Newsletter Term 4 Week 2 Thursday 16th October

Term 4 Week 2
16th October
Acting Principal’s Message
Family Fun Day
There is a definite buzz of excitement in the air this week as we count down to Saturday’s Family Fun Day.
The day officially begins at 11am with ride wrist bands available for collection and for sale from 10:30am at
the Welcome Tent. Many thanks to Mrs Monica Christie for coordinating the day and for the many P&F
volunteers and parents who have worked tirelessly over the past months to ensure the day is a success.
The whole purpose of this day is to bring the community of St Pius together for a day of fun and enjoyment.
The rides will arrive tomorrow, Friday. Mr Dave Brown is coordinating the set up on Friday afternoon from
4pm and Saturday morning from 7:00am. We will need assistance for both set up and at the completion of the day.
Please remember that parents are responsible for the supervision of their children on the day. Children are reminded to
wear closed-in shoes for access to the rides. Bring your hat, water, sunscreen and great sense of fun.
Mr Wayne Swan, Federal member for Lilly, will visit for a short time during the day. I’m thinking he should serve a few
We would like to thank our major sponsors for the day. Mrs Simone Birtles and family XOXO Beauty Bar and Kennard's
Hire. We are truly grateful to all who have made donations towards the day. All sponsors will be acknowledged in future
Pupil Free Day
Next Monday, 20th October 2014, all schools in the Brisbane archdiocese will be involved in a day of inter-school moderation. Therefore it is a pupil free day. On this day, the teaching staff will join All Saints Albany Creek and Southern Cross,
Kippa-Ring for moderation- CTJ. (Consistency of Teacher Judgement). School will resume on Tuesday.
Classes for 2015
In a few weeks teachers will begin the task of placing children in classes for 2015. This venture is not taken lightly by our
staff as many hours of consideration goes into cohort arrangements. If you wish for a matter to be considered in relation
to your child, all requests should be put in writing addressed to the school principal. This is not, however, an opportunity
to ‘teacher shop’ as we have wonderful teachers who all have the best interest of every child in their class at heart.
Ipads for Year 1 2015
A note went home with the current preps this week to inform the parents of our proposal for the next year’s yr 1s to be the
first cohort of students to be engaged in a ‘BYOD’ program (Bring Your own Device). A parent information evening will
held in the next few weeks to provide specific details on the device requirements and possible purchase and payment
Band Eisteddfod
Tomorrow ten of our band students will join the St Kieran’s instrumental group at a School Band Eisteddfod at St Columban’s Caboolture. We wish the children and Mrs Joy Dawson all the best for this competition.
Thank you
I take this opportunity to thank the St Pius community for your unending support of both the school and myself over the
past six weeks as I held the position of Acting Principal. Peter will be back in title next week though not in person as he is
attending the Primary Principal’s Association Conference.
A special thank- you goes to Mr Brendan Costin for his assistance as acting APRE. Brendan is not only an amazing
teacher, he has been an invaluable support to our staff both in administration and curriculum development during this
Look After Each Other,
Address: Apperley Street, Banyo Qld 4014
Phone: 07 3267 7306
Fax: 07 3267 1217
Email: [email protected]
Banyo-Nundah Catholic Parish: Ph: 3266 1444 Fax: 3266 4088 Office: 20 Donkin Street, Nundah
APRE’s Message
Over the past weeks we have briefly explored the new Religious Education Curriculum and the model it presents of
teaching people “to be religious in a particular way” and “teaching about religion”. The curriculum has eight major strands
and each strand is organised into three teaching components. There are a lot of things for teachers to think about.
It is easy to sit back and be impressed at how comprehensive the document is as it tries to bring about its vision, which
aspires ‘to educate and form students who are challenged to live the gospel of Jesus Christ and who are literate in the
Catholic and broader Christian tradition so that they might participate critically and authentically in faith contexts and wider society.’ However, the challenge for teachers is how to bring about this vision from prep to year 6 (sorry year 7). If
teachers try to teach each of the many components separately, we will end up with a jigsaw approach to religious education. Teaching children the various pieces of religious education, without sharing the picture on the box, can make their
faith a puzzle that some may never work out.
So what is the big picture? What is the meaning of life, the universe and everything?
It begins with what it means to be human. We are different from other species on this planet because we have the ability
to reason and contemplate things like the meaning of life. This is not new. This development of reason was part of an
evolutionary need to stop getting eaten by bigger, faster and stronger animals. This search for meaning in life is what
separates us from the animals – each and every one of us. This search is also known as our spirituality.
Seeking answers is part of a journey in which we join our ancestors of old. This seeking is the purpose of religion and
gives it meaning. So what are the answers?
Over thousands of years the human species has consistently recognised a few common understandings:
We recognise the need to treat each other well or as we would like to be treated (The golden rule, etc)
We recognise a connection to this planet and the need to care for it.
We recognise that there is something beyond us that has caused this incredible world and universe
(because we know we had nothing to do with it)
These understandings are shared by all religions and all faiths. If we all acted on them there would be no war, no poverty,
no hunger, no discrimination but unfortunately that is not the case.
The challenges of our time are spiritual as well as political and social. Our vision of being connected to the planet and
treating others well must be simultaneously personal and global. That is our challenge. That is St Pius’ challenge and that
is the challenge we will present to your children and our entire school community.
“But how are we supposed to meet this challenge?” I hear you think.
Well now our journey moves to one group’s search for answers about how to live life to the full and treat the world and
others as we would like to be treated.
For thousands of years people have written hints and tips about their search for the sacred and meaning in life. At St Pius
our job is to share some of those tips we have gained from our ancestors in the Christian tradition.
At St Pius the question is not simply ‘What is the meaning of life?’ but ‘How do I give life meaning?’
Here is the big picture!
This is the picture your child will receive and use to put the puzzle pieces in place. It may even help you.
Many classes look at the creation stories in the bible and elsewhere in the world. Genesis 1 tells us God made the earth
and ‘It was good’. People are made in God’s image to look after the world. They are made co-creators and told to go forth
and multiply, use the seed bearing plants for food and care for animals. Everyone is happy.
In the second creation story we learn that people and animals lived happily with God in a garden paradise. God walked
with them in the garden, people followed the golden rule, cared for the earth and its creatures. No disasters, no illness, no
poverty and no death. But something went wrong in paradise that brought about pain, suffering and death. People made
bad choices. Happy life in the garden with God ends. Our world has sin, death and illness. Sad times begin.
APRE’s Message
In the third creation story there is a great flood which kills many people. It is symbolic of God starting again with a good
man Noah. God gives another chance to get it right, make good choices and recreate the Kingdom of Heaven on earth.
(Note: The terms Kingdom of God and Kingdom of Heaven mean the same thing. Matthew’s gospel preferred Kingdom
of Heaven because repeatedly using the word for ‘God’ in his gospel may have been a little offensive to his Jewish audience who revered God’s name in a special way)
The simple message summarising all these stories is that our world is meant to be a happy world where we live happily
ever after and if people make the right choices it can happen.
All of these stories are prehistory. They are sacred myths that reflect those same general understandings recognised by
our ancient ancestors and by us today.
Our study of the rest of the bible reflects similar themes. God chooses a people to be the ones to bring about the kingdom of heaven (or God) on earth and they make bad choices and need to be reminded to follow God’s way.
Then we have a series of stories with various characters like Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, Saul, David etc. Time after time the chosen people let God down as they turn away from God’s
kingdom and make poor choices as they try to go their own way. We have prophets who arrive and
tell people to correct their ways. Sometimes people listen and sometimes they don’t.
Finally Jesus arrives (add appropriate fanfare here). He explains that they have been a little mistaken with their understanding of God. Jesus describes him as a father who still wants everyone to live in his kingdom forever. Jesus says he
is here to bring about this kingdom in this world and the next. He explains that those who die can live again in this kingdom without pain, hunger, suffering etc. The beautiful world and garden from the very start of our story are still available
and God wants us there. Jesus gives us the secrets to success when he says ‘You shall love the Lord your God with all
your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind’, ‘You shall love your neighbour as yourself’ and ‘On these two
commandments hang all the law and the prophets.’ He gives the Beatitudes as an explanation of those who will make
the Kingdom of Heaven rather than the 10 commandments. He clearly wants us to change the world.
He points out through parables that the current world order needs adjusting if we are to bring about the kingdom of God.
The parables call for us to change the way we look at the world. He says the Kingdom of God is like a mustard seed – it
will start small and take over the Earth. ‘The first shall be last and the last shall be first.’
His miracles are signs of the kingdom of God. The blind see, the deaf hear, the lame walk, people bound by mental illness are set free. The kingdom of God is coming without illnesses, hunger or storms to be calmed.
Finally (this is the big one!) Jesus conquers death and through his resurrection reveals that there is life after death. He
proves that the Kingdom of God is a reality that exists for all. His work in preparing people for the kingdom is complete.
After Jesus’ ascension, people receive Jesus’ spirit (Holy Spirit) and those who work for the kingdom receive the gifts to
continue Jesus’ work. This brings us to St Pius School, Banyo where, inspired by St Mary MacKillop, this desire to build
the kingdom continues and the Holy Spirit continues to help us in this work.
So here is ‘The big picture’ executive summary:
Our world is meant to be a perfect world of love, peace and harmony. We are called to make
this a reality by looking after each other and our planet. We have to make these connections on
a personal and global level. We need to give thanks to our loving, creator God as we stand in
wonder and awe at the marvels of his work and his unconditional love. As we learn about God,
we need to ask ‘What does it mean for me today? How can I learn from the mistakes of the
past?’, ‘How can I bring about the Kingdom of God in the world today?’ and finally ‘What is the
true meaning of Live, Love, Learn?’
Next week, Mrs Barrett-Coade and I will present our Religious Education program for validation
to a panel including an Education Officer from Brisbane Catholic Education, two APRE’s, and
teachers from other schools for validation. We will be sharing our vision and our big picture for
religious education at St Pius.
I would like to thank Peter and Kim for the opportunity to work on this project over the past 6
weeks and also thank the staff of St Pius for their commitment to implementing this new document with its various changes in approach and requirements for extra personal study in scripture scholarship. There is a
reason we are the only BCE school north of the river considered capable of being validated this year and we should be
proud of the fact that our wisdom, charm and good looks (let’s not deny it) are being recognised.
See you at the Fun Day,
Sports News
A sports newsletter of a different kind this week with only one reminder, a big congratulations and an NRL Grand Final experience this week. Check it all out below.
AFL Auskick – every Wednesday. I have heard back from Sean from AFL QLD
about the great attendance we had during our first week of the AFL Auskick program
held on our oval yesterday afternoon. Students from Prep right up to Year 4 attended their first
session and should have received their free footy to practise all those drop punts and handballs. Sean has assured me that the rest of your Auskick kit will be ready Week 4 of the program. Plus, its not too late to sign up!! Anyone can come along next week and join in all the fun
as well.
Now last week we had a write up about Holly’s experience at the AFL Grand Final, however, the
Breen family were lucky enough to fly down to Sydney in the last week of holidays to watch the
mighty South Sydney Rabbitohs with several Queensland players in their ranks beat the Canterbury Bulldogs in the 2014 NRL Grand Final. I must add here that although the Breen family
are mad Rabbitohs fans and were delighted with the result, Elijah from 1G wants people to
know that he is a staunch Broncos supporter and I think you can tell this in some of the great
photos Shari has sent in. Hopefully next year Elijah we will be cheering those mighty Broncos
on to a win in the 2015 Grand Final.
Congratulations goes to… Sam Waugh who has represented St Pius at the State Athletics
Titles that were held at Mt Gravatt on Tuesday and Wednesday this week. Although Sam’s
throws in Shot Put and Discus didn’t quite get to the distances he was hoping for, it is such a
remarkable achievement and the first time we have ever had a student from St Pius go all the
way to State Titles in Track & Field. After talking to Sam this week, he is highly motivated to get
to the same representative level next year. Myself and all of the St Pius community are proud of
your efforts over these past two months Sam! Look out for him next year folks.
Enjoy your weekend. Yours in sport.
Mr B
P&F Message
It’s here... the St Pius
Fun Day is in 2 sleeps
Saturday 18th October
Fun Day Times:
Welcome tent open from 10.30am
To collect all your pre-booked ride
pass arm bands from.
Fun Day and rides begins at 11am
Fun Day Finishes at 4pm
Enclosed shoes MUST
be worn on all rides
Ride Passes $35 each or $6 per
ride on Saturday available from
the Welcome Tent
$$ Cash only day $$
Fun Day flyer is on page 6
Thank you in advance for your interest in
assisting on the Family Fun Day.
For more information please contact your
class Pastoral Care Parent
Monica on [email protected]
Rohan von Hoyer-Davies on
[email protected]
or 0434 218 882
Please see your classroom pastoral care
parent for all job allocations on Saturday
(if unknown). Jobs from set up, working in
the welcome tent, running stalls, cooking
the BBQ, selling ice creams, emptying
bins, to cleaning up and packing away.
There are plenty of helpers always needed and very valued.
Thank you everyone and enjoy
School Uniforms
All St Pius School uniforms including hats
and bags are sold at Lowes Toombul
Please name ALL of your child’s items
Please check Lost Property regularly
for forgotten and lost items.
St Pius Swimming Caps are available from
the school office for $8 each
Volunteers for Friday 17th October
Christine Digby
Kelly Grant
Rochelle Cole
Ronnie Ryan 1st break
Amanda Hetherington 2nd break
We are getting too many foreign coins in tuckshop
bags. These coins have no value at the bank so it
really means that lunches are not being paid for
correctly and the school is losing out financially,
Please only use Australian currency.
Please order by THURSDAY
unless you are away sick.
If ordering Friday we ask that you only order cold
food at first break (no toasted or hot rolls).
Yoghurts $1, banana, strawberry, vanilla.
Cheerios - hot or cold, 4 for $2.50
Volunteers needed for Term 4
please call Theresa Appelton on 0407 115 662
Free Lunch Competition
Have your lunch orders in on Thursday and
your name will go into a draw each week.
2 winners will be drawn each Thursday to
enjoy tuckshop lunch for free on Friday.
Free Lunch Competition
Junior Winner - Scarlet Hodson PY
Senior Winner - Piper Adams Yr 4Y-
Helpful Parent Reminders
We are a NO NUT school as we have children with all different nut allergies
Pre Paid ride passes available from the Welcome Tent from 10.30am on Saturday
2015 Prep families please make yourselves know at the Welcome Tent on Saturday
Fun Day ride passes—$35 each or $6 per ride (cash) at the Welcome Tent on Saturday
Fun Day Raffle tickets sent home are to be returned by Friday 17th October sold or not
Bookclub due back in by Thursday 23rd October
2015 Booklists - forms due back into the office by Friday 24th October
AFL Auskick program forms are to be taken to the first training session held on the oval
School Swimming classes Friday for Years 3, 2, 1 and Preps (reminder to wear sunscreen).
School Swimming classes Monday for Years 4, 5 and 6/7 (reminder to wear sunscreen)
Students to bring for swimming lessons: costume, swimming cap, goggles, towel, rash shirt,
thongs/sandals (to walk to and from the pool in) sunscreen (this could be applied before school)
All Yr 1 to Yr7 competent swimmers only free swimming is at Monday lunch time 1.20pm to
1.40pm - parent volunteers are required
St Pius swimming caps available for sale in the office for $8 each (compulsory)
Qualified Swimming contact - Rae 0411 862 441 (flyer on page 7)
Banyo Community Swimming Club contact Gary Kehl 0401 820 231 (flyer on page 7)
All St Pius School uniforms are sold at LOWES Toombull
Monday 20th October
No school next Monday 20th
October for students
The St Pius Family Fun Day is fast approaching
On Saturday 18th October 2014.
Fun Day Times
Welcome Tent opens 10.30am
Fun Day begins at 11am
Fun Day finishes at 4pm
Please note that this is not a supervised event, all children need to be
accompanied and supervised by an adult for the full day.
Rides Include:
Jumping Castle – For all ages
Rockwall – For ages 5 and upwards, with 5 climbers at a time.
Aquatic Adventure Castle with huge slide inside–For ages up to 13 years.
Ferris Wheel – for ages up to 13 years.
Extreme Force Ride – Height 120cm and up with 35 riders.
Super Sizzler – Height 110 and up with 60 riders.
Controller Chaos – Video gaming theatre with 8 X-box Stations with up to 20 players at
a time.
Pre-Purchased Ride Passes - $30 each up until tomorrow morning
Purchased on the day - $35 each.
Single Ride Tickets purchased on the day - $6.
On Saturday 18th October from 10.30am the “Welcome Tent” will be open to collect ride
pass armbands. This includes all pre purchased ride passes
Bumper Mega Raffle
A book of 10 tickets has been sent home lastweek to each family. These are $1 per ticket and
drawn at the Fun Day on Saturday 18th October. The family that sells the most tickets will
receive a free ride pass valued at $30.
Please write clearly the person’s name and contact phone number and return the butts and
money in an envelope to the office by tomorrow FRIDAY 17th October. Please return all unsold tickets also as they can be sold on the day.
Over twenty prizes to be won. Prizes include a bicycle, scooter, 1 night for two at Novotel with
breakfast, a double pass to the 2014 Melbourne Cup marquee at Eagle Farm, and vouchers
from Banyo Meat Service, Site Café, Cheesecake Factory, Tiddlywink, Lowes, and much
Extra raffle ticket books are available from the school office tomorrow
and from the Welcome Tent on Saturday.
St Pius Playgroup
Under 5s
Every Friday
during school term
8.30am to 10.30am
In the school hall,
$1 per week,
including tea & coffee
Angela Wilcox
Mobile 0432 835 536
Please Help
One of our
fathers is still
looking for work
to support his large
He is skilled in project
construction, maintenance and possess IT
If you can assist please
contact the school office.
St Pius School Pool Redhill Road entrance
Come along and see how much fun it is, we are a friendly, relaxed swim club the whole
family can enjoy.
You don’t need to be a super fast swimmer, points are based on improving your own
We offer half length races and the not so confident competitors have a competent swimmer in the lane with them at all times. All ages and standards are welcome.
Cost is $35 per swimmer or $70 per family for the season.
More information please contact Gary Kehl on 0401 820 231
XOXO Beauty Bar
Major Sponsor for the St Pius Family Fun
For students who may need a little assistance
Homework Solutions can help.
Small group and individual tuition
from Prep to Yr 12’s
Contact details:
Phone: 3269 2477
Mary: 0429 692 477
Greg: 0409 692 877
Email: [email protected]
Address: 7 Sutton Ave Sandgate
Business cards available at the school office.
All 2015 Prep Students are invited to attend the
Family Fun Day . Please welcome all new
families into our St Pius Community when you
meet them on Saturday.
Maggie Hamilton – researcher & author is coming
St Joseph’s to present a talk on
Media, Marketing & our Children
Wednesday 29th October at 7pm.
In a few short years our teen girls and boys have become vulnerable, facing challenges no other generation has encountered. Our children have access to and are bombarded by more
advertising and marketing than ever before in history. So how
is this affecting our children? Why do they pay more attention
to their peers than their parents? What makes brand-name
clothes and looking sexy so appealing? Why are they drawn to
‘out there’ behaviour and does dealing with these factors lead
to rising levels of depression, eating and anxiety issues?
Maggie Hamilton, researcher and author, spent three years
interviewing dozens of boys and girls, teachers, school counsellors, psychologists, law enforcement and medical personnel
to get an insider’s view on what boys and girls are experiencing at present. She has published a number of books on these
issues such as ‘What’s Happening to Our Girls’ and ‘What’s
Happening to Our Boys’. Informed, sometimes confronting
and revelatory, her research explores these issues, and offers
parents sensible, easy-to-implement solutions. Come along
and hear her speak so that you can use the knowledge gained
from her research to assist your own children to cope with
these complex social issues.
Homework Solutions has been great in helping my
son Keegan who went from hating maths to it
becoming his favourite subject. Carolyn
From the amount of expression of interest/request for booking
forms we have received back for 2015, it’s going to be a busy
year for St Pius OSHC. There are many exciting and challenging times ahead. Positions in 2015 will be issued on a ‘first in
best dressed’ basis and the priority of the booking.
Enrolment forms for 2015 will be available from the beginning
of Term 4, 2014. Places for Before and After School Care will
be capped at 30 children, unless we have enough bookings
and staff to open up to 45 children and up to 60 if needed.
Once enrolment forms are completed in full (this includes all
pages signed, emergency contacts signed, sighted immunisation is up to date and acknowledgement that you have read all
of the information in the enrolment pack) then payment of
enrolment fee is required. If positions are available, your first 2
weeks of full fees need to be paid to confirm your 2015 booking.
Based upon forms that have been returned, we have many
positions available in Before School Care. Before School Care
opens at 7:00am; children are not to be on the school grounds
before 8:00am and teacher supervision doesn’t start until
8:15am. After School Care begins at school finish and runs
until 6:00pm.
At this time we will not be offering Vacation Care/School Holiday care as numbers of interest doesn’t permit us to offer this
service. We have alternatives in place with other services so
your children are in care if needed.
Thanks, St Pius OSHC Staff
Only $5.00 entry
Jess Triggell
St Pius Outside School Hours Care
Messages from St Dympnas Parish Youth Group
1. Upcoming Event - St Dympnas Parish Youth Group are holding a
Youth Group disco fundraiser for the Catholic Mission's Sock it to
Poverty Campaign to help kids in the third world have a better life.
The music will be pumping in the Parish Hall on Friday 31 October
from 6.30 - 8.30pm entry by donation and all proceeds go to the
Catholic Mission. Please join us!
2. Members of our Parish Youth Group will be attending & celebrating Mass at Ignite Live on Sunday 19 October 5pm to 9pm. ACU,
1100 Nudgee Rd, Banyo. This event is organised by the Emmanuel
Community a Catholic mission community within the Archdiocese of
Brisbane and is open to all ages. The Music is awesome! Please
join us.
Congratulations ….. to Olivia Trempus!
Olivia received the 1st place award on
Wednesday night for the Independent
Education Union of Australia 2014 Literary Competition.
The event was held at the Queensland
Multicultural Centre. Olivia had to read
her poem and spoke very well. We at St
Pius very proud of Olivia’s achievement. Well done!
3. The St Dympnas Parish Youth Group is meeting Friday 7 November from 6.30 - 8.30pm in the Parish Hall. Please give yourself a bit
of me time and bring the kids along to join us for fun, games and
pizza in a fully supervised Catholic setting. All Primary and High
School age children are welcome and our kids all have a great time.
Bring a gold coin donation for the dinner and a positive attitude. For
more information contact Makelita Sheehan on 0481195670 or simply turn up on the night.
4. St Dympnas Parish Youth Group will be joining Nundah-Banyo,
Sandgate-Brighton, & All Saints Youth Groups at St Joseph's Bracken Ridge for joint youth group activities on the Saturday 8 November. More info to come. Please join us!
Upcoming Dates….
Friday 17th October
Saturday 18th October
Monday 20th October
Wednesday 22nd October
Thursday 23rd October
Friday 24th October
Monday 27th October
Tuesday 28th October
Class Swimming for Prep to Yr 3
Family Fun Day 11am to 4pm
Welcome Tent open at 10.30am to collect ride passes
Enclosed shoes are to be worn on all rides at the Fun Day
Pupil Free Day
Yr 2 excursion to North Pine Dam
Mass Yr 5
AFL AusKick on the oval
Book club is due in today
Swimming classes Prep to Yr 3 (apply sunscreen at home)
Booklist for 2015 required to be handed in to the school office
Mr Surawski returns from LSL
Assembly Yr 3
Swimming classes Yr 4 to 6/7 (apply sun screen at home)
Yr 1-7 Free swimming lunch time (parent volunteer are required)
2015 Prep Familiarisation morning
3 x sessions at 9.15am to 10.15am, 11am to 12pm, 12.10pm to 1.10pm
Wednesday 29th October
Thursday 30th October
AFL AusKick on the oval
Board Meeting
2015 Prep Orientation morning
8.45am to 10.30am plus morning tea to follow
Friday 31st October
World Teachers’ Day
Day for Daniel (wear red shirt)
Swimming classes Yr 4 to 6/7 (apply sun screen at home)
2014 Term 4 Calendar
Saturday 18th
Monday 20th
Wednesday 22nd
Wed 22nd – Fri 24th
Friday 24th
Monday 27th
Tuesday 28th
Wednesday 29th
Thursday 30th
Friday 31st
Monday 3rd
Tuesday 4th
Wednesday 5th
Monday 10th
Wednesday 12th
Friday 14th
Monday 17th
Wednesday 19th
Thurs 20th – Fri 21st
Fri 21st
Monday 24th
Wednesday 26th
Thursday 27th
Friday 28th
Monday 1st
Wednesday 3rd
Friday 5th
Family Fun Day 11am to 4pm
Pupil Free Day
Yr 2 excursion to North Pine Dam
Yr 5 Mass
AFL AusKick on the oval (forms to be taken)
Principals Association conference
Swimming classes Prep to Yr 3
Mr Peter Surawski returns from LSL
Assembly Yr 3
Swimming classes Yr 4 to 6/7
Yr 1-7 Free swimming at lunch 1.20pm (volunteers needed)
2015 Prep Familiarisation
AFL AusKick on the oval
Board meeting
2015 Prep Orientation morning
World Teachers Day
Day for Daniel – (wear red shirts)
Swimming classes Prep to Yr 3
Assembly Yr 4
Swimming classes Yr 4 to 6/7
Yr 1-7 Free swimming at lunch 1.20pm (volunteers needed)
Melbourne Cup Day
Yr 1 incursion
Mass Yr 3
AFL AusKick on the oval
Assembly Yr 6/7 (Remembrance Day Program)
Swimming classes Yr 4 to 6/7
Yr 1-7 Free swimming at lunch 1.20pm (volunteers needed)
Mass Yr 1
G20 Public Holiday
Swimming classes Yr 4 to 6/7
Yr 1-7 Free swimming at lunch 1.20pm (volunteers needed)
Mass yr 4
Yr 5 Camp – Warawee, Joyner
Swimming classes Prep to Yr 3
Assembly Yr 5
Swimming classes Yr 4 to 6/7
Yr 1-7 Free swimming at lunch 1.20pm (volunteers needed)
Mass Yr 6/7
P&F Exec. & Board member’s dinner
2015 Book Packs arrive (into student’s current classrooms)
Parish Finance Meeting
Swimming classes Prep to Yr 3
Yr 6/7 Splash n Swim at Chermside
Swimming classes Yr 4 & Yr 5
Yr 1-7 Free swimming at lunch 1.20pm (volunteers needed)
Christmas Concert
Reports sent home
Last AFL AusKick on the oval
Yr 6/7 Graduation Dinner
Last day of school for 2014 - finishing time is 12pm
Wednesday 28th January - First day of Term 1 for 2015