CARILLON A Free Publication of First United Methodist Church 305 East Anapamu Street, Santa Barbara, CA 93101 805-963-3579 ~ [email protected] ~ Facebook: First United Methodist Church Santa Barbara October 14, 2014 LOVE IS THE FULFILLING OF THE LAW The Rev. Frank Schaefer is a new colleague and ministry partner in our Santa Barbara Mission Area. Many of us are excited to see how he will reach the community of Isla Vista and the UCSB campus with the gospel of God’s unconditional love and amazing grace, and we have been active in our support for him, his wife Brigitte, his associate Rahel Yoo, and the budding United Methodist presence in Isla Vista! Frank brings wonderful pastoral gifts to his new ministry, and we are also grateful for his prophetic witness, as he continues to challenge the United Methodist Church to be fully inclusive in offering grace to all of God’s children, including our LGBTQ neighbors. The apostle Paul, who at one time persecuted the early followers of Jesus because they didn’t “fit” into his religious understanding, later sums up the law and commandments in a way that the crucified and risen Christ helped him to grasp with the words, “Love your neighbor as yourself.” Paul writes, “Love does no wrong to a neighbor; therefore, love is the fulfilling of the law” (Romans 13:10). As you may have heard, on October 22nd, the Judicial Council of the United Methodist Church will meet in Memphis, Tennessee to consider a number of agenda items, including the final Appeal of Rev. Schaefer who performed a same-sex marriage ceremony for his son Tim in 2007. His actions represent a father demonstrating love for his son, but they resulted in charges being brought by a former church member based on the letter of the law in our Book of Discipline. Last December, Frank had his ministerial credentials removed following the first church trial. After a successful Appeal to the next higher body, the Northeastern Jurisdiction (NEJ), his credentials were reinstated this past June as he prepared to move across the country and begin his ministry here in our Conference. The NEJ Appeals decision declared Frank’s defrocking illegal because it was not a punishment for what he did – a 30-day suspension did that – but for what he might do in the future. That is not permissible under our church law. However, the counsel for the church decided not to accept this carefully reasoned opinion of the NEJ hearing, choosing instead to Appeal to the highest court in our church, the Judicial Council, which is composed of nine people (clergy and laity) from all across our global church. You will find information about two Prayer Vigils coming up soon in another part of the Carillon. Whether you can attend either of them, I still encourage you to be in prayer for Frank and Brigitte as they prepare for the trip east, the hearing, and the Council’s decision. Each of us can be in prayer according to our conscience. Each of us can hold Frank and Brigitte in prayer, seeking God’s presence and peace for them. Each of us can come to our prayers trusting in the goodness and grace of the Creator God whose image we see in every neighbor we meet when we open our hearts to God’s love. Even though I know that we are not all of one mind in the church, I believe our shared desire to be faithful to Jesus Christ helps us through times of debate and disagreement if we will invite God into the process. I also believe it is only right that you should know where my heart is. I will be praying that the Council leaves Frank’s credentials in place so that he can get on with the work of inviting students and community members into the allembracing love of God we experience through Jesus Christ. I will be praying that this will be a clear sign to all of our LGBTQ neighbors, family members, and friends that the church is here for them too! I will be praying that our church decides to honor the sacred worth of every human being in a way that creates and sustains Beloved Community. I will be praying for justice to roll down like waters, and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream (Amos 5:24). LAITY SUNDAY OCTOBER 19TH A Community of Prayer Please keep the following people in your prayers “UNEXPECTED BENEFITS Small Groups and Service” Diane Adamson, Marc and Leslie Beauchamp, Trang Cao, Steve Cooksey, Jeanette Day, John and Lois Flick, Dave Holmes, Charlotte Ley, Gerry Mason, Brigitte McKee, Lynne Merebach, Bob Miller, Josephine Morikawa and family, Peggy Phelps, Susan Plumer, . Rev. Frank Schaefer and family, Nancy Stouffer, Pam Umthun, Ruth Warkentin, David Watson, Lea and Ruth Williams., Rev. Elwood Wissmann. Laity Speakers: Vince and Carol Schlerf IN GRATITUDE FROM PAM UMTHUN I would like to extend a big, heartfelt, gratitude of thanks to all of my church family at FUMC. Your acts of kindness, love and compassion have been overwhelming through my surgeries and long extensive recoveries. I realize now I could have never endured without your help. God willing by next summer and fall I will be a “very blessed” and new “bionic woman”! In Remembrance Harry Peyton, Sept.24th Brother Nicholas Radelmiller, OHC, Sept. 27th Wedding Plans Olivia Uribe and Mark Mutal engaged, November 15th Wedding at FUMCSB. Whether it has been through phone calls, cards, flowers, meals, prayers, your company and at times transportation, or the special gift of a prayer shawl, I am reminded every day that I am loved. To all those who went out of their way to make sure my birthday was special - my cup runneth over! Clarice Gamboa and Joseph Felix November 15th Wedding in Las Vegas. Congratulations Rahel You has been recommended to the Board of Ordained Ministry - a step forward on her road to be commissioned as a Deacon. God’s blessings and care to all, Pam Umthun Service Personnel WELCOME TO THE FAMILY !!! Damon Belanger, Ryan Hirschler, Kyle Jones, Sean Jones, Catherine Karl, Scott McKee, Kevin Meinert, Alycia Porter, Jeffrey Powers, Timothy Radcliffe, Tyler Todd, Matthew Wissmann. Children, Youth, and Family Ministries celebrates the Golgert family--parents William and Rebecca, and big brother Andrew--as they welcome the newest member to their family: Sadie Alena Golgert, born September 28, 2014. HAPPY 100TH BIRTHDAY!!! The Golgerts traveled to Arizona to pick up their newborn, joining a long line of adoptive parents at FUMC that includes the Moores, the Chrisley Schmidts, and others. Prayers of love and blessing to Sadie and to the Golgert family as they begin their new lives together! TAIZÉ SERVICE AT ST. MARK UMC SUNDAY, OCTOBER 26TH @ 7 PM Taizé is a service of sung prayer, ancient and modern chant, scripture reading and silence. St. Mark has been holding these services for over 10 years. Come join them for their next monthly service this coming Sunday evening at 7:00 p.m. Janice Fitzgibbons and her mother, Mary Bahler, wish to thank all of her wonderful friends at FUMCSB, for her lovely 100th Birthday cards and gifts. Her pastor, Rev. Jim Humphrey, describes her as the "matriarch" of FUMC, New Philadelphia, Ohio! 2 STEWARDSHIP CAMPAIGN REFLECTIONS BY REBECCA GOLGERT Which was my favorite church memory growing up? 1. Playing hide and seek in the sanctuary for New Year’s Eve 2. My sister’s wedding 3. Eating potluck Jell-O with fruit floating in it 4. Performing on stage for our youth group Valentine’s Day Fundraiser Dinner 5. Traveling to Boston and North Carolina with our youth choir 6.. Fixing houses in South Carolina and staying at a beach house for a week 7. Giving the sermon at our youth service 8. Buying gifts for my mom from the “Christmas Attic” Well, I just can’t decide. I was very blessed to have an active church life growing up and all of my memories at Christ United Methodist in Ohio are warm and comforting. My church provided stability, peace and life-long friendships. I feel fortunate that my church served as the backbone to my youth and that is why I give to First United Methodist today. I want my son to have a church that he feels comfortable in…as comfortable as our own home. I want him know the congregation as our family and to make solid friendships that will support him in difficult times. I want him to learn how to be a good leader and citizen and how to respect others. I want him to learn of Jesus and God and understand all the blessings that we have been given. So, how much to give? The church doesn’t have dues or a membership fee or a loan repayment service, so it’s hard to know how much I “owe”. When I look at how much I spend on my mortgage and school loans and gym membership and cell phone bill, it makes me wonder if I am really giving enough to the church for everything it has given me. It’s a very personal decision and, for some, a very difficult decision. But when you reflect on what the church has meant to you and your family and what you hope it will become for our youth and our community, the decision should hopefully become clearer. FOUR GENERATIONS OF BAPTISMS AT FUMCSB GARDEN PRESCHOOL PREPARES TO EXPAND Heidi Casper, Garden Preschool Director, is making preparations for expanding the preschool. Enrollment continues to climb and soon will require the addition of another teacher and the opening of the nursery as a classroom. The next Open House is scheduled for Saturday, October 18, from 2:00 5:00 p.m. The school is open to children ages 2 to 5 and offers half-day and full-day programs. For more information about the Preschool, call Heidi Casper, Garden Preschool Director, at 451-5487 or email her at: [email protected] Cayden James Kassel Ford was baptized during the Oct. 12th worship service. Cayden is the son of Ellery Kassel and Bryce Ford and great grandson of Barbara Ford. Four generations of the Ford family have been baptized at FUMC. A bounty of blessings! 3 Please spread the word to families in your area that the Garden Preschool still has openings.!!!! . FLU SEASON IS HERE Health Ministries reminds us to prepare NOW for flu season by getting your flu shot as soon as possible. Every year in the US about 20,000 people die because of the flu and 95% of those fatalities are among people age 60 and over. A flu shot clinic will be held on Friday, November 7, at the Sansum Clinic Pesetas (215 Pesetas Lane, SB) from 1:00 to 5:00 p.m.. WARMING CENTERS FUNDRAISER “AN EVENING WITH ANNE LAMOTT” Saturday, November 15th, 5:00 p.m.,1st Presbyterian Church Anne Lamott is coming to Santa Barbara in a benefit for the Freedom Warming Centers. Anne is a NY Times bestselling author who writes about faith, family, and community in essays that are both wise and irreverent; e.g. Traveling Mercies, Bird by Bird, and Help, Thanks, Wow ~The Three Essential Prayers. The stories in her newest book, Small Victories ~ Spotting Improbable Moments of Grace, are a profound, hilarious, honest testimony to the irrepressible human spirit. Tickets are $28 + fees and include a copy of her book. Tickets are available online at or you cancall the office for more information: 963-3579. The hour -long talk will be followed by Q&A and book signing. FREEDOM WARMING CENTERS provide shelter, safety and warmth for homeless individuals, families and seniors during nights of extreme weather. MEN’S FELLOWSHIP BREAKFAST OCTOBER 16TH AT 7:30 A.M. The Men’s Fellowship Breakfast will next meet this Thursday at Moby Dick Restaurant at 7:30 a.m. for breakfast (Cost $10), prayer, and a program. Claire Van Blaricum from the League of Women Voters will give a summary of propositions and measures on the November ballot. You are invited to attend and bring a friend. SSP PANCAKE BRUNCH SUNDAY, OCTOBER 26TH :9:30—11:30 AM The Youth Group is holding a Pancake Brunch in Fellowship Hall as a fundraiser for the Sierra Service Project Work Team on Sunday, October 26th between services (9:30 -11:00 a.m.) The brunch will include a presentation of photos from their summer work team. The Picture Your Faith painting class will decorate the hall with their pictures, and any sales will also go for the 2015 SSP team. Eat pancakes, enjoy paintings, and support your youth 2015 work team!!! Tickets are available during Fellowship Time or at the door. MY STORY, MY SERVICE WEDNESDAY @ 6:00 P.M. IN WESLEY DR. JACQUES CHARLES The My Story, My Service series continues at 6:00 p.m. in Wesley Chapel. This week Jacques Charles will share his story of faith and life journey. In the coming weeks Woody and Aileen Boyce and Elizabeth Brooks and Rick Wolf will share their stories. Vince and Carol Schlerf serve as hosts for this delightful series of guest speakers. Contact the Schlerfs (682-5329) for more information or to arrange for transportation. WIDOWS & SINGLE WOMEN FELLOWSHIP ON SATURDAY, OCT. 25TH @ 5 PM IN ASBURY Monthly fellowship gathering. For more information, call either Barbara Hamilton at 845-0520 or Jeannette Day at 708-3337. EASY WAY TO BENEFIT THE CHURCH WHILE SHOPPING ONLINE: Do you shop on line? If so, you can be benefiting the church with each purchase. It's easy to register and you only have to sign up once. Just go to and follow the instructions. After that, the church automatically receives a donation (average 3% of each purchase) every time you, say, buy books on Amazon or shop online Macys, Bed Bath and Beyond, Easy Sprit Shoes or any of the over 1,500 online stores. You never pay more and sometimes pay less with coupons and deals the site offers. MARK AND BAILEY HARD AT WORK Bailey, Mark and Dallis’ three-year-old rescue doggie, provides loving inspiration and support while Mark tends to church business. Truth be told, he occasionally helps write his sermon! Bailey is a model of faithful devotion and companionship. 4 PRAYER VIGILS FOR PASTOR FRANK SCHAEFER AND HIS FAMILY October 15th (Wednesday), 5:00 - 7:00 p.m. "Stand With Pastor Frank" Prayer Vigil Isla Vista University Church, 892 Camino del Sur, Isla Vista Join in prayer and meet Frank and Brigitte. October 21st (Tuesday), 5:00 - 7:00 p.m. Community Interfaith Prayer Vigil First United Methodist Church, Santa Barbara Join in prayer on the eve of the Judicial Council hearing in Memphis. The Judicial Council, the highest court of the United Methodist Church, will meet October 22nd in Memphis to hear the final appeal of Rev. Frank Schaefer who originally lost his ministerial credentials in December 2013 after performing a same-sex marriage ceremony for his son in 2007. He was re-instated in June 2014 and is now serving as senior pastor of the Isla Vista University Church. Those that filed the original complaint have appealed the re-instatement and the Oct. 22nd Judicial Council will hear that final appeal. All are invited to attend a prayer vigil and/or to keep Frank, Brigitte and their family in private prayer. If you wish to contribute to Frank’s legal defenses, please go to and click “Donate” then choose the designation “Reconciling Clergy” OR mail a check made out to “Reconciling Ministries Network” with “Clergy Defense” in the memo line to RM Network, 123 West Madison Street, Suite 2150, Chicago, IL 60602. “...I can call upon all people of faith and conscience to keep Frank, his family and our UMC in earnest, loving prayer, as we try to struggle gracefully through this painful time of divisive disagreement. I pray confidently that the church may emerge stronger, more hopeful and more faithful to both its biblical grounding and its prophetic calling, as it continues to make disciples of Jesus Christ and equip them for God’s transforming work in the world.” Bishop Peggy Johnson, Eastern PA Annual Conference. June 2014. WELCOME PASTOR FRANK SCHAEFER WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 29TH: 5:30 - 7:30 P.M. TRINITY EPISCOPAL CHURCH 1500 STATE STREET, SB Pastor Frank Schaefer will be a guest speaker at Trinity Episcopal Church following the decision of his appeal at the Oct. 22nd Judicial Council hearing (see article above), The event is sponsored by Trinity LGBTQ to celebrate and welcome Pastor Frank to the SB community. A Q&A and reception will follow as well as a book signing of his book “Defrocked.” For more information call: 965-7419. 5 HEARING LOOP SYSTEM INSTALLED IN THE SANCTUARY The Hearing Loop listening system has been installed on the ground floor of our Sanctuary. This unique system turns a person’s hearing aid into wireless earphones that broadcast sound customized to that person’s hearing loss. This listening system is now in a number of venues throughout Santa Barbara. All the user needs to do is switch his/her hearing aid to the “T”, telephone, or hearing loop program. Headphones are also available at the back of the Sanctuary for those without hearing aids or without the “T” mode. Ushers are happy to assist you. First United Methodist Church 305 East Anapamu Street Santa Barbara, California 93101 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Non profit organization U. S. POSTAGE PAID Santa Barbara, CA 93101 PERMIT NO. 43 Dated Material October 14, 2014 First United Methodist Church of Santa Barbara: How to Contact Us Church Office: Open Monday through Friday: 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. (805) 963-3579 Caroline Kavanagh and Suzanne McAdams, Admin. Assistants [email protected] Pastors: Rev. Dr. Mark Richardson, Senior Pastor [email protected] Rev. Dr. Alan Strout, Associate Pastor [email protected] Children & Family Ministries: Aimee Dutch, Children & Family Ministries Coordinator [email protected] Izzy Jarvis, Elizabeth Spencer, Youth Leaders [email protected] Garden Preschool: Heidi Casper, Director (805) 451-5487 [email protected] Membership: Sylvia Morikawa, Membership Coordinator [email protected] The following may be also reached through the church office:(805-963-3579) Music Director: Nathan Kreitzer Organist: Dr. Steve Hodson Weddings/Events: Marte Franklin, Toni Straka Daily Devotional - A different inspiring recorded message each day by Pastor Alan: 805-962-5697 The Carillon is published on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month, except when otherwise noted. The submissions are due to the office by the 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month. FUMCSB VISION STATEMENT The vision of the First United Methodist Church of Santa Barbara is to provide a welcoming place where the congregation encompasses multiple generations, diversity is respected and celebrated, and commitments of faith lead to acts of mercy, social justice,and compassion. We encourage and support each person on their Christian journey of faith and offer a variety of ways of connecting with God through: Fellowship and Caring Ministries, Understanding through teaching and learning, Mission and Outreach, 6 Christian Faith. Creative expression of
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