APPLICATION FORM DO NOT STAPLE League of Finnish-American Societies' Scholarship Foundation The Foundation has been supporting Finnish students in their studies in the USA since 1970. Checklist. A complete application includes: application form degree diploma(s) two references study objectives higher education transcripts TOEFL report (optional) curriculum vitae (”opintorekisteriote”) I apply for following scholarship(s): , Bjö rn Save é n Finnish American Scholarship ' ´ American-Scandinavian Foundation All items must be in English. The League of Finnish-American Societies Thanks to Scandinavia Foundation Name ___________________________________________E-mail address ______________________________ Current address _______________________________________________________________________________ Phone number _________________________________________ Date of birth ________________________ (month/day/year) Country(ies) of citizenship ______________________________________________________________________ TOEFL score and date of test (if taken) ___________________________________________________________ attach a copy of score report Highest degree earned /major field or discipline (in English and Finnish or Swedish): Institutions of higher education attended. Beginning with highest level. Institution and City Year(s) attended Degree objective in the U nited States D iscipline/Field Bachelor D egree/D ate Master’s Doctorate in the major field or discipline of (in English and Finnish or Swedish)____________________________________________ Summary of the U.S. study project. List below the institution(s) you have applied to / have been admitted to. Professional experience: List your last three major positions, beginning with the most recent position. Position and Nature of Work Employer’s Name and Address From To References: List the names of the two persons from whom you have requested a letter of reference. These persons should know you and your work well. Name Title Address Estimate expenses (show amounts and purposes) for the program in the U.S. and indicate how you will meet them. Specify the amount you hope to receive from the foundation stated above. Indicate other agencies from which funding has been or will be requested. You are expected to advise the League of Finnish-American Societies of sabbatical funding and/or of awards received. These scholarships are not intended for dependent support or purposes not directly related to the program. Please estimate cost in U.S. Dollars. Estimated Expenses Estimated Resources Tuition: Room: Board: Literature and equipment: Insurance: Travel: Other/Incidentals (please specify): TOTAL: I certify that the information given in this application is complete and accurate, to the best of my knowledge. Since awards are based on need as well as merit, I understand that the foundation reserves the right to withdraw or alter any award, should funds become available for this program from other sources, or should other circumstances warrant such action. If an award is conferred, I agree, insofar as possible, to adhere to the proposed plan of study and to comply with U.S. Government and the scholarship foundation regulations. S ig n a t u r e D a te Study Objectives Your one-page statement is an essential part of your applicaton. Explain briefly the substance of your studies so far. Give your reasons for wanting to pursue your study objectives in the U.S. Be specific about your major field and your specialized interests within this field. Describe the kind of program you expect to undertake, and explain how your study plan fits in with your future objectives, and how your study plans will benefit your academic field in Finland. Curriculum Vitae This is Curriculum Vitae (500 words) should be a narrative statement about your personal development and your professional, academic and future plans. It should not be a mere listing of facts. It should include information about your education, practical experience, special interests, career plans, and your purpose in applying for study in the U.S. Describe any significant factors that have influenced your educational or professional development. SUOSTUMUS Mikäli minulle myönnetään SAYL:n apuraha toimitan viipymättä kirjallisen todistuksen läsnäolostani ilmoittamassani amerikkalaisessa opiskelupaikassa (yliopisto, korkeakoulu, tutkimuslaitos) säätiön toimistoon. Samalla sovin apurahan maksuaikataulusta antamalleni pankkitilille. Apurahan vastaanottamisen vahvistan SAYL:iin sen myöntämisvuoden toukokuun loppuun mennessä ellei muuta erikseen sovita. Mikäli en ota apurahaa vastaan sen myöntämisvuonna, menetän sen. SAYL:n Apurahasäätiön hallitus toivoo, että kukin apurahan saanut henkilö kirjoittaisi lyhyen yhteenvedon apurahan käytöstä vuoden kuluessa stipendin saamisesta. Suhtaudun myönteisesti siihen, että laatimani yhteenveto mahdollisesti julkaistaan SAYL:n Suomi-USA –lehdessä (sovitaan erikseen tapauskohtaisesti). Hyväksyn Suomi-Amerikka Yhdistysten Liiton Apurahasäätiön ohjeet apurahan hakijoille ja saajille. Suostun siihen, että tietoni tallennetaan SAYL:n sisäiseen apuraharekisteriin, josta ilmenevät apurahan hakijoiden ja saajien nimi- ja opiskelutiedot. Mikäli minulle myönnetään apuraha, nimeni saa julkistaa SAYL:n Apurahasäätiötä käsittelevässä materiaalissa. Ilmoitan henkilö- ja yhteystiedoissani mahdollisesti tapahtuvista muutoksista viipymättä SAYL:n Apurahasäätiön toimihenkilöille (puh. 09-4133 3700 tai [email protected]). ___________________________________________________ Paikka ja aika ___________________________________________________ Allekirjoitus
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