Tumby Bay Area School News PO Box 125, Tumby Bay SA 5605 E-MAIL: [email protected] MOBILE: 0428 668 815 Ph: 8688 2003; Fax: 8688 2608; WEB: www.tbas.sa.edu.au TEXT Message Mobile 0428 937 348 BSB# 105 072 ACC# 282 171 140 Date: Thursday 16th October 2014 Term 4 Wk 1 Acc. Name: Tumby Bay Area School Council Inc (Consol) Acc Principal’s Report Rod Sutherland WELCOME BACK TO TERM 4. WE ARE OFF TO A FLYING START. Peta Butler – Excellence in Public Education Awards Achievement A lot of people in our community and even wider have been contacting Peta Butler to congratulate her on reaching the finals for these Awards. Peta attended a ceremony on Monday during the holidays as part of her nomination as local regional nomination for the SA Excellence in Public Education Award. Part of her nomination, from a parent, read, “I have never seen a teacher more organised or dedicated to the job. You can clearly see the amount of work she does out of hours to make sure her students are given an interesting and high quality education.” We congratulate Peta on this achievement, as a finalist, we recognise her professionalism and we are proud she is a member of our staff. NEW STUDENTS: We welcome 4 new students into our school community. We welcome Tiarna Hauschild in year 9. We also welcome the Boothey family, Jordan in year 7, Jayden in year 5 and Jaymee-Lee in year 1. HATS ON TERM 4 – Enough said really. Students, staff and visitors wear hats when outside this term. Hats must be broad brimmed or Legionnaire Style, in school colours. Please make sure they are labelled. Students without hats have to sit or stay in shaded areas. Thanks for your support with this Health and Safety initiative. PUPIL FREE DAY – DYSLEXIA TRAINING FOR STAFF AND PARENT INFORMATION EVENING Please note that staff will be involved in a training day on Tuesday 4th November developing skills and strategies for working with students struggling with learning, including those with Dyslexia. Later, from 6:30 til 8:30 there will be a parent information session especially aimed at supporting you with strategies around homework. The session will also address Dyslexia. Look out for this opportunity. The whole day is being presented by internationally well-known expert on Dyslexia and learning Difficulties, Neil McKay. This whole event has been made possible by the fantastic work of the Parents Dyslexia Support group with Amanda Partington. ACT OUT LOUD – This major project took off this week with Eliza Lovell (Visiting Dramatist) working with students to develop an understanding of the production and their role. At the end of last term students video interviewed several residents of our community to capture their insights into their lives and history of the district. This info will form the underlying thread of the production. The TB Drama Club will also be involved in discussions and workshops, forming a collaborative effort with the students of the school. SUBJECT COUNSELLING – On Thursday Year 10 and 11 students participated in a day of subject counselling for 2015. Lessons were postponed for the day and individual meetings were held with students and parents to fine tune choices for their next 2 years of school, their senior years. STUDENT VOICE – This Friday I will take a small group of students to Whyalla for a Student Voice Face to Face forum. The students will meet with other students from across Eyre Peninsula. The major topic for this meeting is Youth Mental Wellbeing. We will continue to work with our older students to develop strategies and support networks that can support the continual positive emotional and mental well-being of our students. POLICE DRIVING PRESENTATION – Our local Police Officer Todd Reed has been working to bring a presentation to the school for young potential drivers and their parents. This will be held for the Year 10 students on the morning of Wednesday 22 nd October in the school. Students of the same age from Cummins will join our students for this exercise. During the evening a session for parents will be held in the Skills Centre, from 6:30 or a 7:00 start. A flyer has been included with the Newsletter. Please return the tear-off slip if you intend to participate in this session. BUSHFIRE INFORMATION – As usual at this time of the year we include an information brochure with our Newsletter. The school itself has a ‘low risk’ rating for Bushfires. However identified “Catastrophic” days do have an impact on bus runs, excursions and general travel. PACTS Workshop K:\Clerical\Admin\Newsletter\2014\Term 1 Tumby Bay Area School News Senior Leaders Robina Collings PACTS Workshop (Parents as Career Transition Support) As mentioned in our final term 3 newsletter, we plan to hold a PACTS workshop for parents of year 8 & 9 students next Tuesday 21st October. The workshop will provide an opportunity for parents of Middle School students to gain information about general career transition, resources available and links with the local community to help their child in decision making about their future. The 2 hour workshop will be held at the school and delivered by Chris Mesecke, PACTS facilitator and DECD Apprenticeship Broker. Chris already works with schools and students across the region providing career development advice and support with student career pathways. Robina Collings and Nicky Prosser will support Chris with the workshop. The workshop will be held next Tuesday 21st October from 6:30 – 8:30 pm (week 2, Term 4). It is aimed at parents of students in years 8 & 9 but there may be room to include some parents of year 7 students if there is any interest. Invitations were sent home today given to year 8 & 9 students today. If you didn’t receive yours or would like any further information please get in touch with me at school. Please contact the school to book your place at the workshop. SPORTS PERSON OF THE YEAR 2014 Shane Masson PE/Sports Coordinator Once again the PE and Sports faculty will be awarding the Tumby Bay Area School Sportsperson of the Year which will be presented at the End of Year Assembly. Since the award was first presented in 2000, past winners have represented the State at national level and even internationally, with Jake Andrewartha who represented Australia at the 2014 Commonwealth Games winning a bronze medal The award is open to all students at TBAS with a high number of sporting achievements at both school and community level. To nominate a student, record their achievements for 2014, e.g. sport represented, awards, rep teams and return this information to the Front Office by Friday 14 November 2014. Canteen Lisa Graney, Canteen Manager 8688 4240 / 0428 884 240 / 8688 2003 Nadine Berlow 8688 0005/0478228189 Welcome back to everyone as usual we are struggling for Volunteers, we have plenty of spare days available so please consider coming in for a few hours. Volunteering, being part of the school community, give Nadine, the school or myself a ring Thank-you Lisa Mon……… Tues…….Lisa Oconnell Wed……..Kylie Reed Thurs…..Racheal Anesbury Fri………... Work Placement Leave. It is common practice for some of our older students to seek employment in the last weeks of the school year. Students under the age of 17 must get an ‘exemption‘ form signed by me before they can participate in the workforce. This is a Department requirement for documentation of attendance and absences, connected to our shared duty of care. Paper work needs to be filled in by the employer, ( who could be a parent), and students have to meet end of year commitments. Students can ask for the paper work at the front office. Tumby Bay Junior Cricket Association The Tumby Bay & District Cricket Association is seeking new and interested players for the upcoming 2014/15 season. Great opportunity for kids, (both boys and girls), to develop their skills and have some fun playing sport. Supervised trainings at all clubs and on match days, so why not make the call and “have a go”. The association runs 2 competitions – Under 16’s, played on Saturday mornings, and also has the exciting new Kanga Cricket for boys and girls aged between 5 &10, also played on Saturday mornings. Under 16 competition commences on Saturday 18th October. Kanga Cricket commences on Saturday 25th October starting at 9am (Note: Kanga Cricket is held at the School Oval or Rec Centre) For more information and club details, please contact the Junior President, Craig Higgins 0467818353 or Association Secretary Melissa Degner on 0428608443. Would be great to see some new faces and families involved in our local sport. Term Dates 2014 Term 1 ~ Term 2 ~ Term 3 ~ Term 4 ~ 29 January 28 April 21 July 13 October 11 April 4 July 26 September 12 December SAPSASA ATHLETICS 2014 SANTOS STADIUM ADELAIDE Sharlee D’Agostini and Megan Carr and their families travelled to Adelaide, to compete in the 2014 SAPSASA Athletics Championships. The 22nd of September was the day of the meet and there were students from 40 Schools across South Australia, we were fortunate enough to represent Lower Eyre Peninsula. We arrived at Santos Stadium by 8.30 to have our team photos taken, and buy our SAPSASA jumpers and other souvenirs. We watched some other competitors before we were to compete in our events. Megan’s first event at 10.50am was Shot Putt for the 10 year olds and she was fortunate to come third throwing an impressive throw of 7.17m to get the Bronze Medal. The girl who came first threw 7.91m. Megan next competed in the 200m Sprint, she came 4th in this race. Sharlee’s first event was at 11.52am which was 200m event but unfortunately she didn’t do as well as she would have liked due to being unwell. Sharlee came 5th. Next on the programme was the Relays, Megan’s team competed first and they came 4th, and got into the final heats. Sachi, Lacey and Makaya were her team mates from Lower EP. Then it was Sharlee’s Relay and their team came, 1st in the first heat and were through to the finals. In the finals Abby, Sharni, Ashlee and Sharlee came 2nd and got Silver Medals. Discuss was the next event and Megan threw 22.34m, she got a Silver Medal for this throw. Megan then got to go on the Podium for her Medal presentation. These events are to be followed by 5 training trips to Adelaide then in 2015 the National Championships will be held in Tasmania. We would both like to be part of this but there is a huge expense with all the training and travel so we will not be attending. Overall we both had a fantastic time. It was an excellent experience for us both and we enjoyed competing in athletic competitions. By Megan and Sharlee Congratulations Sasha The Yallunda Flat Show was taking part in the Interschool Competition for the Equestrian Events. Sasha and Tinkerbell represented TBAS in Class 3301 - 40cm Showjumping - 1st Place, Class 3013 - Pony Club/Interschool Mount - 2nd, Class 3016 - Pleasure Pony Club/Interschool Mount - 2nd and Class 3019 - Working Pony Club/Interschool Mount (included small jumps and obstacles) - 1st Place. They both had a great day representing the school. On the 6th of October 2014 I went to the Yallunda Flat Show and rode my horse Tinkerbell, we represented Tumby Bay Area School. I got two firsts and two seconds. I won the 40 cms show jumping and the hacking. The two seconds with hacking, then we were finished for the day. I would like to say a special thanks to my mum Lisa Povey and my horse Tinkabell. By Sasha Povey Witty Wise & WORDS Three ways to praise children without evaluating them. 1. Tell them what you see. “I see you have put all your toys on the shelf and smoothed out your bed.” 2. Tell them how you feel. “I love coming into your room when it is clean.” 3. Sum up your child’s behaviour. “You have cleaned up your room really well. That’s what I call capable Published by Michael Grose Presentations Tumby Bay Basketball Club TUMBY BAY YACHT CLUB SEASON 2014/2015 OPENING DAY SATURDAY 18TH OCTOBER STARTING 10.30AM WITH JUNIOR SAILING FOLLOWED BY LUNCH, SENIOR SAILING @ 2PM AND ROASTS & VEG FOR TEA Club boats available for you to sail OPTI’s, Pacers, 125’s Lessons can be arranged, or you can go sailing with an experienced sailor to find out about it Club is open every Saturday from 10.30am 2014/15 season is about to begin. Registration day Thursday October 16th 8 year olds to year 6 – 4.30 pm Year 7 to 10 – 5.30 pm Come along and register your interest and have a scratch match. Canteen facilities available. First game October 23rd Other facilities provided include: Tea & Coffee Lunch & Evening Meals Bar Contact Trish Lawrie for more details 0427882850 Starting today 16th October 2014 Season October to March Family discount available Thursdays 3.30– 4.30pm At the Tennis courts Cost $30 Bring a hat & Water bottle Please wear sunscreen. Tennis Racquets provided. Free t-shirt Come and learn the game of Tennis. Beginners Hot Shot Program Tumby Bay Tennis Club REMINDER Come along with the whole family and enjoy a day at the beach Everybody is welcome including non-members. Want to know how to help your teenager with career ideas? What sort of jobs are out there? What is VET, SACE & ASBAs? What is a traineeship or apprenticeship? What is the difference between TAFE & University? Can my child begin an apprenticeship whilst at school? Where can we find relevant career information? Where to go for more information: What are employability skills? When: Tuesday 21st October 6:30pm– 8:30pm Who: Parents of year 8/9 students Where: Tumby Bay Area School *Supper Provided* To book a place please call Robina Collings on 8688 2003 Email: [email protected] in partnership with MONDAY 27th Note change of Date School buses and taxis will not operate within the Fire This means on days of forecast catastrophic fire danger rating, our school/preschool will remain open. has a ‘low risk’ bushfire rating. During days of forecast catastrophic fire danger ratings or an actual bushfire, the DECD Parent Bushfire Information Hotline will be activated. 1300 362 361 CFS Bushfire Information Hotline: www.cfs.sa.gov.au SA Country Fire Service (CFS) Website: www.crisis.sa.edu.au Department for Education and Child Development: DECD Emergency and Crisis Management Website For more information: Fire Danger Season Information for Families 2014/2015 Make sure your emergency contact details are up-to -date with our school or preschool. Talk to your children about what will happen if a bushfire occurs when they are at school or preschool. Read all bushfire information provided. We ask parents and carers to: How you can help: Thank you for your support. By being prepared, and acting now, you will help our schools and preschools to be bushfire ready and keep our children as safe as possible. Our schools and preschools in bushfire prone areas have emergency and Bushfire Response Plans, to keep everybody as safe as possible in the event of a bushfire. The fire danger season can be an anxious time for children and families. Parents and carers will need to make alternative transport arrangements for their children on these days. School buses and taxis services that travel through affected Fire Ban District(s) however will not operate. When a catastrophic fire danger rating is forecast for the following day by the Bureau of Meteorology, all ‘low/medium risk’ schools and preschools (such as ours) in the declared Fire Ban District will remain open. Catastrophic fire danger rating days are days when the weather conditions mean a fire is more likely to start and is more difficult to control. Days of Catastrophic Fire Danger Rating: DECD Bushfire and Emergency Management Team 26 September Listening to local ABC Radio Station and FIVEaa radio stations for bushfire up dates and information. Remaining inside and activating our emergency procedures with the children until the main fire-front passes. If it is safe to do so and time permits turning on all sprinklers and irrigation systems. Filling available containers with water. Moving everybody inside, closing windows, doors, and turning off the air-conditioning. Unless there is no other option, or our school or preschool is advised to evacuate by CFS or other emergency services then everyone will remain inside a designated building and emergency procedures will be activated. These will include: Principals and preschool directors must comply with SAPOL and CFS instructions. The school or preschool Emergency Response Team (with the assistance of SA Police and other emergency services) will take charge if a bushfire is approaching. It is recommended that during these events, everybody should remain at their school or preschool unless instructed to do otherwise. If our school or preschool is open and a bushfire is approaching, the safety of children is our highest priority. Approaching Bushfire:
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