Vol. XXV, No. 10 Highland, California October 2014 Sunday Worship Service 8:00am Traditional – Worship Center 9:15am Blended – Worship Center 10:50am Contemporary – Worship Center Immanuel en Español – F Bldg. Evening Worship and Lord’s Supper SUN, OCT 5 Candidate Forum THU, OCT 9 Men’s Breakfast My Dear People – We are coming to the end of September. As we begin October we start another church year. This would be an excellent time for many of you to get into a Bible Study Community. There are many of you who, for one reason or another, don’t feel like you need to be in a Bible Study Community. However, I want to encourage you to pray and consider joining a class. Why, you ask? Because it is in small groups that you build relationships, enjoy fellowship, and build community. You will be able to ask questions Dr. Rob Zinn, Pastor and be with a group of people who will care about you and be there when you have a need. It is a great way to make a large church seem smaller. We have great classes and wonderful teachers. There are three different hours to choose from. Try it... you will like it. October is also the Harvest Festival. We need lots of help and, of course, candy! There will be tables to sign up or you can call the office to help. It is a wonderful time and a great ministry of our church. We will start collecting candy the first Sunday in October. One last thing...we will host a Candidate Forum on October 9. You won’t want to miss this informative event. Come meet the people running for office in our area. Remember your vote counts. Keep the Faith, SAT, OCT 11 Deacon Nominations through SUN, OCT 12 Religious Freedom Sunday OCT 26 Harvest Festival CANDY Bring it with you to church every Sunday in October! Harvest Festival FRI, OCT 31 THE FALL SEASON IS UNDER WAY MARK RUSH, executive pastor Hopefully, the temperatures will begin to reflect this reality as well. God gave us a great summer and the fall promises to be a continuation of what He is doing in and through us. As we head into the fall let me bring a few important events to your attention. Our Salt and Light Ministry is hosting a Congressional Forum on Thursday, October 9 in the Worship Center. It will be 6:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. They have invited local congressional candidates to participate in this forum. The purpose will be to help people who want to know more about the candidates. Please plan now to attend this important event. Salt and Light are also helping to put on Freedom of Religion Sunday, October 26. Brad Dacus from the Pacific Justice Institute will be with us in all three morning services. He will be speaking on the import role freedom of religion plays in our country. This is a vital topic in the days in which we are living. I know you will be strengthened, encouraged and equipped by attending service that day. October also means that Immanuel’s Harvest Festival is also right around the corner! Harvest Festival is a great opportunity for Immanuel to serve the families in our community. Please plan on volunteering for this great event. Also, plan now to bring CANDY! HARVEST FESTIVAL JERRY HIGHFILL, minister of global outreach and evangelism Each year thousands of people from our community come to our campus on October 31 and hundreds and hundreds of pounds of candy goes home with them during the Harvest Festival. This year that date is a Friday night and we expect it to be a bigger attendance than ever. We need hard workers, smiling faces and lots and lots of candy. Hundreds of you, our Immanuel family, have stepped up to the plate year after year and given of yourselves so generously and unselfishly. You are needed again this year. Projections are for a bumper crop of new folks visiting our campus on October 31 and we want to meet and greet them showing the love of Christ. Each Sunday in October there will be sign-up locations at all three entrances to the Worship Center. Please stop by one of these locations and commit to helping us on October 31. Candy receptacles will be in handy locations each week also. Everyone has a place, and everyone is needed. Thank you. Congressional/Assembly Candidate Forum Religious Freedom Sunday Thursday, October 9 6:30pm | Worship Center October 26 & SALT LIGHT Question and Answer Format MINISTRY Brad Dacus Pacific Justice Institute THANK YOU It has been six months since I had my kidney transplant. Thank you for all the love and service you have given me. The BSC Berean Sunday School Class was such a blessing to me as well as a few others. Since I cannot repay all those who sacrificed for me and served me, I know that God’s blessings for you are even better. I am praying for all who were my brothers and sisters in the Lord. And thank you so much to B&B Berean for all of your prayers. – Joette Whims FALL IS HERE! Speaking in all morning services. NEW Single Adults 30s - 40s RICK YORK, minister of children and young families That means one thing – the World Series!, No, seriously, it means college football! Actually, it means Harvest Festival is coming. This is a great opportunity to impact families in our community by offering a safe and fun alternative to trick or treating. We hope that you will invest in this great outreach. Fall is a good time to work on our marriages – as is winter, spring and summer! My desire is to have a church full of people with great marriages. One of my many sayings is that the goal of marriage is to not get divorced, but to have a great marriage. And great marriages take work. One of the ways to work toward a great marriage is to strive to have a marriage built upon Biblical principles. That is why we offer classes on Wednesday evenings to learn about marriage from a Biblical perspective. We are currently learning from the book, Love and Respect. We are about halfway through, but don’t let that keep you from joining us. Coming just once could play a big role in improving even a good marriage. I hope to see more and more of you investing in having a marriage built upon God’s Word. KICK OFF SUN, OCT 5 | 10:50AM | D216 DISCIPLESHIP IS. . . BAPTISMS Eugene Achim Daniela Barbu Dragos Barbu Avram Cabral Felipe Cruz Lopez BUDGET Jonathan Garcia Derrick Haynes Dylan Lindsey Cazi Martinez Izac Martinez Melissa Martinez Romeo Martinez Nicole Potter Joshua Waters (as of August 31, 2014) YTD Tithes & Offerings . . . . . . . . actual $2,792,174 budget $2,969,623 difference $(177,588) SUMMARY October 1, 2013 – September 30, 2014 Baptized (as of September 14) - 111 Bible Study Community Attendance: AUG 17 . . . 1331 SEP 7 . . . . . 1351 AUG 24 . . . 1323 SEP 14 . . . . 1304 AUG 31 . . . 1336 IN SYMPATHY Pastor Rob and Jacque along with the members of Immanuel express their sympathy to the families and friends of: BRENDA BENFIELD, sister of Dan Davis and daughter of Jim and Darlene Davis, passed away August 6. RITA HERNANDEZ, grandmother of Margie Peltier, passed away recently. LARRY REHKOPF, father of John Rehkopf, passed away recently. GREG REINER, brother of Annette Winn, passed away July 31. DARVIN ANDERSON, brother of Dorothy Schaeffer, passed away July 30 in Missouri. JOYCE MILLER, wife of Ken Miller, passed away on July 24. Staff Anniversaries for September TRACY JOHNSON, minister of discipleship Last week I had one of those moments a Christian Parent or Grandparent is waiting for— I was talking with my youngest Granddaughter, and the conversation moved to talking about Jesus. She stated that she had accepted Jesus! We have had this type of conversation in the past, but she seemed to lack some basic understandings, other than she remembered saying a prayer to invite Jesus into her heart. So I probed a little more and asked her some basic questions including asking her if she was a sinner; to which this 9 year old promptly replied, “Oh, yes, I have done a lot of sins!” You see this marked a BIG change in our conversation from earlier times when she would have said—no, I don’t do sins. Grandpa knew things to be a little different, but now she has a greater understanding about herself and what it means to have Jesus in her life. She, like me, is not a perfect person, and she knows this. This reality is the same for all of us and points out both the NEED for JESUS and the GLORY of KNOWING JESUS. Recently I read an article from Ministry Today talking about The American Church in Crisis. I want to share a portion from the article David T. Olson writes: “I believe the church’s most critical challenge in the next 10 years is to restore Jesus’ words and actions to their proper place of centrality. As I studied more than 200,000 churches over the last few years, I listened carefully to the messages they delivered through sermons, vision statements and music to ascertain what they were saying about Jesus. I have discovered that many churches have somehow failed to clearly communicate this important message…. How will our world meet Jesus? How will they experience His living power? Who will communicate this story? How will they hear it in a way they understand?” After I read this I thought about one of the MOST POWERFUL tools we have to share with others it is simply HOW we met Jesus! It is called our personal testimony, or how Jesus changed and is changing our life, even now. Some think “their” testimony is not glorious enough or spectacular enough; others seem to have forgotten about that special time in their life when Jesus became real for them, and they, like my Granddaughter, came to realize they NEED Jesus and WANT Him to be a part of their life. When we share our testimony or share the works of the Lord in our life even today, we are sharing the reality of a Christ who makes a difference, a Christ who saves, a Christ who still is at work!!! You see, the GREATEST CRISIS for American Christianity is simply our lack of sharing the GOOD NEWS with someone else. Look around, write down the names of those you know, are around, live with, work with. Before the end of 2014 could you MAKE YOUR MARK TO END THE CRISIS? Could you share your testimony or share Jesus with just one other person? Will you? MY HOPE AMERICA If you want a simple way to reach out and share Christ with someone else or even a group of people, WHY not let Billy Graham help you? His latest video for Fall 2014 is called HEAVEN. Interest meetings coming soon, or contact Tracy Johnson at [email protected]. Jaime McWhorter – 1 year Shirley Martin – 10 years Vickie Lemm – 15 years Good Food & Fellowship! SAT, OCT 11 8:00AM Fellowship Hall $8/in advance | $10/at the door Good News - Vol. XXV, No.10 Published Monthly for the Members of Immanuel Baptist Church 28355 Base Line, Highland, CA 92346 Special Guest Speaker Larry McCallon Immanuel and the City of Highland PURCHASE TICKETS – Online, Sundays in the Pavilion or Weekdays in the Church Office. NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION U.S. POSTAGE P A I D Permit No. 1861 San Bernardino, CA 28355 BASE LINE HIGHLAND, CALIFORNIA 92346 Return Service Requested A SAFE, FUN, FREE HALLOWEEN ALTERNATIVE FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY • Game Booths - FREE • Rock Wall - $1.00 • Petting Zoo - $1.00 • Pony Ride - $1.00 • Entertainment - FREE • Food Court - various prices • Kettle Corn - various prices • Lots of Candy! - FREE HOSTED BY IMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH IMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH • (909) 425-1777 • ibchighland.org
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