LET THE ROUND WORLD 1.Let the round world with songs rejoice; Let heaven return the joyful voice; All mindful of the Apostles' fame Let heaven and earth their praise proclaim. 2.Ye servants who once bore the light of Gospel truth o'er heathen night, Still may your work that light impart, To glad our eyes and cheer our heart. 3.O God, by whom to them was given The key that shuts,and opens heaven, Our chains unbind, our loss repair, And grant us grace to enter there; 4.For at thy will they preached the word Which cured disease, which health conferred: O may that healing power once more Our souls to grace and health restore: 5.That when thy Son again shall come, And speak the world's unerring doom, He may with them pronounce us blest, And place us in they endless rest. 6.To thee, O Father; Son, to thee; To thee, blest Spirit, glory be! So was it ay for ages past, So shall through endless ages last. Amen NEXT SUNDAY: BIBLE SUNDAY Services at St. John’s: 8.00am Holy Communion 9.30am Parish Eucharist 6.30pm Evensong with Sermon Service at St. Stephen’s: 11.15pm Holy Communion Service at St. Francis: 10.00am Sung Mass ________________________________________________________________ No. 3517 19th October 2014 ST. LUKE (Trinity 18) 8.00am Holy Communion 9.30am Parish Eucharist Hymns 166, 125, 246, 276 First hymn on back of newsletter Anthem: Praise to God - Campbell 6.30pm Evensong with sermon Service at St. Stephen’s, Chaulden Service at St. Francis, Hammerfield 11.15am Morning Worship 10.00am Sung Mass th THIS WEEK AT ST. JOHN’S: 20 – 25th October DAILY: 9.15am Morning Prayer MONDAY 7.45pm Home & Family Group TUESDAY 9.30pm Tiny Tots (hall) 10.30 Tots service in church 6.30pm Baptism/Wedding enquiries WEDNESDAY 10.30am Holy Communion followed by coffee 5.00pm Evening Prayer at St. Francis' THURSDAY 9.15am Morning Prayer at St. Stephen's 7.30pm Adults Confirmation Preparation – Quiet Room FRIDAY 12.30pm Lunchtime Concert: Vincent Shaw & Nicholas King (piano/organ duets) 7.00pm Choir Practice SATURDAY 10.00am Church open – coffee 7.30pm Piano Recital – Alexander Ardakov Details of next Sunday’s services are on the back of the Newsletter NEWSLETTER ITEMS for next week's newsletter to Annie Mitchell by Tuesday please (maximum length 4 lines of A5 please). If separate flyers are to be produced, please let Annie know. Please take this Newsletter home with you as a reminder of those who have asked for your prayers and events you may wish to attend and Peeters, plus piano duets by Bizet. All are welcome, and lunches are available afterwards. YOUR PRAYERS ARE ASKED: For those who are ill: Margaret Gunning,Di Tovey, Amal, Christine Wilson, the Revd. Canon Liz Hughes, Sheila Howe, Julian Wood, Jana Pick, Keith Barton, Ken Sherman, Jim Taylor, Barbara Martlew, Evelyn Brown, Candice Croxford, Natalie Arseni; PIANO RECITAL by virtuoso Russian Pianist Victor Ardakov at St. John's: 7:30pm Saturday 25 October. See poster and flyers at back of church for programme of music. Tickets now on sale from Alan Munford (242543), £10, Concessions £8, under 16 free. For those with ongoing needs: Brian Laidlaw, Olive Langford, Michael Owen, Emily Beebe, Diana Carletti, Joyce Graham; Prayers for others with ongoing needs are offered at our weekday services. If you wish only to be remembered at Morning and Evening Prayer, please contact the vicar. For those who have died Joyce Emily Scott, Mountbatten Lodge (Funeral 23rd October) Diana Browne, Catlin Street (Interment of Ashes 17th October) Peter Anthony Millar, Barberry Road (Funeral 22nd October) and we pray for their families and friends. th NEXT SUNDAY: British Summer Times ends at midnight on Saturday 25 October – please remember to put your clocks BACK one hour before Sunday morning! PARISH NOTICES SAMARITAN'S PURSE CHRISTMAS CHILD SHOEBOX APPEAL: If you wish to fill a shoebox this year I have ready to assemble boxes (30p donation) available, or you may cover your own box. Please see leaflets at the back of church. Thank you. Jane Tel: 214441 TODAY “ROOTS OF CHRISTIAN BELIEF” - A series of illustrated talks will be given by the Reverend Alasdair Coles at St. Francis, Hammerfield, during November on Monday evenings. Please see enclosed flyer for more details. BIBLE READINGS: This morning's readings are as follows: At 8am: Acts 16: 6-12a; Luke 10: 1-9. At 9.30am: Acts 16: 6-12a; 2 Timothy 4: 5-17; Luke 10: 1-9. Copies of the readings are available on request from the sidespeople. THIS WEEK PLEASE NOTE there will be NO Evening Prayer at St. John's this week, and no Morning Prayer on Wednesday. th THE HOME & FAMILY GROUP: Our next meeting is at 7:45pm on Monday 20 October in the church hall. The Speaker will be Phil Farrer talking about Red Kites. All ladies welcome. WE WELCOME the Reverend John Belither to preside at our service of Holy Communion on Wednesday morning. HELP NEEDED on THURSDAY 23rd October!! We need some volunteers to be in church on Thursday 11-12noon so that the YMCA can come and collect the left over goods from the Autumn Fayre. LUNCHTIME CONCERTS : This Friday at 12.30pm Vincent Shaw and Nicholas King will give a programme of duets for organ and piano by Franck MUSIC MARATHON – a big ‘Thank You’ to all who contributed to and who supported last Saturday’s Music Marathon. Special thanks go to Sheena and her team for the superb day’s organisation. We raised on the day £636.20 for MASJ. OTHER NOTICES Saturday 8th November – Opportunity to consider the Ministry of Healing. An all-day event run by the Diocesan Group for the Ministry of Healing with speaker Canon David White from Chorelywood. £10. At St Stephens church, St Albans. More details from Jayne Hale, [email protected], 01438 351881. NEWSLETTER BY E-MAIL AND WEBSITE: If you would like to receive a copy of the weekly Newsletter by e-mail, please contact Alan at [email protected] Please also note that the newsletter is available on the St. John’s website www.stjohnsboxmoor.co.uk, so if you do NOT wish your ‘phone number or other details published, please let Alan Munford know.
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