TWENTY EIGHT SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME PARISH PRIEST Rev. Fr James Earley (Dean) Rev Fr John St John DEACON Rev Steve Durkin Tel: 01472 311944 Mob: 07505 559360 SISTERS OF ST JOSEPH OF PEACE Sister Breege Leddy CJSP & Sister Ann Helen Byrne CJSP 11th & 12th October 2014 ST CECILIA SINGERS St Pius x & St Peters, Corpus Christi, Star of the Sea Will be singing @ Corpus Christi This Monday 13th October In aid of the sick & retired priests fund. Tickets £5 including Supper. Tickets available at all churches Limited transport is available if required. Today’s Liturgy Twenty Eighth Sunday of Ordinary Time Cycle A 1st Reading – A reading from the prophet Isaiah 25:6-10. “The Lord will prepare for all people a banquet and will wipe away the tears from every cheek.” Responsorial Psalm 22. “In the Lord’s own house shall I dwell for ever & ever.” nd 2 Reading – A reading from the first letter of St. Paul to the Philippians 4:12-14, 19-20.. “There is nothing I cannot master with the help of the One who gives me strength.” Acclamation; “Alleluia, Alleluia! The word was made flesh and lived among us; to all who did accept him he gave power to become children of God. Alleluia!” Gospel Matthew 22:1-14. “Invite everyone you can to the wedding.” Psalter 4 Pope’s Mission That the world economy may be managed according to the principles of justice and equity, taking account of the real needs of peoples, especially the poorest.- That the Churches in Africa may be signs and instruments of reconciliation and justice in every part of that continent PRAYERS ARE REQUESTED for all who have died during the past week and those whose anniversaries occur about this time. We remember all victims of violence and war. May they rest in the peace of Christ the Lord. We pray for the sick and all in need of prayer. May we all discover the love and compassion of God the Father, Son & Holy Spirit? Amen. CHURCH INFORMATION or Tweet @CatholicLincs CORPUS CHRISTI Grimsby Road, Cleethorpes DN35 7LJ Tel 01472 692370 ST. PIUS X Chelmsford Ave, Grimsby DN34 5DD Tel 01472 871632 OUR LADY STAR OF THE SEA Allerton Drive, Immingham DN40 2HP Tel/01469 573503 GENERAL INFORMATION In preparation for the Bereavement Mass on 1st November we have placed in Loving Memory Cards in the back of all our Churches. If you wish to have your loved ones remembered please complete these cards with their details and place in basket provided. These basket will then be brought up and presented during the Mass itself. Pope Francis.......Evangelii Gaudium..... Youth Ministry, as traditionally organized, has also suffered the impact of social changes. Young people often fail to find responses to their concerns, needs, problems and hurts in the usual structures. As adults we find it hard to listen patiently to them, to appreciate their concerns and demands, and to speak to them in a language they can understand. For the same reason, our efforts in the field of education do not produce the results expected. The rise and growth of associations and movements made up of young people can be seen as the work of the Holy Spirit, who blazes new trails to meet their expectations and a search for a deep spirituality and a more real sense of belonging. There remains a need, however, to ensure that these associations actively participate in the Church’s overall pastoral methods....... "Being a Welcoming Church." RCIA Do you know someone who is interested in learning more about the Catholic Church or has expressed an interest in becoming a Catholic? If so, a new RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) group will be starting on Thursday October 16th at Corpus Christi Parish House. This is a welcome meeting and an opportunity to come along and have a cup of tea/coffee and find out a little bit more about what RCIA entails. If you, or someone you know, can't make the meeting and are still interested, or would like further details, then please contact Joanna Perry on 01472 507745 or at [email protected] DEANERY RETREAT DAY "Preparing for Advent & Christmas" In the Lincoln and North Lincolnshire area there will be a renewal morning for Catechists which will take place on Saturday 25th October, at Our Lady of Lincoln Church (LN2 2HE) from 10.45 am to 12.15 pm. You may wish to attend 10 am Mass at Our Lady's beforehand, and stay for lunch (Please bring a packed lunch), followed by a short time of prayer and guided meditation afterwards. The Catholic Medical Association (UK) invites all health professionals, medical students and any others interested, to a talk to be given by Dr Dale Gardiner on “ORGAN DONATION”. Dr Gardiner is an Intensive Care Consultant at Nottingham University Hospitals and Deputy National Clinical Lead for Organ Donation and will give an informative, fascinating and stimulating talk on this important topic. The meeting will take place in St Barnabas’ Cathedral Hall, Nottingham, at 7.30 pm on Tuesday 21 st October 2014. For further information please contact Dr Tim Connery at [email protected]. with Prayerful reflection, Holy Mass, Service of Healing & Reconcilliation, shared lunch table, and talks by Fr. John Williamson (Carmelite). Saturday 29th. November. Corpus Christi Cleethorpes. 11am - 4pm. MORE DETAILS LATER ! A very big Thank You to you all for your response to the CAFOD Harvest Fast Day appeal. The amount banked so far from the three churches ( Corpus Christi ; Immingham and St. Pius ) is £769-51...... Absolutely marvellous. Watch this space for the final figure later in the month I am happy to announce that Steve Willows has been appointed Assistant Chaplain for AOS, working from the Immingham Seafarer Centre, to help with the ever growing workload both here and on the Trent. He will work 4 days a week alongside me. I ask you to keep him in your prayers and I know you will give him every support. FR Colum. ———————————————————————————————Congratulations Steve from our parish a very well deserved appointment, we will keep you in our prayers. SCHOOLS INFORMATION ST JOSEPH’S PRIMARY ACADEMY – Philip Avenue, Cleethorpes, Tel 01472 690672 ST MARY’S ACADEMY – Wellington Street, Grimsby, Tel 01472 357982 HOLY FAMILY CATHOLIC ACADMEY Chatsworth Place, Cleethorpes, Tel 01472 328888 Going into Hospital/Housebound - if you know of someone in Hospital, Nursing Home, ill at home, changing Ward or being discharged please let one of the Priests, Sisters or Eucharistic Ministers know. This is one way of making sure that that the Patient will receive a visit from the Catholic Chaplain Fr James. Also, be assured if you tell the staff caring for you/ relative that you wish to see a Catholic Chaplain they always make contact with us, and so we can respond. Chaplains - Castle Hill Fr Pat Day 01482 847763 Hull Royal Infirmary 01482 329100 or Hull Royal Infirmary who will page the Chaplain. PARISH & SCHOOL INFORMATION Bulletin Requests to [email protected] or request to have the bulletin emailed to you CORPUS CHRISTI EMAIL: [email protected] CENTRE BOOKINGS 01472316415 Special Welcome to all our Visitors; we hope you have a pleasant time. Please join us for Teas after all Masses on Sunday, Tuesday & Saturday mornings Bonus Ball Saturday 04.10.14 No 10. Mr M Collins £25-00 Wednesday 08.10.14 No 20 No Winner Corpus Christi 100 Club The start of the new year for 100 Club Subscriptions is September. We have many spare numbers - Please let Sister Ann-Helen have your subscriptions of £12 in an envelope with your name and telephone number if possible. Mission Red Boxes Well done to all holders of red boxes we banked £482 Many Thanks Graham & Pat. This years community MacMillan Coffee Morning was a tremendous success raising £600. Thanks to our supporters and growing team of helpers & Great British Bakers, thank you & can we book you again next year. Siobhan The Diocesan Education Service is seeking expressions of interest from people interested and willing to serve the mission of the Church by becoming a Foundation Governor in one of our schools/academies. For more information visit where you will also find more information and an ‘Expression of Interest’ form. Alternatively, call 01332 293833 for more information. .Coffee Morning in Aid of Sick and Retired Priests Diocesan Appeal will take place at 54 Augusta Street Grimsby on Saturday October 25th 10.00am to 1.00pm . Cakes Raffle Name Cards. Coffee Biscuits 50p Please support this worthy cause. OUR LADY STAR OF THE SEA E-MAIL: [email protected] Tea & Coffee Served after all Masses in the Murray Room. FAITH IN FAMILIES (Childrens Society) and RED MISSIONARY BOXES are due for emptying. Please bring and give to Christina or Colin to be emptied. ASAP. Thank You. HOLY SOULS. Please take a sheet at the back of the Church and write the name of Your Loved Ones, Family and friends who have died. Then place it in the basket. Which will be placed on the Altar during November. £ Collection Totals 4th & 5th October Envelopes £723.96 Loose Plate £318.39 Total £1042.35 Standing Orders for September £1446.50 Thank you for your kind Generosity 2nd Collection next week 18/19th October for World Mission Sunday. Diary Dates Concert Night in aid of the Retired Priest Fund Monday 13th October Annual Bereavement Mass @ Corpus Christi Saturday 1st November. Christmas Bazaar @ St Pius 30th November. Christmas Fayre and Draw @ Corpus Christi Saturday 6th WEEK OF PRAYER FOR WORLD PEACE STARTING ON 12TH OCTOBER SUNDAY 12TH OCTOBER AT ST. MARY ON THE SEA EXPOSITION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT 3PM This will be a quiet hour of prayer for our troubled World All Welcome ST PIUS X & ST PETER E-MAIL: [email protected] HALL BOOKINGS 07804573051 Refreshments - Just to remind everyone that Tea and Coffee is served in the hall every week after the Sunday 11.00am Mass Do come across and join in, it's a good way to keep up with all the Parish happenings. The Guides & Brownies are wanting to start preparing for our Christmas stall at St.Pius Bazaar. We would appreciate any of the following donations please. Individual Chocolate bars, Bags of sweets, Marshmallows, Starmix, wrapped boiled sweets, that type of sweet. Sweet Candy Canes Christmas Mugs or Novelty mugs, new or "pre-loved" as long as they are in good condition. Empty Jars with class lids, like the Douwe Egberts Coffee ones. Many thanks for your support with our requests. Liz and all at 15th Grimsby Brownies & Guides 200 Club 07/09 137 Mrs M Andrews £10 144 Mrs E McCarthy £5 14/09 46 Liz Dugard £10 140 Mrs M Hirst £5 21/09 17 The Sisters £10 34 Pat Greiner £5 28/09 76 Bernadette Bray £10 105 Taylor Family £5 The Macmillian Coffee Morning on 28th Sept at St Pius raised a fantastic £316. Thank you to my helpers and to all who donated and baked for the event and a big thanks to all for helping raise the total. Janet Pickett. St Pius Parish Team Meeting Monday 20th October 7.00pm. Please forward any agenda items to Chris Mack Support Group for the Bereaved If at any time you feel we can offer support to you or your family, please call Winn on: 01472 751995 Safe Guarding Children Representatives Sarah Pollard (Corpus Christi) Richard Mellows (St Pius X) Clare Conway (Our Lady Star of the Sea) Page 3 NO RTH EA ST L I NCO L NSHI RE CA THO L I C CO MMU NI TY
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