Life in the Present Moment “You’re Always Thinking Ahead”

Saints Alive!!
October 2014
Life in the Present Moment
“You’re Always Thinking Ahead”
My new supervisor, a woman with
wisdom and compassion, at the
Carrier Clinic in Belle Mead (an
acute psychiatric hospital serving
adolescents to older adults) spoke
the above words to me today.
They were not meant in a critical
way but as an observation and a caution. She actually smiled with me as
she shared them, to demonstrate that
she empathized and understood.
She is the LCSW (Licensed Clinical
Social Worker) on the Older Adult
Unit of Carrier; she works with seniors with a host of profound mental,
emotional , social and family illnesses and challenges.
I am very blessed to under her direction as I complete a three-year Internship associated with my Master
of Social Work (MSW) through the
Rutgers School of Social Work.
We were speaking of the needs of a
patient, I was beginning to focus on
the patient’s needs after her discharge from the hospital.
Inside this issue:
Gently but firmly, my supervisor
asked me to focus on the present, on
the here and now. She also kindly observed that focusing too much (as necessary as future planning is sometimes) on the future leaves any clinician simply anxious and needlessly
worried and distracted; such behavior
does not serve either the clinician or
the patient well.
Such is not only good counsel—living
in the present—for clinicians, nurses
social workers, physicians, health care
providers and caregivers. It is wise advice and direction for us all.
Examining my own life, when I am always thinking and looking ahead, I do
not serve my relationships well. In addition, such practice does not serve my
primary relationship well: the connection with the Holy One.
When I am looking ahead, I do not listen well; I do not attend to the truth
and reality of the person with me; and
I often miss what is most important in
the communication. More profoundly,
in the divine life, I miss the word of
(Continued on page 2)
Thoughts from
our Rector
2014 Annual
Adult Christian 4-5
Tom & Jocelyn
Music Director’s Notes
Trinity Cathe9
dral Community Day
“Seeing the
Blessing of the
Youth and
Crop Walk
Thoughts &
Chili Cook-Off
Wayne Muller
African Evensong Reminder
Page 2
The Angelus
(Continued from page 1)
For, in truth, the word of the Lord is a word
always available, every moment, for all time
and eternity.
As my Carrier Clinic supervisor and I talked
about the “present moment” I thought about
the great counsels of our Christian spiritual
tradition to live, not so much in the past or
future, but in the present.
It is tough to do—to live in the present. We
are often hurried and rushed. We think
ahead because of so many tasks. And we desire control and outcome for events. We
want to know about the next day; perhaps
above all, we want to know the next day will
be O. K.. “What If?” seems to be our reigning mantra.
Perhaps it has always been difficult to focus
on the present.
Over two thousand years ago, Jesus offered
the following counsel, very much in the spirit
of my supervisor at Carrier: “So, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring
worries of its own. Today’s trouble is
enough for today.”
“Constantly prompted by divine impulsion, they
found themselves imperceptibly turned towards
the next task that God had ready for them at each
hour of the day.”
Cassaude believed that Mary of Nazareth, the
mother of Jesus, was a true example of the power
of life in the present.
Her desire was only to listen for the will of
God—in whatever moment this presented itself.
Mary’s reply to the Angel Gabriel during the annunciation of the birth of Christ was “Be it unto
me according to thy word (Luke 1:38).
Writes Cassaude of her obedience and faith:
“It was true that was asked of Mary on this momentous occasion was a supreme glory for her;
but that (future) glory would have made NO impression on her had not the (present) will of
God, which was her only concern, awakened her
attention. It was this (present) divine will which
ruled her life.”
Yes, sometimes it is important to “think ahead.”
But the words of Jesus, the counsels of the spiritual masters and the wise advice of skilled clinicians invite us to understand the present moment
as the supreme life-giving place to rest and be.
I am now reading the Christian spiritual classic, The Sacrament of the Present Moment, by
the gifted early 18th century spiritual director
and advisor to so many—Jean-Pierre De
Cassaude wrote this regarding attention and
listening to God:
Rector, All Saints’ Parish, Princeton, NJ
“All their attention (the masters of the spiritual life) was focused on the present, minute
by minute; like the hand of a clock that
marks the minutes of each hour covering the
distance along which he has to travel.
Father Hugh
The Rev. Hugh E. Brown, III, D. Min.,
Page 3
2014/15 Annual Fund
Sunday, October 19th marks the commencement of our “Give to God First” Annual Fund Campaign. In the Episcopal Church, this is the time of year we
acknowledge all that God has given us, and we pledge a percentage to give back
in return. For All Saints, these pledges provide the basis to budget our ministries for the coming year.
We are very fortunate at All Saints to have such dedicated and caring clergy,
staff, and parishioner volunteers. Through their efforts, we have truly exceptional ministries that provide spiritual and material care to our parishioners, our
community, and others in need. During this year’s Fall campaign, parishioners
will share how their lives and their families’ lives have been impacted and enriched through the pastoral care, youth guidance, spiritual formation, and other
Annual pledges and giving provide the resources to accomplish our Mission
Statement: “To deepen our knowledge and love of Christ and to be God’s presence in the world” and the opportunity to demonstrate our personal response to
God’s calling for us to share our many blessings.
If you have any questions during the Annual Fund, please contact me directly
via phone (214-662-5222) or email ([email protected]).
Reed Wilson
2015 Annual Fund Chair
Adult Christian Education, October of 2014
Adult Forum:
We invite all to our Sunday Morning Adult Forum. We will meet most Sundays of the academic
year through May of 2014 at 9AM; coffee and breakfast treats will be provided.
We aim to provide a variety of viewpoints and interpretations, within the norms of Christian tradition as set forth in the scriptures, creeds and Book of Common Prayer.
We have the following Forums scheduled for October of 2014:
October 5th : Carla Alleyne, Christian Drama
Carla Debbie Alleyne is a student at Princeton Theological Seminary. Previously she had a distinguished career in California and New York as both an actress and screenplay writer. She is
currently serving as of of four seminarians at All Saints’.
October 12th: Gordon Graham, Church Architecture
Rev’d Dr. Gordon Graham is Henry Luce III Professor of Philosophy and the Arts at Princeton
Theological Seminary and Priest Associatge at All Saints’. He has published widely on art and
the Christian faith, and has a special interest in the philosophy of architecture.
Please note that during the Adult Forums on Faith and the Arts on Oct 5 and Oct 12, Dr. I-Hsiung
Ju's scroll paintings will be on display again in the South Hall before the Forum and taken down after the
coffee hour each Sunday (i.e. on display from 8:45am to 12:30pm).
October 19th : Hugh Brown, The Politics of Jesus
An exploration of the biblical and theological foundations for Christian approaches to social justice and peace—especially as rooted in the life, teaching, death and resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth. Fr. Hugh Brown has long been active in the area of Christian social justice and peace.
October 26th: Hugh Brown, America’s Original Sin: The Legacy of Slavery and Segregation.
Racism in contemporary church and society is the legacy of slavery and segregation. Father
Hugh, who was pastor and priest of an historic African-American parish in Maryland uses the
history and life of the African-American Episcopal Church there to explore this legacy.
Rector’s Wednesday Study:
Our Wednesday study group always follows directly, our 9:30AM Liturgy of Holy Eucharist, Rite
II, in the Chapel, at approximately 10:15 a.m.
For the Fall of 2014, our Wednesday study will focus on the Letter to the Hebrews. In the words of
N.T. Wright, The Letter to the Hebrews is “One of the most bracing and challenging writings in the
New Testament.” All are welcome!
All Saints’ Tuesday Morning Men’s Bible Study
The men of All Saints’ are invited to join our group of men who meet every Tuesday morning to
share in discussion on both the philosophic and practical aspects of our faith. We meet in a conference room in downtown Princeton at 47 Hulfish, Suite #330-Chasefield LLC (take the elevator to the third floor and make two rights). We gather at 7:00 am with muffins, croissants, and
coffee provided. Now is a great time to join the group. We are currently studying the second
half of the Book of Isaiah. If you are having a difficult time finding the meeting place on Tuesday mornings, contact Peter Travers at 908 672-6060. We hope to see you there!
All Saints’ Tuesday Morning Book Study
Immediately following our Bible Study, there is a book study open to both men and women.
The book study starts at 8:00 in the same conference room as the Bible Study. We are currently
reading the classic “Silence” by Shusaku Endo, about a seventeenth century Portuguese priest
in Japan at the height of the persecution of the small Christian community. We would love for
you to come and join us!
Wednesday Women’s Fellowship: All women of the parish are welcome to join the study, on
Wednesday evenings, beginning with Evening Prayer in the Chapel at 4:30PM, (please note
new time) and continuing at 4:45PM with a study of Joyce Rupp’s, ‘The Cup of Our Life: A
Guide to Spiritual Growth’. Books are available.
Please join us.
Contact: Judy Soncrant at [email protected]
Women’s College Club of Princeton will meet at All Saints’ Church on Monday, October 20th,
and will have our own Tom Colao as their guest speaker that day.
Also, on that day, Doris Ju will be selling her Dad’s Landscape Paintings books, with all money collected being donated to the Women’s College Club of Princeton Scholarship Fund.
The actual wedding date was August 22nd, 2014, but their All Saints’ Family
also wanted to have a celebration to honor them. This was held on September
21st. Thank you so much to Joy Kulvicki for organizing this event, and also to
Adrienne Rodewald, who was her right hand person!
The luncheon reception included a beautiful wedding cake (as you can see)
and we were also very pleased to have artwork from Prof. I-Hsiung Ju on display. The artwork had been part of the “Seeing the Sacred” event the day before, and will continue to be in the South Room each Sunday for a month.
A great time was had by all, and once again, Congratulations to Tom and
Just love this photo from August 22, 2014!!
First, the Blessing of the Marriage by The
Revs. Hugh and Elly Brown, during the
10:15am service.
Music Director’s Notes
The Choir returned from its summer holiday on Sunday, September 14, and got started very
quickly, preparing three major choral services in two weeks! Over our first two weekends,
the Choir has sung music of Louis Vierne, David Hurd, Johannes Brahms, William Smith,
Charles Villiers Stanford, and two anthems of Edward Bairstow – nearly a full concert’s worth
of serious choral literature – and handled the task admirably. I truly hope our congregation
realizes how few choirs exist, amateur and professional alike, that are up to a challenge like
this; we continue to be blessed and inspired by world-class choral singing at All Saints’
Church, reflecting our continuing tradition of worship and evangelism through the arts.
Choral Evensong, at the conclusion of our day-long Faith and the Arts event, was a lovely
service; thanks as always to all who attended. Evensong is a rich Episcopalian and Anglican
tradition, and has been a favorite service at English and American cathedrals for centuries,
and it’s wonderful to be able to help maintain that tradition at All Saints’ Church. We look
forward to offering it again in the future!
We lost several members following last season, mostly due to singers departing for college
(we miss you!), but I’m pleased to say that we have more than made up the loss in numbers
with new members this season – our new choir stalls were near capacity on our first Sunday
back! There ARE still a few empty spots, and it’s not too late to give us a try; we are always
looking for singers of all voice types, but find ourselves looking in particular for sopranos – a
strange thing for this conductor to find himself typing in this seeming world of sopranos, but
true nevertheless. Please speak to me after services on Sunday if you’d like to find out more!
On a somewhat-related note, but removing my ‘work hat’ momentarily, Jocelyn and I would
like to thank all of you, and especially Father Hugh and Elly, and Joy Kulvicki, for the lovely
Matrimonial Blessing and reception which followed on this past Sunday, the 21st. Though the
‘real thing’ was a wonderful day, and all we could have hoped, All Saints’ is our true church
home, and we would not have been happy without a celebration among all of our friends
here. The service was beautiful, the food excellent, the cake gorgeous, and the gifts most generous – and we are very grateful for it all. We were truly blessed to celebrate our marriage
with such wonderful people!
As we begin another season (my fifth as Director of Music!), thank you once again for the continued opportunity to serve you through music.
Tom Colao
September 20, 2104
All Saints’ Church presented a day in lectures, discussion, prayer, worship and
conversation on the place of the arts in Christian faith and practice.
Sessions included:
“The Bible in Visual Art” by Professor Leong Seow, Henry Snyder Gehman
Professor of Old Testament Language and Literature, Princeton Theological
“The Art as Icon” by Maureen McCormick, Iconographer in Residence at Trinity
Church, Princeton.
“Faith, Art and Culture” by Makoto Fujimura, Acclaimed Artist, Writer and
The day concluded with a festive Choral Evensong by the All Saints’ Church choir,
under the direction of Tom Colao on the Eve of the Feast of St. Matthew.
The day also featured a traveling exhibition of visual art sponsored by Christians
in the Visual Arts (CIVA).
The following photos are by Dot Cellini, photographer for the Diocese of NJ.
Lois Laverty and
Margareth Owens,
taking it all in…..
Page 12
The Angelus
Dr. I-Hsiung Ju's scroll paintings
were on display in the South
Reception Room, as part of the
“Seeing the Sacred” event on
September 20, 2014.
Page 13
It's time for everyone's favorite
service, The Blessing of the
Animals, at All Saints’ Church.
Bring your dog, cat, goldfish, marmot, ocelot, pig, bunny, hamster,
etc. And if you can't bring your pet, bring a picture, or even a
stuffed animal!
When: Sunday, Oct. 5, 11:30 a.m. (after regular church service)
Where: Front lawn of the church, weather permitting.
Pet care and treats provided during the 10:15 am service, if you would like to
All Saints’ Church
16 All Saints’ Road
Princeton, NJ 08540
Blessing of the
October 5th
As autumn arrives, we reach
the time for a special
ceremony called the Blessing
of the Animals. This custom
is conducted in
remembrance of St. Francis
of Assisi’s love for all
Please bring your pets to be
blessed after the 10:15 am
service and while you
worship – Hillary’s Sunday
school class will be on pet
watch, taking care of your
Stewardship Sunday:
Hillary needs all or any
children and youth to help
make posters for the
Stewardship/Annual Fund
We also would like the
kids to participate in the
service this Sunday, so
come see Hillary if you are
Confirmation class starts up
on November 2nd and Hugh
and Hillary would love to
have you in class, which will
be every other Sunday at
9:00 am located in the
If you are interested – please
contact Hillary or Hugh
before the Orientation class
on October 26th at 9:00 am
in the Library.
Page 15
The Sunday school kids at ASC have committed to
setting aside coins every time they use water at
home, in order to help make it easier for children
around the world to have water…will you do the
same?! On OCTOBER 19TH in Lambertville, NJ
– come walk and help raise funds to end hunger
at home and around the world. If you cannot
come walk, please donate anything that you can to help and give it to Judy Giguere, Father Hugh, or Hillary Pearson. Thank you!
Page 16
The Angelus
Annual Parish Luncheon – November 2nd
Yes, it’s time once again to get your game on! All Saints’ will host its fourth
annual chili, cornbread and pie cook-off following the parish meeting on
Sunday, November 2nd.
Bring the slip below to place in front of your chili pot, cornbread platter or
pie. (Bring chili to the kitchen in a crock pot before the 10:15 a.m. service and
plug it in.) After the parish meeting, the food will be put out, and we will help
ourselves and vote with $1 bills for our favorites. The money will go to parish
outreach. You may enter one or all the categories!
Name of Chef:
Food Category (chili, cornbread or pie):
Name and Description (for instance, chili hot or mild, vegetarian , meat)
Page 17
Page 18
The Angelus
October 2
October 7
October 8
October 11
October 14
October 15
October 16
October 20
Evan Owens
Bob Timmerman
Timothy Coe
Emma Irving
Jason Koffke
Sarah Patterson
Doris Ju
Jan Logan
Ricky Barringer
October 18
October 24
October 27
October 29
October 31
Hillary Pearson
Catharine Brett-Smith
John Collins III
Judy Giguere
Michael Bushnell
Priscilla Bostock
Joshua Irving
Joan Sheets
Do you shop at McCaffrey’s?
McCaffrey’s Supermarkets is a true partner in the Crisis Ministry’s mission, making in-kind
food donations, providing annual leadership and support of Valentines’ for Food, and running
an ongoing receipts program.
Many thanks to shoppers who collect and submit their receipts in the red jar in the breezeway.
P.S. A word from the sorter: please do not staple. That’s my job.
Lib Flemer
Christian Screenwriter's Workshop
Our Seminarian Intern, Carla Alleyne, an award-winning actress and screenwriter,
will offer a Screenwriter’s Workshop beginning in October – specific date and time
to be determined. This workshop will follow Carla’s Adult Forum on October 5th on
“Religion and Drama.” Please plan to attend the Adult Forum and bring your calendars! For details about the Workshop, please see below and we hope you will attend!
The Scarlet Cord Initiative is an intensive 10 week program designed to teach the
fundamentals of screenwriting. The goal of the course is to instruct you on how to
take an idea and turn it into the first draft of a screenplay. You will learn how to
practice His Presence in your writing sessions, the foundations of crafting the story,
how to develop solid characters, and how to properly structure your screenplay.
You will receive continued feedback throughout the writing process. You will also
have the opportunity to hear your work read by actors at the workshop’s end.
Page 19
PARISHIONERS: Marge White, Sarah Antin, Hilary Cox,
Lib Flemer, Jan Logan and her family.
Marion Bakoulis: Margaret Fener and family
Jack Belmont: Sarah Ruhlman, Sandy
Catharine Brett-Smith: Sarah
Hugh and Elly Brown: Morgan, Heather, Roger Nebel
Margaret Kalvar Bushnell: Bonnie Wingerter
John Collins: Alice Fisk, Bernard Fisk, Ted Collins, Carol DeGroat
Hilary Cox: Lesley
Alan Dybvig: Bob, Mary, Hugh
Jan Dyer: Bistra
Tink Evans: Annie and David.
Randy & Mary Haase: Elmer Haase, Christian.
Max & Kathryn Heidelberger: Dana Heidelberger
Colin and Maggie Hill: Shane Flynn
Amy Johnson: Evan Hunt Johnson
Al & Jane Kleindienst: Marnie
Joy Kulvicki: Kelly and Michael, Barbara
Lois Laverty: Daniel Reece
Jan Logan: Rex, Jane, Woody
Helen Martinson: Merrill Collier, Greg Collier.
Karl & Anne Morrison: Dorothy Moote
Evan and Margareth Owens: Gareth
Debbie & Kester Pierson: Larry
Jean Ricketts: Eleanor, Neil.
Adrienne Rodewald: Paul, Amanda, Julia, Owen
Judy Soncrant: Sally
Cathy Stroup: Adrian
Peter Travers: Mary J. Travers, Robert and Alex Crook and their parents, Padraig Evans, Peter and
Beth Wiedenman.
Caroline Walradt: Trent, Rick, Helene, Bob, Ruth
Karen Westcott: Bryan, Bruce, Kathy.
Marge White: Wendy, Connie
Bernadette & Reed Wilson: Patricia
OTHER LOVED ONES AND ANONYMOUS: Pam Inman and Family, Judith (The Rev. Jack
Zamboni), David, Janet, Matt.
All Saints’ Church
The Rev. Dr. Hugh E. Brown, III
Tom Colao
Music Director
Hillary Pearson
Children & Youth Ministry
Judy Giguere
Parish Administrator
Gary Hefner
Parish Bookkeeper
Corey Baldwin
Parish Hospitality Co-ordinator
All Saints’ Church
16 All Saints’ Road
Princeton NJ 08540
Office Hours: M-F 9AM-4:30PM
PH 609-921-2420
FX 609-921-6276
[email protected]
[email protected]
Newsletter Deadline:
October 24, 2014
October 19, 2014 at 3:00 pm
Please join the people of the Diocese of New Jersey and
the Sudan Committee of our Diocese for an African
Evensong featuring traditional African worship, music,
dance, drums and other instruments, attire and the
fervent Joy and Praise of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The
African Evensong will be followed by a marvelous
reception featuring African dishes and a visual
presentation on theological education in Africa.