HAZEL BLUFF QUARTER HORSES 2014 PRODUCTION SALE HELD ON OCTOBER 18, 2014 AT SEKURA TRIPLE J LIVESTOCK HAZEL BLUFF QUARTER HORSES ANNUAL PRODUCTION SALE SEKURA TRIPLE J IN WESTLOCK ALBERTA October 18, 2014 FOR INFORMATION CALL KEN STANLEY AT 780‐349‐1936 OR RITA ARTEMENKO AT 780‐349‐0498 FOR INFORMATION CALL KEN STANLEY AT 780‐349‐1936 RITA ARTEMENKO AT 780‐349‐0498 A DIVISION OF SUNRISE RANCH THANK YOU TO ALL BUYERS HAZEL BLUFF QUARTER HORSES 2014 PRODUCTION SALE HELD ON OCTOBER 18, 2014 AT SEKURA TRIPLE J LIVESTOCK REFERENCE SIRES: mjm smokey sonofsun MJM SMOKEY SONOFSUN KS PALITO SHOOK YO GOLD PAGE KS CHIP A DIVISION OF SUNRISE RANCH THANK YOU TO ALL BUYERS HAZEL BLUFF QUARTER HORSES 2014 PRODUCTION SALE HELD ON OCTOBER 18, 2014 AT SEKURA TRIPLE J LIVESTOCK #1 poco darlin shook ks chip doc browns remedy 2014 bay colt noremedyfortheblues bunnys ob otoe hotdiggity duster scooter sonic bars triple dee nita ks gully dancer snuffie buck ditch dancer isle pass ida #2 thats a son of sun chelsun dee dandy seven mjm smokey sonofsun 2014 dun colt tigers love tigers bumble bee ima imperial diablo christies king dillon shook poco darliin shook mia shook sigs butler bsr butlers jojo mossey jo thats a son of sun #3 chelsun dee dandy seven 2014 colt mjm smokey sonofsun tigers love tigers bumble bee ima imperial diablo I sure do sure reflection squires heiress alberta reflection hotdiggity duster dusty silk berta twisted as silk #4 thats a son of sun A DIVISION OF SUNRISE RANCH THANK YOU TO ALL BUYERS HAZEL BLUFF QUARTER HORSES 2014 PRODUCTION SALE HELD ON OCTOBER 18, 2014 AT SEKURA TRIPLE J LIVESTOCK chelsun dee dandy seven 2014 dun stallion mjm smokey sonofsun tigers love tigers bumble bee ima imperial diablo christies king dillon shook poco darlin shook ks shooks tag faq badlands kokenje badlands lady tag lady tagalong christies king #5 dillon shook poco darlin shook 2014 chestnut filly ks palito shook cardinal san peppy peppys poco palito chic poco tivio blueboy quincy docz choctaw quincy docz choctaw jane honey bee san cardinal san peppy peppys sassy san doc girl class #6 thats a son of sun chelsun dee dandy seven 2014 bay mare mjm smokey sonofsun tigers love tigers bumble bee ima imperial diablo christies king dillon shook poco darlin shook ks spitz cardinal san peppy peppys sassy san doc girl class christies king #7 dillon shook poco darlin shook A DIVISION OF SUNRISE RANCH THANK YOU TO ALL BUYERS HAZEL BLUFF QUARTER HORSES 2014 PRODUCTION SALE HELD ON OCTOBER 18, 2014 AT SEKURA TRIPLE J LIVESTOCK 2014 chestnut colt ks palito shook cardinal san peppy peppys poco palito chic poco tivio teddy blue bar sigs butler sigs call girl bsr butlers jojo echo sandys pride mossey jo browers honey #8 christies king dillon shook poco darlin shook 2014 chestnut filly ks palito shook cardinal san peppy peppys poco palito chic poco tivio peppys palito cardinal san peppy listica peppys sassy san doc holywood doc girl class 3/4 sister to KS Bastien san day #9 christies king dillon shook poco darlin shook 2014 roan stallion ks palito shook cardinal san peppy peppys poco palito chic poco tivio doc swens remedy doc browns remedy june brown noremedyfortheblues otoe paul bunnys ob otoe skip by bunny christies king #10 dillon shook poco darlin shook 2014 brown stallion ks hoss cartwright A DIVISION OF SUNRISE RANCH THANK YOU TO ALL BUYERS HAZEL BLUFF QUARTER HORSES 2014 PRODUCTION SALE HELD ON OCTOBER 18, 2014 AT SEKURA TRIPLE J LIVESTOCK cardinal san peppy peppys sassy san doc girl class freckles playboy freckles tip top top o lena kilebar tip top sanctuary sans kilebar jackie kilebar #11 crimson war court of gold leading page ks cabella 25-May-12 yo gold page yo doc aladdin yo kilebueno yo allie bueno christies king dillon shook poco darliin shook mia shook sigs butler bsr butlers jojo she was injured as a foal and is broodmare sound only. mossey jo #12 crimson war court of gold leading page yo gold page 2014 buckskin stallion yo doc aladdin yo kilebueno yo allie bueno christies king dillon shook poco darliin shook ks annie wimpy eyed fox windy wippbars sue jacky bars christies king #13 dillon shook poco darlin shook ks hoss cartwright 2014 grulla colt cardinal san peppy A DIVISION OF SUNRISE RANCH THANK YOU TO ALL BUYERS HAZEL BLUFF QUARTER HORSES 2014 PRODUCTION SALE HELD ON OCTOBER 18, 2014 AT SEKURA TRIPLE J LIVESTOCK peppys sassy san doc girl class crimson war court of gold leading page yo buena black I'm not sure what color he is going to be! yo easy doc yo crissy yo poco willow #14 two eyed fox fox eyed windy wippbars 16-May-93 jackie two whirl wimpy eyed fox bar fifty tonabar fifty tonapah five little three bars ol four bar hummingbird lay sue jacky bars barry blue jack I still have 2 of her daughters at home. sells exposed to ks palito jacky blue willow mandan girl #15 christies king dillon shook poco darlin shook 2014 palamino colt ks hoss cartwright cardinal san peppy peppys sassy san doc girl class jujo's jay bar yo easy doc yo salene yo easy willow court of gold yo silver willow yo poco willow crimson war #16 court of gold leading page yo gold page 2014 chestnut colt yo doc aladdin yo kilebueno A DIVISION OF SUNRISE RANCH THANK YOU TO ALL BUYERS HAZEL BLUFF QUARTER HORSES 2014 PRODUCTION SALE HELD ON OCTOBER 18, 2014 AT SEKURA TRIPLE J LIVESTOCK yo allie bueno christies king dillon shook poco darlin shook ks shower doc browns remedy noremedyfortheblues bunnys ob otoe #17 diamond n senor christies king stem christie ks sarah jessica parker 20-May-09 dillon shook poco king tuck poco darlin shook danza darlin pece of the action whisper war chic shannons image accepted mistake spectacular five impressive jinx sells exposed to yo gold page frosty holly #18 crimson war court of gold leading page yo gold page 2014 bay mare yo doc aladdin yo kilebueno yo allie bueno christies king dillon shook poco darlin shook ks sarah jessica parker whisper war chic accepted mistake impressive jinx christies king #19 dillon shook poco darlin shook ks palito shook 2014 chestnut filly cardinal san peppy peppys poco palito chic poco tivio A DIVISION OF SUNRISE RANCH THANK YOU TO ALL BUYERS HAZEL BLUFF QUARTER HORSES 2014 PRODUCTION SALE HELD ON OCTOBER 18, 2014 AT SEKURA TRIPLE J LIVESTOCK hotdiggity duster scooter sonic bars triple dee nita ks vegas bars eminent domain lil red rockette the lady warrior #20 diamond n senor christies king stem christie ks shooks dede 10-May-11 dillon shook poco king tuck poco darlin shook danza darlin fox eyed wimpy eyed fox tonabar fifty windy wippbars Dede is halter broke. This young mare is a rope horse prospect supreme! ole four bar sue jacky bars jacky blue willow #21 diamond n senor christies king stem christie shooks victoria girl 23-May-11 dillon shook poco king tuck poco darlin shook danza darlin jujo's jay bar yo easy doc yo salene yo victoria bugle charge "Twiggy" is halter broke. berry wine saleo bar thats a son of sun #22 chelsun dee dandy seven 2014 dun colt mjm smokey sonofsun tigers love tigers bumble bee ima imperial diablo A DIVISION OF SUNRISE RANCH THANK YOU TO ALL BUYERS HAZEL BLUFF QUARTER HORSES 2014 PRODUCTION SALE HELD ON OCTOBER 18, 2014 AT SEKURA TRIPLE J LIVESTOCK christies king dillon shook poco darlin shook ks wilma flinstone wimpy eyed fox windy wippbars sue jacky bars #23 christies king dillon shook ks hank 26-Apr-10 poco darlin shook ks palito shook cardinal san peppy peppys poco palito chic poco tivio jet deck junior junior bar straw honey bar straw little miss do good peppy bar san Hank just got too big for us. salty san dee bar tinda charge #24 diamond n senor christies king stem christie ks jodie foster 9-May-09 dillon shook poco king tuck poco darlin shook danza darlin shooks badlands faq badlands kokenje shocks my pop badlands lady tag She is halter broke. Sells exposed to yo gold page. We have kept 2 full sisters at home. #25 the hawkeye lady tagalong tagalong echo diamond n senor christies king stem christie ks peach 6-Jun-10 dillon shook poco king tuck poco darlin shook danza darlin fox eyed A DIVISION OF SUNRISE RANCH THANK YOU TO ALL BUYERS HAZEL BLUFF QUARTER HORSES 2014 PRODUCTION SALE HELD ON OCTOBER 18, 2014 AT SEKURA TRIPLE J LIVESTOCK wimpy eyed fox tonabar fifty windy wippbars She is halter broke. I still have 2 full sisters at home. She sells exposed to yo gold page. ole four bar sue jacky bars jacky blue willow #26 thats a son of sun chelsun dee dandy seven 2014 dun colt mjm smokey sonofsun tigers love tigers bumble bee ima imperial diablo christies king dillon shook poco darliin shook ks betty rubble hot satin moonlite tulsa satin miss catty heels #27 diamond n senor christies king stem christie ks betty rubble 10-May-07 dillon shook poco king tuck poco darlin shook danza darlin red hot lena hot satin red satin cat moonlite tulsa satin heels cat miss catty heels sells exposed to yo gold page #28 miss bobby mcgee doc bar juju's jay bar rabbit reed yo pretty page 12-Jun-05 yo easy doc king a'le bar yo salene highwood sal crimson war court of gold A DIVISION OF SUNRISE RANCH THANK YOU TO ALL BUYERS HAZEL BLUFF QUARTER HORSES 2014 PRODUCTION SALE HELD ON OCTOBER 18, 2014 AT SEKURA TRIPLE J LIVESTOCK leading page yo maya gold jujo's jay bar "vicki" had 30 days riding as a 3yr old yo pretty page sells exposed to ks palito shook yo foxy doc bugle go gal #29 thats a son of sun chelsun dee dandy seven 2014 dun filly mjm smokey sonofsun tigers love tigers bumble bee ima imperial diablo hot diggity duster scooter sonic bars triple dee nita noremedy rosie doc browns remedy noremedyfortheblues bunnys ob otoe #30 christies king dillon shook poco darlin shook 2014 chestnut colt ks palito shook cardinal san peppy peppys poco palito chic poco tivio fox eyed wimpy eyed fox tonabar fifty windy wippbars ole four bar sue jacky bars jacky blue willow thats a son of sun #31 chelsun dee louie 2012 dun gelding dandy seven mjm smokey sonofsun tigers love tigers bumble bee ima imperial diablo docs brass dor docs alberta buddy alberta daisy A DIVISION OF SUNRISE RANCH THANK YOU TO ALL BUYERS HAZEL BLUFF QUARTER HORSES 2014 PRODUCTION SALE HELD ON OCTOBER 18, 2014 AT SEKURA TRIPLE J LIVESTOCK alberta tara docs Louie was bought thru this sale as a weanling. He has been ridden bareback with a halter. mystery breeze bar Owned by: Hunter Gordon shiatam #32 christies king indian son dillon shook poco darlin shook ks palito shook 2014 chestnut colt cardinal san peppy peppys poco palito chic poco tivio hotdiggity duster scooter sonic bars triple dee nita holiday lu wow pece of the action why on holiday reeds kilobar holly #33 christies king dillon shook poco darlin shook ks chip 2014 bay mare doc browns remedy noremedyfortheblues bunnys ob otoe docs brass dor docs alberta buddy alberta daisy alberta tara docs indian son mystery breeze bar shiatam doc's juniper #34 docs brass d or starlight scoot alberta tara docs 9-May-03 docs alberta buddy peppy bar san alberta daisy lisas ruby breeze bar indian son miss brandy bar mystery breeze bar A DIVISION OF SUNRISE RANCH THANK YOU TO ALL BUYERS HAZEL BLUFF QUARTER HORSES 2014 PRODUCTION SALE HELD ON OCTOBER 18, 2014 AT SEKURA TRIPLE J LIVESTOCK Breeze bar is a son of Three Bars. leinster house (TB) shiatam sells exposed to ks chip tam bar win #35 christies king dillon shook poco darlin shook 2014 roan colt ks chip doc browns remedy noremedyfortheblues bunnys ob otoe lynx west cokeapurple lynx kilobar coke acey trick sandylane san bee eddie traceys trixie embar's fancy #36 doc's lynx lynx west gay west acey trick sandylane 27-Mar-02 cokeapurple lynx badger kilobar jr kilebar coke hot cokealola tivio san pep doc peppy james morra mia traceys trixie san bee eddie traceys san sells exposed to ks chip #37 embar's fancy crimson page crimson war lightning becky court of gold yo gilda doc 27-May-01 perfect page leading page leader girl jujo's jay bar yo easy doc yo salene yo salita par three A DIVISION OF SUNRISE RANCH THANK YOU TO ALL BUYERS HAZEL BLUFF QUARTER HORSES 2014 PRODUCTION SALE HELD ON OCTOBER 18, 2014 AT SEKURA TRIPLE J LIVESTOCK yo par josie highwood sal sells exposed to ks palito shook #38 crimson page crimson war yo gold page 11-Jun-07 lightning becky court of gold perfect page leading page leader girl jujo's jay bar yo doc aladdin kerribar yo kilebueno king a'le bar yo allie bueno Goldy was ridden as a 3yr old for 30 days. There are many of his foals here, you can see for yourself what he raises. We are reducing our numbers enough that we no longer need him. A DIVISION OF SUNRISE RANCH THANK YOU TO ALL BUYERS poco cheeta lita HAZEL BLUFF QUARTER HORSES 2014 PRODUCTION SALE HELD ON OCTOBER 18, 2014 AT SEKURA TRIPLE J LIVESTOCK A DIVISION OF SUNRISE RANCH THANK YOU TO ALL BUYERS
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