O Queen of the Holy Rosary Hymn O Queen of the Holy Rosary, O bless us as we pray, And offer thee our roses In garlands day by day, While from our Father's garden, With loving hearts and bold, We gather to thine honor Buds white and red and gold. St Margaret’s Parish Bulletin 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A2 19th October 2014 O Queen of the Holy Rosary, Each myst'ry blends with thine The sacred life of Jesus In ev'ry step divine, Thy soul was His fair garden, Thy virgin breast His throne, Thy thoughts His faithful mirror, Reflecting Him alone. Church Workers’ Social - The Church Worker’s Social will take place on Friday 7th November at 7.30pm. Anyone who contributes to the life of the parish, both St Margaret’s and St Serf’s, is welcome to attend. Please put your name on the sheets at the back of the church to keep us right for the catering. Dates for your Diary St Serf’s Primary School Enrolment Mass First Reconciliation First Communion Sunday 24th January, 10.30am Tuesday 24th March, 7pm Saturday 16th May, 10am All Saints’ Primary School Enrolment Mass First Reconciliation First Communion Sunday 15th February, 9.00am Tuesday 17th March, 7pm Saturday 9th May, 10am The Roman Catholic Diocese of Motherwell is a Charity registered in Scotland - Number SC011041 Fr Raymond J Breslin PhB, STL Sr Mary McKeon RSC 96 Hallcraig Street, Airdrie ML6 6AW 01236 763370 Web: www.stmargaretsairdrie.org.uk Hall Bookings 01236 762374 (6 – 9 pm) Services + Sunday Mass: Vigil 5pm, 9am & 12 noon (St Margaret’s) 10.30am (St Serf’s) Monday, Wednesday & Friday: Mass 10am (St Serf’s) Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday: Mass 10am (St Margaret’s) Sacrament of Reconciliation: Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and Reconciliation Thursday 7-8pm. Saturday 10.30.a.m (St Margaret’s) + Response for today’s psalm - “Give the Lord glory and power.” Synod of Bishops on the Family 2014 Family life will be the focus of an extraordinary general session of the Synod of Bishops that will meet at the Vatican between 5-19 October 2014. Around 150 Synod fathers will take part in the meeting to discuss the "pastoral challenges of the family in the context of evangelization." Please remember all involved in your prayers. Mission Sunday Appeal This weekend our parish will be holding the annual Mission Matters Scotland Mission Sunday Appeal. After decades of struggling in a communist ruled country, with no religious freedom, it is only recently that the people of Mongolia have had the opportunity to hear the Good News of Jesus Christ. Today we invite you to reach out and help the people of Mongolia to build their Church, so that more people can come to know the grace, joy, peace and hope of our loving God. By supporting the Catholic Mission World Mission Appeal today or by becoming a ‘Friends in Faith Partner’ with a monthly gift, you will help build the Kingdom of God in Mongolia and throughout the world. Mary’s Meals – Raffle & Rags to Ritches Clothing Collection Mary’s Meals will have a Rags to Riches Collection and will sell Raffle Tickets at all the Masses on the weekend 25th / 26th October in both St Margaret’s and St Serf’s. The van will collect after each Mass on the Sunday morning and will stay until about 1.15pm after the last Mass in St Margaret’s. Anything that is brought along at the Vigil Mass will be stored in the Chapel House until Sunday morning. Please note they are only able to collect TEXTILES, in any condition – clothes, household textiles etc. Life Torchlight Vigil – The annual Torchlight Vigil and Prayer Service to mark the 47th anniversary of the Abortion Act becoming law, will take place on Thursday 23rd October in George Square Glasgow. Supporters are asked to assemble at 6pm for a Rosary Vigil from 6.30pm to 7pm. The Rosary Vigil will be followed by a torchlight Procession to St Andrew’s Catherdral, Clyde St., for the celebration of Mass at 7.30pm. This year’s celebrant will be Mgr. John Tormey, Administrator of St Mirin’s Catherdral, Paisley. Children’s Halloween Party. The annual Children’s Halloween Party will take place in the hall on Sunday 26th October 2pm- 4pm. Tickets available from John Gallagher, price £1. Gift Aid – It would be great if there were a couple of people in each Parish who would be willing to take on the responsibility of administering the Gift Aid Scheme. There will be an information evening in the Diocesan Centre, Motherwell on Wednesday 22nd October at 7.30pm. If anyone is interested please speak to Fr Breslin. November - Month of the Holy Souls The month of November is traditionally a time for us to remember the faithful departed. ‘November Lists’ are available at the back of the Church. Write the names of your deceased parents, relatives, friends and all for whom you wish to pray on the List and place in the envelope. Holy Mass will be offered for them during the month of November. Completed Lists can be placed in the box at the back of the Church and the Lists will be placed in front of the Altar during the month of November. On Sunday, 2nd November, there will be our annual service at St Joseph’s Cemetery, Rochsouls. The service will begin at 2pm. Wrap up well! We remember those who have died recently Cathie McConville, Rosemary McDonald, Betty Archer, Tam Kerr, Cathie Hendrie, Ellen Madden, + We Pray for Those whose Months Minds & Anniversaries Occur May the Lord Grant Them Eternal Rest Margaret & Alfred Picozzi, Mary Ann Travers, Susan Davis, Philip McGowan, Hugh Boyle, Catherine McCabe Dellett, Michael Lynn, Edward Simmonette, Sarah Simmonette, Sadie & Danny Brown, John O’Boyle, Moises Romo Martin Del Campo + We Pray for Healing, Peace and Contentment for our Sick John Rooney, James Green, Hugh Bonnar, Harry Johnstone, Jacky Mullen, Ella Mulgrew, Katie Moran, Tracy Horn, John Gallagher, Mary Johnston, Michael Gribben, Josephine Campbell, Frank McCormack, Helen Travers, Rosina Coyle, Pauline Coyle, Mary Byrne, Charles Hughes, Therese Smith, Jim Mulholland, Cory Woods, Harry Spalding, Marie Elizabeth Tucker, Margaret McCusker, Cathie McHugh, Elsie Tague, Edward Travers, Lena McCabe, Anthony Carey, Jessie Duncan, Matthew McGuire, Betty Russell, John Timmons, Gary McInnes, George Cassidy, Theresa Smith, Jenny Costello, Megan Wilson, Thomas Harty, Theresa Sweet, Donna Menzies, George Mclachlan, Kate Nash, Liam Calheur, Geraldine Needleman, Theresa Smith, Donna Menzies, William Wilson, Andrew McLachlan, Mary McCabe, Jim Flynn, Patricia Johnston, +
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