SWIMMERS’ CODE Burnley Borough Council aims to provide safe and hygienic swimming pools, for the benefit of all swimmers. To help us achieve this, it is important that swimmers adhere to this code. (1)CHILDREN The only exception is for very young children who will be out of their depth even in the shallowest part of the pool. Such children must be supervised on a one-to-one basis. Non-swimmers must use swimming aids such as armbands. Swim rings, seats and swim vests must only be used under adult supervision. Note: Armbands cannot be hired or borrowed from the pool, but are available for purchase. football shorts and clothing that is indecent, dirty or dangerous is not acceptable. Please note that shorts lower than knee level are not permitted. You must not go swimming if you are under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs. An individual thought to be under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs will be refused entry. Burnley Borough Council will not tolerate the following behaviour on its premises:(6) JEWELLERY / EQUIPMENT Children under 8 years must be accompanied by an • Foul and abusive language Please remove all jewellery including watches, as adult in the water. An adult is a responsible person • All forms of harassment E.g.: racial or sexual these can cause injury or be lost. Glasses may be over 16 years. The only exception to this is in the • Threatened or actual violence worn but must be securely fitted whilst swimming. case of organised lessons or classes. (3)HYGIENE Masks, flippers and snorkels are only allowed during If you behave in such a way you will be asked to Children are the responsibility of the accompanying Please use the toilets before swimming. This supervised sessions. Customers’ own small items of leave the premises and may have services withdrawn from you. The police will be called adult and they must always be in close contact and is especially important for young children. All play equipment (e.g. soft balls) are only allowed at if necessary swimmers must shower before using the pool – pre- the discretion of the lifeguard on duty. never left alone. swim showering removes significant amounts of dirt and bacteria that otherwise end up in the pool. This Children under 4 years must be supervised one to (9)DIVING includes sweat, make-up, deodorants, hair products (7) MEDICAL PROBLEMS one by an adult* Diving is only allowed in water over 1.5m deep. For your own safety, please discreetly inform the Only two children aged 4 to 7 years may accompany etc. that if removed by showering, before entering Suitable parts of the pools are clearly identified for the pool, would make the pool water more pleasant lifeguard on duty if there is any illness or disability, one adult.* shallow dives only. to swim in and help prevent your eyes stinging. We which may affect your swimming ability, such as Any child under 8 years must not be left alone on Diving in St Peter’s training pool is not permitted would also recommend the wearing of swim caps. asthma or epilepsy. Waterproof plasters must cover when the no diving signs are illuminated. the poolside or on the spectator galleries. This also includes babies and young children in cuts or open sores. You should not go swimming if prams etc. you have:(4)BABIES (10)DROWNING ALARM • A stomach upset In the interest of hygiene all babies and young All our pools are equipped with drowning alarms. Exceptions: children still in nappies, must wear purpose made • A throat infection If the drowning alarm is activated, you will be If a designated non-swimmer area is in place, one swim nappies. We recommend that babies come • An ear infection instructed to leave the water immediately. Please adult may supervise up to three children aged 4 to 7, swimming after they have completed the first set • A cold follow the instructions of the lifeguard so that any or two children under the age of 4 of vaccinations, usually about 4 months old. Baby • An infectious skin condition incident can be dealt with quickly and safely. change tables and nappy bins are provided in all • Anyone with a verruca may still continue to use (* St Peter’s training pool maximum depth of 0.9m – male / female and village pool changing rooms. the pools. Current medical guidance is that there is up to three children aged 4 to 7 years, or two children no need to wear special verruca socks. A waterproof (11)HEALTH SUITE under the age of 4) Swimming attire (as above) must be worn at all time (5)SWIMWEAR plaster is sufficient. in the Health Suite at St Peter’s Centre. Please use suitable clean swimwear. We would If you are unsure of whether a health condition is The Spa pool must be vacated when the water is (2)NON-SWIMMERS prefer customers to use purpose made costumes. suitable for swimming please consult your Doctor. inactive (no bubbles). A non-swimmer or poor swimmer may be defined Garments such as leggings and leotards are as someone who is not able to swim one length (25 acceptable as long as they are lightweight, close (8) LISTEN TO THE LIFEGUARD The Duty Manager is the on-site officer responsible metres) of the pool unaided and tread water for 30 fitting, and are used solely for swimming. The All our lifeguards are qualified and professional. for the health and safety of customers and staff. The seconds to the satisfaction of the lifeguard on duty. Council cannot accept any responsibility for any Please listen to them to ensure that your swim is safe Duty Manager is authorised to refuse entry to the Such swimmers must not go out of colour loss or fabric deterioration to any clothing their depth. and enjoyable. used as swimwear. Cut down jeans, underwear, facility.
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