St Margaret’s Parish Bulletin Great Saint Margaret, At Thy Feet.

Great Saint Margaret, At Thy Feet.
(Tune:Hail Redeemer, King Divine)
Great Saint Margaret, at thy feet,
Christians past and present meet.
Priests and people sing thy fame,
Call upon thy glorious name.
St Margaret’s Parish
Dedication of the Lateran Basilica
Year A2
9th November 2014
Hail , Saint Margaret, friend and queen!
Guide us where thy feet have been.
Sovereign pearl of our land!
Guide us with thy heart and hand.
Exile cast upon our shore,
Rich in faith and holy lore;
Scotland claimed thee for her own,
Noble Queen for noble crown!
Hail, Saint Margaret
Rome and Scotland closer drew;
Priestly fervour flamed anew;
On this land we love so well
Peter’s healing shadow fell.
Hail, Saint Margaret
Dates for your Diary
St Serf’s Primary School
Enrolment Mass
First Reconciliation
First Communion
Sunday 24th January, 10.30am
Tuesday 24th March, 7pm
Saturday 16th May, 10am
All Saints’ Primary School
Enrolment Mass
First Reconciliation
First Communion
Sunday 15th February, 9.00am
Tuesday 17th March, 7pm
Saturday 9th May, 10am
The Roman Catholic Diocese of Motherwell is a Charity registered in Scotland - Number SC011041
Fr Raymond J Breslin PhB, STL
Sr Mary McKeon RSC
96 Hallcraig Street, Airdrie ML6 6AW
01236 763370
Hall Bookings
01236 762374 (6 – 9 pm)
Sunday Mass:
Vigil 5pm, 9am & 12 noon (St Margaret’s)
10.30am (St Serf’s)
Monday, Wednesday & Friday: Mass 10am (St Serf’s)
Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday: Mass 10am (St Margaret’s)
Sacrament of Reconciliation:
NO Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament on Thursday evening.
Saturday 10.30.a.m (St Margaret’s)
Response for today’s psalm -
“The waters of a river give joy to God’s city,
the holy place where the Most High dwells.”
November 2014 Food Bank. Thank–you for your donations to the ‘food bank’.
There is an on–going need to continue to support the most vulnerable in our community and your contributions are most gratefully received. In the weeks leading
to Christmas, the reality of additional pressure on household budgets along with
increased demands of the colder weather will be a challenge for some households
therefore your continuing support is vital at this time. Thank-you.
Help and Support. The SSVP society exists for the support of those who need
help for a variety of reasons. This can take many different forms, homelessness,
being re-housed, unemployment, long or short- term illness, bereavement, or befriending. Often a friendly face and a short visit can mean so much to those experiencing a change in their circumstances. If you would like to find out more
about our work and are interested in how meeting together develops a personal
spirituality, which helps us meet people where they are in their lives, doing what
we can to help in a confidential and unobtrusive way, please speak to Fr. Breslin,
Sr. Mary, Joe Molloy or Alfie Picozzi.
St Aloysius’ College
St Aloysius’ College Open Evening will be held on Thursday 13th November
commencing at 6.45pm for 7.00pm. The evening comprises musical performances and presentation from the Head Master, followed by an opportunity to tour
the school and meet staff and pupils. An additional informal Open Morning will
also take place on Saturday, 22nd November at 10am.
Deanery Meeting with Bishop Toal
Bishop Toal invites all the Clergy and
People of the Diocese to pray, reflect and to discuss the future within our Diocese.
There will be an open meeting of the people of Airdrie Deanery with Bishop Toal
on Tuesday 18th November at 7pm in St David’s Hall, Plains.
Bishop Toal will be here for Mass on a couple of occasions over the coming
weeks. Firstly he will celebrate the Patronal Feast Day of St Margaret’s HS on
the afternoon of Friday 14th November and then will return for the 12 o’clock
Mass on Sunday 16th November to begin the parish celebrations of the 175th
Anniversary of the parish. We hope to have various events over the coming year
to mark the anniversary - pilgrimages to Iona and Dunfermline, a parish family
night and a parish dance. Details to follow. Any other suggestions?
There will be a Mass and Memorial Service to remember our dead, especially
those who have died over the last year, on Wednesday 26th November at 7pm.
After the Mass there will be a cup of tea in the Hall. If people could do some
home baking this would be much appreciated.
November - Month of the Holy Souls
The month of November is traditionally a time for us to remember the faithful
departed. ‘November Lists’ are available at the back of the Church. Write the
names of your deceased parents, relatives, friends and all for whom you wish to
pray on the List and place in the envelope. Holy Mass will be offered for them
during the month of November. Completed Lists can be placed in the box at the
back of the Church and the Lists will be placed in front of the Altar during the
month of November.
Bingo and Parish Social, Friday 28th November in St Margaret’s Hall. Any
money raised on the night will help pay for the recent work that was done in the
church. Any donations of Raffle prizes would be much appreciated.
Tickets, £5 available after Mass or from John Gallacher
Innocents’ Raffle
All counterfoils and monies to be returned by next weekend.
We remember those who have died recently
Mat McGuire, John Cairns, Francis O’Rourke, Edward McAdams,
We Pray for Those whose Months Minds & Anniversaries Occur
May the Lord Grant Them Eternal Rest
Agnes McAuley, Colin Higgins, Elam Hamill, Annie & John Higgins,
Annie & John Oates, Gerald Kiddie, Mary Canning, John Welsh, Liam Quinn,
John Costello, Margaret Bollen, James McAllister, Matt Mullen, James & Annie
McCabe, Helen Stewart, John & Alice Boyle & family, James & Ena McFarlane
& family, Smith & Quinn families,
We Pray for Healing, Peace and Contentment for our Sick
John Rooney, James Green, Hugh Bonnar, Harry Johnstone,
Jacky Mullen, Ella Mulgrew, Katie Moran, Tracy Horn, John Gallagher,
Mary Johnston, Michael Gribben, Josephine Campbell, Frank McCormack,
Helen Travers, Rosina Coyle, Pauline Coyle, Mary Byrne, Charles Hughes,
Jim Mulholland, Cory Woods, Harry Spalding, Marie Elizabeth Tucker,
Margaret McCusker, Elsie Tague, Edward Travers, Lena McCabe,
Anthony Carey, Jessie Duncan, Matthew McGuire, Betty Russell,
John Timmons, Gary McInnes, George Cassidy, Jenny Costello,
Megan Wilson, Thomas Harty, Theresa Sweet, Donna Menzies,
George Mclachlan, Kate Nash, Liam Calheur, Geraldine Needleman,
William Wilson, Andrew McLachlan, Mary McCabe,
Jim Flynn, Patricia Johnston, Kathleen O’Sullivan,