2424 King Edward Street, Winnipeg, Manitoba R2R 2R2 Phone: (204) 694-0483 Fax: (204) 694-7509 Website: h'ps://www.winnipegsd.ca/schools/stanleyknowles/Pages/default.aspx OCTOBER 2014 NEWSLETTER ADMINISTRATION NEWS... The first month of our school year has been fantas3c! Students and staff have all se'led into a posi3ve learning and teaching rou3ne. It promises to be a wonderful year. Many students are involved in extra-curricular ac3vi3es ranging from soccer, cross-country, volleyball, choir and band. Several clubs have begun and more are in the planning stages. École Stanley Knowles is a very busy and vibrant school. Our annual school fundraising project is underway. The Chocolate Bar Fundraiser will con3nue un3l October 14th. Please help support your child and the students of École Stanley Knowles School. All money raised is used to offset the cost of various student learning ac3vi3es, plays and performances such as MTYP, Ar3sts in the School as well as Field Trips, Technology, a new Playstructure as well as a new Digital Marquee Sign. At École Stanley Knowles School, our first priority is to ensure the safety of your children while they are in school. In addi3on to having regular Fire Drills, we will also be prac3cing Lock Down and Hold and Secure Drills through the school year. On a very serious note, we have great concerns regarding the traffic and parking issues surrounding École Stanley Knowles School. The area close to the school is not conducive for parking and pick-up of children at dismissal 3mes. Please help us keep our kids safe by obeying traffic and parking signs. RespecEully, D. Stevenson ~ A. Powell ~ D. Ostermann What is your child’s plan for lunch? With the cold weather fast approaching, it becomes more important than ever that ALL Grade 7 & 8 students have a plan for their lunch hour. The safety and well-being of all of our students at ÉSKS is of the utmost important. Since ÉSKS does not provide any formal supervision over the lunch hour, all students in Grade 7 and Grade 8 who are not part of the paid Lunch Program or who have not paid the drop-in fee are expected to leave the building and the school grounds over the lunch hour. This Parent Run Lunch Program is available on a full-3me or drop-in basis. The cost of this program is the same as our Elementary Lunch Program and operates in a similar manner. Families can choose to pay a full-3me fee of $250.00 for the en3re school year or a daily drop-in fee of $3.00. Families may also choose to have their child(ren) par3cipate in the Lunch Program only during the cold weather months, November to the end of March, at a cost of $125.00. Informa3on regarding the Elementary & Junior High Lunch Program is available in the school office. STUDENT DESCRIPTION FORMS The WSD Student Descrip3on Forms have been sent home with each student at École Stanley Knowles School. These forms contain each student’s personal informa3on that has been provided to us by parents/guardians. Please review the informa3on and make any changes directly on the form to ensure that we have current contact informa3on. Please be sure to sign and date each side of the form before sending it back to school with your child(ren). If your child(ren) have not yet brought this form home, please contact the school office at 204 694-0483. It is impera3ve that we have the most current contact informa3on for your child should an emergency arise. The purpose of the École Stanley Knowles School Handbook is to provide families with vital informa3on concerning our school contained within the pages of one booklet. Pages outlining the names of school staff, important school telephone numbers, dates for any planned inservices and special events is published every September. To get your copy, please contact the school office at 204 694-0483 or visit the school website. ELEMENTARY N-6 HALLOWEEN DANCE DATE: THURSDAY, OCTOBER, 23 TIME: 6:00 P.M. - 8:00 P.M. COST: $2.00 ADMISSION SILENT AUCTION SNACKS AND PIZZA WILL BE FOR SALE (COME DRESSED UP IN YOUR COSTUME) All children must have a Parent/Guardian in attendance MedicAlert’s No Child Without Program is at École Stanley Knowles School The No Child Without program offers a free MedicAlert membership to students who a'end our school and are between the ages of 4 up to their 14th. birthday. If your child has a medical condi3on, allergy or is required to take medica3on on a regular basis then you should consider a MedicAlert membership through this program. MedicAlert is your child’s voice in an emergency. MedicAlert membership: • Gives emergency first responders immediate access to your child’s medical informa3on on their MedicAlert bracelet or necklet. • Enables first responders to quickly obtain up to date medical informa3on by means of the child’s Electronic Health Record through the 24 Hour Emergency Hotline • Communicates with the parent or emergency contact upon ac3va3on of the Hotline. • Allows free updates of the child’s medical record as needed. MedicAlert iden3fica3on can alert school staff, friends, coaches and others about your child’s medical condi3on should an emergency occur. For further informa3on come to the office for a brochure or go to www.nochildout.ca To register your child you will need a No Child Without brochure from the office. If your child is already part of the No Child Without program and there have been changes to their medical condi3on, medica3ons or emergency contact informa3on, call MedicAlert at 1-866-679-3220 to update your child’s file. School Photo Procedures • • • Lost & Found If your child is missing an item, please have them check the Lost and Found boxes in the school or check with the School Office. Items such as eyeglasses, keys, USB flash drives and cell phones are being turned in on a daily basis. The Lost and Found boxes are emp3ed at the end of each month. Elementary pictures were taken on Monday, September 29th. Junior High’s pictures are September 30th. Re-takes for all Grades is Monday, November 3rd. A9er Picture Day: • Proofs will arrive approximately 10 days following Picture Day. • A PROOF RETURN DEADLINE is indicated on each proof. • Please fill out the order forms and return to the school before the deadline. • Orders are collected at the school and are sent to Lifetouch. The school is UNABLE to accept orders received aNer the deadline. • Parents MUST mail Late Orders directly to: Lifetouch Canada, Unit #1 - 1410 Mountain Avenue, Winnipeg, MB R2X 0A4 • Christmas delivery is not guaranteed on late orders. Retakes: • • • • • • If you are not sa3sfied with your child’s pictures, you may send your child for retakes on Monday, November 3, 2014. Parents requiring retakes should check RETAKE REQUEST BOX on proof order form and return to school. Office or Teachers are asked to please keep these retake forms un3l retake day. PLEASE DO NOT SEND ANY RETAKE FORMS IN WITH ORIGINAL ORDERS. On retake day, students should bring the retake forms to the camera. Retake order process is the same as the original order process. If you have any ques3ons or concerns about your picture orders, please contact Lifetouch Customer Service directly at 1-866-443-9640 BACK TO SCHOOL SAFETY FROM THE WINNIPEG POLICE SERVICE As the new school year gets underway, the Winnipeg Police Service would like to remind parents and guardians of the importance of the safety of our children as they go to and from school. Each year, serious safety hazards are created when children are being dropped off and picked up from school. Parents and guardians who are stopping or parking their vehicles while dropping their children off are reminded to do so in an appropriate and legal fashion. Drivers should be abiding with the pick up and drop off programs that are already established for your school. If your child walks to school, walk with your child several times to familiarize them with the route and point out traffic hazards and situations to avoid. As the distance from home to school increases, so does the risk of encountering traffic safety hazards. Talk to your child about traffic safety and teach them when and where it is safest to cross while stressing the importance of using crosswalks and abiding by the direction of School Patrols. Children should visually scan potential dangerous areas such as parking lots and driveways for vehicles. Parents, guardians and other motorists should consider the volume and speed of the traffic in your area. Be mindful of children in the area and pay particular attention near schools as children could dart from between vehicles at any time. Stop signs on buses picking up and dropping off children must always be respected. Anyone not stopping when a school bus has its stop sign and lights activated may be subject to a fine under the Highway Traffic Act. Please be respectful to the tenants who live there by NOT stopping in their parking lot to pickup your children. This interferes with the tenants’ ability to enter or exit their parking lot and is NOT safe for your children. Thank you! Be Respectful Be Responsible Be A Learner Be Safe Ms. Rusen & Mr. Barr As the counsellors here at ÉSKS, we offer students support with personal, social, emo3onal and academic programming concerns. We strive to promote school success, appropriate personal development, posi3ve self esteem, effec3ve decision-making and individual/social responsibility. We are proud to say that Ms. Rusen’s Conflict Managers are already off to a great start. Our Conflict Manager Program involves student mediators who are carefully trained in skills for interpersonal communica3on, problem solving, conflict resolu3on and cri3cal thinking so they can help other students solve arguments and disputes. The Conflict Manager Program helps students learn important skills and develops responsibility commitment. Try crea3ng a special spot for you to do your homework is important. Try not to do it where you can easily be distracted. Pick a place that has good ligh3ng and will allow you to concentrate. Keep a bunch of school supplies like pencils and paper nearby so that you’ll have everything you need. Try to eat a healthy breakfast before school every day. Kids who eat breakfast are ready to learn. 1. Maintain rou<nes. As children grow more independent it can be easy to let bed3mes and breakfast rou3nes go. The truth is that teenagers require just as much sleep, if not more, to support their physical and emo3onal growth. A good night’s sleep helps them to stay focused and concentrate on their learning. 2. Ge=ng involved at school. GeSng involved shows your child that you care about them and their educa3on. Make an effort to par3cipate when you can and to be a strong presence in their day to day school ac3vi3es. 3. Support your child. Talk to your child about what they like, who their friends are, what they are looking at online. The older they get, the less access you’ll have to their social life without having meaningful conversa3ons. Discuss the challengers they face and talk about the important decisions they are faced with. Though they may act “too cool’ to need your love and guidance, but they’re not, in fact, they need that love and guidance more than ever. Library News Parents, do you know that the most valuable ac"vity you can do with your child is to read to them? Even older children can benefit by being read to regularly, and by seeing their parents read. All ÉSKS students have been to the school library several 3mes. Students can keep books out for the 6 day cycle. There is a wide variety of books available. During the week of November 19 - 21, we will be hos3ng a Scholas3c Book Fair in the school Library. It will be open to students and parents/guardians the evening of November 20th from 3:30 pm to 7:30 pm as well as on November 21st from 9:00 am - 11:00 am. The Book Fair is a fundraiser for the library and features only books from Scholas3c. Thank you for suppor3ng our school library! School Patrols Thank you to all patrols who have been on post so far! We appreciate your dedica3on to keeping the staff and students here at École Stanley Knowles School safe! There was a great turnout for all fall patrol recruitment; we are excited to see both new faces and returning ones. Please be sure to watch for our patrols when you are picking up/dropping off our child. They keep our students safe and we need to help keep them safe too. Stay safe! Ms. Skoropet & Mrs. Vicklund Elementary Music All Grade 4 and 5 students should now be bringing their recorder to school and prac3cing at home on a regular basis. Keep encouraging your children to maintain a regular recorder prac3ce rou3ne! Even 5 minutes daily of repe33ve prac3ce goes a long way. Recorder skills help students become independent at reading notes, rhythms and symbols as well as develops their performance skills and confidence and leads into being prepared for technique of other instruments. Heads-up for Elementary school concerts this year. Nursery - Grade 3 students will be performing a Winter concert in December and Grade 4/5 students will be performing a musical at the end of April. Be on the lookout for le'ers sent home with full details. Choirs are in full swing, be on the lookout for notes sent home regarding other music opportuni3es or clubs for your child. Happy Music Making! Ms. Petrzelka, Music Specialist This year I will use the JupiterGrades website to post project due dates, grades, a'endance, discipline issues and many other things for all students taking art with me with excep3ons of rooms P10, P13 and P28. You can login any3me to check your child’s current grades, due dates, missing assignments, a'endance, discipline issues and many other features. This program is completely secure, so the general public cannot see your personal informa3on. You may login using your son/daughter’s account informa3on or you can sign up for your own account to view this informa3on in order to help your child with his/her learning. Please take the 3me to fill in email addresses and contact informa3on. If you need further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me by email or phone [email protected] or 204-694-0483. Thank you! Ms. Kmet, Art Specialist Mrs. M. Steeves Grade 5 & 6 Soccer Club Our student athletes have been prac3cing their soccer skills during the noon hour prac3ces and they are excited to par3cipate in the Tyndall Park Tournaments. These inter-school games will showcase The students’ skills and Sonic Pride! Good luck to our ESKS Sonics teams for the following tournament dates: • Grade 5 girls: Thursday, October 2nd. (AM) • Grade 5 boys: Thursday, October 2nd. (PM) • Grade 6 girls: Friday, October 3rd. (AM) • Grade 6 boys: Friday, October 3rd. (PM) Grade 3 & 4 Walking Club The Grade 3 and 4 “Walking Wednesday” club members have been enjoying a stroll around the community, walking and talking to new and old friends. Staff and students will con3nue to be ac3ve in this fun and social club for most of October. Intramurals - Grade 3/4 Skipping Club The Grade 3/4 students will enjoy some extra lunch3me ac3vity! Interested students can come and prac3ce their skipping skills in the big gym on days 2, 4, 6 this month. ***Shoelaces...please have your child prac<ce tying his/her shoelaces at home. It prevents injuries and increases student performance. **A big thank you to our grade 6 students who have been helping out with the Grade 1 gym classes. Keep up the great work! TERRY FOX RUN On Wednesday, September 24th in the aNernoon, the students and staff of École Stanley Knowles School par3cipated in a walk/ run around the big field to raise money for the Terry Fox Founda3on. Students learned about Terry, a na3onal hero, in their classrooms and physical educa3on class. Our school raised over $650. which will go to help support cancer research. Thank you to all of our elementary students and staff for your fantas3c par3cipa3on! Our school is helping make the world a be'er place. For more informa3on regarding The Terry Fox Founda3on, please check out the following website h'p://www.terryfox.org. Junior High Music Program Mr. S. Oberheu Welcome back to school! This year is shaping up to be an exci3ng one at École Stanley Knowles School. I’m Mr. Oberheu, and I’ll be teaching band and choir for grades 7 & 8. Here are a couple of pieces of informa3on that you will hopefully find interes3ng… There are now 2 different levels of concert band for Grade 7 & 8. We will have Intermediate and Advanced Band for students who have played at least 1 year. These bands are grouped by skill level and will create a li'le more con3nuity for our young musicians and give a be'er chance to some students to develop their abili3es. We are also star3ng a Jazz Band at school, where students can start to learn to play Jazz, Pop, Rock, and learn to improvise. Another class new this year is guitar. There will be one class for new beginners and another for students who already have some ability on the guitar. Vocal Jazz and Grade 7/8 Choir round out the class list. There should hopefully be a li'le something for everyone to learn musically. As always, if you have any ques3ons about our music program or your child’s involvement, please fee free to contact me at the school by telephone (204-694-0483) or by e-mail : [email protected] Mr. S. Oberheu, Music Director Ms. D. Wallace ANer being away for 2 years, I am very excited to be back at École Stanley Knowles School! The grade 6 and first year grade 7’s have received their instruments and are star3ng to learn basic skills needed to become a team member in the band. First year players are required to prac3ce for 20 minutes daily. Your children will need your support, encouragement and pa3ence as they work through sound produc3on on their instruments. I am sure that you are hearing all kinds of wild animal sounds right now! I promise this will soon turn into beau3ful sounds. I am very pleased with the Grade 6 choir. They are already singing 2 and 3 part harmony! If you have an ques3ons or concerns about your child’s progress, please do not hesitate to contact me at: [email protected] Musically Yours, D. Wallace Music Director GRADE 7 & 8 PHYS. ED. NEWS FITNESS LEVEL PROGRAM (GYM CLASS) Your child is taking part in our school’s physical fitness tes3ng program. This program is designed to determine a child’s level of fitness. It is not a test of athle3c ability. It is not a test that children can fail. It can, however, show you and your child where he or she stands in rela3onship to other children (of the same grade) in Canada on measures of fitness. Fitness is important to everyone. It is becoming increasingly clear that high levels of physical fitness contribute to richer, healthier lives. People who par3cipate in regular, vigorous physical ac3vity benefit from great vitality, improved self-esteem and increased protec3on against degenera3ve diseases. But, in order to receive the greatest rewards, fitness ac3vi3es must be started early in life so they become part of a con3nuing personal lifestyle. The fitness habit, like any other good habit, is developed by prac3ce. Although we tend to think of physical fitness as simply ‘being in shape’, it is actually made up of several specific elements, each of which must be developed individually. These elements cannot be measured by a single test item, nor will excellence in one category make up for deficiencies in another. On the other hand, fitness is reversible - if exercise is not con3nued, fitness levels deteriorate quickly. We believe that par3cipa3on in our program will help your child become aware of his or her own fitness level and the benefits of fitness-related ac3vi3es. Our aim is to provide encouragement and incen3ves to all youngsters to par3cipate regularly in such ac3vi3es. To do this we need your help. Your approval and reinforcement of your child’s a'empts to a'ain and maintain higher levels of fitness are very important. We feel sure that you will want to lend your support. If you have any ques3ons about our program or your child’s progress we invite you to contact us. Remember your homework….doing curl-ups, push-ups, stretching, jogging and brisk walks contribute to overall improved fitness levels….and “Feeling Good!” Mr. D. Ba' & Ms. S. Denys, Physical Educa3on Instructors 1. Volleyball - WSD LEAGUE PLAY STARTS OCTOBER 6th Gr. 8 Girls - Tier 1 Gr. 8 Girls - Tier 2 Gr. 7 Girls - Tier 2 Gr. 7 Girls - Tier 3 - Ms. Queau, Mr. Janzen Gr. 7 Boys - Tier 3 - Mr. Batt Mr. Stachiw Team 2 - Mr. Cook Ms. Maskiw Team 3 - Mr. Ingram Team 1 - Mr. Barr Team 2 - Ms. Vicklund, Ms. Greenberg Gr. 8 Boys Tier 1 Mr. Clark, Ms. Gagnon, Mr. Moi & Mr. Couture 2. Cross-Country Running Team: Coaches: Ms. Hass, Mr. BaH, Mr. Ingram, Ms. Connors The Cross-Country running team has been training and compe3ng for four weeks, 5 races in total. The athletes are enjoying their morning runs in the beau3ful autumn weather, and they have already seen an improvement in their fitness level. Final Meet: - Thursday, October 2nd at Assiniboine Park; 3. Intramurals: Days 1, 3, 5 4. Gym Class: All students must wear a change of clothing (shirt, shorts, runners, plus deodorant) for safety and hygienic reasons. Mindful Parenting Mindfulness is sweeping education and health services as a way to promote well-being in children & adults. This parent workshop will introduce parents to mindful practices and how to incorporate these strategies into daily life. Mindfulness helps us reduce dwelling upon the past (which can lead to depression) and worries about the future (which characterize anxiety) and be more present in the moment. Attend this session and learn simple, effective ways to reduce stress and create calmer home environments. Please note: This session is designed for adults and would not be appropriate for children to attend. For Parents/Guardians in the Winnipeg School Division Registration Deadline: October 20, 2014 OCTOBER 23, 2014 7:00-9:00 P.M. Tec-Voc Theatre 1555 Wall Street ABOUT THE PRESENTER: Dr. Michelle Warren received her Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from Simon Fraser University in 2000 and completed her residency in the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Manitoba. She has worked in the Anxiety Disorders Program at St. Boniface Hospital, the Child Guidance Clinic, and the Manitoba Adolescent Treatment Centre. Currently, she is in private practice, specializing in the prevention and management of children’s mental health challenges. Two Ways to Register 1. EMAIL 2. PHONE [email protected] Mala Carriere, P.D. Clerk 204-788-0203, ext. 101332 with the following information: *name of parent/guardian *name of school child attends *number of people attending with the following information: *name of parent/guardian *name of school child attends *number of people attending ÉCOLE STANLEY KNOWLES SCHOOL OCTOBER 2014 CALENDAR Phone # 204-694-0483 Fax # 204-694-7509 2424 King Edward Street, R2R 2R2 www.wsd1.org/stanleyknowles/ MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY DAY 4 2 1 FRIDAY DAY 6 DAY 5 3 JH *FINAL* XC RACE # 5 ASSINIBOINE PARK Gr. 6 SOCCER TOURNEY @ TPCC BOYS AM, GIRLS PM GR. 5 SOCCER TOURNEY @ TPCC GIRLS AM BOYS PM 6 DAY 1 7 DAY 2 8 DAY 3 9 DAY 4 10 DAY 5 DAY 1 16 DAY 2 17 DAY 3 DAY 1 24 DAY 2 ROOM 214 & P4 TO THE LEGISLATIVE BUILDING (ALL DAY) 13 14 THANKSGIVING DAY 20 DAY 6 15 BUS RIDERSHIP DAY 4 21 GR. 4 HEP B/MENINGITIS & GR. 6 GIRLS HPV VACCINATIONS DAY 5 22 DAY 6 23 MUNICIPAL & SD ELECTION VOTING LARGE GYM 7AM—9 PM 27 DAY 3 28 DAY 4 29 ELEMENTARY (N-6) DAY 5 30 SCHOOL DANCE 6PM-8PM DAY 6 31 WE DAY S.A.G.E. NO SCHOOL Monday, November 3 Monday, November 3 Tuesday, November 11 Tuesday, November 18 Friday, November 21 Picture Re-Takes - All Grades Earth Ranger’s Show - K-6 (Big Gym 1:15 - 2:00) Remembrance Day Report Cards go home Non-Instructional Day December 1st - 4th Friday, December 19 Primary Winter Concert Week (Rooms & times TBA) Last day of school before Winter Break WINTER BREAK - Monday, December 22 to Friday, January 2, 2015 Monday, January 5 Friday, January 16 School re-opens after Winter Break ÉSKS Inservice day - No School Monday, February 2 Monday, February 16 Non-Instructional Day Louis Riel Day Friday, March 13 Friday, March 27 Non-Instructional Day Last day of school before Spring Break SPRING BREAK - Monday, March 30 to Friday, April 3, 2015 Monday, April 6 Friday, April 24 School re-opens after Spring Break Non-Instructional Day Monday, May 11 Monday, May 18 Non-Instructional Day Victoria Day Friday, June 26 Tuesday, June 30 ÉSKS Inservice day - No School Last Day of School - 11:30 am Dismissal MARK YOUR CALENDARS!!! SAVE THE DATE!!! *”Girls Can Play” is Winnipeg Minor Basketball Association run free 8 week learn to play basketball program. For girls ages 7-10 years, please email: [email protected] to register. “Family Movie Night Friday, October 3rd movie starts at 7:00 pm. Doors open at 6:45 pm. Cost: Free!! The canteen will be open to pur chase dr inks & snacks!! *Family Halloween Howl Dance Friday, October 17th from 7-9 pm or children 0-12 years old. All children MUST be accompanied by an adult. - Cost: $2.00 per person. Join us for an evening of Halloween Fun!! *We are still taking registrations for youth Hip Hop Dance Classes, Yoga and Zumba!! Please check out our website www.tyndallparkcc.com for details on all of these events and more!! Tips to Keep your Kids Safe on Halloween On Halloween, many of our ÉSKS students will be transformed into li le goblins, princesses & superheroes as they set out to visit their favourite haunts in a quest for candy and fun. Here are some !ps taken from a CBC News report that parents can consider to ensure a happy and safe Halloween. 1. Find the perfect frighIul fit Before you buy or make a costume, make sure it will be loose enough to fit over layers of warm clothing. Also, be sure the ouEit doesn’t hang too low, posing a tripping hazard. Costumes with bright colours & reflectors are best for visibility. Health Canada also notes parents should ensure that accessories such as swords are made of a soN, flexible plas3c. 2. Mask versus makeup Safety experts say that since masks narrow the file of vision, children should opt to use makeup. If your child is wearing a mask, make sure the eyeholes are large enough for the child to see through properly. Also check that the nose holes allow for proper ven3la3on. 3. Don’t let slowpokes be spooked Choose a well-lit, central, local landmark to be a mee3ng place if anyone in the party gets separated. Keep a running headcount of children in your group so stragglers won’t be leN behind. 4. Trash the unwrapped candy stash Caregivers should tell their children not to eat their treats un3l the end of the evening when their candies can be properly inspected. Any treats that aren’t wrapped or have torn/damaged packages should be thrown out. For children under the age of five, check for any hard or large chewy candies that might be a choking hazard. 5. Considera<ons for children with diabetes The Canadian Diabetes Associa3on says that children with diabetes should be allowed to keep potato chips, peanuts and sugar-free gum, along with a few extra treats. Younger children should be encouraged to stay home and hand out treats in costumes. 6. Start the evening early Send your li'le ones out early so they can enjoy the evening before it gets too dark and make it home at a reasonable hour to rest and recover aNer a frighEully fun evening.
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