ST CUTHBERT’S PARISH CHURCH MAGAZINE October / November 2014 ST CUTHBERT’S MINISTRY TEAM The Reverend David W Denniston The Reverend Charles Robertson The Reverend Suzie Stark The Reverend Jane M Denniston 337 6637 [email protected] 229 1142 229 1142 337 6637 Director of Music Dr Jeremy Cull Associate Director of Music Graham Maclagan Church Manager Craig Marshall 229 1142 [email protected] Church Secretary Moira Brown 229 1142 [email protected] Church Officers Euan Romanis (Church Officer) Derek Deans (Relief Church Officer) Workplace Chaplain The Reverend Tony Bryer 229 6542 [email protected] Gordon Wemyss Michael Langdon Scott Turnbull Mary Wilson Session Clerk Finance Manager Treasurer Magazine Editor & Rollkeeper 1 2 PASTORAL LETTER CHURCH DIARY OCTOBER ‘Since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses... let us run with perseverance the race that is set before us...’ (Hebrews 12: 1) Wed 1 12.30pm - 2pm and 5pm-8pm soul space Theme : David and Peter’s Stories Come and go when you want Optional short worship with reflection : 1pm, 6.30pm Night Prayer : 8pm Over these last few months I have been very aware of the past and those who lived and served before us. As we approach the season of All Saints, All Souls and Remembrance many of us will be focussed on those who once walked with us, but who are no longer here beside us. Thu 2 1pm Short Lunchtime Service (Memorial Chapel) 9.30am 11am 6.30pm Holy Communion Morning Worship Evening Worship : Communion 1pm Short Lunchtime Service (Memorial Chapel) 9.30am 11am 11am 6.30pm Holy Communion Morning Worship : Stewardship (Holy Communion is celebrated after the service) Young Church Evening Worship 1pm Short Lunchtime Service (Memorial Chapel) 9.30am 11am 6.30pm Holy Communion Morning Worship Evening Worship 1pm Short Lunchtime Service (Memorial Chapel) 9.30am 11am 6.30pm No 9:30am Holy Communion Holy Communion Evening Worship 1pm Short Lunchtime Service (Memorial Chapel) 9.30am 11am 3pm 6.30pm Holy Communion Morning Worship All Souls-tide Service of Remembering Evening Worship : Holy Communion Dear Friends, Bereavement in my own family earlier this year is certainly part of what has caused me to ponder more deeply on those who have gone before. And then there were the services to mark the centenary of the outbreak of the First World War. The reading of all the names of those of our own congregation and parish who fell in the ‘Great War’ was profoundly moving and meaningful. Having discovered the published service of prayer for those who were serving in the First World War conducted in St Cuthbert’s in 1915 I was able to use some of Revd Norman McLean’s prayers in our own service. Doing so made me very aware that we follow in the footsteps of others who have served and worshipped here, and now serve and worship in God’s nearer presence. I was very conscious of Dr McLean’s presence as, in the same sanctuary in which he had ministered all these years ago, I read his prayers. We are indeed surrounded by a ‘great cloud of witnesses’. Sun 5 Harvest / Trinity 16 Thu 9 Sun 12 Trinity 17 Thu 16 What an encouragement this is! As we in our turn and in our time ‘run the race that is set before us’ so those who have gone before surround us. Like the crowd in a sports arena or athletics stadium, they are cheering us on as we run the race! Sun 19 Trinity 18 It is a wonderful and marvellous thing to know that we belong with them in the ‘communion of saints’. Thu 23 In this season of All Saints and Remembrance there will for many of us, be a sense of loss; the absence of loved ones. But there is also much comfort and encouragement in knowing that though they are unseen, yet we continue in fellowship with them. ‘O blest communion, fellowship divine! We feebly struggle, they in glory shine; Yet all are one in thee, for all are thine. Alleluia! Alleluia!’ [CH4 740 vs 4] Your minister and friend, David Denniston 3 Sun 26 Trinity 19 Thu 30 NOVEMBER Sun 2 All Saints 4 Wed 5 Thu 6 12.30pm - 2pm and 5pm-8pm soul space Theme : Mary’s Story Come and go when you want Optional short worship with reflection : 1pm, 6.30pm Night Prayer : 8pm 1pm Short Lunchtime Service (Memorial Chapel) ECO CONGREGATION EVENT WEDNESDAY 1 OCTOBER AT 7.30PM Adrian Shaw of Eco Congregation Scotland will speak on “Fracking” at this event to be held in St Cuthbert’s. All welcome. WATER AID COLLECTION 9.30am Sun 9 Remembrance 10:45am Sunday 10:45am 6.30pm Thu 13 Holy Communion Morning Worship : Service of Remembrance (Holy Communion is celebrated after the service) Young Church Evening Worship : Communion 1pm Short Lunchtime Service (Memorial Chapel) 9.30am 11am 6.30pm Holy Communion Morning Worship Evening Worship 1pm Short Lunchtime Service (Memorial Chapel) Sun 23 Christ the King 9.30am 11am 6.30pm Holy Communion Morning Worship : Belfry Sunday Evening Worship Thu 27 12.45pm Service to mark the centenary of the raising of McCrae’s Battalion Short Lunchtime Service (Memorial Chapel) Sun 16 2nd before Advent Thu 20 1pm Fri 28 Sun 30 Advent Sunday 2.00pm 9.30am 11am 6.30pm Service for St Andrew’s Day Holy Communion A Service of Lessons and Carols for Advent: Holy Communion Evening Worship We have again decided during our Harvest Festival Service celebration on Sunday 5 October, to support the great work of Water Aid. Water Aid works in 26 countries across Africa, India and Asia. The task is huge in our world: 748 million people have no access to clean water, 2.5 billion to proper sanitation with 500,000 children dying each year from unclean water and poor sanitation. Our contributions will really help. £2 provides a rain water collection system, £5 a locally made hand pump for a village and £10 a well to reach underground water. Thank you in advance for your kind St Cuthbert’s support for those in need. Gordon Wemyss (Session Clerk) WORLD WAR 1 - REMEMBERED IN WORD AND SONG FRIDAY 24 OCTOBER AT 7.30PM IN THE LINDISFARNE ROOM As mentioned in the previous magazine here are the details of the above event which we hope you have in your diary already. The title explains what the evening will be about. However we would like to encourage those who come to bring along any stories which have been handed down through family or friends and share them. Refreshments will be available and there will be an opportunity if you wish to give a donation to Erskine, a charity caring for Scotland’s veterans since 1916. Maggie Romanis ARMISTICE DAY : TUESDAY 11 NOVEMBER The War Memorial Chapel will be open between 10.45am – 11.15am for prayer and meditation. 5 6 THE WAY OF CUTHBERT 2014 – 2015 Poppy Scotland can respond within 24 hours to an identified need, bringing assurance and stability through their immediate needs grants and a range of support services. Help is given to all ages of veterans from their early twenties to late nineties. The services includes a dedicated, confidential advice service for veterans delivered for Poppy Scotland by Citizens Advice Scotland, a grant to assist people to re-train towards employment in Civvy Street and a one-to-one employment support to help people with low motivation, depression and other mental health conditions get back into work or introduce structure to their lives through a volunteer placement. ‘CONTINUING ON THE WAY’ Poppy Scotland also provide respite breaks for people in need of support through a period of ill-health or recuperation. Donations makes a huge difference to veterans and their families in Scotland, from the 20 year old soldier who needs help to get into work, to the family who need assistance to move into suitable accommodation or the elderly gent who requires mobility adaptations to continue to live in his own home. The Occasional Saturday morning Way of Cuthbert seminars resume for the 2014-15 session. Meeting on Saturdays 10.30am – 12 noon (Coffee from 10am) in The Lindisfarne Room, the programme is noted below. All are welcome to any or all of these seminars. These initiatives are not possible without public support. Please give your support. There will be an opportunity to give by Gift Aid for those who wish to do so. MP 8th November ‘Dark and Light’ Saints, angels and powers of evil 10th January ‘A Rule for Life’ Rhythms of spirituality ANNOUNCING A WW1 COMMUNITY SERVICE 21st March ‘Mission Rediscovered’ Celtic insights into mission 23rd May ‘Being Community’ Re-thinking Church ORGANISED BY OASIS, IN PARTNERSHIP WITH BUSINESS MATTERS, WORKPLACE CHAPLAINCY SCOTLAND, AND MCCRAE’S BATTALION TRUST REMEMBRANCE SUNDAY : RETIRING OFFERING You are warmly invited to attend this service There will be a retiring offering on Remembrance Sunday, November 9th in aid of Poppy Scotland. The Scottish Poppy Appeal is the main event in Poppy Scotland’s fundraising calendar. A service in commemoration of the centenary of the Raising of McCrae’s Battalion in the Parish of St Cuthbert will take place in St Cuthbert’s Church on Thursday 27th November at 12.45pm. All poppies and wreaths are hand-made at the Lady Haig’s Poppy factory in Edinburgh by 15 disabled veterans. The poppies are distributed by a team of volunteers to all corners of Scotland. This Battalion of young Edinburgh men, from all walks of life, was officially, the 16 th Royal Scots. It is perhaps better known by its affectionate name, McCrae’s Battalion, after its charismatic colonel, Sir George McCrae. It is also known as the Sporting Battalion because it was largely composed of professional and amateur sportsmen including 16 players from Heart of Midlothian and 500 of their fans. The funding raised during the Appeal assists ex-service men and women and their families who find themselves at a point of crisis due to difficult life circumstances, including homelessness, unemployment, the break–up of family relationships, physical disability and or mental health issues. 7 We, in the City Centre Churches, all have an interest in this Battalion not just because past members of our families may have served in the Battalion and belonged to our churches (as is the case in St Cuthbert’s) but also because the 1350 men who signed up after the meeting in 8 the Usher Hall, 100 years ago on the 27th November 1914, made their way, on foot, down Lothian Road, past St Cuthbert’s and St John’s, to sign up in Castle Street. Additionally the Padre to the Battalion was The Revd James Black, later to become the Minister of what was then St George’s West, now St Andrew’s and St George’s West and who subsequently became Moderator of The General Assembly of the Church of Scotland. The men left to go to war from the Waverley Station, the great majority of them never to return. You may be interested to know on the day after the Service, Friday 28 November, the area outside the Usher Hall will be renamed McCrae’s Place by the City of Edinburgh and in the evening McCrae’s Battalion Trust are holding a Commemorative Centenary Concert in the Usher Hall. Janice Todd CHRISTMAS FAIR : SATURDAY 15 NOVEMBER, 10AM-2PM REGULAR EVENTS TO BE HOSTED BY ST CUTHBERT’S IN OCTOBER & NOVEMBER 2014 Sundays 6.30 pm to 7.30 pm Alcoholics Anonymous Group meeting Mondays 7 pm to 9 pm Edinburgh City Singers rehearsal Tuesdays 9 am to 4 pm 10.30 am to 12 noon 1 pm 1 pm to 2 pm 2.15 pm to 4.15 pm 6.45 pm to 7.45 pm 7 pm to 10 pm 9 am to 5 pm 10 am to 12 noon 12.30 pm to 2 pm 1pm 1 pm to 2 pm 1.30 pm to 4.30 pm 5 pm to 8 pm 6.15 pm to 9.15 pm Amos Scripture Care Trust Coffee Morning Healing & Listening service Alcoholics Anonymous Group meeting “Monday Club” meeting (2nd & 4th Tuesdays) Overeaters Anonymous Group meeting Edinburgh Bach Choir rehearsal Seasons Art Classes Chest, Heart & Stroke Society meeting soulspace (1st Wednesday only) “Simply Lunch” (last Wednesday only) Alcoholics Anonymous Group meeting U3A meeting (3rd Wednesday only) soulspace (1st Wednesday only) Edinburgh Contemporary Choir rehearsals 10 am to 12 noon 11.45 am to 2.15 pm 12 noon to 2 pm 1 pm 7 pm to 10 pm 1 pm to 2 pm PROBUS Club meeting (2nd & 4th Thursdays) Scottish Slimmers Ecumenical Friends, Edinburgh Prayer Service Practice Choir rehearsal Alcoholics Anonymous Group meeting 10.30 am to 12 noon 12.30 pm Coffee Morning (1st Saturday only) Jeremy Cull Organ Recital (1st Saturday only) Wednesdays Set-Up, on Friday 14, 9am-4pm Items needed for the following Stalls: Bric-a-brac Crafts Cake & Candy Jams & Jellies Catering Jewellery & Accessories Plants & Decorations Tombola Toys Derek & Lyn Deans 01383 620472 Thursdays Plants, Cuttings And Christmas Decorations Time for the Christmas Fair is drawing near. I hope some of you have managed to start some small cuttings/bulbs for the stall. Since Christmas decorations will be included on the stall, donations would be gratefully received. Pat Ferguson SONGS FOR THE SEASON WITH BRUCE DAVIES TUESDAY 16 DECEMBER, 7.30PM LINDISFARNE ROOM Those who were present at the congregational Burns Supper earlier this year will be delighted to learn that Bruce Davies is returning for an evening of song on 16 December. Please put the date in your diary now! Fridays Saturdays Items in bold denote events which are open to the public. For details of other events please check our website : diary.php Craig Marshall (Church Manager) Bruce will be performing songs for Christmas, both Christian and secular. Details of tickets etc will be available nearer the date. 9 10 WILLIAM STEPHENSON We offer God thanks for the life of William Stephenson, an elder of this church who died suddenly on Friday 21 March. We pay grateful tribute to his life, service and commitment. Bill had a lifelong association with St Cuthbert’s. Ordained an elder in 1959, Bill served faithfully with characteristic kindness, gentleness and constancy. In his time of active service as an elder Bill also served as Depute Session Clerk for several years. All of his duties in this place were undertaken with an unobtrusive and quiet faithfulness and dedication. A regular at Tuesday and Saturday coffee mornings, Bill was a most interesting and engaging conversationalist; a good listener, interested in others and always with a gentle and kindly manner. His ready smile and natural courtesy inspired respect and affection amongst his many friends and acquaintances within our congregation. After serving as a Bevin Boy down the mines during the war Bill returned to Balfour Beatty with whom he had started as a clerk before the war and then worked in administration in the Health Service at the Royal Infirmary, then Ninewells in Dundee, returning to the Edinburgh Royal Infirmary before finishing his career at Queensberry House. for 54 years, in which role Douglas was the link person between the Kirk Session and the Change Ringers. This was a duty Douglas undertook with genuine pleasure and characteristic commitment. He was a supportive and good friend to the Change Ringers over these several decades and in recognition of this, the Change Ringers arranged for a special peal to be rung by members of the Scottish Association of Change Ringers to celebrate his life on Saturday 6 September. Douglas also served this congregation as a Sunday School Superintendent for many years in the days when the Sunday School was very large. Indeed, at that time the Sunday School met in three separate sections, one in the morning and two in the afternoon. Douglas Grant gave service to the church not only in this congregation but in various roles in the wider church including membership of the Church of Scotland’s former publications committee, offering his expertise and insights arising from his noted career in publishing. He also found time to serve on a wide range of different trusts and in 1986 he was awarded an honorary Doctor of Letters by St Andrew’s University. We gratefully recall Douglas’s faithfulness, courtesy and thoughtfulness, his long service as an elder and as Belfry President, and his fellowship with us in St Cuthbert’s over so many years. Bill was also a very keen golfer enjoying both playing golf and the social interaction and connection of the Golf Club. Douglas enjoyed a long marriage to the late Enid, and our sympathies and our prayers are with their sons and their families at this time. We are grateful for Bill’s quiet commitment and his unobtrusive but faithful engagement with his duties and fondly remember his kindness, generosity, integrity and deep faith. Celebrating the life of Douglas Grant and thanking God for his faithful service in this congregation, and notably as a dedicated elder and Belfry President we commend him to the eternal care of the God whom he worshipped and served. We recall Bill’s long and happy married life with Marigold who died in 2005 and his love of and in and by family and our sympathies and our prayers are especially with his daughter Maureen and her family at this time of sadness and loss for them. DWD Celebrating the life of Bill Stephenson and thanking God for his faithful service in this congregation, and notably as a dedicated elder we commend him to the eternal care of the God whom he worshipped and served. DWD DR DOUGLAS GRANT We offer God thanks for the life of Douglas Grant, an elder of this church who died at the Erskine Home in Glasgow on Friday 25 July. We pay grateful tribute to his life, service and commitment. DUTY ELDERS October 2014 Mr Dunbar Mr Reeder Mr Hunter Mrs Reeder - C Mrs Kirk Mr Watson-Griggs Miss Rose - C November 2014 Lady Coulsfield - C Dr Millar Lord Coulsfield - C Professor Percy Mr Gilchrist Mrs Romanis C – Communion after Morning Service on Sunday 12 October 2014 C – Communion after Morning Service on Sunday 9 November 2014 Douglas had served as an elder in St Cuthbert’s for 61 years and notably as Belfry President 11 12 CHOIR MUSIC LIST OCTOBER – DECEMBER 2014 Sunday 7 December Advent II Introit Anthem Amen Advent Prose (plainsong) Malcolm Archer: Creator of the stars on night Four-fold Advent Prose (plainsong) Orlando Gibbons: This is the record of John Four-fold Sunday 5 October Trinity XVI Harvest Introit Anthem Amen Alison Robertson: Praise God, Creator of the earth John Rutter: Look at the world Dresden Sunday 14 December Advent III Introit Anthem Amen Sunday 12 October Trinity XVII Introit Anthem Amen Thalben-Ball: Every day will I give thanks unto thee Stanford: O for a closer walk with God Three-fold Sunday 21 December Advent IV No Choir in morning Lessons & Carols at 7.00pm Sunday 19 October Trinity XVIII Introit Anthem Amen Thalben-Ball: Lift up your hearts Brahms: Geistliches Lied Dresden Sunday 28 December Christmas I Monthly Communion Choir holiday Sunday 26 October Trinity XIX Quarterly Communion Setting Anthem Amen Ireland: Communion Service in C Richard Shepherd: Jesu, dulcis memoria Seven-fold Jeremy Cull (Director of Music) & Graham Maclagan (Associate Director of Music) Sunday 2 November All Saints (11am) Introit Anthem Amen Father, in whom thy saints are one (plainsong) Victoria: O quam gloriosum Three-fold In November, our website will be celebrating its fifteenth birthday! All Souls (3pm) Introit Anthem Amen Rest eternal grant unto them, O Lord (plainsong) Harrison Oxley: My shepherd is Lord Dresden Many visitors from around the world come to worship with us, and to visit the church, when they come to Edinburgh, because they have been able to find out something about who and where we are, through the website. Many churches and Christian organisations around the world have used the information on our website as part of their own services, or to assist with their Christian witness. Sunday 9 November Remembrance (10.45am) Introit Anthem Amen Thalben-Ball: In the world ye shall have tribulation John Ireland: Greater Love Seven-fold Sunday 16 November Trinity XXII Introit Anthem Amen Alison Robertson: One thing I of the Lord desireth John Rutter: God be in my head Three-fold Sunday 23 November Christ the King Introit Anthem Amen Mendelssohn: Above all praise and majesty William Mathias: Lift up your heads, O ye gates Dresden Sunday 30 November Advent I Monthly Communion Introit Anthem Setting Amen Advent Prose (plainsong) Stainer: How beautiful upon the mountains James MacMillan: St Anne Mass Four-fold HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ST CUTHBERT’S WEBSITE! 13 Although now it's rare to find a church without a website, in 1999 St Cuthbert's was one of the first churches in Scotland to have its own website. When we unveiled it, it consisted of just a handful of pages and a few pictures. Now, it contains more than 200 pages and many hundreds of pictures. But in the last 15 years, the internet changed drastically, particularly with rise in popularity of social media pages, blogs etc, and so now, in addition to the website, we also have several facebook pages - e.g., a general page for the Church, and pages with a more specific focus for soul space, the Art&Soul project, the Society of Friends. Although the church website receives more than 1000 visitors a week, a single comment on the church facebook page can be seen by that many people in just a few hours! This gives us an amazing opportunity for outreach, so if you have a facebook account - please 'like' our facebook pages and posts, or share our posts on your timeline. These simple actions exponentially increase the number of people who we are able reach. 14 Links to all of our facebook and blog pages, can be found on the website - - if you've not visited the website lately, or seen the facebook pages - we encourage you to take a look! Happy birthday website - here's to the next 15 years! 2 October 9 October 16 October 23 October 30 October Tom Cuthell Alison Wilkinson Justin Taylor Murdoch MacKenzie Ecumenical Friends Forum My Faith Journey Back in Africa South Africa, past and present The other side of Lesslie Newbiggin What do we stand for? United together in our differences 6 November Sarah Kilbey 13 November 20 November 27 November Charles J Burnett Mark Wilson Hanne Gormley You shall not curse the deaf: a ministry with deaf and hard of hearing people Heraldry – the shorthand of history My last visit to India? The Edinburgh German Church 4 December Margaret McGregor Advent Meditation 8 January 15 January 22 January 29 January Isobel Reid Walter Dunlop Matthew Ross Mary Moffett Mamie Martin, a glowing brand The history of St Andrew’s Jerusalem ACTS Faith in older people 5 February 12 February 19 February 26 February * Swarup Bar Simon Barrow John Ross Fiona Bennett News from Kolkata Ekklesia: Christian Political Think Tank Habitat for Humanity The story of Augustine United Church 5 March * 12 March * Carol Finlay John Munro Mary Slessor and her legacy Lent meditation Webmaster CHANGES TO THE CONGREGATIONAL ROLL Deaths : ‘I am the Resurrection and the Life’ July 2014 August 2014 September 2014 Dr Douglas Grant, Glasgow Mrs Alice Fraser, Edinburgh Mr William McLeod, Edinburgh 2015 SUMMER WEDDINGS IN ST CUTHBERT’S 21 June 5 July 26 July Corinne Wiltshire and Jamie Thain, Edinburgh Laura Kureczko and Alan Hedges, Edinburgh Samantha Dower and Allan Macpherson, Newton le Willows THE SOCIETY OF FRIENDS OF ST CUTHBERT’S The AGM and lunch took place on Sunday 21 September 2014. We will be looking at suggestions for trips and/or events for next year, so watch this space. Pat Ferguson (Secretary) * Meetings on 26 February, 5 & 12 March will be held at 1pm in St John’s. ECUMENICAL FRIENDS 2014-2015 PROGRAMME Ecumenical Friends meet at 12.30pm on Thursdays in the Lammermuir Hall in St Cuthbert’s and is organised by Edinburgh City Centre Churches TOGETHER. Bring your own sandwich lunch – tea and coffee are provided. Everyone is warmly welcome. Entry £1.50. 2014 25 September Marcus Dunzkofer Whoever you are or wherever you find yourself on the journey 15 16 FINANCIAL REPORT ON THE GENERAL FUND PERIOD ENDING 31st AUGUST 2014 Actuals to Date Budget to Date Budget Full Year £ £ £ Income Offerings Tax Recovery on Gift Aid Hire of Premises Property Rental Other Income Total Income 58,225 14,271 52,133 13,035 14,892 152,556 60,862 15,498 44,000 13,202 20,348 153,910 84,008 21,426 66,000 16,804 34,133 222,371 Expenditure Ministry & Mission Insurance Staff Salaries & Associated Costs Property & Maintenance Other Costs Basic Expenditure 57,733 16,771 28,546 23,631 17,949 144,630 57,733 16,849 26,597 23,772 17,808 142,759 86,600 21,061 42,331 38,522 27,305 215,819 26,066 22,000 33,000 170,696 164,759 248,819 18,140 10,849 26,448 Transfer to Outreach (50% of Hire of Premises) Total Expenditure Deficit to Date For the first eight months of 2014 we have recorded income of £152.6K compared to £135.1K at the same point in 2013. The strong performance in Hire of Premises has largely offset the under-performance in 'Other Income' which has arisen mainly due to the fact that it has not proved possible so far to find premises in which to run a 'pop-up-shop'. Despite this difficulty Income is just £1.3K under budget. Basic Expenditure over the eight months stands at £144.6K compared to £188.7K at the same point last year Despite some unexpected costs, Basic Expenditure remains just under £2K over budget. Disappointingly the deficit is now £7.3K over budget but it is still expected that the year-end deficit will be below £30K. Michael Langdon (Finance Manager) 17 WANTED – NEW ST CUTHBERT’S “REINDEER(S)” FOR OUR TOGETHER CHURCHES - HELPING THOSE IN NEED During Decembers have you noticed the “Reindeer” (now long overdue to go out to grass) who seeks your so generous donations to enable the Group to help the homeless and others in need, by direct action and by supporting experts in the field? For decades our Churches have worked together in this way. In recent years direct action has included Christmas/New Year lunches, making up and distributing hampers, a series of hot breakfasts in January and supplying food banks with extras for Christmas. The Group also prepares for wide distribution, a leaflet listing sources of help, revising the list every April. Financial support, to expert bodies working throughout the year, was given in 2013/2014 to organisations including Streetwork, Cyrenians, Edinburgh City Mission, Rock Trust and Salvation Army. The Group also arranges forums and open meetings – for congregations and others – on national issues (eg Q & A sessions with political candidates pre-elections) and on “hot” topics such as begging. Usually each Church has 2/3 members in the Group which meets, as necessary, to exchange information on eg organisations visited and talks/conferences attended (to keep fully in tune with current needs and provision), to arrange festive season aid and to determine how best to distribute any remaining moneys donated by the Churches. Some Group members have jobs in the field, some give voluntary help, some range the city to learn more of what is going on at first hand. Everyone keeps eyes and ears open to pick up any relevant news: everyone participates in line with their interests and time available. The Group plays a lively, positive role within our Churches Togetherness and members find satisfaction being part of real needs and responses within our communities. Anyone who is interested in helping – or would like to learn more – please contact June Ross (332 2144) or Gordon Wemyss, Session Clerk, or leave a message with the Church Secretary, Moira Brown. June Ross & Gordon Wemyss (Together Homelessness Group) CROSSREACH NEWS Copies of the latest edition of CrossReach News (previously known as Circle of Care) are available at the bookstall. This issue focuses on Services to Older People especially those with dementia; CrossReach has recently appointed Dementia Ambassadors in every service. The magazine also contains a leaflet of Christmas card and calendar collections plus an Order Form. 18 Prayer Diary - October 2014 Wed 1 For St Cuthbert's soul space ministry - offering an opportunity to find peace and space, in the middle of the chaos of everyday life. For all who are involved, or who attend, may all be aware of God's presence and blessing. Thu For new beginnings - for all who have recently been ordained to any type of ministry. 2 For those who have recently come to faith, or re-discovered their faith, and all who have recently been confirmed or baptised. For all new attenders at services, and for all seeking to find out more about God. Fri 3 The clergy and congregation of Portobello St James Church Edinburgh. For Austria and Azerbaijan – grant wisdom to the powerful, and a steadfast witness by their Christian communities. For worldwide peace and justice. May all be heard, live without fear, and share the earth’s resources. Sat 4 First Saturday coffee morning. For Ministers, choirs, organists, readers, and all involved in leading, or who will attend worship, tomorrow or during the week. Sun 5 Mon 6 Tue 7 Wed 8 Thu 9 Fri 10 Sat 11 Sun 12 Mon 13 Tue 14 Wed 15 Eternal God, don’t hold back Your kind ways from me. I know the Lord is thinking of me. You are my help; only You can save me. (Psalm 40) The growth and development of our healing and listening ministries, all who are involved, and all who come to us for help. Those who have lost their way - in life, in their faith. Those who are looking for answers in the wrong places. Those who have stopped searching and who unnoticed, live lives of quiet despair or increasing desperation. As a church and as individuals, that we may be open to the questions of those who are seeking God, without judging, particularly when they are different to us, or their ways of seeking are different to ours. The outreach of the church worldwide to those who have not heard the Gospel of Christ. May all come to know and love him. That as part of the church in Edinburgh, we will find ways to reach out to those who need to hear God's message of love. The clergy and congregation of Portobello St Philip's Joppa Church. For the Bahamas and Bahrain – grant wisdom to the powerful, and a steadfast witness by their Christian communities. For worldwide peace and justice. May all be heard, live without fear, and share the earth’s resources. For Ministers, choirs, organists, readers, and all involved in leading, or who will attend worship, tomorrow or during the week. For all involved in Young Church. You, Eternal God, show mercy to me. Blessed is the Eternal One, the True God. Always and Eternal. Amen and Amen. (Psalm 41) The ministry and work of the Kirk Session (meeting Presbytery this week), and all members of the Kirk Session. All who prepare the floral displays in the church, those who distribute the flowers, and all who receive them. For the Church as it struggles to touch a world that thinks it has no need of God, or thinks of him only as an anachronism or irrelevance. Show us where Christ is already at work, and how we may share that work, and effectively communicate the reality of Christ's overwhelming and unchanging love for every person. Give each of us the courage to stand up and speak out against poverty, racism, violence, bigotry, and hunger. Show us how we can help those who are suffering. 19 Thu 16 Fri 17 Sat 18 Sun 19 Mon 20 Tue 21 Wed 22 Thu 23 Fri 24 Sat 25 Sun 26 Mon 27 Tue 28 Wed 29 Thu 30 Fri 31 For all churches, including ourselves, with major financial problems. For discernment to see where Christ is leading, and the courage to trust, obey, and follow him even when that means moving out of our comfort zones. The clergy and congregation of Priestfield Church Edinburgh. For Bangladesh and Barbados – grant wisdom to the powerful, and a steadfast witness by their Christian communities. For worldwide peace and justice. May all be heard, live without fear, and share the earth’s resources. For Ministers, choirs, organists, readers, and all involved in leading, or who will attend worship, tomorrow or during the week. In the light of day, the Eternal shows me His love. When night settles in and all is dark, He keeps me company (Psalm 42) Internal congregational communication and external publicity, that we may reach out effectively to all those around us. All those who live or work in our Parish, or pass by the church. All who suffer from domestic violence, or abuse. All who are harmed by those who should be protecting them. May all find help, support, and a safe way out of their situation. The clergy and congregations in our Edinburgh Together partnership, St Andrew’s Church in Jerusalem, and the English Reformed Church in Amsterdam. For all God's people and churches, that he will show them how best to reflect the light of his love into the dark places of the world around them. The clergy and congregation of Queensferry and Dalmeny Church. For Belarus and Belgium – grant wisdom to the powerful, and a steadfast witness by their Christian communities. For worldwide peace and justice. May all be heard, live without fear, and share the earth’s resources. For Ministers, choirs, organists, readers, and all involved in leading, or who will attend worship, tomorrow or during the week. Services and Communion convenor and all duty elders. O my soul, why are you so overwrought? Why are you so disturbed? Despite all my emotions, I will hope in God again. I will believe and praise the One who saves me and is my life (Psalm 43) The ministries of 'Oasis' and 'Business Matters', Rev Tony Bryer and all involved in Workplace Chaplaincy as they offer help and support in the workplace, and seek to build a supportive Christian community beyond the workplace. Those responsible for making and passing laws. Those responsible for upholding the law, or for dispensing justice. All working in the prison services. All prisoners. The Fabric Convenor, Finance Manager, Treasurer, all who administer our finances and care for our fabric on our behalf. Wise stewardship of all our resources. For all those who have never heard the good news of the gospel of Christ, or who have heard it but rejected it as irrelevant to them. May God show us how to share the Gospel in ways that will enable all to hear of God's love for them. The clergy and congregation of Ratho Church Edinburgh. For Belize and Benin – grant wisdom to the powerful, and a steadfast witness by their Christian communities. For worldwide peace and justice. May all be heard, live without fear, and share the earth’s resources. 20 Prayer Diary - November 2014 Fri 14 Sat 1 All Saints Day For Ministers, choirs, organists, readers, and all involved in leading, or who will attend worship, tomorrow or during the week. Sun 2 Mon 3 You are my King, my God! (Psalm 44) For all people who are born or forced into slavery. For the victims of trafficking, violence, terrorism or abuse, and those who are responsible. All victim support agencies. Tue That all who work in caring professions, will show patience, gentleness and kindness 4 in all they do. For all who work with people unable to care for themselves, and all who live with the frustrations caused by needing help from others. Wed Our ministry with those who are homeless. The Rock Trust, Fresh Start, Bethany 5 Christian Trust, the winter night shelters, the Edinburgh churches and volunteers involved in the night shelters. All who work with those who are homeless. Thu That Christ will show us how to share the good news of his love to those who are 6 searching for answers to their questions. For those who know there is something missing from their lives, but find no help in the institution we recognise as church. Fri 7 The clergy and congregation of Reid Memorial Church Edinburgh. For Bermuda and Bhutan – grant wisdom to the powerful, and a steadfast witness by their Christian communities. For worldwide peace and justice. May all be heard, live without fear, and share the earth’s resources. Sat 8 For Ministers, choirs, organists, readers, and all involved in leading, or who will attend worship, tomorrow or during the week. For all involved in Young Church. Sun 9 Mon 10 Tue 11 Wed 12 Thu 13 Remembrance Sunday O God, Your throne is eternal; You will rule your kingdom with a sceptre of justice. (Psalm 45) For St Cuthbert's winter fair (this week). For all churches, the courage to continue to reach out to those all around them, who are hurting and in pain, to share with them God's loving touch of healing and comfort. We gratefully remember, all whose lives were shattered, or who lost their lives, for the cause of freedom. We pray for all who continue to suffer because of war and conflict. May all peoples learn to live together in love and peace, and all nations be united in firmer fellowship, for the promotion of God’s glory and the good of all peoples. We pray for the needs of the whole world - Where there is hatred, give love; where there is injury, grant pardon; where there is distrust, restore faith; where there is sorrow, renew hope; where there is darkness, let light shine. For scientists and chemists seeking to find new drugs, cures, and ways to help people with currently untreatable diseases. For those suffering from diseases for which cures exist, but to which they have no access, or cannot afford. For all churches, including ourselves, struggling to survive, that we will not become so worried about our future, that we lose sight of our mission as the body of Christ in the world - to share in his work and witness, regardless of the cost to ourselves, and to trust him always to know what is best for us. 21 Sat 15 Sun 16 Mon 17 Tue 18 Wed 19 Thu 20 Fri 21 Sat 22 The clergy and congregation of Richmond Craigmiller Church Edinburgh. For Bolivia and Bosnia – grant wisdom to the powerful, and a steadfast witness by their Christian communities. For worldwide peace and justice. May all be heard, live without fear, and share the earth’s resources. For Ministers, choirs, organists, readers, and all involved in leading, or who will attend worship, tomorrow or during the week. God is our shelter and our strength. When troubles seem near, God is nearer, and He’s ready to help. (Psalm 46) The ministry and work of the Kirk Session (meeting this week), the Session Clerk, all office bearers and all members of the Kirk Session. The growth and development of our healing and listening ministries, all who are involved, and all who come to us for help. The work of the Church of Scotland's 'Priority Areas' Committee, as it seeks to help and support people struggling against poverty. For all who feel let down or rejected by the Church or a church. May all find a home somewhere among God's people where they will be cherished and nurtured. The clergy and congregation of Slateford Longstone Church Edinburgh. For Botswana and Bougainville – grant wisdom to the powerful, and a steadfast witness by their Christian communities. For worldwide peace and justice. May all be heard, live without fear, and share the earth’s resources. For Ministers, choirs, organists, readers, and all involved in leading, or who will attend worship, tomorrow or during the week. Sat 29 Christ the King Give honour for the True God of the universe. He is the great King over everything in this world. (Psalm 47) For McCrae's Battalion (centenary service this week). The on-going growth and development of our pastoral care. All who visit those in our congregation who are unable to come to church. All who are sick in hospital or at home, and all who care for them. For all students, at school, college, or university in our city. For those struggling to keep up with their workload, for those who are far away from everything and everyone they know. For all who teach or support students. The work of the Bible Societies. Those who translate the Bible so that all can read the scriptures in their own language, those who distribute Bibles. For God's church in the world, that it may be a beacon of light and hope, drawing others into his family. The clergy and congregation of St Andrew's and St George's West, Edinburgh. For Brazil and the British Indian Ocean – grant wisdom to the powerful, and a steadfast witness by their Christian communities. For worldwide peace and justice. May all be heard, live without fear, and share the earth’s resources. For Ministers, choirs, organists, readers, and all involved in leading, or who will attend worship, tomorrow or during the week. Sun 30 Advent Sunday The Eternal God is great and mighty, worthy of great praise. He will be our guide till the end (Psalm 48) Sun 23 Mon 24 Tue 25 Wed 26 Thu 27 Fri 28 22 “SMALLS FOR ALL” On behalf of “Smalls for All” Leigh Betts would like to thank all of the ladies for their very kind contributions to the “Smalls for All Bra Bank”. Your help is very much appreciated. If you would like any further information regarding “Smalls for All” or have any further items to donate, please contact Leigh Betts by telephone (07515739234) or email ([email protected]). LB DECEMBER 2014/JANUARY 2015 MAGAZINE Material for the December 2014/January 2015 Magazine should be sent to the editor, Mary Wilson by e-mail to: [email protected] or put in her pigeon-hole by Monday 17 November 2014. TELEPHONE PRAYER CIRCLE Requests for prayer in a crisis situation or time of trouble should be made to Mary Stewart (443 3015). Prayer is normally offered for one week. Names of those for whom prayer is required in the longer term should be entered in the Intercession Book for the evening service (to be found on the table in the vestibule). All information will be treated in confidence. workforce. Despite that, Edinburgh is beginning to witness some very large investments in retailing with work already underway in St Andrew Square, and the redevelopment of the St James Shopping centre probably starting sometime in 2015. My chaplaincy to Lothian Buses and Edinburgh Trams is developing well, if feedback from management and staff is anything to go by. I try to visit one depot each week, and have also been meeting new recruits in both companies to introduce myself and the chaplaincy role. Quite often I am recognised when boarding a bus or tram! We have had two successful Introduction sessions in Edinburgh this year, which have resulted in nearly a dozen enquirers exploring whether they might become volunteer chaplains, including some members of Together Churches. There are several openings for chaplaincy waiting to be filled, so I hope that by next year there will a growing team of volunteers. There are also other churches looking at working in partnership with Work Place Chaplaincy Scotland, on the Together Churches model; this will help in meeting the many opportunities for chaplaincy in the Edinburgh and the Lothians. Should anyone like to find out more, you would be welcome to attend a future Introduction session. Please contact me on [email protected] or 07834 748129 for more details. Together Website TAPE MINISTRY Tape recordings of Sunday Morning Services are available for the sick or housebound members – not just for members who are permanently confined to their own homes or residential homes, but for those who are convalescing from surgery or other hospital treatment and unable to attend church. For further information, contact George Gilchrist on 339 7899. James McNeill writes: Our revamped website is now live at and we are grateful to Wyoming Interactive in Ainslie Place for all their work with us. The site will enable us to have a more active presence on the Web, and links to related sites will enhance the profile both of ourselves and them. Now that the site is live there will be a little more pressure to keep it changing. After the trustees’ Autumn meeting to go over our priorities for the next three year period we will be able to start populating the pages with our ideas. If you have photographs/images which you think we could use helpfully, please contact the Secretary, James McNeill at [email protected] . Night Presence – Exploring the Possibilities Together Tony Bryer writes: Much of my chaplaincy work continues to be in the retail sector. The sector continues to be affected by the aftermath of the recession, and stiff competition, and so I have seen further shop closures, and insecurity of employment for at least some of the Ian Gilmour writes: Over these past three years we had planned to explore to respond to the tremendous potential of offering a night presence in the city centre. Unfortunately, due to illness and changes of staff both in the Together trustee and clergy teams, we have but scratched the surface on a possible new sphere for ministry. However, we are now determined to look at all the options and even test some ground over the coming winter. If this sparks your interest then please get in touch with Ian Gilmour (tel 0131332 5848, email [email protected] for some stimulating conversation on the topic. Fantoosh 23 24 TOGETHER NEWS What’s new in workplace chaplaincy? Maggie Morley writes: For the small group of ladies (mostly of a "certain age", it has to said!) who make up CREATIVE TOGETHER it was hard work preparing for our evening event on 20th August. This was something we had never done before and there were so many uncertainties. We knew we had sold all the tickets but would people bid for the high value items and buy all the other goodies we had been very busy making? Our thanks must go to all the friends and Together Church members who turned up early to help us set the scene in an hour and a half. Without them we wouldn't have managed. Thanks too to all the musical performers who willingly gave their time and talent to make the evening enjoyable. Last but not least, of course, a very big thanks to Scott Hastings who was able to persuade the audience to part with a great deal of money and keep them happy at the same time. Since then many have commented on what an enjoyable evening it was. Importantly there were many faces, new to me who said it was such a good way of meeting members of the other Together congregations. What's more we are delighted to have raised about £2,000 for Christian Aid. Getting ready to be a Pilgrim in the City Centre Frances Cooper writes: The plans for a reflective pilgrimage trail in the city centre have made good progress over the summer months. The small working group has met several times and meetings have been lively and productive. By the end of the autumn, it is hoped that a test trail leaflet will be ready for people in the congregations to try out, and feedback from this will enable the group to refine and perfect the material. One of the most positive aspects of this project, for those involved, has been getting to know new people within the three congregations – and there is still room for anyone who would like to be a part of what is proving to be an exciting new project for Together! If you are interested, please contact Frances Cooper (email: [email protected]). St Andrew’s and St George’s West Angela Grant has now started as the new Children and Families worker. She is very keen to work alongside the teams at St John's and St Cuthbert's. Ian Gilmour is heading off to the USA, for October, on sabbatical studying slavery and song. Ian plans to return with new thoughts concerning power, collective memory and singing despite affliction. The Fringe team worked very hard and had a good August, with Fantoosh a Together highlight, showing off some talents hidden in our midst. In terms of worship we are marking Creation-tide - Forests, Wilderness and Rivers in September and have a new trainee cleric in Ivan Brown. St John’s The long-planned development at St. John’s is an exciting one but needs major finance. There is still a way to go on raising funds for it, but a decision has now been made to move forward on the project, but show financial prudence and implement an internal review before signing construction contracts. If it is then finally approved, work should start in September or October of 2015 and take about 18 months. There is still plenty of work to do towards this exciting goal, and we shall be grateful for the sympathetic thoughts and prayers of Together Churches. St Cuthbert’s McCrae’s Battalion: A service in commemoration of the centenary of the Raising of this Battalion in the Parish of St Cuthbert will take place in St Cuthbert’s church on Thursday 27 November 2014 at 12.45pm. All are welcome to this community event. Events Robert Philp (St John’s) The Together Referendum event on 10th September with a distinguished panel of speakers was packed out and extremely lively. On 11th November at 7.30 p.m. in St Andrew’s and St George’s West, we are holding an event involving the choirs of our three churches and reflection on World War 1. Further details to come. LIFE AND WORK CONGREGATIONAL NEWS 25 26 OCTOBER 2014 EDITION Caring for Creation Thomas Baldwin examines the relationship between faith and stewardship of nature. WORSHIP AT ST CUTHBERT’S Sunday Reforming the Kirk In the first of a six-part series, the Rev Dr Doug Gay outlines the challenges that lie ahead for the Church of Scotland. 9.30am Holy Communion (Memorial Chapel) 10.15am Time for Prayer (Healing Room) 10.45am ’10 to Learn’ (Memorial Chapel) 11am Morning Worship Holy Communion on last Sunday Holy Communion following service on second Sunday Young Church on second Sunday (No Young church in August) 6.30pm Evening Worship Holy Communion on first Sunday 1pm Healing and Listening Time (Memorial Chapel) 12.30pm8pm 12pm 1pm soul space (first Wednesday – not July or August) Blessing the Animals Who Grace Our Lives Jackie Macadam looks at the growing numbers of “blessing of the animals” services. The Radical Behind the ‘Ragged Schools’ Jackie Macadam learns about the man who helped educate the poorest in Victorian Scotland. An Act of Liberation The Very Rev Professor David Fergusson considers Jesus’ message in healing the bleeding woman. All Are Welcome The Very Rev Dr James Simpson urges congregations to become more accepting and inclusive. Tuesday Wednesday A Narcissistic Culture? Ron Ferguson reflects on the issues created by the cult of celebrity and technology. Many Generations of Christians John R Hume visits a Perthshire church with links to early Christianity. Bible Study (Melrose Room – last Wednesday) ‘Simply Lunch’ (last Wednesday) Thursday 1pm Short Prayer Service (Memorial Chapel) Plus news, reviews, letters, registers and crosswords - all for just £2 – available at the bookstall. Visit us at : www.lifeandwork Find us on Facebook : Twitter : 27 28 THE PARISH CHURCH OF ST CUTHBERT OUR VISION Our core vision in St Cuthbert’s is: Living out the Gospel of Jesus Christ at the heart of our city as God’s people nurturing hearts for God offering a home to friend and stranger, and providing a hub to equip the people of God for the mission of God. St Cuthbert’s is a congregation of the Church of Scotland We also belong to the ecumenical parish grouping EDINBURGH CITY CENTRE CHURCHES TOGETHER St Cuthbert’s is an ‘eco-congregation’ 5 Lothian Road Edinburgh EH1 2EP SC010592 stcuthbertsedinburgh 29
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