Stall Calendars for 2015 are available from the stall. Living Stones DVD - The Must Have Hogmany Drop In Gift! The DVD is available for purchase from the stall. The cost per copy is £10.00. All monies now raised from sales will go directly to the church building fund. Memorial Windows The stained-glass artist is working on a design for the windows above the choir loft. The “Blantyre Disaster” aspect will cost approximately £15,000. It is hoped that we will get some additional funding once the plan is drawn up and can be presented to possible supporters. The artists impression/first sketch is available at the back of the church . Weekday Masses Please note that weekday Masses will be celebrated at the more usual time of 10.00 am during the Christmas holiday period. Car Parking During the Christmas break the area around the hall is accessible to cars [with care]. Please be conscious of others when you park your car. Crib Donations All donations at the crib will be sent to the St Margaret of Scotland Child & Family Care Trust. Adult Education In the early part of 2015 monthly sessions will be offered as a means of adult education within the parish. The first meeting will be at 7.30 pm on Thursday 15th January “Foundations of the Mass” - all welcome. Justice & Peace Next weekend there will be a second collection to support the work of the Bishops Justice & Peace Commission. + Please Remember in Your Prayers + Recently Dead: Annie Murray Kirkton Home John Madden 49 Ballantrae Road Maureen Allen 9 Walcott Drive Janet McDade 14 Ness Drive Stephen McGowan, Johnny Duffy, Junior Simmons, John McDonagh. Months Minds & Anniversaries James Gray, Ellen Devine, Charles & Sadie Madden, Dick & Cathy Doran, Annie & Jimmy Meek, Kate McCunnie Brown, Madge Rodwell, Ralph & Rose Hayburn, Ken Davies, Sal & Pat O’Neil, Kathleen McLaughlin, Peter Kerr, John Taggart Charles Madden, Roddy Sutherland, Matthew Dunsmuir, George & Mary Craigie, Peter & Agnes Craigie, Paddy Long, Billy Muir, Muir & Urbanik families, Mary Whyte, Hughie & Nan McGowan, Michael Boyle, Paddy Long, Tommy & Lizzie Dunne, John Taggart, Charles Madden, John & Jo O’Donnelly. Annie Murray St Joseph’s Parish Newsletter St Joseph’s, Mayberry Place, Blantyre. G72 9DA Parish Priest: Rev. Brian Lamb Sat 3rd Jan 10.00 am Requiem Mass Maureen Allen [to be arranged] Janet McDade [to be arranged] Ph.B. S.T.L. Assistant Priest Rev. Rafal Sobieszuk M. Theol. Deacon Rev. Joseph Dowds Feast of the Holy Family Charity No. SCO1 11041 28th December 2014 Times of Services Masses Vigil 5.00 pm 10.00 am, 12.00 noon & 6.30 pm Monday—Wednesday New Year’s Day Friday & Saturday 10.00 am 10.00 am & 12 Noon No evening Mass 10.00 am Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday 9.30 9.55 am & after Vigil Mass Funeral Arrangements: John Madden Sun 28th Dec 7.00pm Rosary Potts Parlour 7.30 pm Reception at Church Mon 10.00 am Requiem Mass House: 01698 823896 Email: [email protected] web: “The child grew, filled with wisdom.” Church Collection Christmas Collection Building Fund £2,023.00 £4,625.00 £ 100.00 Hall Bookings Anyone wishing to book the church hall is asked to phone 0793 200 1210. Bishop Toal’s Christmas Message As we celebrate the Birth of Our Lord Jesus Christ let us give thanks for the gift of faith and the blessings that faith has brought us through the course of our lives. The Lord’s desire to come among us, to be born as a child in Bethlehem of the Virgin Mary,, is the beginning of our great faith story. Through our baptism and the coming of the Holy Spirit upon us we are all privileged to participate in the blessings of the Lord’s Appearance and the Salvation he won for us through his Death and Resurrection. In our worship, especially through our participation in the Christmas liturgies, let us renew our gratitude for and our sense of wonder at the Lord’s goodness. Let us also strive to pass on the beauty of our faith to the younger generations and encourage their participation in the Church’s celebration of its holy mysteries. In that respect let us bring our young children to the crib and encourage within them a spirit of prayer and adoration and foster in their young minds a sense of what Christmas is truly about. As we enjoy our freedom to worship God and to celebrate our ancient faith we pray for those denied this right and those persecuted for their faith. In recent months the accounts of the horrors inflicted on our fellow Christians and on others seems to have grown, especially in the Middle East and parts of Africa, and we hold them in our prayer this Christmas. As we share the gift of the Lord’s peace we hope and pray that war, terrorism and persecution may end. I ask God’s blessing upon us all in the Diocese of Motherwell, especially those most in need of our love and support at Christmas and at other times. May the Lord be with us and come to our aid. + Joseph Toal Christmas Remembrances Masses William, Margaret, Tobias, Bernadette, Thomas, Nancy, William, Michael, Tobias, Andrew, Hugh & Gorge Murphy, William, Jane, Kathleen Gregory, Margaret Hughes, John & Helen Kennedy, Charles, Catherine, Patrick, Catherine, James & Helen Boyle Delaney, James Philip Delaney, Hellen Kennedy, Robert McDonald, William, Ellen & Junior Stokes, Catherine Heinzinger Stokes, Rose Anne, Jane & James Quigley, Rose Ann , Henry & Moira McCarroll, Allan & Mary Dinwoodie, William & Kathleen Lanaghan, Pat & Lizzie Dolan, James & Matthew Rodwell, Ricky Chalmers, Thomas & Frances Kennedy, Christine Hodson, Patrick, Maria & John Mulvanny, Stephen, Gerard & Jean Clark, William & Margaret Slaven, Mary, Neil, John, Pat & Nellie McGaulley, Elizabeth & John McBride, William & Pat McAleer, Margaret Staney, Mary Lynch, Kelly Devine, Anthony Lennon, Lucy Cunning, Margaret Thomson, Valerio family, Pat, Norah Gerard & Jim McCluskey, Alex & May McGregor, Robert & Margaret Howat, Murray & Hadrow families, Michael Timlin, William & Frances Shaw, George McInally jnr, Frank Lehmann snr & jnr, Clare Anne, Joseph & Isabella Savage, Annie, Thomas Robert & Edward & Sadie Ferguson, Robert & Margaret Regan, Cathie Robertson, Robertson & McKay families, Edward Gilbertson, Alice Morgan Gilbertson, O’Mailley, Slivinski & Smith families, Jan & Jean Krawczyk, Marlene Reilly, James, Agnes & Monica Farrell, Molly Lowe, Helen Cleary, Lesley Alexander Gary Miller, Bernard McVey, Hamelton Kerr, Billy Alexander, James Travers, Janey Campaigne, Thomas O’Donnell, James & Margaret Campbell, Patrick & Helen Taggart, Frank & Annie McGurk, Patrick & Sarah Whyte, Bill & Annie McGlynn, Alice. Peter William & Edward Quinn, John Weatherall, Hugh Sanaghan, Mary Thomas & Maureen Ward, John & Margaret Howard, Michael Boyle, Daniel, Bridie & Daniel McManus jnr, John, Evelyn, Bernard Mary& Evelyn Breslin, Frances & Neil McArthur, May McKillop, Peter & Helen Mooney, Edward & Roseanne Traynor, William & Margaret Connelly, Thomas, Peter & Rose Regan, Peter & Margaret Savage, Thomas & Mary Cox, O’Donnell family, Keane family, John & Mary & John jnr Kennedy, John Swan jnr, Rose McTaggart, Edward McPartland, Tom Fox, Tommy, Molly & Robert McGuire, John & Mary Rouse, Young family, Hutcheson family Frank Coony, Jim Canvey, Pat & Michael Kerr, Matthew Donnelly, Bridie Johnstone, Allen family, Keenan family, Pat McKenna, Annie & Pat McQuade, Michael & Gladys Payne, James & Mary McLachlan, May Holland, James & Maureen Grieve, John Spence, William, Elizabeth & Pat jnr Cavanagh, Richard Green, Mary Green Hunter, Mr & Mrs James Kelly, Catherine Kelly, Sarah, Hugh, Edward. Alex, Sadie, Mary Neily, & Pat McLaughlin, Aileen & Sandy Watson, James & mina McInally, Joseph Sharkey, Sean McCormack, Robert Stewart, Iris & James Cornfield, Margaret & Anthony Gorrance, Irene & James Gorrance, Frank, Annie, Peggy Kelly McGowan, John & Agnes Hutcheson & family, Ronie & Annie Campbell, Celia Kelly McDaid, Frank & Margaret Doonin, Paul Lehmann, Dominic Paterson, Pearl Duffy, James, Mary, Tommy, Jim Henry, Moira, Hugh & Phylis Callaghan, Margaret & Stephen McQuade, Patrick Brolly, Sharon Orr [Houston], Helen Gallagher, Sally Masters, John, Sarah & Matilda Jackson, Alexander, Mary, Robert & Marianne McEwan, Reamonn Gormley, Gerry Gaittens Margaret & Charlie Morrison, John & Josie Reynolds, Charles & Catherine Boyle, Pat, May, Cathie, Eddie, Frank & James Boyle, Thomas, Mary, Cathie & Tommy Mogan John Dunleavy, Rose & Jim McGuire, James & Martin McGuigan, Philomena Vickers, Patrick & James Bonner, Patrick, Bridget John & Pat Hanly, Charles & Jane Boyle, Cain, Higgins & McGraw families, Thomas O’Donnell, John Tierney, Joseph, Elsbeth & Bernard Canavan, Joseph, Elizabeth Annie Polockus, Polockus family, Nancy & Jim McInnes, Jesse Walker, William & mary Ann Clyde, John Brown, Cissie McDougal, Robert & Ellen Clyde, James McCunnie, Kathleen Brown Joseph Gaeta, Stephen Clark, Betty McPherson, Elizabeth & James Travers, Mary McPherson, Cissie & Paddy Long, Olive Logue, Marion & Thomas Fleming, John Weatherall, Cain, Higgins & McGraw families, Duncan Findlater, Hugh, Rose Jim & Robert Conroy, Taggart family, Madden family, Derek McNulty. + May they Rest In Peace + Individual Masses will be celebrated for each intention. Most intentions are past on to other priests who get few Mass stipends. If there are any omissions—Mass will be celebrated for the intention. There may be some confusion between “in memoriam” Masses and Mass “bouquets for the living” [which are not published].
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