will be our speech teacher. Mrs. Russoniello and Mrs. Navantieri will return as our instructional support teachers and organize our Student Support Team. Lastly, Mrs. Scaglia will continue as our student assistance counselor and anti-bullying specialist. Mrs. Kramer will continue in her role as the school nurse. Child Study Team Members: Mrs. Kim Hans (social worker), Dr. Heather Hamed (school psychologist) and Mrs. Keri Mandell (learning consultant) will join us once again to service the needs of students with disabilities and support their families. Monmouth Junction PTO – Slate of Officers I am pleased to present the names and contact information for the PTO Executive Board members for 2014-2015. President- Claire Wittenburg - [email protected] VP of Program – Lynda Williams – [email protected] Programs Coordinator – Sowmya Ananthan – [email protected] Treasurer – Jonathan Bordeau - [email protected] Secretary – Ratna Mulpuri - [email protected] “Building Bridges” Monmouth Junction Mission Statement Our mission at Monmouth Junction Elementary School is to promote an optimal educational experience and provide an environment where students feel safe, respected, nurtured and supported. VP Fundraising – (Nominated: Sharmeen Haque – to be voted upon in September.) Fundraising Coordinator- Jagdish Iyer [email protected] Science Fair Coordinator – Leigh Ann Solomons and Vani Mishra Homeroom Parent Coordinator- Lisa Carlin Halloween Harvest: Annually, our PTO provides the school community with an array of initiatives from academic programs to technology for classrooms. This year, our PTO has developed a new initiative entitled “Halloween Harvest.” Several motivated and enthusiastic parents are working on an exciting social event that will take place on Friday evening, October 17th. Children will dance to the music of a DJ, explore a haunted hallway, and enjoy making crafts, etc., while wearing their Halloween costumes. There will also be opportunities to use ‘MJ Harvest Bucks’ that are only available at our school specifically for use at the Halloween Harvest. There will be more information about ‘Harvest Bucks’ and the Halloween Harvest at our Ice Cream Social. As such, I am pleased to invite all families to our first PTO event of the year, the annual PTO Ice Cream Social. The social will take place on Friday, September 5th at 6:30 p.m. (rain or shine) on the rear playground. Also, on behalf of the PTO Executive Board, I invite you to join our monthly meetings held on the third Tuesday of the month at 7:00 p.m. in the cafeteria. (Free babysitting is provided.) Please support our PTO! Picture Day and Back- to- School Night: Thursday, September 18th This year, the PTO will be using Lifetouch Photography for the annual photos of your children. The PTO will send information to parents about logging into Lifetouch’s Web site that allows parents to place orders electronically. Also on September 18th, we will host our annual Back- to- School Night. It is the most well-attended event of the school year for parents. Because parking is always a challenge at MJ, please carpool or walk to the school. We will have a shuttle at the high school that will transport parents from the high school parking lot to Monmouth Junction and then back to the high school later that night. We look forward to seeing you on September 18th. Kindergarten Parents: This is a reminder that Kindergarten Prep will run the week of August 18th through August 22nd. If you haven’t already done so, there is still time to register if you would like your child to attend. The bus safety training for Kindergarten students will occur on August 20th at 12:15 p.m. Remember that on the first two days of school, September 4th and September 5th, Kindergarten parents may come in with their children to take photos in the cafeteria. On Monday, children must enter the school as they usually do. Parents may no longer accompany children from that point forward. (See details in the remainder of this letter for arrival and dismissal procedures.) In other school news – Student Parent Handbook and HIB (Anti-Bullying) Handbook: On the first day of school, you will receive a packet with important information. One item will be a new Student-Parent Handbook. Please sign the return slip and read this critical information in the Student-Parent Handbook regarding school and District policies and procedures. Bullying, Harassment and Intimidation: Please read the information about Bullying, Harassment and Intimidation in the handbook. Our School Safety Climate Team will meet four times this year to support this effort. Student Support Team: Each school is required to create a Student Support Team for the purpose of helping teachers meet the needs of struggling learners. In all cases, parents of students brought to the Student Support Team are notified of our concerns and invited to meetings to work on the child’s behalf. School Lunch: The price of a school lunch is $2.30. The price of milk remains unchanged at 55 cents. Office and Attendance Records: Please check in with our school secretaries, Mrs. Carol Anderson and Mrs. Deborah Gullo, for school details throughout the year as well as the attendance records for your children. “Building Bridges” Monmouth Junction Mission Statement Our mission at Monmouth Junction Elementary School is to promote an optimal educational experience and provide an environment where students feel safe, respected, nurtured and supported. The First Few Weeks of School – September and October 2014 Dates to remember: • Open House: Wednesday, September 3rd from 2:00 -3:00 p.m. • First Day of School: Thursday, September 4th – Full Day of School • PTO Ice Cream Social: Friday, September 5th – Rain or Shine. 6:30 p.m. (MJ Playground.) • PTO Meeting: September 23, 2014 (7:00 p.m. in the Cafeteria – Free Babysitting Provided.) • Picture Day: September 18th – See information from Lifetouch regarding orders. • Back to School Night: September 18th. (7:00 p.m. Parking and shuttles from SBHS.) • Early Release: October 1, 2014. • Halloween Harvest: October 17, 2014 Summer Reading: We hope that you enjoy the last few weeks of summer. Please take time to relax and enjoy a few good books with your children. I am hopeful that students and families were able to use their ‘Beach Badge’ passport when visiting the South Brunswick Public Library and get it stamped. We will talk about their visits to the library and their summer reading when we return in September. In the meantime, take care of one another – and care a ‘whole awful lot.’ Regards, Maribeth Edmunds, Ed.D. Principal (Please share the next letter with your children!) “Building Bridges” Monmouth Junction Mission Statement Our mission at Monmouth Junction Elementary School is to promote an optimal educational experience and provide an environment where students feel safe, respected, nurtured and supported. ‘We take care of one another at Monmouth Junction!’ MONMOUTH JUNCTION SCHOOL 630 Ridge Road Monmouth Junction, New Jersey 08852 (Phone) 732-329-6981 Dr. Maribeth Edmunds, Principal Mr. Peter Rattien, Assistant Principal _______________________________________________________________________________________ August 1, 2014 Dear Monmouth Junction Students: Mr. Rattien and I have been enjoying our summer vacations. Mr. Rattien took his children to Disney World where his daughter, Jenna, danced in the Magic Kingdom parade. He, his wife and son Jacob enjoyed all the rides and amusements. My husband, my son Carl Ross, and I took a road trip to California. We saw the largest tree in the world, called General Sherman, in the National Sequoia Forest and saw the Sierra Mountains in Yosemite National Park. Then, we drove 95 miles down the Pacific Coast Highway, observing the beauty of the coastline. What a great trip! We would love to hear all about your vacation trips, too. Monmouth Junction’s New Jaguar Logo Have you noticed our new Jaguar logo! We believe he is funny and clever, but he needs a name. In September, Monmouth Junction students will have an opportunity to select a name for the jaguar at one of our opening assemblies. We can’t wait to hear the ideas you suggest for our new MJ friend! We hope you have had some time to visit the public library and use your ‘Beach Badge’ to log in your visits with a stamp. It is so much fun to do. I have been reading a book about Thomas Jefferson. Mr. Rattien has been reading about creating an indoor garden with hydroponics. We can’t wait to hear about your reading choices and share new ideas. Enjoy the rest of your summer and see you in September. Dr. Edmunds Mr. Rattien “Building Bridges” Monmouth Junction Mission Statement Our mission at Monmouth Junction Elementary School is to promote an optimal educational experience and provide an environment where students feel safe, respected, nurtured and supported. 2014-2015 ARRIVAL / DISMISSAL ROUTINES & SCHOOL GUIDELINES Please read this information carefully! These procedures are designed to protect the safety of all students. Staff members will be assigned to supervise students during arrival and dismissal times in order to enforce the procedures listed in this memo. Please be courteous to our staff members and treat them with respect since they are simply trying to safely facilitate the movement of approximately 375 students in and out of the building. ARRIVAL PROCEDURES The building doors will open at 8:55 a.m. to admit students to the building. Students and parents are expected to wait outside until 8:55 a.m. unless the students are in the Before-School Program. The late bell rings at 9:05 a.m. All students are expected to arrive prior to 9:05 a.m. so instruction can begin promptly. Never leave children unattended in the playground or parking lot prior to 8:55 am. Before School Program You are required to sign your child into the before-school program. All grade level programs will be in the cafeteria. You are to park in the back parking lot and enter the building through the back doors of the new wing. No drop-off or parking is permitted on the bus loop. Please park your car in designated spaces, shut it off, and walk children to the back door. Please use caution in this area at all times. Also, please buzz in separately at the door and stay in this location when dropping off children in the morning. This helps to keep our school more secure. Bus Students All buses serving our school park either in the horseshoe or along the curb immediately past the horseshoe on Monmouth Drive. Bus students will enter the building through the door on the bus loop. Walkers Students walking to school are expected to cross Ridge Road or Monmouth Drive at the locations that have crossing guards. All Ridge Road walkers will enter through the bus loop door. All other walkers will enter through the back of the new wing. Walkers are not permitted to enter the building until 8:55 a.m.; therefore, they should time their arrival accordingly. Parent Drop-Off Parking is extremely limited! We recommend that you do not plan to park, but use the Drop-Off Zone. The Drop-Off Zone will be at the rear of the parking lot. Enter the parking lot, and pull as far forward as possible in the Drop-Off Zone. There is no parking permitted in this zone. Please do not block driveways or park in any area marked by “No Parking” signs or yellow curbs. A. Cones will be placed at the end of the staff parking area at approximately 8:45 am and 3:15 pm. Please do not drive into the staff parking area during arrival or dismissal time since many children are walking in this area to meet parents. B. Do not park your car and then leave it idling while meeting your children. C. Please use caution when driving in this area because children may dart out into the lot. D. Do not use the handicapped parking space without a proper permit. There is No Parking on Monmouth Drive! This is a reminder that there is no parking allowed on Monmouth Drive (either side of the street) when school is in session. This restriction is in effect from 8:45 a.m. through 4:00 p.m. daily. Cars parked illegally will be ticketed by township police. “Building Bridges” Monmouth Junction Mission Statement Our mission at Monmouth Junction Elementary School is to promote an optimal educational experience and provide an environment where students feel safe, respected, nurtured and supported. Late Arrivals Any student arriving after 9:05 a.m. bell must be accompanied by a parent to the Main Office to be signed in. Students are not permitted to sign themselves in, nor are they permitted into class without a late pass. Absence If your child is going to be absent, the school must be notified. You may call the voice mail at any time or call the office after 8:00 a.m. to report your child absent. Please do not use email to report your child absent. According to District policy, ‘un-notified’ absence will result in a call from the school. A letter that outlines specific details of the District’s attendance policy will go home in the opening day packet. DISMISSAL PROCEDURES After-School Program Students will be dismissed to their ASP program, and attendance will be taken before other all other students are dismissed. Walkers and Parent Pick-Up The location of the waiting area is on the blacktop at the rear of the building. We begin dismissing these students at approximately 3:25 p.m. (1:30 on early dismissal days). Teachers will walk students to the waiting area and supervise their pick up. Children will not be permitted to cross the parking lot or Monmouth Drive without being accompanied by a parent. Please meet your child at the waiting area. Students walking home will exit the building with the students being picked up by parents. Please use the crosswalks and walking paths. Dogs at Dismissal: Some of our students are very afraid of animals, specifically dogs. Please do not bring your dogs to the waiting area. Stay at the sidewalk with your pet if you bring one. Thank you for helping our children exit the building calmly. Bus Students All bus students will exit through the bus loop doors to meet their buses. The buses will be parked either in the loop or along the curb immediately past the bus loop. Changes in Dismissal If you need to make a change in your child’s dismissal, please write a note to the teacher. Changes in dismissal are noted on the daily attendance report that is given to teachers. This guarantees that teachers and after-school personnel are informed of any changes. Also, you can call the main office to notify the staff of any dismissal changes. Please do not email changes to the teachers. • • • • IMPORTANT REMINDERS Dropping a child off in the front of the school during morning arrival is not permitted. This area is not supervised by any staff and the front door is locked. The only morning drop-off location is on Monmouth Drive in the rear parking lot. Do not allow children to play on the playground unsupervised. There are limited visitor parking spaces in the front parking lot. These are for 15 minute parking only. If you are planning on being in the building for a longer period of time, you must park in the back parking lot. During the school day, all entrances are locked. All visitors to the building must be admitted through the front door and go to the Main Office for a visitor’s badge. Visitors must display the badge while in the building. Do not park in the fire zone. Cars parked illegally are subject to ticketing by the township police. A SPECIAL NOTE FOR KINDERGARTEN PARENTS To help ease everyone’s anxiety on the first two days of school, all kindergarten students – walkers, riders, and bus students – come directly to the Cafeteria to meet their teachers. When everyone in a class has arrived, teachers will walk the entire Kindergarten class to the classroom. “Building Bridges” Monmouth Junction Mission Statement Our mission at Monmouth Junction Elementary School is to promote an optimal educational experience and provide an environment where students feel safe, respected, nurtured and supported. We will follow this procedure on Thursday, September 4th and Friday, September 5th. On Monday, September Kindergarten students will go directly to their classrooms in the morning. Staff members in the hallway will assist them. BIRTHDAY RECOGNITION* If you would like to have a short class birthday acknowledgement for your child, please speak with your child’s teacher in advance. Parents should be mindful of the district’s nutritional policy as well as the dietary restrictions of students in the classroom. These birthday recognitions are short (ten minutes) and limited to the classroom community. Parents are asked to drop off the treats in the main office, and these treats will be delivered to the classroom. (Only Kindergarten and first grade parents may attend these celebrations. As the district continues to enhance security, we will update families on how security affects classroom celebrations.) Goody bags are not allowed. The school will not permit bouquets of balloons and other celebratory decorations to be sent to the classrooms. These can be distracting to students’ learning. Birthday party invitations are not to be distributed at school. Please use your PTO Class Directory in order to send such invitations via the U.S. Mail system. The directory will be distributed in October. DRESS CODE* The wearing of clothing bearing obscene writing or promoting indecent or unacceptable behavior, whether stated or implied, will not be permitted. In all such cases, students wearing inappropriate items will be asked to remove or replace them. When it is determined that students are in violation of these guidelines, they will be sent to the nurse’s office and provided with temporary clothing for the remainder of the school day. No student is permitted to wear a hat or any other head covering in school, unless required to do so by religious custom or medical condition. Since students at the elementary level have recess every day, it is recommended that the students wear sneakers or other safe footwear (no flip-flops) to school daily. In addition, students should dress for the weather as recess occurs throughout all seasons of the school year. SCHOOL SAFETY PROCEDURES School Safety All district schools conduct drills and have plans in place to keep students, staff, and visitors secure. Among such safeguards are (a) Bus Evacuation Drills, (b) Fire Drills, and (c) Lockdown and other drills as needed. School Security All district schools have cameras and buzzer entry systems that restrict visitors’ access to the buildings. To ensure the safety of our students, staff, and community, the district also has an identification (ID) card system for all district staff. Visitors are issued temporary ID badges upon signing in at the main office. PERSONAL ITEMS* Students are expected to bring to school only those supplies, books and other materials, required for learning. The school provides students with recreational supplies and equipment for use during recess and/or Physical Education. TECHNOLOGY/ELECTRONIC DEVICES We recognize that more students have electronic devices today, such as e-readers and iPads. Although these may be useful for educational purposes, at this time, we are not permitting them to be used in school for safety and security reasons. NUTRITION* South Brunswick School District contracts its school dining services through Chartwells Dining Service which provides school lunch options in compliance with the State-mandated Nutrition Policy. Due to the growing number of students who have been diagnosed with peanut allergies, which can be fatal to some, Chartwells School Dining Services no longer serves items that are peanut-based or use foods prepared with peanut-based products in any of our cafeterias. While this change does not impact “packed” lunches or snacks, we ask that you be mindful of the existence of food allergies among children and discourage sharing of snacks. “Building Bridges” Monmouth Junction Mission Statement Our mission at Monmouth Junction Elementary School is to promote an optimal educational experience and provide an environment where students feel safe, respected, nurtured and supported. Student-Parent Handbook and DISTRICT WEB SITE* Our recently revised Student-Parent Handbook will be distributed on the first day of school in September. Critical information regarding our Elementary Code of Student Conduct, including a recently approved Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying Policy (HIB), is included. You will be asked to sign for the receipt of this handbook and read this information carefully. The Student-Parent Handbook will also be available for review on our Web Site. Further information pertaining to the school district and Board meetings can also be found on our school district’s Web site at http://www.sbschools.org “Building Bridges” Monmouth Junction Mission Statement Our mission at Monmouth Junction Elementary School is to promote an optimal educational experience and provide an environment where students feel safe, respected, nurtured and supported.
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